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Fandom Bloodlines (private 1x1)


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AKA: the irondrake ; LOCATION: king's landing

Returning to King's Landing strangely didn't feel like a homecoming. Vargan wasn't sure what he'd expected, but feeling a sense of dread as the Red Keep rose from the horizon hadn't been it. He'd spent almost a decade away so even though the city looked the same as he remembered it, he was sure it had changed. He didn't even know if his parents were still alive. His three ships sailed close to the water as the cliffs of the bay morphed into the walls of the city, and any perceptive person would know that there was valuable, heavy cargo aboard. If not from the knowledge of ships, the temperament of his crew gave that away. A Pentoshi merchant flag and a false name got them into the city, with the crew's mixed backgrounds and Vargan's fluent low valyrian being convincing enough for the port authorities.

The lie didn't have to last long - not that anyone was likely to recognise him - just long enough for the sea captain to know what he was walking into. His ships were left under the guard of his crew, with strict instruction not to let anyone or anything on or off the vessels unless he was there to judge on it.

Finding his mother took the better part of the afternoon, though she was never one for living modestly so once he'd found one clue it quickly lead to his standing in front of her manse. A different place than the one she'd had when he was a boy, smaller but no less lavishly decorated. She looked the picture of a greenland Lady, and Vargan questioned why she ever sent him off to the Iron Isles if she was going to spend her whole life here. He doubted she remembered the pebble beaches below the castle at Pyke, the solid black slabs all the buildings were made of, or the sound of the autumn storms. Vargan hadn't spent that long in the Isles really, and his memory of his time there was marred by pain, but some part of him missed it and yearned to return. It was an unexpected reunion, his mother having thought he was lost at sea for the last year, and the way her face lit up and she all but ran to hug him stole the breath from his lungs. It couldn't have been comfortable for her, as he knew he was damp from the sea spray and rain and he still wore his metal-studded armour, but it was so soft and affectionate, so different to how he'd known the world for the last eight years that his composure almost crumbled. Then the moment passed, his mother's embrace was gone and she moved on to demanding that he stay for dinner.

In the end, it seemed that very little had actually changed in King's Landing. The King was still doing as he always had, and the Queen was on her deathbed once again. The Dragonknight had been dead a year, as well. That news brought some pain to him, though he tried not to let it show. He had been fond of Aemon, the uncle who had taught him the basics of the blade and whom Vargan had idolised as a boy. Had he been allowed to squire for his uncle, Vargan wouldn't be the person he was now, and sometimes he wondered if that was a good or bad thing. Having dinner with his mother revealed much about the state of the kingdoms, and she had provided him with an interesting option for his stay in the city. After hearing of his ventures to Ghiscar and the Free Cities, his tales of the Summer Islands' swan ships, and the marvels of Volantis, Gudrun Greyjoy sat quietly in thought as she sipped her wine, then proclaimed in a tone that would brook no disagreement that Vargan must share these wonders with his father. "It's been ten years or more since your father last saw Essos, he'd surely find whatever you've brought with you fascinating." she said, "might even reward you for those treasures you'd be willing to part with". Vargan had been meaning to leave the city at the earliest opportunity, maybe sell some silks and spices here before travelling to Oldtown to sell the rest, and take what he couldn't sell back to the Iron Isles. Yet his mother had a good point. He wouldn't have to give away everything, and it could earn him some relevance in the city again (and in turn bring his mother the influence she thrived on).

The specifics of hauling several wagons worth of valuables up to the Red Keep would be an issue for tomorrow. Though that day was fast approaching by the time he left the townhouse, with the western sky stained red by the setting sun. Vargan made his way through familiar streets - though at one point he walked towards a dead end where there had certainly not been one before - with his hand on the blade at his hip, but his mind elsewhere. He knew he would have had to return home one day, though there was a sense of unease with being here. It was as though something was wrong with the place he ought to find so comforting, but it sat on the periphery of his awareness and try as he might, he couldn't bring it into focus. Regardless of his apprehension he made his way back toward the docks, confident that he wouldn't be approached by anyone. Between his armour, his blade, and his well-practised stoic glare, any salesman or common criminal would know better than to stop him.

coded by archangel_

aeschylus aeschylus


Name: Vargan Waters.
Age: 19 in the year 182 AC.
Gender: Male.
Titles: Master of Ships of the Iron Throne (after his return to King's Landing). Captain of the ship 'Sanguine Storm'. Sometimes called 'Irondrake' in honour of both his heritage and temperament in battle, it's a title his crew call him exclusively by.
Sigil: After gaining prominence in the city, and especially after being legitimised, he'll use a grey Targaryen dragon on a black background as his sigil.


