• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern β π›π«π’π π‘π­πžπ« 𝐭𝐑𝐞 π₯𝐒𝐠𝐑𝐭, 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐀𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐑𝐞 𝐬𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 ❞ [cs]



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
[div class=Group1][div class=Background1][/div][div class=Picture][/div][div class=Rectangle_1]
[div class="tab tab1"]
[div class="tab tab2"][/div] [div class="tab tab3"][/div] [div class="tab tab4"][/div][/div][/DIV][div class=Title]BRIGHTER THE LIGHT
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we welcome you to

Welcome to Astro Entertainment, one of South Korea’s largest entertainment companies. We were founded in 1991 by Kim Tae-Min and have developed and popularized numerous K-Pop stars with huge global fandoms. We operate our own comprehensive entertainment business including artist development, record label services, talent agency services, music production, music publishing, event management, and concert production.

Our latest announcement, which has had our fans on the edge of their seats with anticipation, is our supergroup, MXS, consisting of 7 different members from 7 different boy groups from our company! Fans are patiently waiting for their debut and their world tour which will happen in just two months time!


We all have our dirty laundry; hidden shadows and secrets. For three members of MXS, and 3 staff members for Astro Entertainment, they're struggling to keep their secrets from being exposed to the world. Not only could it cost them their reputations, but it could destroy the company. This roleplay will follow the struggles as they continue to hide their secrets from not just the media, but from their co-workers and friends.

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20 - 25 Y/O
secret | got the hots for the boss

The leader of MXS and he’s full of ambition and fire! He has never had the opportunity to lead a group before, and he’s excited to give it a shot. What’s even more exciting is the opportunity to work with The Manager. Because, truth be told, he’s had a crush on her for a long time. But things need to remain strictly business, right? She's married with children! If the media found out about it, they'd have a field day!

19 Y/O
secret | a bastard child at 16

At 19, the Maknae is the youngest of the group. He comes from a relatively new group formed from a reality competition hosted by the company. He is always seen with his phone in his face and spends the majority of his time by himself. He’s the quiet introvert of the group that blocks out anyone that tries to get deep with him on a personal level. After all, it would be shame if he let it slip that he had a child out of wedlock at 16 years old.Better to keep his mouth shut than to talk at all.

26 - 33 Y/O
secret | considering to cheat on her husband

She has been appointed to be the manager for MXS after leading so many other bands to success. The Manager has worked with some of them before, but now she’s the top dog boss for them. She’s a fantastic worker and a successful career woman. The company would be a complete flop without her! So, why does it feel like her life is missing something? She comes home to a husband that won’t touch her anymore and children who are glued to the television screen. She just wants someone to hold her and kiss her like her husband used to do when they were newlyweds. Surely, that's not too much to ask for, is it?

18-21 Y/O
secret | The Maknae's blacklisted sasaeng fan

No one quite knows how she managed to get the job, but it’s the Newbie’s first job as an assistant. As the boys are travelling around the world, they’ve been given multiple assistants to help out. The Newbie somehow managed to bribe and blackmail her way to get this position. She needed this position, no matter what it took, so she could be close to The Maknae. For the Newbie is one of The Maknae’s biggest sasaeng fans and she’s willing to do anything to be close to him.

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[ I ] Follow all RPNation rules. Respect everyone, fade to black for erotic content or extreme gore, and be mature with sensitive matters.

[ II ] There are FIVE positions available. It’s NOT first-come, first-serve. Characters will be accepted based on who will make great additions to our plotlines. I’m searching for 2 male characters (band members) and 3 female characters (manager + assistants)

[ III ] Once or twice a week in the in-character thread. This is open to discussion once all applicants have been approved as personal and real-life is a top priority

[ IV ] Discord for OOC is a requirement

[ V ] Semi-literate at least. Therefore, expectations on posts are approximately 500 words (details and dialogue).

[ VI ] Chapters will be broken up into "tasks" or "events".

[ VII ] If you’re applying for a male character, please take into consideration the k-pop industry (for example, using an Asian face claim). For female characters, they can be any ethnicity.

[ VIII ] On the topic of face claims – realistic fcs only please.

[ IX ] Feel free to apply for however many characters you want :3 a max of 2 characters per person can be accepted

[ X ] Deadline for character application is the 29th November

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The basics

Full name
(If band member) - Original band which they're from
How long have they been with the company?
Official title (Manager/Rapper/Singer/Producer etc?)
Face claim


