Blue Breach - Red


Onyx Dragon
Contestant - Blue Breach

  • Name: Blue Breach

    Aliases: The Boxer

    Age: 24

    Sex: Male

    Circumstance: Voluntary

    Veterancy: Newcomer

Asset - Red

  • Asset Type: Mech.

    Technical Asset Name: Mekanics Inc. "VALKYRIE" Modular Flight-Type Bipedal Chassis.

    Personal Asset Name: Red.

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The average human body is much akin to the average bipedal sentient one would expect. Standing at an average height of 5'7" in Males and 5'3" in Females, a good half of their stature is made up by a pair of long, straight legs, ending in a pair of feet capped off by five toes, to provide grip in rougher environments. Atop the legs is the Torso, making up for the remaining four fifths~ of their height. Within the torso, the vast majority of the human being's vitals are located, including, but not limited to, the heart, digestive, and respiratory systems. Branching off from the uppermost sections of the torso are a pair of medium length arms, each being capped off by a pair of five fingered hands designed for advanced grasping and manipulation of physical objects. Finally, stemming from the tip of the torso, is the head. Supported by an extremely short neck, this oval-esk section of the body sports a pair of oval, front facing eyes to provide sight, a short pointed 'nose' used for taking in smells in the surrounding environment, and a mouth, connected to the digestive system to take in food, and begin the digestive process. The most important organ located within the human head is the Brain, an organ of soft nervous tissue, functioning as the coordinating center of sensation and intellectual and nervous activity.

Between the human male and female, there are only minor differences. The female of the species is noticeably smaller, as earlier measurements indicate, and sport a pair of breasts atop the 'Pectoralis Major' muscle, the uppermost muscle on the human torso. These breasts are capable of producing a white, opaque liquid, much akin to the Earth Cow, for purposes of nurturing the infants of the species. Other than this, there is a minor difference in the natural strength between genders, but in comparison to other species (even those also owing origin to Earth) this is negligible. Notably however, there is a radical difference in the common fashions between genders, owing to deep-rooted cultural norms.

Largely, the Human Race is known for two things. Their abnormal fascination with Artistic pursuits, and their extremely aggressive rate of expansion. The first is something than can easily be witnessed from even the earliest annals of their history, artistic depictions (however simple they may be) of their endeavors stretching back to even the beginning of their sentience. As their history moves on, we can only witness this phenomena spread, them even having established educational facilities dedicated to training future artists. Indeed, their extreme drive to expand their creative abilities is something only rivaled by it's stark contrast. Their extreme lust for expansion. This is most easily witnessed among their earlier societies, in which this lust was so great that they would war even amongst themselves, crippling advances in their technological pursuits, and nigh on ending their race on more than one occasion. This is also evident in their expansions into space, spreading throughout the universe at large at some one the greatest paces recorded.

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