Appearance: Vargan typically cuts an imposing figure, and is said to look like a mirror image of his father before the wine and food got the better of the King, though he tends to have a sterner visage than his father ever did. He's taller than most, and has a broad figure from his frequent weapons training. He generally dresses in plain, practical clothing, though he's fond of jewelry. Being at court means that he can wear richly decorated earrings that might get ripped out in more violent circumstances, though it's generally the only extravagance he'll allow himself. He usually favours amethysts or sapphires to match his eyes, which are deep blue or violet depending on the light. His hair is typically cut short, a rather wavy texture, and is mostly a white-blonde typical of Valyrian features, with a section of about a fifth on his right side being a similar red to his mother's hair.

Personality: On the surface Vargan is no more than what is to be expected from the Ironborn - violent, impulsive, and power-hungry. He was always impulsive, with an action-oriented personality even as a child. These tendencies have mellowed out in recent years but he's far from being the most patient of people, he does however possess enough wisdom to understand a situation before he leaps into it. He's patient and calm by Ironborn standards but that just makes him a good leader for them, rather than making him a paragon of composure by any other standards. He's more social and charming than some would expect of him but his interactions are generally not genuine, and are instead what responses he thinks would get him the favour of those more powerful than him. To a point. He'll speak honeyed words to get access to someone's trust or their money, but he'll never humiliate himself for it. He is, after all, incredibly prideful and competitive. Below all of that, he's insecure - in his position in the world, in his future, in how he projects himself through violence - and this results in a desperate desire to prove himself in any way he can to those he cares about.


- Aegon IV Targaryen, father. This was never a secret, though Aegon only really acknowledged the boy as a child when Vargan's mother was favoured by him. Vargan sees value in being close to his father, but would never truly trust that the man actually cares for him.
- Gudrun Greyjoy, mother. A staple at court ever since she was taken hostage; she was at first a foreign curiosity, then a powerful figure as Aegon's mistress, and even now she wields the art of diplomacy and manipulation as well as her only child wields a sword. As a child Vargan clung to everything his mother said, but time away from King's Landing has changed him and he now looks at her with a more critical eye. Not that he would admit this to her, not while she gives him good advice.
- Toron Greyjoy, uncle. The Lord of the Iron Isles taught Vargan the skills to fight and command a fleet, and the wisdom to do so effectively. He feels indebted to his uncle but dislikes much of his policies, most notably the man's hatred and jealousy of the Westerlands, because he feels that's his uncle's blind spot in his wisdom that will no doubt be his downfall.
- His relationships with his half-siblings vary. He's more likely to empathise with those he meets after returning to King's Landing, largely because his mother's bitterness at being ousted from Aegon's favour was infectious for him as a child.
Vargan was born in 163AC, and the answer to the question of his heritage was no secret at all. Gudrun Greyjoy had been taken as a hostage to the Iron Keep in 160, at the age of 15, and had within a year become Prince Aegon's favourite mistress. Her place as the Prince's favourite mistress would last until Vargan was five, at which point she was deposed by a visiting Dornishwoman who had also been one of his paramours. It was a slight Gudrun never truly recovered from, though she was still favoured by Aegon on occasion for another decade. Growing up in this environment, Vargan remembers his childhood with fondness, though it is tinged with bitterness over his father's attention being 'stolen'. He never truly had to struggle because of the noble lineage of both of his parents, though he sought out trouble in the city often enough. Once his father became King when he was nine years old, Vargan became notably emboldened by his family ties and sought to prove himself in whatever way he could. At eleven he all but begged to squire for the Dragonknight, and his mother saw this as a threat to the type of son she wanted to cultivate - he was packed off to live with his uncle before the month was out.

His time in the Iron Isles was tumultuous, and at first Vargan railed against it. He resented being sent to the dull place to live with people who saw him as lesser because of where and how he was born, and his uncle had no right to be so scathing with his insults and punishments! Eventually he would come to see that he was being rather petulant, and that his uncle was teaching him to be strong and follow the ironborn code. Vargan didn't swear his life to the drowned god, but he followed the teachings well enough, and felt alive with the power it brought him.