Eye color
Hair color
Body Type
Other body mods

Likes (3+)
Dislikes (3+)
Personality (3 positive, 3 negative)
Intelligence type
Love language (click me!)
Personality type (click me!)
Biography (2+ paragraphs)
Significant relationships
Their secret
Anything extra you wish to add [/div][/div] [/div][/div] [class=Group1] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; width: 700px; height: 400px; overflow: hidden; margin: auto; padding: 0; background:#fff; [/class] [class=Background1] background: black; position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 650px; height: 243px; left: 43px; top: 111px; [/class] [class=Picture] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 199px; height: 355px; left: 81px; top: 21px; background: url(https://i.pinimg.com/564x/03/ff/ca/03ffca323e6ca216bb3ec4f7fabff6ba.jpg); background-size: cover; background-position: 50%; [/class] [class=Textbox] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 360px; height: 210px; left: 290px; top: 112px; color:white; [/class] [class=Title] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 346px; height: 78px; left: 285px; top: 40px; font-family: Montserrat; font-size: 28px; color: black; line-height: 28px; [/class] [class=Rectangle_1] border: 1px solid white; position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 184px; height: 340px; left: 88px; top: 29px;[/class] [class=tab] box-sizing: border-box; opacity: 0.4; padding: 7px; width: 160px; height: 50px; color: #FFF; text-align: center; margin: auto; transition: .7s; font-size:25px; line-height: 3px; [/class] [class name=tab state=hover] color: #fff; transition: .7s; transform: scale(1.1); opacity: 1; animation-name: {post_id}flicker; animation-duration:2s; animation-timing-fuction: linear; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-fill-mode: both [/class] [class=selectedTab] color: #fff; transition: .7s; transform: scale(1.1); opacity: 1; [/class] [class name=scroll]width: 100%;height: 98%; overflow: hidden;box-sizing: content-box;padding-right:50px;padding-left:5px; padding-top:15px; left: -2px;overflow-Y: scroll;overflow-X: hidden;[/class] [class=tabContents] position: absolute; opacity: 0; transition: all .7s; width:390px; height:225px; font-size: 12px; line-height: 13px; background: transparent; color: #fff; box-sizing: border-box; font-family: Montserrat; [/class] [class=show] opacity: 1; transition: all .7s; z-index: 1; [/class] [script class=tab1 on=click] addClass show tabContents01 removeClass show tabContents02 removeClass show tabContents03 removeClass show tabContents04 addClass selectedTab tab1 removeClass selectedTab tab2 removeClass selectedTab tab3 removeClass selectedTab tab4 [/script] [script class=tab2 on=click] addClass show tabContents02 removeClass show tabContents01 removeClass show tabContents03 removeClass show tabContents04 addClass selectedTab tab2 removeClass selectedTab tab1 removeClass selectedTab tab3 removeClass selectedTab tab4 [/script] [script class=tab3 on=click] addClass show tabContents03 removeClass show tabContents01 removeClass show tabContents02 removeClass show tabContents04 addClass selectedTab tab3 removeClass selectedTab tab1 removeClass selectedTab tab2 removeClass selectedTab tab4 [/script] [script class=tab4 on=click] addClass show tabContents04 removeClass show tabContents01 removeClass show tabContents02 removeClass show tabContents03 addClass selectedTab tab4 removeClass selectedTab tab1 removeClass selectedTab tab2 removeClass selectedTab tab3 [/script] [animation=flicker][keyframe=0]opacity: 0;[/keyframe][keyframe=10]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=10.1]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=10.2]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=20]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=20.1]opacity: 1;[/keyframe][keyframe=20.6]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=30]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=30.1]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=30.5]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=30.6]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=45]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=45.1]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=50]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=55]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=55.1]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=57]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=57.1]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=60]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=60.1]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=65]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=65.1]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=75]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=75.1]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=77]opacity: 0; [/keyframe][keyframe=77.1]opacity: 1; [/keyframe] [keyframe=85]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][keyframe=85.1]opacity: 0; [/keyframe] [keyframe=86]opacity: 0; [/keyframe] [keyframe=86.1]opacity: 1; [/keyframe] [keyframe=100]opacity: 1; [/keyframe][/animation]
[div class=bg] [div class=pic][/div] [div class=main] [div class="tabContents tabContents01 show"][div class=profile]
daze rapper
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[div class=whiteblock]Son Han-Bin
[div class=blackblock]Harley Son[/div]
[div class=blackblock]twenty-three[/div] [div class=whiteblock]cis male[/div] [div class=whiteblock]the leader[/div] [div class=blackblock]thirteenth of march[/div]
[div class=blackblock]Korean + english[/div] [div class=whiteblock]fc: Hansol Vernon Chwe[/div] [/div][/div] [class=whiteblock]width:300px; height:25px; border-radius:10px; background-color:white; margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px; padding:10px; padding-top:15px;display:inline-block; font-family:Poppins; font-size:14px;text-transform: lowercase; text-align:center;[/class] [class=blackblock]width:300px; height:25px; border-radius:10px; background-color:#DDDDDD; margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px; padding:10px; padding-top:15px; display:inline-block;font-family:Poppins; font-size:14px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align:center;[/class] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"][class=tabmain]height:460px; padding:10px; width:530px; overflow:hidden; [/class] [div class="tabmain tabmain01"]
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
naturally brown hair. has basically had every colour in the world having been in the industry for seven years. at the current moment, his hair is a dark shade of brown and black
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brown eyes - double lidded (thanks to his Umma).
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
178 cms + 62 kg.
slim, mesomorph.
he exercises everyday, knowing how important it is for the human body and how it can affect the casting process.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
He has never had a girlfriend or been in a relationship pruely because he believes that love is dead, thanks to his parents.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
for every day wear, he tends to wear jeans (most likely ripped) and basic t-shirts. however, he does enjoy rather eccentric outfits from time to time
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
like his body, he pays particular attention to his skin to ensure it's healthy. he's one of those guys who has a twelve step skin routine to ensure his light olive skin remains in tip top condition.
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]band + position.

daze + maknae + main rapper
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]position in mxs.

producer + leader + rapper
[/div][/div] [class=infoa]width:140px; height:140px; padding:5px; overflow:hidden;background-color:rgb(221, 221, 221,0.9); transition:2s; opacity:0; border-radius:10px;[/class] [class name=infoa state=hover]opacity:1; transition:2s;[/class] [class=h1]font-family:Poppins; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:5px; text-align:center;[/class] [/div][/div]
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]personality.

Since he was a child, Han-Bin has always shown signs of creativity and insightfulness. Whilst most of the other boys at school were playing sports, Han-Bin found himself sitting in the library reading poetry or in the music room playing the guitar. Whilst he could barely hold a tune as he sang, he became very involved and interested in rapping and slam poetry. His parents noticed this passion and decided to encourage him to audition for Astro Entertainment at the age of thirteen. He became one of the youngest rap trainees within the company and debuted in an idol group at the age of fifteen. Within the idol group, he’s known for his passionate and emotional raps and vocal range which was inspired by the slam and spoken word poetry he listens to daily.

Han-Bin is full of passion when he raps and uses very lyrical and poetic based words and rhymes to convey his emotions. When interviewed, people often ask him where these words and stories within the raps come from; to which he just explains that they’re made up. However, most of them are not made up but rather past experiences of his life. While he can be very vocal about certain manners, there are some things he wishes for the public (even his company) not to know nor to be involved in.

He can sometimes come off as stubborn, rude or hard-headed, wanting to ensure that everyone (including himself) work to their full potential. Han-Bin has always been known as the Maknae of his group, but now, in MXS, he’s transitioning into a leader’s role. Even though he doesn’t think he’s the best at public speaking or being a leader, he has decided to try and give it his best go.
[/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"][div class="tabmain tabmain02"][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]history.[/div] Son Han-Bin was born on the 13th March 1999 in California, United States of America. His parents, Emily and Young-Jae, were eagerly awaiting for Son Young-Jae’s father, Son Moon-Bin, to pass away so they could take over the family business. Son Family Tea, founded back in the early 1940’s, was created when Moon-Bin’s father wanted to create the perfect beverage that he could have with his whole family on any occasion. Summer, winter, spring, fall, graduations, birthdays, funerals. You name it, Son Family Tae would be the go-to tea every native Korean would reach for. You couldn’t think of the word β€˜family’ without thinking of Son Family Tea.

Moon-Bin eventually passed away when Han-Bin was seven; he never had the chance to meet his grandfather. The family flew back to Seoul, Korea, where Emily and Young-Jae took over the family business. Han-Bin was an only child and would often daydream what life would be like if he had an older brother or sister as he was insanely jealous of the children in school with older siblings. This fascination began to sprout from when he was eight and his parents would often fight while they thought he was sleeping in bed. Emily loved to make snide remarks and negative passing comments while Young-Jae loved to yell and throw things across the room. Han-Bin would lie in bed, listening to them fight and wishing he had someone tell him that things were going to be okay and it wasn’t his fault. Because, in his mind, it had to be his fault, right?

