Blood of Shadows

Here are your sign-ups, please read the Map, Rules/Regulations, and Overview before you begin!

Man, Mer, and Orc Sheets

Name: Your character's name, First and Last.

Gender: Male or Female

Race: Man, Mer, or Orc?

Age: All characters must be sixteen or older.

Faction: One of the Noble Families, Southlings, Vex (Lycans only), or Unaligned

Class: What your character specializes as

Equipment: Weapons, armor, ETC

Description: Picture, details, whatever!

Personality: What does your character act like? Flaws? What makes them tick?

Background: Who are they? How did they grow up? How did they get to this point in life?

Other: Anything else you would like to add!

Demon Sheets

Name: Your character's name, First and Last.

Gender: Male, Female, or Neuter.

Race: Demon, obviously.

Age: Whilst demons can possess any appearance, their age is almost always in the several hundreds!

Faction: One of the Noble Families, Southlings, Vex, or Unaligned

Class: What your character specializes as

Equipment: Weapons, armor, ETC

Sin: What sin your character obeys (Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Envy, Greed)

Hunger: What your character must feed off (Rage, Luck, Life, Pain, ETC)

Description: Picture, details, whatever!

Personality: Okay you should know this by now.

Background: Who are theyyy?

Other: Anything else.

Angel Sheets

Name: Your character's name, First and Last.

Gender: Male, Female, or Neuter.

Race: Angel, obviously.

Age: Same rules as demons.

Faction: Same as always.

Class: Uhuh.

Equipment: Weapons, armor, ETC

Virtue: What virtue your character obeys (these are listed with Angels)

Description: !

Personality: Yup.

Background: ???

Other: Anything!

Vampire Sheets

Name: Your character's name, First and Last.

Gender: Male or Female.

Race: Vampire, followed by what they used to be.

Age: Physical and actual.

Faction: Yup.

Class: Yup.

Equipment: Weapons, armor, ETC

Description: !

Personality: Probably horrible.

Background: WHAT IS IT


Mage Sheets

Name: First and Last.

Gender: Male, Female, or Neuter (Angel or Demon ONLY).

Race: !!!

Age: Race rules.

Faction: Ars Academia is cool but, your choice!

Class: Mage

Magical Specialty: Pyromancer? Hemomancer? Umbramancer? Chronomancer? Can pull rabbits out of hats?

Equipment: Tomes? Staff? A sword they carry that they suck at?

Description: !

Personality: Probably a snarky jerk.


Other: Yes.

Merge sheets where required (mostly with Mage).

My own sheets (My PC and major NPCs) will come when it's not 4:30 AM and I've been spending six hours writing this all up.

Plot NPCs

Name: Alexandre Vylisi/Semjaza

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Age: Unknown. Alexandre was 23.

Faction: Vylisi in seeming. Unaligned in reality.

Class: Mage. Alexandre was a Silvertongue.

Magical Specialty: Hallucimancy (Illusions)

Equipment: Nothing and everything.

Sin: He shows signs of Envy, Wrath, and Pride, but only possesses one. Which one could it be?

Hunger: Hatred. Vylisi is quite good for this, their hatred for those they think are lesser knows no bounds.

Description: Alexandre:




Personality: When you have to play the part of two people, your personality becomes muddled. Alexandre was always a trouble child, destined to be a sort of black sheep. But after his disappearance and return? He became different. Angry. Cockier than usual. Arrogant. He thought he was the best of them all. That's because that is what Semjaza believes. Cheap alcohol, hookers, and one night stands attract him, and he tends to make many enemies very fast. Perhaps because that's what he wants.

Background: The history of the demon Semjaza is clouded in mystery. Many demons don't know he exist. Those who know his truth won't share anything. Nor will angels who know of him. What is known, very little, is that he's an illusionist, Hallucimancy, his illusions so powerful that he could kill with them. This is the reason he doesn't carry weapons, because he can create them with his mind. But, that's not important. Most don't live to see Semjaza's true form, after all.

No, this is about Alexandre Vylisi, the spoiled middle son of the Vylisi house of Lydin. Booze, hookers, he had it all. He was spoiled, known for mooching off the family and getting whatever he wanted. And one day, he vanished. Some thought he ran away, but that wasn't like him. No one truly knew why, when he returned he said he didn't remember, like he was drugged.

The truth? Alexandre Vylisi is dead. The night he vanished, he was ambushed on the road after visiting a cathouse alone. A man found him, and told him he could give him something better than his life, if he just asked. Alexandre asked for it, and the man killed him. Death was better than the life he would have had at the man's hand. That man was Semjaza. Semjaza was envious of the various nobles and their power, their ability to live freely. He used his magic to take Alexandre's form, and came home. Things were confusing at first, but it soon returned to normal. But it wasn't normal. It never will be.