He was allowed to raid with his uncle from the age of fifteen, and had earned a valyrian steel blade and captaincy on his own ship by seventeen. To prove himself as a captain he planned a voyage to Essos, and stayed at sea for almost three years travelling foreign lands and raiding those weaker than him. His return to King's Landing was initially only one to stop by and see his mother, until she suggested giving some of the loot he'd raided to the King in order to get his attention again.


-He wields the valyrian steel blade Nightfall, that had been taken by his grandfather in battle and was awarded to Vargan by his uncle after his first raid. He values the blade more than any of his other possessions, as it's a connection to both aspects of his heritage and the means by which he has acquired power.
-Originally Gudrun planned to place her illegitimate son on the Iron Throne, either by winning the King's favour fully again and having him legitimised, or using the boy's martial skill to start a war and promising betrothals to win allies. This was mostly fueled by Aegon's dislike for his only son and the fact that for a while all of his bastard children were girls. The plan was sidelined around 170AC when Daemon was born, as he would have more claim in being fully Valyrian. She then aimed to put her son on the Seastone Chair, and had him taught by her brother in the hopes Vargan might depose his mentor one day.
-He brought a paramour with him from his ventures in Essos. Darassa na Zhak was a Meereenese noblewoman who was charmed by Vargan and wished to escape a betrothal, so decided to leave with him after hearing his stories of his home. She speaks only Ghiscari Valyrian, though Vargan has been trying to teach her the common tongue (quite unsuccessfully. He's not a brilliant teacher). Tentative faceclaim is Maisie Richardson-Sellers.
-He has five ships in his fleet, though two of those are a merchant ship & its escort ship that trade in his name across the Narrow Sea. He likes to think that a merchant's life could be a backup if all the reaving and politics doesn't work out, but he'd probably die of boredom living like that.
-Can speak common tongue and the low valyrian of the Free Cities fluently. Also passable in High Valyrian, though he's grown to have the accent of the Ghiscari since spending time in slavers' bay.
-I'll probably add more stuff here as I think of it. Just wanted to get this posted before I went to bed tonight.

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For Larra, Kings Landing was largely the same.

Monotonous, even. She had long since unraveled its secrets. But in the same breath, many things were different. Once, the court of the Red Keep was nothing but home. The doors leading to her solar was comfort she'd return to each night, crawling beneath silk blankets into her mother's warm embrace. Her father's gaze was sought after like a reward. Now she couldn't care less who her father looked at. The Red Keep wasn't a home but a prison. A pretty, gilded cage she had long since welded a key for, but still felt the bars closing around her.

How she longed for Dorne.

But she had no place for longing, not today. She belonged in Kings Landing, same as everyone else. Her nose had become accustomed to the stench, and who better to navigate the pit of snakes sitting below her father's high castle?

Court was busy. It always was with the King's mistresses and the brood of bastards he spawned. If it hadn't been the Blackwoods and Brackens at each other's necks, it was her father and Daeron. She witnessed enough of their quarrels as advisor, and she'd only recently acquired the position. Compared to the halls of the Keep, Kings Landing was heaven sent. She would find any excuse to slip in the city, emerging from secret passageways built long ago by Maegor the Cruel.

When she returned to the luxury of the Keep, a hundred pairs of eyes still watched the city for her.

But two things were out of the ordinary that day, and she had to see it for herself.

One being the abundance of Pentoshi ships in the harbor. Dining on fruit, Larra read the port manifests that morning, pushing away her thoughts of plots and informers. It was her responsibility to know who and what came in and out of the city. Or at least, she made it her responsibility. Her father might be a lecherous drunk, but he tasked her and his council with keeping the realm together.

Her finger brushed over ships with names she'd never heard before. Many merchants from Pentos consigned with the palace or businesses in the city, their goods sought after and delivered. Not these ships, though. She tilted her head in thought, and then reached for some ink.

Her message landed in the hands of a boy, no older than ten. He sat on a stone wall by the ports, seagulls flying overhead, pretending to look in the water when a folded paper was pressed into his palm. He opened it, reading the instructions before ripping it to pieces. Observe everything about these ships, Larra's handwritten words echoed. Ask the crew where they're heading next. Later, Larra left court after conversing with lords and ladies and met the boy instead. They stood in a quiet alley in the shadow of the port. The air smelled like salt and fish.