However, before the media, they were the perfect family. They stood with grins on their faces and hugged each other as if the night before never happened. To distract Han-Bin from the fights, his parents had encouraged him to audition for Astro Entertainment at the age of thirteen. They convinced him that it would be the best option to help fuel for his passion for spoken word poetry and rapping. He was accepted and so his days were filled with going to school, studying, and then going to the entertainment company to practice as a trainee. The hours were gruelling, but his parents often reminded him that it would be for the best. When he was fourteen and a half, the media announced that he was one of the youngest rappers to debut with an idol group, DAZE. For a year he was out of school, travelling around Korea and worldwide with his band members, performing at sell-out concerts. He was the maknae of the group, with the next youngest member being four years older than him.

Just a few weeks shy of his sixteenth birthday, Han-Bin arrived home after finishing his practice early to find his father having sex with his assistant in the kitchen. Large scales fell from his eyes and he discovered that his parents had been projecting this perfect family image to not only the media but to him too. After having an awkward discussion with his parents, they revealed that they had technically been separated for well over five years. They had kept it a secret, even from their own son, to uphold the family image which promoted good family virtue to the world. Any indication of their marriage going downhill would cause Son Family Tea sales to plummet and the loss of thousands of jobs. So, for the sake of all those workers, Han-Bin was convinced to stay quiet. To pretend that he lived in a loving family despite the lack of love between his parents.

He went on with his daily life, pretending as if nothing was going on behind closed doors. He continued with DAZE, putting all his time, energy and focus on performing and helping to expand the band’s creativity. However, the day came where Yuta and Ji-Sung, the two eldest members of the group, had to enrol for their military service. Han-Bin and Ming-Yu, therefore, had the chance to either enlist, create a sub-unit or to embark on with other ideas from the company. Ming-yu decided to take time to travel while Han-Bin decided he wanted to keep working with the company. This was when they approached him and asked if he was willing to join in their new β€˜super group’ to which he would be the leader of. [/div] [/div]
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coded by weldherwings
[div class=bg] [div class=pic][/div] [div class=main] [div class="tabContents tabContents01 show"][div class=profile]
skyz boi
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[div class=whiteblock] Jeong Young-Jae
[div class=blackblock]Jae[/div]
[div class=blackblock]nineteen[/div] [div class=whiteblock]cis male[/div] [div class=whiteblock]the maknae[/div] [div class=blackblock]first of january[/div]
[div class=blackblock]Korean [/div] [div class=whiteblock]fc: Jung wooseok[/div] [/div][/div] [class=whiteblock]width:300px; height:25px; border-radius:10px; background-color:white; margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px; padding:10px; padding-top:15px;display:inline-block; font-family:Poppins; font-size:14px;text-transform: lowercase; text-align:center;[/class] [class=blackblock]width:300px; height:25px; border-radius:10px; background-color:#DDDDDD; margin-left:10px; margin-top:10px; padding:10px; padding-top:15px; display:inline-block;font-family:Poppins; font-size:14px; text-transform: lowercase; text-align:center;[/class] [div class="tabContents tabContents02"][class=tabmain]height:460px; padding:10px; width:530px; overflow:hidden; [/class] [div class="tabmain tabmain01"]
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Naturally black hair, cut either short or medium length. When at a medium length, he has a middle part. He's yet to dye his hair or to be asked to dye his hair for a comeback.
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Dark black irises. Double lided with a slight aegyo sal presence.
[div class=infoa][div class="scroll"]
188.4cms + 70 kg.
Slim ectomorph. Due to his long and lanky limbs, Jae is often seen as a problematic dancer and stays back extra to work on his technique with anyone that will help him
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During his teenage years, he used to smoke cigarettes. When he’s stressed out or drunk, he'll attempt to sneak a smoke. He's yet to be caught out by anyone in the company as of yet.
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Piercing in both ear lobes
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He is highly allergic to bee stings. Because of this, he always makes sure he has his EpiPen in his bag
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]band + position.

skyz + maknae + rapper
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]position in mxs.

producer + vocals + maknae
[/div][/div] [class=infoa]width:140px; height:140px; padding:5px; overflow:hidden;background-color:rgb(221, 221, 221,0.9); transition:2s; opacity:0; border-radius:10px;[/class] [class name=infoa state=hover]opacity:1; transition:2s;[/class] [class=h1]font-family:Poppins; font-size:18px; font-weight:bold; margin-top:15px; margin-bottom:5px; text-align:center;[/class] [/div][/div]
[div class="scroll"][div class=h1]personality.

As a defender personality type, Jae is a true universal helper; sharing his knowledge, experience, time and energy with anyone who might need it, and all the more so with family and friends. He strives for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible. Once you give Jae some time, he will often form an emotional attachment to ideas and organisations in which he’s dedicated to, making him loyal and hardworking. Finally, he is also very imaginative, and uses this quality as an accessory to empathy, observing others’ emotional states and seeing things from their perspective. This has helped him with writing songs for not only his own band but multiple other singers within the company.

However, Jae’s biggest issue is that he’s too concerned with others’ feelings that he refuses to make his own thoughts known, or will rarely take credit for any contributions he makes. Knowing that he could have done some minor aspect of a task better, Jae will often downplay his successes entirely as they don’t reach his high standards. He is also known for being very private and sensitive, internalising his feelings a great deal. He is often known as the quiet one in the group and will spend most of his downtime on his phone. Much in the way that he protects others’ feelings, he protects his own which can lead to a lot of stress or frustration with the lack of healthy emotional expression. Finally, he overloads himself as he has a strong sense of duty and perfectionism. He struggles silently to meet everyone’s expectations, especially his own, to the point of stress.
[/div] [div class="tabContents tabContents03"][div class="tabmain tabmain02"][div class="scroll"][div class=h1]history.[/div] Jeong Young-Jae made quite an entrance into this world. On New Year's day, at 12:10am, many people were out, celebrating. People littered the streets to bring in the New Year or finding their way home in drunken matters. For Jeong Tae-Yeon and his wife, Lee-Tuk, it was a completely different story. After being in labour for half an hour, Lee-Tuk was bringing their firstborn son, Young-Jae, into the world. Young-Jae was the first child born of the year for Incheon, South Korea, and was even visited by a news crew later that afternoon. His parents had a fortune teller read over their child’s life, and they told him that luck and love would follow their son until the ends of the Earth.

The boy lived a normal life. There were no issues with his childhood upbringing, nor did anyone in his family die or get sick or was an alcoholic. He had a loving family who supported him regardless. From an early age, his parents were quick to identify that their son was an introvert. Therefore, they didn’t force him to participate in group activities or get too stressed out when they found their son wanting to colour by himself than play with the other children at family gatherings.

