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Fantasy Brine Academy - Trepidation

Hey, so is there anything you guys want out of the plot? Like, things we could do next, or directions you want the story to go? Our original plan is still the "students are going missing for experimentation" and stuff, but is there a particular path we want to take? Or interactions we want between people?

@utdfan22 @Sapphira @LittleGamerFool
I really like that idea actually. Would it make more sense to try and diversify the students as much as possible or would it work better to throw in a few commonalities to set up plot points or create red herrings?

@LittleGamerFool @Sapphira @Paroxysm
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There are some commonalities already. A lot of our characters are close in age and since Brine is like a university setting, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to have a common class. It could be like Tablet Theory or The History of Tomes.

It's also interesting to see how relationships are forming without planning. We could go the roommate course, pair off.

@Paroxysm @utdfan22 @LittleGamerFool
Common classes or roommates could work, if people are alright with that. Parox plays a teacher, so some sort of history class with Haymich could be a class most everyone has together. As for having some of the missing students return, I can see that working. As Parox mentioned, Jesse does have friends who could show up. I'm thinking missing students could start popping up a little later...??

@utdfan22 @Sapphira @Paroxysm
I'm sure we could get a class together going. Maybe there is some sort of strange elective class that Haymich teaches where our people happen to be the only ones who sign up? Like, some would know that Haymich is chill with work, so they're like "LAZY CLASS!" and some might be actually interested in this random specific topic. A specialized course so the class can just be our like, 6 people. - Tablet Theory would be something that he would know about, but we might want to find a way to make the class small.

It'll also be fun because Haymich really really doesn't wanna deal with anything serious but he has to and I get to write him whining. Yes > :D

@Sapphira @utdfan22 @LittleGamerFool
The class could be one about Myths and Folklore..? Or maybe something similar? Cuz Brine is a really studious and academic school, so odds are a class that is literally you just learning about various myths throughout the world wound't be that interesting to most if most students are going into more "higher up" fields of science than social sciences (and even myths and folklore wouldn't be that big of a deal in that field.)

@utdfan22 @Sapphira @Paroxysm
I think that makes sense. Haymich would be down for teaching something like that. Probably because he knows nobody would take it.

If we do that though, it might be kind of cool to have a specific myth that they learn about that ties into the disappearances? Mostly just because connections are cool? We can always come up with that later.

@utdfan22 @Sapphira @LittleGamerFool
Hey, @Sapphira , Parox got a little mixed up cuz of travel and jetlag and whatnot, so would you be alright with just posting next? Then utd can go and all will be back in order for the next round. Unless there's something you wanted to do before parox's post. They said they're able to delete it if you need.
Finally settling in, I think. Hopefully I'll be more on top of things in the future :P

How are you all?
Doing well enough. Just still settling in back home and getting ready for job interviews and stuff.
Hey, you all, sorry about the wait, but I don't know if I can post in time... Sapphira, if you want to go, feel free, but I'll try to post tonight or tomorrow if you all want. Finals and stuff kinda distract you is all.

@Paroxysm @Sapphira @utdfan22
Yeah but that will happen sometimes. Busy time of year for everyone. People have finals, I've got a thesis to work on, stuff just keeps popping up. Game should pick up soon though. Just needs that moment of freedom for a quick burst of posts.

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