"They didn't allow me on board, m'lady. I told them I was looking for work, so I wanted to know their next destination, but they said they wouldn't speak to me."

"That's alright. Tell me more." Larra listened intently. "What accents did they bear? Were they unloading any of their cargo?"

She pieced together information as he said it. Varying accents, a joyous crew sitting on their ships without unloading any of their wealth. What were they waiting for? They were in Kings Landing, where trade existed in abundance and Highborn men were willing to pay thrice for luxury. So why linger? Larra handed the boy a gold coin. "Go back now. But before you do-" She had one last inquiry for him, and one he couldn't answer. He hadn't spoken to a captain, and nor had he seen one. So where was he?

Her question was soon answered, quite by accident.

Larra came to see the ships for herself. Standing on a balcony overlooking the port, she gazed at the Blackwater. Only a blind man couldn't see what was plain in front of her. A single ship might carry the success of their undertaking. But three ships? That was a sure sign of success, whether due to crew or captain. She readied to leave, her black cloak pulled over her crimson dress as she exited the building. But then she felt fingers grasp her arm. Then came the the second thing that was out of the ordinary.

"Lady Larra," came the hushed whisper. Larra turned to face a young girl near to her age, dressed in rags. "I have information. For a price," she added hastily.

"It depends what it's worth to me." Larra pulled her arm away slowly.

"What if it's about one of the King's bastards?"


Vargan Waters. She remembered that boy from a distant childhood.

A childhood tainted by him, really. She had longed for his friendship once - tried to make amends for a fight she didn't start. The markings of a silly girl who wanted a half-brother to play with. He responded with a bitterness as sharp as the sea, and her mother advised her to stay away from him. And his mother. The weight of that woman's stare on her back had once frightened her, but that little girl was long dead. So much time passed she couldn't remember if she rejoiced when he left for the Iron Islands. He had been a boy then, but according to the girl's descriptions, he was now a man. "He wore armor as he left the port. I think he was Valyrian, but his hair was dyed. A streak of it, in an orange color."

It's not dyed, Larra wanted to correct her. Her violet eyes sharpened into points, harsh with memory. "And where did he go? Did you see?"

In the end, his discretion was sold for five gold coins. Larra supposed he was worth even less than that. But the information served her well. The three ships, a crew that was hardly Pentoshi - it all began to connect in her mind. His route through King's Landing led him to a private manse. When she asked another of her shadows, they told her Gudrun Greyjoy lived there. It had to be Vargan. The same boy who disappeared years before - he had brought a small fleet back with him.

The facts were undeniable. But Larra had to find out if she was right. She found herself at the port, staring at the setting sun, not sure what she'd say if she did see him. Perhaps the girl's observation was wrong. Perhaps it wasn't him at all, and she'd be spared the confrontation. But a part of her reveled in the possibility. Vargan clearly hadn't anticipated being discovered. The use of an alias, his absence from the court - perhaps he didn't want to be found. Not yet.

Larra saw him approaching in the distance. He looked nothing like the boy she once knew. He was taller now, bearing armor and a certain fierceness that was unexpected. She stood in the center of the dock, her gloved hands folded in front of her as she waited for him. Her expression wasn't cold, precisely, but emotionless. This wasn't a welcome. Privately, she wondered if he would recognize her after all these years.

As soon as he was close enough to hear, Larra greeted him. "Vargan. There was a rumor you died at sea."

"But then again, some Ironborn are reborn again in the sea."
She shrugged, turning her head to glance at his ships in the port. "I see you've been busy. How long has it been? Seven years?"

"The Pentoshi flag was a clever diversion, I guess. But unnecessary."

Marcola Marcola


Name: Larra Sand.
Gender: Female.
Age: 17 in the year 182 AC.
Houses: Vaith and Targaryen.
Titles: Kingโ€™s Advisor, and late in the year of 182 AC, Mistress of Whisperers.
Personal Sigil: A black dragon and white snake coiled together on an orange background.