As Young-Jae entered schooling, everything remained the same. A loving middle-class family with nothing exciting happening. His teachers did pull his parents in for meetings every so often to express their concerns how Young-Jae seemed to have issues with expressing his emotions. That when he was upset with other children, he wouldn’t vocalise it but instead push the feelings down which then made him anxious and flustered when approached by teachers. They also noted how very creative Young-Jae was and suggested that he should start learning a musical instrument, hoping it may help with his creativity and emotional development.

At six years old, Young-Jae started to learn how to play the piano. And by seven years, he was learning how to play the guitar. By the time he was ten years old, he was able play both instruments without any issues and was even composing and writing his own music. He entered into various talent competitions and spent most of his time locked away in his bedroom, creating music to convey how he was feeling. One day, after a talent show in which he competed in, he had been approached by an entertainment company recruiter who said that they were interested in having Young-Jae audition for the company. Lee-Tuk, however, said he was way too young and rejected the offer. The recruiter then told them that if they ever changed their mind, to give him a call and gave them his business card.

Ah, the wonderful world of puberty. At the age of ten, Young-Jae was starting to show his first signs of becoming a man. He was the first boy in his year to start seeing changes to his body and well… the other boys weren’t so nice about it. And for some reason… Young-Jae just felt mad and sad all the time. And he pinned it down that he was angry at his parents for not letting him go through with the entertainment company. Never once did he think that his parents had turned down the recruiter because of his age. He was just upset that at the age of thirteen, he could’ve been a superstar by now. Instead, he was at home, playing music in his bedroom and just feeling so… sad.

And then he met Min-Yee.

Min-Yee was from a different school, but they had met one day through mutual friends. As a fourteen-year-old with flaring hormones, Young-Jae couldn’t keep his mind off of her. He did everything he could to become close friends with her and even ended up doing things that his parents told him never to do just so he could spend time with her. He would help her steal things from shops, started smoking cigarettes with her, and even helped her one or two times with beating up some boys from her school that were making sexual comments about her.

One day, after beating up a boy who kept on pretending to fall over on Min-Yee so he could touch her boobs, Min-Yee decided that Young-Jae deserved a present to say thank you. Not only did he have his first kiss with her in the alleyway near the 7/11, but she also announced to him that she was willing to start dating him.

On his fifteenth birthday, his parents announced to him that they’d give him their blessing to audition for the entertainment company in which had approached him many years ago. Fate would have it that Astro Entertainment, the company in which the recruiter worked for, was recruiting new trainees at the time also. While he heard horror stories of people trying to desperately get into the entertainment business, he felt like it had been a walk in the park. Within a month, Young-Jae was the newest trainee for Astro Entertainment.

Min-Yee had been so proud of him that she told him that there was a special way that she wanted to congratulate him. She told him that she wanted to pop his cherry as a special gift. Now, Young-Jae was scared as hell. He didn’t know what he was doing or how it was all meant to happen. But Min-Yee began to get upset; she said that all their friends were doing it and they were the only couple who weren’t. After all, they had only really ever made out together, and that was the extent of it. Feeling guilty, Young-Jae agreed and so, one night while her parents were at work, he came over and… well, popped his cherry.

Over three months, Min-Yee kept on pressuring him to come over so they could get intimate. Not for one season did it cross his mind that he could say no. In the back of his mind, there was this constant fear that she was going to get pregnant as she was allergic to latex. However, she reminded him that she was on contraception and continued to pressure him, guilt-tripping him into coming over by saying that he didn’t love her or that he was using her. And every time, he would feel that guilt and give in. But maybe he should’ve listened to that voice in the back of his mind. Because one day, Min-Yee rang him up in tears.

She was pregnant.

Her parents kicked her out once they told them, but his parents – while they had been genuinely upset about the whole situation – offered to support them and allow Min-Yee to live with them. They wanted to ensure that their grandchild and its mother were safe and secure. In the meantime, Young-Jae, Min-Yee and his parents thought it would be a good idea for Young-Jae to continue with his traineeship and schooling and pretend like none of this was even happening.

Two weeks after Young-Jae’s birthday, Jeong Min-Seok was brought into this world. The happy parents kept a low profile, not telling anyone about their child and continuing on with life as if it never happened. However, after a couple of weeks, Young-Jae returned home from training to find their son screaming from his cot and no one around. His parents had both been at work, and Min-Yee was meant to be looking after him. But instead, there was a note left with Min-Yee's handwriting simply saying 'I can't do this anymore. Don't look for me', Young-Jae tried to call her multiple times, but she never answered. He searched high and low for her, contacted the police who had a team out looking for her. But she was nowhere to be found and never returned.

Young-Jae was heartbroken.

A couple of months after Min-Yee left, Astro Entertainment announced to him that they would like him to join their newest band; SKYZ. They believed with his writing, vocal and rapping skills that he would be the golden maknae that everyone would adore. However, it meant sitting down with his parents and coming up with a plan with Min-Seok. And it was decided; to everyone – even to Min-Seok, Young-Jae was his older brother. Min-Seok was his little brother. And he would be able to continue at the company without any scandals to come and bite him on the ass.

Now, at the age of 19, Young-Jae has toured globally with SKYZ. They’ve released four albums, most of which he has created and produced songs for, and they’re one of the hottest, youngest k-pop groups in the industry. To make things even better, he had been invited to participate in a new β€˜super’ group for the company; MxS. It would give him the opportunity to work with much older members of the company and learn from their wisdom. [/div] [/div]
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deep blue

