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Fantasy Breathe


Chocolate understands.

This life prepares the

strangest things

The dreams we dream of

what life brings

Name: unknown
Alias: calls himself Shadow
Gender: male
Age: a couple hundred years
Race: lost soul

Height: 5'10 ft
Build: slender

Shadow once used to be a normal human boy, long ago.
He never shares any details about his time as a human, basically because he forgot a lot of it.
He used to roam earth as a spirit, but when he started to forget who he was, his soul got corrupted by darkness.
The legend says there are three ways to defend yourself from a lost soul like him:
1: wearing an amulet made of iron, as iron burns him.
2: finding out his real name and by that reminding him of who he used to be, to make him remember humanity, compassion and mercy.
3: While his feelings are buried deep within him, they actually are there and just hard to reach; love is said to be a way to chase the darkness away.
None of theories excepting number one has ever been proved to be true, because no one has ever been able to test them.
inspired by~
before he was corrupted~

Astralmoone Astralmoone
Last edited:
Name: Kera
Alias: None
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Race: Human

Height: 5'8 ft
Build: slight curves

Kera is a normal adult, simply trying to make a life in the world and find a way to balance work and bills. She is estranged from what is left of her family, by choice, feeling that many of them are insane with unbelievable stories to tell. While most families warned about the boogeyman under the bed, her family warned of curses and blood magic. Kera wants nothing to do with faerie tales. Even through her disbelief, there is one habit that was ingrained into her, since as early as she could remember: never remove her iron necklace. Given to her by her grandfather, Kera has worn the necklace for so long it is second nature to her to have it on.


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On your twenty-fourth birthday, it will steal your breath.
a curse as old time was looming over the this family and had driven it to the edge of Extinction multiple times before they had finally found a way to ward themselves against it.
However, this curse wasn't as simple as most; it woke a being, a corrupted soul, that would stop for nothing until it had done its job to kill the cursed one.
This curse was the only purpose in life, or afterlife, it had; it knew nothing else then to kill and go back to rest.
Deep inside the soul know it had once been a person, a human with feelings, ambitions and a life, but that life felt so distant the soul often forgot it.
By now, it was nothing but a killer.

There were only three things the soul knew about itself-
Iron burned it.
It was a male.
They called it Shadow.

Today, on Kera's twenty-fourth birthday, Shadow was woken once again.
The way he appeared was always the same;
Kera's shadow shifted.
Barely noticeable at first, just a tiny movement of its fingers, but soon the grew longer and pointy, the entire shadow grew taller, and slowly, a pair of eyes and a mouth opened in its head.
It went from transculent grey to pitch black and slowly stepped off the wall, hands extended to steal her breath- ergo, strangle her to death.

But a second before his long, slender fingers could wrap around her neck, a burning pain bolted through his hands.
A hateful hiss emerged from his nightmarish form when he noticed the iron necklace.
Oh well... He had time.
He had a lot of time, and he would wait for years if he had Tom one day, he would have either driven her to the point of giving up or the necklace would break and fall off.
And until then, he'd get his revenge for daring to take on the curse. To mess with him.

His soulless white eyes glared at her when his long, black claws screeched over the next window and left deep scratches in the glass and the wall.
"Had you just listened to the stories", he said. His voice was surprisingly human.
He would haunt her to hell.
Kera woke with the feeling that something was wrong. She lay in bed, not opening her eyes as her fuzzy mind worked through the cobwebs to figure out where the feeling was coming from. She shifted slightly, snuggling under the covers further, basking in the warmth of the soft sheets. It was then that her mind clicked into the understanding of her wariness. She felt absolutely great.

“Fuck!” Kera shot up in the bed, throwing the covers off her. Her hand lashed out for the alarm clock by her bedside table and another curse slipped from her lips as she saw the time. 6 am! She practically flung the clock back down as she clambered off the bed, kicking at the tangle the sheets had become. She had gotten home around 2 the night before, having been only scheduled for a half shift at the bar. She had had just enough time to come home and crash for a couple of hours before her shift at the coffee shop started at 4. She was already two hours late, good night’s rest or not. Why oh why had her alarm clock not gone off?

As she ran towards the bathroom, she tried to think if she had bothered to set the alarm last night or if she had forgotten. She honestly couldn’t remember. Desperately, Kera ran a brush through her unruly tangle of curls. She cursed herself all the way out of the front door, dressing with record speed into a wrinkled black skirt and white button up blouse. She was still jumping into her black DR Scholes as she hopped down the hallway and ran down the shabby two floors to the bottom of the flat.

What proceeded was a day from hell that had made her wish she’d simply stayed in bed. Several of her coworkers had called out from the coffee shop. By the time she got there they were way behind, understaffed and the manager was ready to shoot someone. He chewed into her about the tardiness, her appearance, and her lazy work ethics in a speech that had the whole shop wincing with sympathy. From there, Kera had tried to make things better by offering to extend. She ended up working at the coffee shop until 5, as the night crew were short staffed as well.

The extended shift barely gave her enough time to make it home, switch clothes, and make it to the bar on the corner of the street for her next shift. Finally, between spilled drinks and several broken glasses, the lead had told her she could go home early for the evening. Relieved and exhausted, Kera stumbled back up to her apartment and collapsed onto the old cracking couch that barely fit against the kitchen counter in her one-bedroom apartment.

Laying there, eyes closed, Kera toed off her boots. She was too exhausted to move. This day was certainly one for the records. Kera cracked an eye open and looked up at the digital clock on her microwave, propped on the corner of the counter. It read 11:00. “Happy..fucking..birthday to me.”

One hour and it would be her birthday. She hated her birthday. From a very young age, her family had ruined the whole thing for her. Kera let out a groan at the thought and turned over. As she did, she noticed that her shirt was damp and sticky. “Ugh.”

She wrinkled her nose, thinking back to the bottle of grenadine that had spilled down her black tank top and jeans. With disgust, she wriggled out of the clothes and changed into PJs. She would take a shower in the morning. Tomorrow was her 1 day off of the week and she planned to do absolutely nothing, if she could manage. Nothing sounded like a better birthday gift than PJ’s, no work, and no one to deal with.

With this thought in mind, Kera gained enough motivation to make it to her bed and flop down on it. She was asleep before she could pull the covers around her, and asleep she had expected to stay until late in the morning. Instead, with her heart hammering, Kera found herself sitting bolt right up in bed again, breathing hard. Every nerve in her body was screaming that something was wrong, someone was here. In the pitch black of the room, she reached out for the bedside table, feeling around until her hand landed on the lamp and she flicked it on.

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