Height: 5โ€™7.
Description: Larra is tall and slim, having inherited her motherโ€™s once striking beauty. Though she is her motherโ€™s daughter, she is undeniably Targaryen. Her wavy hair is silver-white, gold in certain lights because of her mother, and she grows it to her waist. However, her eyes are all her fathers - a pure lilac similar to King Aegonโ€™s. In some sense, her gentle looks can be deceiving. While sheโ€™s known to be pleasant and courteous to most, her eyes are sharp and deducing. Her innocent look hides a more devious person beneath the surface.
Style: Larra enjoys wearing the colors orange and red, like a flame. She also favors black and golds, and occasionally lavender to bring out her eyes. She is often seen in loose dresses with tight busts, sometimes with a more โ€˜inappropriateโ€™ design due to her shoulders or skin being exposed. She favors elaborate embroidery done in shapes of red dragons and vipers, as symbols of her heritage. Her jewelry is expensive and often pure gold, gifts from her aunts in Dorne.
Hairstyle: Larra wears her hair tied back or in two long braids, usually adorned with gold cuffs. Other times, she wears elaborate braids in various styles.



To most, Larra appears a gracious, proper lady. But her genteel manners hide a dangerous person underneath. Vengeful and ambitious, Larra has always sought to discover what she can take from others. Whether itโ€™s a smile, a secret, or friendship. Such tendencies worsened, or as she might see it, improved as she grew older and gained more experience. Some would call her manipulative, but she sees her actions as calculated. Her dual nature is hidden quite well - behind pretty smiles and her wit. However, her affections for others tend to be disingenuous. Except in regards to a few exceptions, like her family. Additionally, ambition leads her to be adventurous and take risks - but not without considering the consequences and considering every outcome it could lead to.

Behind all of this is a desire for vengeance. She never forgot a slight, she never forgot the wrongs done to her mother. She believes if she can control others and the narrative around her, it will save her from pain. She sees power the same way. In her eyes, power is safety. Not only that, but she believes she deserves power, and sheโ€™s willing to go to terrible lengths to secure it.



Larra was born in 165AC to Cassella Vaith and Prince Aegon IV. Her mother never chose to be Aegonโ€™s lover, and Larra never forgot that. Cassella was a hostage turned mistress, and she longed to go home for years. However, such sentiment was kept behind closed doors, and Larra was told to never repeat it. When ignoring her motherโ€™s unhappiness, she had a pleasant childhood in Kings Landing. Her mother was Aegonโ€™s favored mistress, and he recognized Larra as his daughter. She received gifts and attention from her father, largely due to her motherโ€™s flattery.

Larra and her mother were allowed to visit Dorne on several occasions, once the unrest settled. There, Larra was taken under the tutelage of her mother's sisters. They had a sharper, more conniving nature than Larraโ€™s mother, and though Larra was young, they taught her the delicate art of poison. That - and they taught her one's mind was the best weapon a woman could wield. Especially in the court of the Kings Landing. They told Larra she had to be the viper in their nest, ready to strike.

Due to her mother's popularity at court, Larra managed to endear herself to many lords and ladies. She bragged of her Targaryen blood, how she would have dreams of the future. Not only did she excel with the highborn, but the lowborn as well. Her maids became her confidants - and her spies. She was not without challenge, however. She wasnโ€™t adored by all, particularly not by another bastard son of the King, and was sometimes met with a certain prejudice due to her Dornish origins and her social status.

When Larra was 12, her mother died in childbirth. Her younger brother was stillborn, and after, Larraโ€™s place at Kings Landing was called into question. She easily convinced her father to allow her to stay, and her aunts visited each season. However, Larra changed after the loss of her mother. She considered what her world would look like if she were to stay at court long-term. She needed a plan, and she needed to prove herself worthy - the best she could as a woman without title, inheritance, or a path to glory.

She grew up quickly. She collected more secrets like she collected coin. Who slept with whom, what lord separated from his wife, what noble lost money betting on melees. As a known daughter of the King, sheโ€™d visit the commoners of Kings Landing. In orphanages, she offered employment to children by asking them to listen in the city and report their findings to her. The same went for any visiting maid or servant who secretly came with information on their lords house. She gave them coin from her treasury - a treasury funded by the poisons she made and sold.