but you painted me golden

So baby can we dance

through an avalanche?
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content01"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]basics[/div] [div class=tag]name[/div] Yang Yue [ chinese name ] + Park Yoona [ korean name]
[div class=tag]nicknames[/div] Yo-yo [ only reserved for close friends ]
[div class=tag]age[/div] thirty years old
[div class=tag]gender[/div] female
[div class=tag] sexuality [/div] heterosexual
[div class=tag] D.O.B [/div] 7th of october
[div class=tag] P.O.B [/div] Xiamen, China
[div class=tag] Etnicity [/div] Chinese
[div class=tag] official title [/div] the manager
[div class=tag] faceclaim [/div] ming xi
[div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/C53GczfpWcKK8CsORN079k-UK8s/fit-in/1024x1024/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2016/12/01/980/n/1922153/6de2830ee1c89cee_GettyImages-626886990/i/Ming-Xi.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTAyMDk3NjU1ODVeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDQ2NDUyNDAy._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=title]appearance[/div] [div class=tag]height[/div] five foot, eight inches - 175 cm
[div class=tag]weight[/div] 116 lbs - 53 kg
[div class=tag]hair colour [/div] black
[div class=tag] eye colour [/div] dark brown
[div class=tag]body type [/div] slim | mesomorph
[div class=tag] tattoos/piercings [/div] aside from earpiercings, Yoona remains tattoo- and piercing free
[div class=tag]scars [/div] small scar from a burn on her wrist [ getting distracted while putting some vegetables in a preheated oven is not the handiest ] a jaded horizontal scar across her stomach from a performed c-section.
[div class=tag] other body mods [/div]
[div class=tag]allergies [/div] certain shellfish such as lobster and crabs. can't handle dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and even ice cream very well either.
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content02"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]persona[/div] [div class=tag] personality [/div]
Integrity and honesty form the foundation that life is built upon. Without either of those, any foundation tends to crumble in the long run, leaving a broken ruin of half-truths and insincere relationships. Yoona is someone who values transparency above anything else and it forms both her strength and her weakness. Unafraid to narrate the thoughts that reside within, she makes up for an honest woman at best and insensitive at worst.
Is someone who cares almost too deeply, and it shows in how anyone remotely close to her will be subjected to her motherly tendencies. The kind who makes you food, takes care of you when sick, and the one to hold a twenty-minute lecture when you've done something stupidly reckless, only to treat any injuries while or after. A constant insistence on doing the best you can and a carer of those who need it.
A dedicated and responsible worker. Her word is promise, and a promise means everything. Would rather run herself into the ground with extra days and lose sleep than fail to deliver the results she said she would. Nothing could halt the female when in work-mode, her vision tunnelled and focused on only one matter; fulfilling the duty she committed herself to. In turn, Yoona finds herself shouldering a lot of responsibilities but can be too stubborn to ask for help with any of those - even if they are crushing her.
There is a sliver of arrogance because she truly believes she is the only one who can see these projects through reliably. Her responsible side shines through again when things go wrong, though this time in a negative manner. Tends to think that any failure regarding her work is hers alone to bear, causing her to unreasonably blame herself for many things. Follows the glass-half-empty principle with heart and soul. Veils it as realism because she can't, and doesn't want to be wrong. Proceeds to wrap this veil tightly around her frame for protection and clings to it with something like desperation. Because as they say; the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment.
Won't start fights, but will finish them. A lover of order and stability. A secret dreamer of a love that feels true. [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0ERmG7IYXOOv80wIJfkjS-Jbg5nREikzXDJyyr0btJf5NPQ59&s');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/955886076597624833/gf2m-Khz_400x400.jpg');"][/div] [/div]
[div class=tag]likes [/div] crime documentaries, the smell of fresh-baked bread, making lists, organizing events, sounds of birds chirping, a cup of black coffee, doing fun activities with her kids, success, solitude, cleaning, puzzles, romance.
[div class=tag] dislikes [/div] incompetence, being away from her family for long periods of time, rumours, unpunctuality, invasion of privacy, untidiness, lazy people, clubs, the ill-mannered, hateful people, trickery, sexist behaviour, alcohol,
[div class=tag] fears [/div] losing her children, a loveless marriage, regret, flying.
[div class=tag]intelligence type [/div] logical - mathematical
[div class=tag]love language [/div] the loves she gives often takes form in quality time, like taking long walks and holding uninterrupted and meaningful conversations. nevertheless, yoona has a weakness for non-verbal communication. loves kisses on the forehead, holding hands, tight hugs, and secretly craves intimacy.
[div class=tag] personality type[/div] ISTJ
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content03"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]special[/div] [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/a8792fb87bcda51713e21485fb5efd55/tumblr_olukpuCKU71qgbi8io1_400.png');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://i.pinimg.com/originals/68/07/28/680728482d30107d050dad2127e28e22.jpg');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag] theme song [/div] can't help falling in love [ cover by Kina Grannis ]
[div class=tag] their secret [/div] considering cheating on her husband
[div class=tag]misc. facts[/div]
β†’ Yoona's favourite flower is Carnation
β†’ She's fluent in English [ though with a heavy accent ], Mandarin & Korean
β†’ Yoona brings her kids to work every once in a while
[/div] [/div] [div class="content content04"] [div class=scroll] [div class=title]background[/div] [div class=tag] biography [/div]

Pray and tell, how did a Chinese woman ever become such an unmissable asset to one of South Korea's largest entertainment companies?

Well, it goes something like this....

Park Yoona was born to the name of Yang Yue on the 7th of October. Her parents were not precisely wealthy but could make ends meet with the income from her father's job as a chef. All with all, Yoona lived a happy childhood and would soon venture into an age of opportunities. One of the opportunities led her to South Korea and there she began her studies in Management. She fell in love with a male smart and kind, got married at the young age of twenty-two and settled in. Her great management skills helped her get a job at some entertainment company, where she continued to grow. She was successful, rose in status as well in wealth. Life was great; she got blessed with wonderful children, a great career, and a lovely husband. A life anyone would dream to have.

But, wait.

That sounds too perfect to be true, doesn't it? Where are the trials and tribulations? The hardships of reality? Don't be mistaken. Life is no fairytale - and hers is certainly no exception.

No, it actually goes something like this.

Yoona lived a happy childhood - right until her father got into an accident and was fired from his job. Right until he decided to throw himself off the deep end and drown himself in alcohol instead of finding other ways to support his family. And with almost to no income except for the little savings they had, the family moved down the social ladder; traded their home for a tiny apartment that felt suffocating the longer you were inside, traded their three healthy meals a day to maybe two if they were lucky.

And then her mother left. Maybe she decided that this emotional baggage was more than she could bear, decided that the life of a poor man's wife was not for her - but one day, the woman just grabbed her bags and left. In the beginning, it was okay, because Yoona thought that she would return after a week or so. But then a week turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month, and when it was slowly reaching a year, the ten-year-old came to the realization that her mother was gone forever. Painstakingly, she realized that her own mother had abandoned her family and left her daughter with an alcoholic father. And for that, the woman would never have Yoona's forgiveness.

High school, socially-wise, was a disaster. Her poor status was enough to draw the unwanted attention of bullies and any other potential friends, the young Yoona pushed away herself. Academically-wise, though, she thrived. Studying offered her a focal point, the library a sanctuary into the late hours for when she didn't want to come home and deal with a drunk father, and getting excellent grades a scholarship and in turn, a future. And her hard work paid off; she was offered a scholarship and the opportunity to study abroad. It was practically everything she possibly could've wanted, so could you really blame her for accepting it even if it meant leaving her father behind? Yoona might regret leaving her father to his broken devices at the time, but simultaneously, she doesn't regret taking the opportunity for a better future.

Especially not when this path led her to the best years of her life and ultimately, to her husband. He was a real charmer, enough so that Yoona could not help but fall in love with him. It was supposed to be unrequited, a love where you merely watch from the sidelines how he gets with someone else, get your heart broken, and learn how to move on. Except that didn't happen. Instead, she got asked out on a date, and a date turned into dates - right until she found him getting down on one knee, proposal on his lips and a gorgeous ring in his hand three years later. He was a real charmer, enough so that Yoona couldn't help but accept.

