Breeding and Solars


Junior Member
i have an idea for a game which involves a king of one of the hundred kingdoms whose ancestor was a dragon blooded but the line has had no new exaltations in some time

a solar hero comes out of the woodwork of this land and is invited to court. while many of the kings advisors believe that he has to be killed to stave the wrath of the 7th legion and the Realm, one of the kings advisors suggests that his seed will bring out the dragon blood in his grandchildren and proposes that he marry the solar to one or more of his daughters.

the question i have is do you think that this should be a lie created to serve the gold faction or truth. (i am not commited to the idea of a siderial in the court, it could be a cult member but involving Siddies is always fun)

i know canonically they don't mention the effects of celestial blood in terms of breeding DBs but canon aside what do you thinK of the idea? if you like the idea of solar parents aiding in dragon blooded exaltation what effect would it have?
Make it a lie.

Instead of DB children coming from the union, have them start croping up with half-caste or Solar God-Blooded children.  This information gets back to the realm and causes a last ditch attack or calls in the last remnants of the Wyld Hunt.

Or, the bronze faction could hear of it and try to get other parts of the hundred kingdoms to attack them because of a fear of a mass Solar blooded dynasty taking over the Scavenger lands.

So then you have the gold and bronze factions trying to twist the events in the kingdom their way while those in the middle are trying not to have a war start in their back yard.
I wholeheartedly agree with Ker'ion's idea. It's a wonderful bent and I think it would suit your plot well. Personally, I've got a few ideas like this one rolling around in my brain. Ever want some help or an idea or two, drop me a line.
Make it a lie.
Instead of DB children coming from the union, have them start croping up with half-caste or Solar God-Blooded children.  This information gets back to the realm and causes a last ditch attack or calls in the last remnants of the Wyld Hunt.

Or, the bronze faction could hear of it and try to get other parts of the hundred kingdoms to attack them because of a fear of a mass Solar blooded dynasty taking over the Scavenger lands.

So then you have the gold and bronze factions trying to twist the events in the kingdom their way while those in the middle are trying not to have a war start in their back yard.
i see what you mean. though personally i was starting to lean toward truth. but i can see where a lie helps out.

the thing with solar half castes is that they are not really a threat. they can do damage but when all is said and done they are only a step or 2 above a heroic mortal. but if he started breeding DBs then that could be a threat.
Yeah, but sadly it just couldn't happen, maybe, MAYBE if his children showed certain promises and defined their generations as the peak of human endurance and strength, then Lytek may send a few their way.

Besides, Half-Castes can be impressive, they can learn the Charms of their parents and so on. The most impressive God Bloods and Half Castes of Creation are the Lintha.
Now if it was the truth and the empress captured all those solars which are mentioned to produce dragon blooded offspring of high quality... then you got a good campaign idea for a dragon blooded political game right there... or a wyld hunt game... perhaps a solar is trying to tap into his own bloodline with solar circle sorcery after he miraculously escaped (empress vanished before she could kill him etc. or he got away centuries ago). and suddenly you got a few hundred dragon blooded sleepers running around in the realm... hmmmmmm.
One thing I've never been happy about regarding Half-Castes and Exaltation...

 It's certainly not unprecedented for unExalted Dynasts (or high-ranking members of the Seventh Legion) to Exalt as Celestials; Karal Fire Orchid is an example that comes readily to mind.

 However, with the Half-Caste rules as they are, most if not all members of the Realm Houses and Lookshy upper-tier families are probably Half-Caste, if both parents are DBs (and oftentimes, even if only one was).

 And Half-Castes can't Exalt out-of-type.

 See the problem?
One thing I've never been happy about regarding Half-Castes and Exaltation...
 It's certainly not unprecedented for unExalted Dynasts (or high-ranking members of the Seventh Legion) to Exalt as Celestials; Karal Fire Orchid is an example that comes readily to mind.

 However, with the Half-Caste rules as they are, most if not all members of the Realm Houses and Lookshy upper-tier families are probably Half-Caste, if both parents are DBs (and oftentimes, even if only one was).

 And Half-Castes can't Exalt out-of-type.

 See the problem?
I just ruled that celestial exaltation overwrites everything and went on. I do not grant them any half caste powers though or summit like that. It is just a thing of looks and history.
That's not it.
DB Half-Castes can not Exalt as any other Exalt type except DBs.

 And yet they do...
I think that is just a case of inconsistent writing on the part of the authors. godbloods are generally able to exalt any way they like. I would honestly ignore that part if I was you.
I dunno. I rather like the thematic aspect of Half-Castes only being able to Exalt to the appropriate type.

 What bugs me is the supposed profusion of God-Bloods, Half-Castes, and all other versions that the mechanical rules strongly imply would exist in Creation. However, there is little to no sign of this in the flavor and background.

 I'd rather try to correct the latter than tweak the former...
The god-blooded section in the PG does state that there can be as many as a god-blood for every hundred ordinary mortals in places where the Hundred Gods Heresy is rampant.
Jukashi said:
The god-blooded section in the PG does state that there can be as many as a god-blood for every hundred ordinary mortals in places where the Hundred Gods Heresy is rampant.
those crazy gods

remember that when they created fire orchid half castes didn't exist yet. personally their is something about DB half castes that always seemed silly. either they are exalted or mortal.

Celestials i can take having special kids but it seems to me that if the DB child didn't have enough mystic mojo in them to become a terrestrial then why would they get any?

speaking of which


does anyone know the prbability breakdown for terrestrail exaltation?

if you have 2 DB parents and they have 10 kids how many will likely exalt?
orionstark1482 said:
Jukashi said:
The god-blooded section in the PG does state that there can be as many as a god-blood for every hundred ordinary mortals in places where the Hundred Gods Heresy is rampant.
those crazy gods

remember that when they created fire orchid half castes didn't exist yet. personally their is something about DB half castes that always seemed silly. either they are exalted or mortal.

Celestials i can take having special kids but it seems to me that if the DB child didn't have enough mystic mojo in them to become a terrestrial then why would they get any?

speaking of which


does anyone know the prbability breakdown for terrestrail exaltation?

if you have 2 DB parents and they have 10 kids how many will likely exalt?
Depends on the parents and the purity of the family lineage but between 4 and 9 should take the second breath (4 both parents come from patrician stock, 9 really good stable).
More of "hmm, how many do I WANT to Exalt?" As SiD said, there really is nothing there to govern that. Not really.
Unless a PC decides to get with the whole multi-generational story thing, then a bonafide mechanic comes in handy...

 Phantasy Star III had something like that, if I'm not mistaken.
True, it would be nice to do a multi-gen game, though my old PCs were too bitchy adn covetous of their characters bare the thought of parting with them  :roll:

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