Her father didnโ€™t seem to care about her proclivities, but she decided to call attention to it. At 16, she organized a falsified assassination attempt with the help of confidants. She forged the evidence, framed men in Kings Landing, and witnessed their heads go on spikes a week later. All the while there was no real danger. When King Aegon asked her what she wanted for her reward, she asked him to grant her a position of advisor on his council. โ€œYou have many enemies, father,โ€ she told him. โ€œI will root them out for you.โ€

After that, she set her eye on the Master of Whisperers. An older man losing his grip on his skill and his spies, she began to arrange a long-laid plan involving poison, buying off his spies, and proving him incompetent to remove him off the council.



Father, Aegon IV. King of the Seven Kingdoms.
Mother, Cassella Vaith. Deceased.
Aunt, Jynessa Vaith.
Aunt, Ellaria Vaith.
Uncle, Daeron Vaith.



โ˜ผ She was gifted a small dagger with a snake hilt by her uncle.
โ˜ผ In informal circles, she is called the Viper within the city for her slyness and schemes.
โ˜ผ She spurned several betrothals - both from proposals from her lovers and her fathers attempts to marry her off.
โ˜ผ She generally dislikes the idea of marriage.
โ˜ผ She knows the language of High Valyrian - not perfectly, but enough to communicate.
โ˜ผ Her home in Dorne sits beside the river Vaith.
โ˜ผ She idolizes the story of Nymeria.
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AKA: the irondrake ; LOCATION: king's landing

The rain had died off in the time he'd been in his mother's house, and where before King's Landing had seemed muted compared to how he remembered it, now the sights and sounds (and perhaps most dissappointingly, smells) experienced a resurgence. He tried to keep to smaller, quieter streets on his way to the docks but even there the city thrived. Most of the denizens of King's Landing knew how to read a mark - how to know when someone was out of place and ripe for swindling - and although Vargan looked distinctly 'not from around here' by any reasonable metric, the people of King's Landing also had a pronounced sense of self-preservation. As expected nobody tried to stop him, and it gave him chance to think on his mother's words.

Vargan was under no illusion that his father did not care about him. The King cared for whatever interested him for as long as his fleeting fancies kept his focus on it, and from what his mother said it had been long since anyone or thing from the Iron Isles had found that interest. The wonders of the East might be a different matter, however. His ships were stocked with silks and spices, carved furniture raided from a YiTish cog, and innumerable other treasures of gold and jewellery. Despite all of that, he had no clue what to gift to his father that might catch his attention. The cyvasse set perhaps? He'd been storing it in his cabin just for the look of it, the squares and pieces of jade and lapis lazuli all decorated by gold. He had no idea how to play, so perhaps that could be a good start? Something gaudy and expensive that was only really useful to people with too much time on their hands. Gold would always get the King's attention, he supposed, and spices were always sought after.

Even if this worked and he garnered the attention of his father, Vargan didn't really know what he was supposed to do with that. Use it to his own advantage? His house's? Were those two things even aligned?

His journey back to his ship was disrupted by a figure on the docks. A young woman who appeared to not want to get out of his way. Perhaps more annoyingly, this woman knew his name.

He registered her words with little emotion, the cool calmness reflected back at him in her expression, and it took a second for his mind to tell that she was speaking in the common tongue. Not out of the ordinary here, but he didn't appreciate everyone around knowing exactly what they were talking about. That was the benefit of knowing multiple languages, each one was unintelligble code in different places. She looked vaguely familiar, and he had a theory on her identity, so he decided to put it to the test.

"Eight." he corrected, "Eight years, three summers. Almost didn't come back, the stepstones are a nightmare in autumn." he said, his words in high valyrian. His accent left something to be desired, a guttural edge to it influenced by his time in Slaver's Bay, but it was clear enough. If this was the young woman he thought it would be, she would have sat through the same lessons in high valyrian as he did. Lessons in a near-dead language in honour of a heritage they could never fully claim. He didn't care to clarify on the rumours of his death, many a time at sea he'd gotten into trouble that he thought he wouldn't find a way out of, so he wouldn't blame people here for thinking he was long gone.

"I didn't want to cause a fuss. We might be gone with the tide, we might not." he said on the matter of the lengths he'd gone to cover his tracks, accompanied by a non-commital hand wave. His mind was made up by now that he'd give something from his journey to his father, if only just to appease his mother. But he hadn't confirmed if this was indeed Larra Sand - a ghost from his past that he'd given very little thought to in recent years - and even if it was, he had no reason to tell her the entirety of his thinking. Primarily that he'd grown unaccustomed to the pomp and ceremony of courtly life and wasn't eager to experience it again. Partially though, he was a little afraid of what others here would think of him, an Ironborn captain through and through from an outsider's perspective; ill-gotten plunder, foreign salt-wife and all.

coded by archangel_


The sun was fast setting, and she quickly decided she may as well be speaking to a stranger. But truthfully, they were strangers.