They got married and the name of Yang Yue was replaced by Park Yoona. Life seemed to be more gracious to Park Yoona and not long after graduating college, the woman got the opportunity to work at an entertainment company known for their success in the Korean music industry. She accepted and soon enough, started assisting in the management of multiple korean artists and even bands.

Her pregnancy at the age of twenty-five led to a break in her career. It was also the first time she and her husband hit a significant bump in the road. Coming from a conservative family where tradition had its deep roots, the husband wanted Yoona to become a stay-at-home mom and let him be the provider for the family. Yoona disagreed, not wanting the welfare of their family to be dependent on one parent like it was with her parents, and vowed to return to work once the baby turned one. A sequence of arguments followed, their differences in the matter being so severe that it almost seemed like their marriage would break apart. Nevertheless, Yoona remained resolute in her views and in the end, her husband relented. Their marriage was saved, her career resumed, and Yoona got to be a mother of a wonderful child - but at what cost? Their marriage was intact but not the same anymore. Some might argue that's what time and two pregnancies do, but perhaps some scars simply could not be healed by time and perhaps, their love was not strong enough to fill the gap that their differences left. Yoona remains hopeful though, hopeful that someday, things would turn back to the ways they were before at the beginning of their marriage. All she ever wanted was a love warm and full. Was that really too much to ask for? [div class=imgSmallContainer] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://66.media.tumblr.com/aeb1d73e7d2f6246a26bc789a9072f96/tumblr_pbaq6t9IaK1qad56lo1_400.jpg');"][/div] [div class=imgSmall style="background-image: url('https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTzaP_mbyl1pa6SctaF5s43jmjVMteuFofwbvUu4SoIDJZr-rfx&s');"][/div] [/div] [div class=tag] significant relationships [/div]
Yang Tao - father [63 years old] [ alive ]
Yang Mei-xi - mother [62 years old] [status unknown]
Kim Woo-jin - husband [33 years old] [alive]
Kim Sunhee - daughter [4 years old] [alive]
Kim Seo-jun - son [2 years old] [alive] [/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=tabs] [div class="tab tab01"][/div] [div class="tab tab02"][/div] [div class="tab tab03"][/div] [div class="tab tab04"][/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
coded by shady.
coded by allure
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β–Έ Astro Entertainment Artist Assistant
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@bluejae00, isabelle
nineteen (19)
june 30th
busan, south korea
height_ 165 cm
weight_ 56.7 kg
hair color_ black
eye color_ dark brown
body type_ mesomorph
body mods_ multiple ear piercings
scars_ round scar on her right wrist about the width of a pencil eraser
ethnicity_ korean
face claim_ qhals0_0

likes_ photography, photo/video editing, swimming, concerts, spicy beef bulgogi, the beach, color coding her planner

dislikes_ oranges, troublesome security guards, public transportation, other sasaengs
fears_ her mother, never being able to take control of her life
languages_ korean, english
allergies_ citrus (deathly allergic)
her secret_ she runs a sasaeng fansite account for jae of skyz/mxs. she is blacklisted by astro entertainment.
her playlist_ (she a bg stan :/)
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iseul is a soft-spoken girl with a gentle aura that's easy to recognize. she doesn't have the biggest presence, but she doesn't mind that she fades into the background sometimes. the nuances of her personality beyond "cute, quiet girl" are harder to pick up on since she is pretty private about her life and prefers to let other people do the talking. one reason for her reserved way of speaking, beyond just her introverted nature, is that she carefully chooses her words and never shares more about herself than she intends to. because of this, she can be quite mysterious to many people.

she's instinctively distrustful of most people she meets and tends to expect ulterior motives from everyone. however, iseul does open up, albeit slowly and carefully, to those she believes she can trust. she's learned how to analyze people, from body language to tone of voice to facial quirks, very well and is a good judge of character. her assumptions about others are more often than not correct. however, the concept of sitting down and having an honest conversation with someone about their needs and wants is a bit foreign to her.

iseul is very smart, typically smarter than people give her credit for, and not just when it comes to booksmarts. her calculating nature means she rarely ever makes a decision without thinking about the pros and cons and at least several possible outcomes as well as the likelihood of each one. although she does have a bad habit of worrying over the small details when she should be thinking big picture, she adapts fairly well to unexpected changes and doesn't like to let mistakes and mishaps bring down her mood too much or interrupt her schedule. she's a very goal-oriented person, a stickler for details who's obsessed with organization. if you need someone to plan an event down to the last minute, iseul's your girl. but her perfectionist behavior doesn't mean she's one of those sober-minded, pedantic types. iseul is actually quite idealistic. she gets stuck in her own head sometimes due to the force of her own daydreams and hopes for the future. she wants to believe in the good in society, but her experiences in the past push her towards a much more pessimistic worldview.

intelligence type_ interpersonal
love language_ words of affirmation
personality type_ INFJ-T

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TW: child abuse, ! indicates paragraph with graphic description – please read carefully. there's a safe tl;dr at the very bottom β™‘

kim daeun and jeon jumin, childhood friends turned friends with benefits, were both dirt poor when daeun got pregnant. well, daeun was a finance student at the local community college trying to scrape together enough to begin paying off her student debt, while jumin even didn't know the difference between a checking and savings account. there was no getting around it: they had been raised in the slums, and chances pointed to them staying there. but daeun was determined to turn the tide and avoid a beggar's death. following the news of her pregnancy, she and jumin got married, to save face and to save on taxes.

iseul will be one of the first to acknowledge that her mother is a hard worker. through a combination of diligence, business savvy, and fraud, kim daeun went from dirt poor intern to multi-millionaire managing director of a huge tech company. but she never lost the grim, severe, ruthless attitude she had when she was clawing her way to the top – now, there's just a big dose of materialism on top of all that.

some people just aren't cut out for parenthood. to daeun's credit, she was more or less aware that she was one of those people. but jumin wanted a big family, and he was also working so, so hard to support them. she could at least give him this one thing, right?

iseul was born three years after saebyeok, and joogyul three years after iseul. only saebyeok and iseul have vague memories of the glorified shed on the rundown side of busan that was their original home – they relocated to a mansion in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in seoul as soon as their mother got her big promotion. growing up in that mansion was a nightmare. the house was overwhelmingly large, the spaciousness was suffocating, every piece of furniture and ornament on the mantle was shiny and expensive and if their mother caught her children leaving so much as a fingerprint smudge on a vase, there would be hell to pay.

