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Futuristic Book Of Sol: Genesis of the Few

Would you be able to post a template or the bbcode for your character sheet? Yours looks so nice, and I'd rather mine did't come out like a pile of sadness.
Also If i like your CS it means you're accepted. Though, I reserve the right to remove you as I see fit.
Oh hey it's Aku again, so much from aku in one day, where has been the rest. BLAH BLAH. Yeah. Anywise, also I think it's important that i mention that these chemo and support groups for this special treatment, you have to realize that these characters have pre-established relationships, whether it be minute or something greater. That being said, I've decided that it'd be better to just pm someone you would like to have a bigger relationship with than just "acquaintances" otherwise, it's best to assume that you're just some person they go to chemo with, and have your own opinions about them.
I'm always a bit nervous with a first post in a role-play for an author with whom I've not really worked in the past. Did I go with too much? Too little? Wrong tone? Wrong atmosphere? Wrong interpretation?
Question, Aku: at what point do we have the limited powers/abilities that are in our CS? Sounds like we've been doing this special treatment for a while so have these things manifested yet, or is that still to come?
@Kharmin I actually jsut saw this. I got no notifs for this thread. Odd. Uh, I won't get into logistics, but the cells with the gene (initially appearing as cancerous cells) takes different times to activate within people. If left untreated, it'd probably take at the very least a year, but more on average around 2-3 years to completely manifest i.e. have all cells replaced with the cells with the new mutation.

This chemo is intended to speed up the process, so say these sessions have been going on 3-4 months? Maybe more depending on who? Anywise, the group will start manifesting them at different times. Some's cells are more aggressive with their replication and SCIENCE. Others maybe not much. Generally, the power only manifests during high stress. (doesn't have to be unhappy stress could be just BOW CHICA BAH WAH)

As of right now, no one knows about the powers. Though, I will be pm'ing a couple of you after the next event occurs.

ALSO, your post was good lol. Sheesh...

OK THE REAL REASON I CAME HERE TO THE OoC is to say @Cavil @The Endergod You have under a week left to respond before forfeiting participation in the roleplay. Understand, I gave two weeks in recognition of Easter Weekend, and that some of us might observe that holiday. Considering it takes place on a weekend (And that's where some of us get time to post). This rp requires a weekly post at the very least otherwise. Just a fair warning. and heads up, not a threat lads. :)
Thanks, Aku, for the information and the compliment. :) I was going to ask again before posting since I hadn't gotten an answer yet.
Since I was previously in this RP before it was stopped would I be able to rejoin as my last character? As me and you already had a little plot going on?
Well, seeing that no one has posted in about a month, I'd say your chances aren't looking too good...
I don't even bloody remember the plot. But it's a bit fool lad, and I've not had the time to see if people are going to post with 3-4 deadlines approaching for my web dev business.

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