"Eight," Larra echoed in High Valyrian, her tone dismissive. Where his accent was laced with something grating, hers was touched with the clipped preciseness of court. Intonation she'd inherited from years of lessons. The same man who instructed her now sat in the study halls with Daemon and Brynden, two more sons taught like Princes only to bear no true rank at all. Pondering the language switch, but only briefly, Larra stepped forward just once. Surely he was getting it by now. But whether he had solved her identity wasn't important to her. "Just the Stepstones?" She asked, her expression noncommittal.

Surely, in eight years and three summers time, he could have gone from Braavos to Naath if he chose to. And a hundred other cities besides.

Their father always had a keen interest in Essos, Larra recalled. Even as a young Prince. According to her reports, he had an equal interest in the women there too. Along with the priceless treasures. But that was a long time ago, and since becoming King, he had remained within the Keep. The Lord Hand once admitted he thought it best. He had his own ideas about keeping the realm together. The King wouldn't live forever, and in his wake, he would leave one trueborn son and dozens of slighted children. He had once ordered Larra to keep track of them, and though she had partially succeeded, she kept the particulars to herself.

It was always amusing when he came to beg for information, bearing gifts and gold to barter.

But he wasn't the only one who would wish to know things. Her father was gaining a prolonged, perhaps targeted interest in his illegitimate children - especially now that his brother was dead. His drunken rants evolved into paranoia, claiming that Daeron was more like the Dragonknight than him. Larra simply listened, noting how he'd never dare say it when his brother was alive.

Things were changing in the Red Keep. Anyone could see it.

Within year's end, she expected it to change for her too.

"Surely you intend to visit court first," Larra said, feigning shock. She persisted in Valyrian, nearby sailors turning away from the two in disinterest. "Your father will know you've returned. Nowadays, word travels quickly in King's Landing. You can't buy an apple without someone knowing about it."

In fact, she didn't know if Vargan would visit at all. Perhaps, like her, he'd gained a certain dislike of the King during the years that passed. Having disappeared to the barbarity of the Iron Islands, he was sure to have forged his own path. A different path than a would-be Targaryen in the Crownlands, with his ships and all, looming behind them in the sea. She wondered - if she could drift away as he did and leave a past life behind, would she? She had often wondered what would become of her if she went back to Dorne five years ago. If she lived in the red dunes in the shadow of a river, the arid weather melting everything away.

But there was no use dwelling on what-ifs.


AKA: the irondrake ; LOCATION: king's landing

The near effortless switch to Valyrian and the distinct accent told Vargan all he needed to know. He was certain this was Larra, though the information didn't really do anything for him. The distance that had settled between them since they last spoke - both in terms of geography and chronology - had obviously rendered them into different people than the ones they had known. It wasn't something to be surprised about, really, and Vargan hadn't considered them to be that close in the first place. If he remembered rightly, he'd bristled at her presence as a young boy, lashing out in harsh words after his mother had constructed a story to feed him. The Vaith Lady had stolen her position, had decieved the King and robbed them of his grace.

His mother had lied, of course, but he hadn't known that at the time and for years afterwards that knowledge did nothing to curb his bitterness.

He briefly considered not telling her anything. Why would she want to know what he'd been doing if she wasn't going to use it against him? She had plenty of reason to hate him, after all. His silence would look awfully suspicious though, and it wouldn't take much to convince the goldcloaks to try and confiscate the ship. 'Try' being the operative word. Now that he was in the city, the only way out was with the assent of whoever was on the gates. Vargan would be a fool not to recognise that this place was a cage and the barred door would close upon his father's word if the man thought there was anything untoward going on. Safer to play along, then. For both his own benefit and that of his family.