! from the very beginning, the jeon children's relationship with their mother was built upon fear: fear of her expectations, fear of her temper. saebyeok brings home a discipline slip from school for passing a note to a friend during class, her mother leaves welts in swollen red lines on the backs of her thighs using the metal handle of a fly swatter. joogyul gets five problems wrong on his math homework, his mother slaps him so hard his glasses snap in half and fly off his face. iseul gets an attitude during a road trip, her mother slams the car door on her hand and breaks two of her fingers. getting dragged down the stairs by the hair, forced to cower in a dark room on aching knees, subjected to a never-ending litany of "i hate you, you're so stupid and selfish and useless, i wish i hadn't been given you instead of the child i deserved, if you want to kill yourself so badly then go ahead, do it–" became par for the course.

saebyeok got the brunt of the abuse, being the hotheaded and brash girl she was, while joogyul got off with less severe punishments as he was the "baby" of the family and always went along with whatever his parents told him was best. iseul fell somewhere in between: she absolutely, resolutely hated her mother but tried her best to keep her ire contained, so it only slipped out sometimes.

! one such instance occurred while her mother was 'scolding' her for missing a piano lesson. her mother received a business call in the middle of it and left iseul trembling on the floor, but not before stepping on the girl's outstretched wrist with her high heel as she strode off to the kitchen. the tall, skinny heel punctured iseul's skin and iseul cried out in pain. her mother paused and turned around, and for a second, iseul saw the surprise on her face – she hadn't stepped on her on purpose. but as her mother simply stood there and listened to her work associate chatter over bluetooth, iseul felt rage rising within her. her mother's gaze drifted from the profusely bleeding wound to the dark glare on iseul's face, her lip curled at the scowl on her daughter's face. "well, are you going to do anything?!" iseul had meant to shout, but fear was still constricting her throat and it came out as a choked murmur. her mother had looked at her for a moment longer and then walked away. it was saebyeok who took her to the hospital and held her left hand while they stitched up the hole in her right wrist.

it was strange that iseul's mother had not beat her some more for her backtalk in that moment, and even stranger that she didn't say anything about iseul and saebyeok going somewhere without asking permission first. but iseul believes that rather than feeling guilty, her mother was simply too preoccupied with her work matters.

after iseul graduated junior high, her mother offered to send her abroad for high school. iseul answered with an emphatic yes, of course, but even as she was boarding the plane to california she felt it was an opportunity that seemed too good to be true. her intuition was right; the parents of the korean-american family she was staying with had been directed to keep an eye on her, subject her to a strict curfew, and send regular updates about her whereabouts to her mother. though an entire ocean now separated her from home, she still felt trapped. she wasn't confident enough to join any of the clubs or extracurriculars at the LA private school, where she had decided to go by the name "isabelle."

spending much of her time cooped up in the house, iseul quickly befriended the jang's only child: a friendly, spunky girl named jenny. jenny introduced her to the kpop group nova. meanwhile, saebyeok was facetiming iseul every other evening to talk about a new boyfriend she was secretly dating. saebyeok was clearly smitten; she would constantly refer to her boyfriend, jonghyun, as her soulmate because they had so much in common. she even seemed to be under the impression that marriage was on the horizon. iseul laughed at these claims at first, but as the months passed, saebyeok dropped the joking tone and told iseul that it was just a matter of waiting for the right moment to tie the knot.

saebyeok and jonghyun eloped right when iseul was starting her third and final year of high school. or rather, they eloped a week before and iseul's mother didn't find out until iseul's first day of senior year. her mother was obviously furious. it was like she lost her mind for a bit as the reality that she no longer had control over one of her children hit her. there was nothing she could do. saebyeok was a legal adult in a legally binding marriage, and jonghyun's family was wealthy enough to provide for the newlyweds and dismiss any frivolous lawsuits daeun might try to level against them.

when iseul asked if saebyeok thought maybe the couple had jumped the gun, considering they'd only been together for a couple of years, saebyeok's reply would stay with her forever. no, we actually didn't think it would take this long to get married. i know i say this all the time but i say it because it's true: jonghyun and i are soulmates, iseul. we were born to be together. honestly the marriage is just a piece of paper – we've been in love with each other for a long time and we always will be. he saved me.

jonghyun had saved her sister. maybe iseul could be saved too.

iseul knew that after she graduated, she would return to korea and move back into that cursed mansion. her mother's death grip on her life would be even tighter than before, now that saebyeok was gone. if she didn't find a way out, she would be trapped forever. so iseul began looking for her soulmate. he needed to be handsome, yes, and rich, so he could take care of her once she cut herself off from the family. most importantly, he needed to be the other half of her heart if anything was going to work. but where she was going to find a man like that?

iseul and jenny, who was her closest friend by far at this point, would stay up late watching nova videos. iseul was drawn to nova's main vocalist, choi minsik. he had a cute, pretty face and was pegged as the shy one in the group, but he actually had a rather dry and dark sense of humor... a lot like iseul. when he made his solo debut with the song "psycho," iseul had an epiphany while watching the music video. choi minsik was her soulmate. nothing more to it, nothing less. it was too much of a coincidence that they had so much in common – in fact, there was no such thing as coincidence. they were destined to be together.

iseul graduated and moved back into her family's home as she had feared, but in spite of the familiarly traumatizing environment, she felt a surreal sense of peace. she had a plan. iseul told her mother she was going to take a gap year to re-adjust to living in korea again, and she would spend most of her time at the library in order to study for the college entrance exams next year. then she went about becoming a fansite for nova's minsik. fansites appeared at nearly every schedule, and surely fate would have it that iseul and minsik would fall in love in some cliched and romantic way if she showed up to all of them, right?

but despite the money she dropped on big cameras and dozens of lenses, which she told her mother was for cram school classes, things weren't progressing as she'd hoped. minsik just wasn't noticing her the way she wanted him to, the way he was supposed to. she began following him from schedules to the company building or to hotels, loitering across the street at cafes or convenience stores. she would even buy tickets for the same flights as nova, just on the chance that she would see him and they would maybe run into each other on the plane or at the airport.

iseul had been minsik's sasaeng fan for six months when jenny started texting her nonstop about how amazing skyz was, so iseul begrudgingly listened to most of skyz's discography. one evening she opened her laptop and pulled up their debut celebration show with mnet from over a year ago. the next fifty minutes changed her life. the rapper named jae. he seemed so quiet and introverted, like herself, and everything he said, she agreed with. his favorite song off their album was also her favorite song. in one filmed discussion between jae and another member, jae went pretty deep and revealed that he always set high standards for himself and was disappointed when he didn't meet them. a different member made a comment about jae's habit of keeping his problems to himself out of consideration for the others, which! ugh! the similarities iseul drew between herself and jae were too many to count in just this one segment. plus, she and jae were the same age, whereas minsik was seven years her elder.

she didn't make the switch immediately. eventually she realized she was attending way more skyz schedules than nova schedules and just accepted that minsik had misled her; jae had been the true love of her life all along. it didn't help matters that he was so silent on social media – she needed to learn more about him, and quickly. maybe she went over the top, or maybe astro ent had already been on her ass from her time spent following minsik. jeon iseul was one of the names on astro entertainment's next blacklist.

