Blood Reign: A Story of Survival and Change

So stuff, Things, Wondering your progress, if you plan for more lore, or if you plan for more recruitment
I'm good with only you guys, unless you prefer more people. With only you two, we might reach some kind of conclusion, while more members might stall the RP if you rely on them IC-wise.
I'm fine with any numbers. Honestly begin whenever. I am prepared to play as Mia.
Yes. Mia is supposed to be an utter ice queen. c: I think that post was magnificent.

I am utterly confused as to what just happened.
We woke up

Got a few tools

Trying to get door open, Gamoko examines the situation outside

Wurm approaches hole in ceiling on top of the roof, Gamoko kills him by pulling his foot and causing him to fall face-first into the sharp bits of rubble.

Hannibal pissed at Mia for her attitude, I'd guess, preparing to move.
Got it. Also, a note on the Physicis of what I was having Mia do with the door.

She was levering the door up enough that the pins holding the door on it's hinges would be under enough stress that they would break. When this occurs, the door would fall inwards rather then out as would be expected.

She's saving them time and energy by creating a simple lever that if they're in a prestigious school training them on all kinds of things, l expect would be covered in about three different classes. Basic physical sciences for one, which is something that any school of any quality would have as a basic course requirement for all other science classes.

@The Master

Mia no longer had the spear, she left it in the classroom. Also, the amount of noise and prep time you had was insufficient for that ploy... just saying, it takes longer then forty seconds to go through all the motions he did. So you know, I will nit-pick things like this. Abuse of linear time in a play is really stupid. It degrades the entire play and allows godmodding.
I can do what he did in twenty seconds actually (I have done it without the actual self harm). I will edit the spear part though.


Also for the door part, put more detail in if you want any of it to make sense. You gave me half of what was needed, so I had NO idea on how to go about it. If you are going to make something complicated, then be prepared to give enough detail for ALL to understand.

So, in shorter terms. Get you crap straight please. ^_^
I put more then enough detail in there and I made it very simple. Mia created a simple lever. I even explained what was going to happen when the door came off it's hinges. So in reality. You need to get YOUR crap straight.

I used basic physics and low level application. You broke the laws of physics to undermine my post because you crossed emotionally. :/ grow up.
xD You so wish you had the ability to make my emotions stir. :P I don't have any!

If you did add enough detail I would have been able to make an appropriate post. I read detailed posts about three times over just to be sure. And I couldn't find out what you meant. Instead of coming to the OCC, you could have sent me a message and been more polite about it. Maybe asking me if I understood it? Or telling me in BETTER detail about it. Something other than posting in the IC that the laws of physics were broke. What you did was extremely childish and very unprofessional as a Detailed RPer.

Now, either get over it and get YOUR crap straight. Or just stop posting responses to me.
What I did came after I mentioned it in IC. Which is typically where most roleplayers talk. If you want to play the trolly little game of back and forth, that's fine, go find a new partner to do it with. I'm not going to argue with a little kid over whos right and whos wrong. You broke the laws of physics with no explanation as to how. When I observed this, hence allowing the play to continue, you considered it "extremely childish and very unprofessional."

If you can't follow the basic laws of physics within a very simple format, then you don't have any right to tell me to get my crap straight. In future, it would be best to keep your arrogant emotions out of your characters and out of OOC, which, despite your claims of not having any, scream through relentlessly anyways.

@SirFlabberghaspy I apologize. But this is me departing from your play. I feel no need to continue to be harassed by someone with this large an ego who has no legs upon which to stand.

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