[Blue Pegasus] Kalin Ikiriyo

Kalin Scarlet

RPNation's Overpowered Heroic Sword Saint
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Fairy Tail: Eclipse of Fates
Character Information

Character Skeleton

Who are you?

Kalin Ikiriyo, The Firebird

Name: Kalin Ikiryou

Title: Vermillion the Firebird

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 19

Height: 5'9"

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Red

Now, who are you really?

Kalin has a laid back personality and is not very knowledgeable about modern customs, due to living far from modern society. This occasionally leads to some run-ins with rough people when things go too far. Despite this, Kalin is quite smart, although he acts in an illogical manner from time to time, such as protecting others even when it'd be smarter to not get involved. Despite his happy exterior, Kalin is actually deeply depressed due to his adopted family's sacrifice to revive him. He sometimes wonders if there is any reason to live, considering his only desire left in the world is to bring them back. Kalin has a deep-seated fear of blood.

Character Strengths:
+Loves to learn new things

Character Flaws:
-Academically unintelligent

+Monster meat
+Meeting people
+Learning new things

-Really sweet foods
-People with ill intent
-Others fighting for him

Kalin remembers little of his childhood. From what he was told, he was discovered floating down a river in the woods one day. A woman who was hunting in the area at the time found the boy and brought him back to his village. The woman was a member of the Fenix clan, a clan of mages who followed the Phoenix style of fire magic. For years she raised Kalin up into a kind, capable young man, and magic user. It was during this time that his Aerospace magic developed, although he never trained it as well as he should have, as he was busy with his Phoenix Arts practice.

When Kalin still lived with the Fenix clan, he and his adopted mother, Maria, hunted together. During one of the village's hunts, Maria told Kalin not to participate, because earlier that day they had found the dead bodies of some of their people. Kalin's mother suspected it was the result of some evil force. Kalin, however, just frowned and didn't really think much of his mother's words. After his mother had left to go hunt, Kalin left the village and went outside into the forest. Coming across a pretty tasty-looking monster to kill, Kalin decided to attack.

As Kalin went to go do just that, he ran into a tall, imposing figure who exuded bloodlust. Kalin fought and wasn't strong enough to defend himself, nearly resulting in his death. As Kalin lay there dying, Maria came to his aid, pushing back the figure, at the cost of grievous injury to her own body. She then focused all of her magical energy into the body of the dying Kalin, restoring it to normal with the power of the Phoenix; thus saving Kalin. However, Maria lacked any further magic in her body and succumbed to her wounds.

A few years passed, and Kalin left the Village of the Fenix Clan in search of a way to bring back his mother. In particular, he hoped to find a Phoenix, the originator of the magic Maria had used to save his life. "With the power of a phoenix," he thought, "There is no way I can't save her...and if I can't, maybe I'll be able to join her."

With that, Kalin took a boat to the mainland, arriving a few months later in the Kingdom of Fiore...

What side are you on?

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Mage Rank: A-Rank

Guild Tattoo Location: Lower Back (Red)

Guild Tenure: 1 Year

Opinion of Guild:
"Blue Pegasus? Hmm...I think that the people there are okay, I guess. They're really hung up on their looks though, and they always make me carry around this stuff that makes me smell weird and change my clothes when I'm sleeping... Anyways, they seem pretty nice to me, at least. They also really know how to cook here, so I can bring all my meat here and have a great meal!

Why do I want you on my side?

Magic Ability: Phoenix Art Fire Magic

The Phoenix style of fire magic grants its user the ability to generate and manipulate fire. This fire is directed through the user's extremities, to be used however they see fit. Phoenix Flames have an explosive property to them, that makes them even more dangerous. Users of this style of magic are trained to improve their body as much as their magical power, granting them above average strength and stamina, and exceptional speed, though not at the same level of high speed or celestial body magic.

Phoenix Flames can actually be divided into two variants; A 'hard' flame, which is often used for the mage's offensive abilities, and a 'soft' flame which is used for their supplementary spells. The reason for this being that the hard flames are quite hard to control. The soft flames are weaker but allow for more precise manipulation.

Phoenix Flame mages also have two inherent abilities, that come with an intimate knowledge of the magic's workings. The first is a larger pool of magical energy to draw from than most normal mages, akin to an early second origin. This often occurs early on in the mage's training, so as to allow them to use stronger magics that they otherwise could not manage, as well as prepare their bodies for the third ability.

The second ability a phoenix fire mage gains is that of regeneration. This allows the mage to heal minor injuries in moments, greater wounds within days, and, in the case of exceptionally powerful mages, revive from death itself.

+Explosive attacks
+Increased pool of magical energy
+Versatile flames

-Hard Flames are hard to control without focus.
-Soft Flames are weak for offensive purposes, and not explosive.
-Ice type mages of an equal or higher rank to the user produce stronger elemental attacks. This is especially true of Slayers of the Ice and Water varieties.

Level of Expertise: Adept

Any other battle equipment you carry?

Do you carry any non-combat items?
+A silver necklace with a red gem at its center in the shape of wings.

+Magically-enhanced clothing that is completely fireproof.
+Meat Jerky
+Deoderant Lacrima

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