by the time she learned that astro entertainment was looking to hire more staff for mxs' world tour, iseul had been growing desperate. being blacklisted was somewhat effective at keeping her out of official schedules yet did absolutely nothing to stop her from getting close to jae's personal spaces – his room in the dorm, his studio. she kept the intimate pictures she took of him to herself. but her mother was growing impatient. iseul had failed her first college entrance exam on purpose, and she knew she wouldn't be able to stall for another year.

she got in contact with a security technician who worked for astro ent and paid him a nice sum to change her entry on the blacklist. but he told her made up information wouldn't work; he had to put in a real fancafe ID in order for the system to validate the blacklist and save the changes. so iseul gave him jenny's name, birthdate, and fancafe ID without telling her friend about it. one day it would be a funny story to tell at her wedding, iseul reasoned to herself. jenny would be sad, but she would be fine.

iseul also forged some documents for herself, being a wizard with photoshop. she put down her legal name as isabelle on the forms, the name she'd gone by in LA, just in case something went wrong with the modified blacklist entry, and also fabricated some work experience on her resume. it wasn't a lie that she had lived abroad for years. the company didn't need to know that she hadn't worked a day in her life and certainly never worked in the entertainment industry in america, but it would be much harder for them to check her claims if all of her 'work experience' was overseas. her (fake) application and her fluency in english made her one of the most competitive applicants for the assistant job, and she passed the interview without a hitch. isabelle jeon was hired.

TL ; DR - iseul and her siblings are physically and emotionally abused by their mother throughout their childhood and into their teen years. iseul goes to study abroad at a private high school in california; however, her host family still keeps a tight leash on her schedule at the direction of her mother. she befriends a girl who introduces her to the kpop group nova.

iseul's older sister, saebyeok, is able to escape the toxic jeon household by eloping with her boyfriend. iseul was the only member of the family who knew about their relationship prior to the marriage and sat through years of saebyeok swearing that she and her partner were soulmates and that he more or less saved her. iseul develops a complex where she obsesses over finding her own soulmate, thinking that he will help her solve all her problems and free her from her mother's control.

she gets it into her head that one of the members of nova is her soulmate and becomes a fansite for him after she moves back to korea. this quickly escalates into sasaeng level stalking. she falls for jae after watching the debut show for the new astro ent boy group skyz, so she switches and becomes his sasaeng instead. astro ent blacklists her.

she is able to slip through astro ent's screening process and get hired as an assistant by bribing a security technician at the company to change the information in her blacklist entry. she also forges documents that state her legal name as "isabelle jeon" (her english name from her time abroad) and has some impressive and completely made-up work experience additions in order to push herself as a strong candidate.

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KIM DAEUN (45) / MOTHER. iseul hates her mother, plain and simple. some people say that a parent always loves their child no matter what. some even go so far as to say a child always has unconditional love for their parents. iseul thinks these people are stupidly naive and need a reality check. she goes out of her way to avoid her mother, which is made easier by her mother's constant absorption in her work.
daeun was not expecting iseul to fail her college entrance exam at all, since iseul was always the most booksmart out of all her children, and suspects iseul may have failed just to spite her. she suspects that iseul is doing something in secret, a hobby or job or something that she hadn't told daeun about, and this activity must have distracted iseul so much that she failed her exam. daeun wants to set iseul up to work in her company through the power of nepotism, but she needs her daughter to get her shit together first.

JEON JUMIN (45) / FATHER. joogyul is the only one who really has a relationship with their dad beyond surface-level banter. saebyeok and iseul are somewhere between neutral and disdainful of him due to him always fleeing home whenever his wife goes off rather than confronting her. jumin works as a freelance columnist and editor and when he's home, spends most of his time cooped up in his study. he technically works from home and has much more free time than his wife, but instead of fulfilling the role of stay-at-home dad, he likes to go on long vacations and fishing trips. he used to drink a lot when the kids were young, so it would be easier to put the sounds of violence at the back of his mind. jumin obviously favors joogyul since joogyul is his only son.

JEON SAEBYEOK (22) / SISTER. saebyeok is currently a barista at a coffee bar in seoul. she and jonghyun are planning on opening their own restaurant together in the future. iseul visits her sister whenever she has the chance and without her mother's knowledge, since her mother blows up at the mere mention of her eldest. though they have always been close and still have a loving bond, iseul is sometimes filled with seething jealousy at her sister's good fortune. saebyeok knows that iseul is a fansite for skyz and that it's a very time-consuming occupation, but she doesn't know much beyond that. she doesn't even know which member iseul likes the most, and iseul would like to keep it that way. the last thing she wants is for her older sister's opinion of her to sour.

JEON JOOGYUL (16) / BROTHER. iseul and joogyul have a pretty typical brother-sister relationship. they're not super close and rarely show open affection for one another, but the sibling bond is definitely there all the same. iseul often helps her brother with his schoolwork and tries to teach him life lessons and skincare tips, knowing her brother is usually too prideful to ask her for advice.

JENNY JANG (20) / FRIEND. jenny is still a close friend of iseul's despite the distance between them. they text almost every day to fangirl over skyz and nova and to complain about school and work (on jenny's part). jenny is a college student with a part-time job on campus. she knows that iseul is a fansite for jae and suspects that iseul may be crossing over into sasaeng territory, although she's never brought it up out of fear that she would offend her friend. she also knows that iseul is friends with the "top seeds" in the skyz fandom, so iseul is privy to information that most fans aren't. jenny has no idea that her friend is responsible for her fancafe account being banned. iseul told her that a top seed buddy had confirmed that some fancafe accounts had been banned due to issues with the astro ent's mainframe server – or some variation of that bullshit – and that there was nothing to be done about it, but iseul would send her everything the members posted and post any letters that jenny wanted to send. jenny took her word for it, not seeing any reason iseul would have to lie.

CHOI MINSIK (26) / IDOL. ah, the man who used to be the light of iseul's life. though jae has taken his spot as her soulmateβ„’, she still supports him and will sometimes take pictures of him when the opportunity presents itself, just for old times sake. she sort of views him like someone would view an ex they parted with on good terms. the news of nova's disbandment hit her pretty hard.

JEONG YOUNGJAE (19) / IDOL. iseul feels like she knows jae personally. though no relationship exists between them, she thinks she's basically already laid a foundation for everything. like a gardener who tills and fertilizes a plot of soil in preparation for the seed to be planted. she's certainly spent as much time as she could finding out everything about him - what he likes to eat, what kind of music he likes, what cafes he frequents, how late he stays up at the dorm or at the studio, etc. due to skyz's multitude of fresh, cute concepts, iseul views jae as an innocent and pure kind of guy, a shy and chaste virgin like herself.

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