"I considered going to the Keep." he admitted, with a glance toward the place. It towered above the city, lit up a bloody red by the setting sun. "Who wants Ironborn in their castles, though? It would make all those mainlanders nervous." he said. Vargan didn't really believe his words, he never saw himself as truly Ironborn, nor truly Valyrian, or even just a Crownlander. He'd sat in some uneasy middle ground his entire life, and now he was just what made a given situation easier - if being an heir of Valyria or a bloodthristy pirate would get him money and acclaim, then that's what he'd become in the moment. He wasn't sure what Larra wanted from him, though, and assumed that she'd met him at the docks to see the Ironborn scourge up close. Exactly how she'd seen through his ruse didn't even really register as an issue.

But she'd asked about the route he'd taken and his pride couldn't let the matter go. The idea of him being confined to the Narrow Sea was laughable to his ego. "And the other side of the Stepstones is the rest of the world." he corrected. "Spend three years out there, and you tend to collect plenty of things to bring back." he said, moving to close the last few paces of distance that remained between them. It probably seemed that he was going to walk past her, but he paused. "So, Larra, do you want to see a mere fraction of the wealth of the far east?" he asked, his voice lowered. What harm could come of showing her the contents of the ship's hold? If anyone attempted a raid on it, he'd know exactly who their source was. His own crew wouldn't dare risk his wrath for whatever measly pay they'd get for selling the information.

Most of it would be moving to the Red Keep soon anyway, he just had to inform the quartermaster of his intentions. Maybe send a messenger ahead of them as well.

coded by archangel_


If she were truthful, she could admit his return meant very little at all. As did this confrontation. What motives beyond curiosity moved her? She had a question, and she sought to have it answered. Where it led her had proven to be enterprising. But she didn't find Vargan's reappearance's meaningful - aside from what it meant for the city. Then again, an old, familiar anger licked at her, as though seeking to crawl out of her memory. Larra wouldn't let it. They had been children, then, long ago. That didn't matter now.

People were conniving and cruel, and that didn't surprise her anymore. As a little girl, she had thin skin. And how could she blame a child for that? Every word was a cut, but she had since learned to bear armor of her own. Not the mail that men wore, but something of her own design.

Her anger was useless. It didn't serve her or benefit her.

Yet her chest burned.

Aside from curiosity or gaining information on her father's children, an ideal of sheer pettiness did occur to her. Vargan had come back successful, and she could tear it down if she so chose. Informing to the King would be easy. A whisper when he was drunk enough and his delusions would do the rest of the work for her. No crime was committed, but suspicion was enough. A murmur of slavery or, better yet, smuggling, would lead to confiscation or arrest. Harmless if he was innocent, but humiliating still. But humiliation was a poor excuse, as was pettiness. If she made pettiness her reason for doing what she did, she didn't deserve her power at all.

Dislike was too trivial.

But it was tempting.

Her musings disintegrated as he spoke. Larra tilted her head in thought, observing his deliberate glance at their once shared home. "Should we be nervous?" Larra asked, her eyes shining with amusement. She did wonder, though. She had read of the 'Old Way' once - the way of killing and reaving and taking. Perhaps Vargan truly had become more Ironborn than Targaryen in these recent years.

She assumed that was the end of it. One or the other would turn away, and they'd return to their respective places. In the Keep and at sea, as forgotten to each other as they'd been the past years. Instead, she listened as Vargan explained the Stepstones were not the limits of his journey - or what he acquired. Was he going to elaborate? She wondered. She fully anticipated he'd walk past her, but instead, he came to a halt, close enough that she could see the details of his armor. Her eyes flicked to his. If she was surprised by him, by recognition or offer, it didn't show. "Just a mere fraction?" She couldn't resist saying, a smile darting across her lips.

It occurred to Larra once or twice that going with him could be dangerous. Night quickly approaching, the docks growing isolated. She had no reason or evidence to trust him. He looked the part of a warrior, and she possessed only a knife. Perhaps she was so used to playing her schemes she was seeing them everywhere. Depending on his true intention, a visit to one of his ships could go very well or very badly. Despite that, she knew she had one chance. He could be gone tomorrow, and she'd never know what he possessed.

Either way, she'd already made up her mind.

"After you," she said.

(Hey! So sorry about disappearing off the face of the earth for a bit, I had a bunch of stuff come up with me starting uni again, but I'll have time over this weekend to post a reply if you're still up for this?)
(Hi, no worries! I'm patient, I don't mind waiting for replies. Hope all's going well with uni. I'm still up for this, so if you end up finding time that sounds great!)

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