Bloodthirsty Souls (KuroBlaze X EvanLovesYou)


The Demon

Dmitri inserted the silver key into the keyhole, turning it before stepping inside his house. He kicked the wooden door closed with his right foot, his beloved baseball bat swung over his shoulder. That wasn't the only sign that he had paid a visit to his latest victim. The blood splatters on his face were also a give-away, though the colour not even close to his red eyes. "Hey, Red! I'm back!" He exclaimed, taking a couple of steps forward before falling backwards onto the leather couch.
Red creeped out from behind the kitchen counter like a scared little child, happy that Dmitri was back home but not showing any sign of happiness. "Welcome home" He said quietly, standing behind the couch with only half of his pale face showing. Dull grey eyes blinked, the crimson from Dmitri's eyes shining incthe corners of Red's eyes. "Kill anyone important?..." Red asked as he stared into Dmitri's eyes with an emotionless expression on his face.
Dmitri took a glance up at the other, a slight smirk tugging up the edges of his partly red-stained lips. "This family of brats. Also, I got this from one of the girl's room." He replied, before reaching inside his grey, faded jeans' pocket. Dmitri pulled out a ornamental glass rose, the petals; a violet shade and the stem; a grass green colour. He took a look at the item before chucking it over at the other.
Red caught it and stared at the item, it was beautiful... "I love it, can I keep it?" He asked, this time with a slight bit louder than before. He held onto the jewel and put it in his shorts' pocket and let a smile creep onto his lips. "I'm keeping it anyway so danka~" Red sat behind the sofa so he couldn't be seen by Dmitri, he took the rose jewel out and looked at it closely, admiring the colors.
Dmitri chuckled a little, slowly sitting on the chocolate brown cushions. He placed his hands on the back of the couch, poking his head and taking a look at Red. "Course you can keep it. I got it for you in the first place~" Dmitri replied, his smirk growing wider as he winked.
Red quickly stood up and rushed to the kitchen, grabbing his butcher knife and ran it under the tap making sure that the blood was washed off. He looked around for something to tie with and found a small bag tie. He tied the rose jewel onto the handle of the knife before holding up the knife for Dmitri to see. "Look... It's pretty now..." Red told Dmitri quietly as he walked a little bit towards him.
Dmitri nodded, before rising to his feet and off the couch. He left his baseball bat on the seat. The male's gaze slowly trailed over to the other. "Anyways. I'm going to take a bath. Can ya wash my bat whilst I'm gone?" Dmitri asked, removing his bloodstained shirt and throwing it onto the nearby armchair.
Red nodded and grabbed the bat and opened one of the cupboards to find a washing tub just big enough to put the bat in. He filled it with water and put some strawberry sented washing up liquid in the tub and started to wash the bat. "I hope you like strawberries, Dmitri" He said with a little giggle after, he was. utting.his hands almost every time he tried to touch the bat and soon the water was filled with not only the other peoples blood but a mix of his own.
Dmitri stretched his arms slowly, leaving the room as the other strolled back over to the kitchen. He almost ran up the stairs, before straight into the bathroom. Dmitri half-closed the birch wood door, before undressing and preparing his bath.
Red could hear the bath tap running and he continued to wash the blood off the bat, sighing to himself. He felt alone now, no one to talk to, no one to kill... Okay, probably someone to kill but right now he didn't feel like going out in the cold, perhaps in 20 minutes or so... Maybe he could ask Dmitri for a late night killing spree? Leaving those thoughts in mind he put down the bat and grabbed the two knives he would always use and searched around the cupboards for the boxes of bullets and his gun. Yeah, he felt like killing now, no time for waiting.
As Dmitri glanced out the window, positioned next to the bathtub, he spotted a dark figure outside. In his garden, right next to the black rose bush. The delicate flowers were wilting, but that couldn't faze the angered male. The male's eyes almost flashed red as he set his sights on the person, turning the tap off. A low growl escaped the male's lips, as he scooped a handful of water and splashed the liquid onto his face. The male dressed himself in a mere minute, missing his shirt. "What the hell.." He muttered, before rushing out the room.
Red saw a shady figure outside as he filled the gun with bullets and took the saftey lock off of it so it would be fadter when he wanted to shoot. "Dmitri?..." He called out as he heard Dmitri run out of the bathroom. "Who is that?" He asked himself, holding his butchers knife and gun in each hand. Red stepped quietly towards the back door, he opened it slowly and stared at the figure next to the rose bush making sure not to make a sound.
Dmitri leaped down the last couple of steps of the wooden staircase, reaching over and grabbing his shirt. The male threw the stained shirt on, not bothering to button it up. He had noticed Red had already spotted the intruder, soon appearing by the other male's side, gripping onto his knuckle clusters. His bright red eyes shone in the darkness, narrowing them as he snarled.
