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One x One Boarding School Planning (Closed)

Quick warning - I might be giving short replies to the planning today, I'm a little busy, but my replies will be better tomorrow and the weekend.
Name: Mike Wheeler
Age: 18 (Age changed for current RP)
Sex: Male
About: If you know Mike from Stranger Things, it's just him. (FOR THIS RP, SUPERNATURAL ELEMENTS HAVE BEEN REMOVED)
Other: I have a wiki if you want it Mike Wheeler

Ok, I understand if you are busy.
Do you want them to meet on a train or bus ride to the school? Or perhaps already at the school?

Are they dorm mates? What classes do they have together?

Is the romance easy? Does it build up, or do you want to start with it?

Do you want to start with them not knowing each other, or friends from previous years? Where do you want it to take place?
Lots of questions, but I have lots of answers

Meet on a train

Dorm mates for sure, they have either 1 or 2, they can't have too many

Build up the romance, I don't reveal I'm gay immediately

They don't know each other, I'm not sure what school it will take place, I don't know any all guy schools, maybe we make one up?
I like the idea of making a school up - in the US or another country? I like the idea of somewhere in Europe or somewhere tropical - Tahiti, maybe?

Besides this, is there anything else we should talk about before we start?
That's alright. Do you mind making the first post and a thread? I'm in class right now, but I can reply as soon as I get out
Evander sighed, lugging his backpack over his shoulder and stepping onto the train at the crowded station. He took a second and turned around, watching all of the other teenagers wave goodbye to their parents. He snickered when he realized it was a bit like Harry Potter. He was the only one without his parents there. His face fell for a quick second, then he shook his head and quickly turned around. The rest of his bags were in the storage compartment, but he kept his backpack, which had a book, his laptop and charger, his phone, and some other necessities. He hurried through the train, desperately searching for a quiet compartment. The train wouldn’t depart for another thirty minutes, but he didn’t want to interact with anyone before he had to. He had gone to a boarding school last year when he lived in Spain, but this one in England is supposed to be very different. The train station in London only had four trains rides a year to the town where he was going, and two of them were reserved for students of the academy.
He sighed and turned into a compartment, throwing his bag on the ground and taking a seat next to the window. Luckily, he picked a compartment on the side opposite from the station, so he did not have to watch more students say goodbye to their parents, who bothered to show up. He sighed and pulled out his book, The Unnamed, from his bag and opened it to the first page.
Twenty pages in, he heard a knock on the door of his compartment. He sighed. He knew that there were going to be 4 people in his compartment, but he wasn’t sure he was ready for social interaction. Eventually, he stood up and pulled open the door. He was surprised to see two people on the other side. One boy and one girl, both his age, stood side by side, smiling. They both had intense blue eyes and white-blond, platinum hair. They were twins.
The boy smiled at Evander. “Hey,” he said. “I’m Luke. This is my sister Lily. Mind if we join?”
Evander made eye contact with Luke. His eyes widened slightly and he looked down. “Sure,” he said, looking back up and making eye contact with Luke. Luke’s strong chin and defined jawline was about an inch over Evander’s mouth, that’s how much taller he was. Lily laughed and made eye contact with Evander. Luke took the seat opposite from Evander, the other window seat, and Lily sat next to Evander. She giggled and pushed herself a little too close to Evander for comfort.
“So what your name?” she asked, looking up at Evander.
“Evander de Marci,” he replies. “Where are you from?”
Lily laughed, looking at Luke. “Well, actually,” she said, throwing her hair over one shoulder. “I grew up in Phoenix, Arizona while Luke grew up in London. Our parents split up,”
It was astonishing to Evander how she managed to keep a smile while she said that, and as he looked down at her, he realized that she was intensely attractive. For some people, anyways. Not for Evander.

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