Red took a step forward and held out his gun and the knife. He turned around and frowned at Dmitri behind him. "Stop snarling... You'll catch his attention... Do you want to take the first hit? Or should I just shoot him?..." He whispered to Dmitri, putting his hands to his side and took a step back. Without realising he had stepped outside but missed his footing and fell back. He tried to keep quiet but couldn't help but let out a little sqeal as he fell down, hoping not to alarm the intruder.
Dmitri sighed a little, before parting his lips. "I'll turn him blind first." He muttered, tightening his grip on the knuckle clusters he held in his hands. The night wind blew the two sides of his shirt apart, a small shiver running up his spin as his bare chest felt the breeze. The moonlight shone on his hair and eyes, almost giving the illusion of glowing crimson eyes. His own eyes soon widened, as the other fell backwards. In one swift movement, Dmitri, was in-front the other, his right arm hooked round Red's waist, just preventing the male from hitting the ground. The male's posture had also slowly changed, from straight to bending over slightly, supporting himself as he caught the other.
Red let out a sigh of relief as he pulled himself up and held onto Dmitri. He soon let go and stood by himself this time making sure that he was balanced on the flat ground. He held out his gun once again and held the knife beside it, he narrowed his eyes to focus on the most powerful places to hit and waited for Dmitri to make his move. "Go ahead, I don't like waiting..."
"Do I look like the sort of guy who wants to wait." Dmitri stated, before sprinting forward onto the cut grass. The intruder turned his head towards the door, his ears picking up on the sound of Dmitri's footsteps. The red eyed male leaped into the air, his eyes almost flashing once before he landed on the man. The intruder fell back onto the ground, letting out a cry of surprise as Dmitri pinned him down. He raised his hands, before sticking his fingers into the man's right eye, blood immediately spurting out and staining his fingers. A scream of extreme pain escaped the intruder's lips, causing Dmitri to smirk. He pulled the man's eye out, chucking it a couple of metres behind him and repeating the same process with his left eye.
Red winced slightly at the screams of the man and he walked towards the pair, aiming the gun at the intruders chest and kicking Dmitri off of he male. "I don't want to get his blood over you, sorry..." He apologised to Dmitri as he shot the intruders chest three times, kneeling down and throwing the gun behind him before holding the butchers knife upside down. He hit the males forehead many times, making the mans skull break and the sounds were clear. He then turned the knife around and cutting it through the mans neck, chopping into his face and arms, the blood slattering all over Red but he didn't care at all.
Dmitri fell back onto the grass, groaning softly as his turn had came to an end. The male grabbed the corpse's head, punching the intruder's face many times and creating holes in the flesh with his steel knuckle clusters. The blood sprayed out like a fountain, landing on Dmitri's jeans and on the grass. "I heard that blood is a great fertilizer." He stated, before digging his nails into several of the holes made and dragging his hand across the face.
"So we don't have to water the plants or grass?... How nice..." Red made slits in the corpes' skin and let the blood trickle down onto he grass and some of it into Red's hands. "Red is my favourite color..." He giggled with a grin as he cut deeper into the male's skin and watching the blood now pour out of the wounds.
"We don't water them in the first place. The rain does, but this will help the roses." He replied, slipping his fingers into a wound on the face before ripping it apart. The rotting flesh underneath smelt vile, blood pouring down the side. "Oh, I love Red~" He stated, taking a glance over at the other and winking, his signature smirk on his pale lips.
Red blushed and hit Dmitri's arm lightly. "I hope you mean the color and not me~" He giggled and tried to hide the blush on his cheeks. He stood up and offered to help Dmitri up, smiling brightly despite just murdering an innocent person. "Now I need to wash... It's all your fault~" He joked, giving a fake frown but soon exchanging it for a childish smile.
Dmitri chuckled a little, releasing the rotting head and allowing it to drop onto the green grass, He took Red's hand, before pulling himself back up onto his feet. "I still have to wash as well, and it's not my fault. It was the brat's fault, he walked into this garden." He replied, purposely stamping on the man's arm as he began to stroll inside, still lightly holding onto the other's hand.
Red followed Dmitri inside before saying, "I call dibs on the bath, I hate showers" Luckily he had picked up his weapons whilst they were walking inside so he placed them in the sink just as he let go of the others hand. He reaced out of the kitchen and ran infront of Dmitri, running to the stairs. "Like I said, I call dibs"
"I ran the bath, and it's mine!" Dmitri exclaimed, chucking his knuckle clusters into the sink as well. He pouted a little, before running after the male. He basically leaped forward, and tackled the other to the ground. Since he would commonly preform this technique on his victims, whilst giving chase to slow them down.

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