Semjaza has plans. He won't share them..but he has plans.

Other: There's a lot I'm not telling here, because it's spoilers and has to do quite a bit with the story itself. This will be updated over time.

Name: Ulg-ven Bor

Gender: Male

Race: Orc

Age: 53

Faction: Castors

Class: Warrior

Equipment: The Arm of Vorg, a legendary hammer passed down to worthy Orcs, with the capability of creating shockwaves when it is smashed into natural ground.



Personality: Bor is definitely honor-bound, loyal to his clan forever. He has learned to tolerate Orcish racists by simply being better than they are, and taking pride in his skills. Whilst he is a calm Orc most of the time, in battle he is relentless and ruthless.

Background: Bor was born in the Vorgan tribe, a very honorbound tribe of Orcs. His father was a smith, who taught him everything he knew, and Bor eventually was proven a worthy enough warrior to claim the hammer of their patron god, the Arm of Vorg. He traveled into Lydin, where he tried to make a name for himself as a smith and trainer. Of course, he never got business due to racism. But, one day, it would seem the gods shined upon him. The Royal Family forced the Castors to take him in as a military trainer and prized smith, much to their chagrin. No one knows why, but going against the Royal Family is bad for any noble house. Even with the rampant racist of the Castors, he has been able to atleast instill fear into those he trains, probably because they think he'll eat them otherwise.

Other: Two boars as pets, Vir and Kir.

Name: Azrael

Gender: Neuter

Race: Angel

Age: Unknown

Faction: One could say Vex, but..

Class: Warrior

Equipment: The Hands of Above, two twin shortswords made of cold iron, with the abilities to dispel curses and diseases.

Virtue: Temperance



Personality: People say Azrael is one of the leaders of the Vex. However, no one has seen him be anything but kind to humans (it's not even his virtue!), or really to anyone unless he is angry. He never seems angry, infact. Kind, a calm voice, the most heavenly of golden wings, Azrael is definitely an enigma/

Background: Not much is known about Azrael. He is known to be the leader of all angels, and thought to be one of the leaders of the Vex. They say he is one of the oldest angels, but past that, no one knows anything about him.

Other: There's more about him as well, but also tremendous spoilers.

Name: Argyle Kyliqo Wise

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire, formerly an Elf.

Age: Physically 23, actually 56

Faction: Kyliqo

Class: Mage

Magical Specialty: Hyalomancy (Glass Magic)

Equipment: A handful of glass shards, a mirror, and a staff made completely of glass.



Personality: Argyle is self-centered, arrogant, and a very manipulative person. She has used her looks and her charm to trick people into becoming her victims, and has had many a lover. Only the Kyliqo council knows of her true form, and she tends to keep this a secret from anyone else.

Background: Argyle was born quite a bit ago, old enough to even have grand-nephews and nieces. As a child, she was bethrothed to another Kyliqo elf in order to keep the two branches of the Kyliqo families from fighting. She was rather unhappy with her husband, who was abusive and cruel. One day, she was ambushed and bitten by a vampire, but fought him off with her own variant of magic, impaling him with a flaming glass shard. She gained his curse in return, and her first use of it was to kill her husband. The Kyliqo council learned of what happened to her, but the Royal Council stepped in and forbid her execution. They ordered that she was made the assistant to any and all Archmages of the Ars Academia. This was thought to be bit of a strange thing, not only was she a woman, but she was also a monster! But, they couldn't argue that her magic skills were unrivaled, her capability of using almost any magic as long as she had glass as a medium. Now, Argyle Wise is the second in command of Ars Academia, and she tends to keep it that way.

Other: Tends to play with her victims before she finishes them off.

Name: Cald Erven

Gender: Male

Race: Man

Age: 48

Faction: Southlings

Class: Lycan

Equipment: His claws, and his axe.



Personality: Cald is rather aggressive, but also rather protective of the Southlings. He is an amazing warrior, but has to keep his Lycanthropy a secret to keep his place in the Southlings.

Background: Cald was born in the South of Lydin, and had an amazing childhood (atleast for a Southling). He and his friends would run around and play pranks, and he learned how to use an axe for protection. One day, however, Cald was scratched by a Lycanthrope. He became one himself, and had to keep this a secret. Eventually becoming the leader of the Southlings, Cald strives to not only to make them supreme, but to keep his secret..secret.

Other: Cald has a pet wolf named Tyr. Funny.

My Characters

Name: Isaiah Trevant

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Age: 27

Faction: Castors

Class: Ranger

Equipment: Dagger, black shortbow, arrows.



Personality: Isaiah is a hothead, rather headstrong, and doesn't like people telling him what to do. He thinks he's the best shot in all of Eora, and doesn't like people saying otherwise, he'll probably challenge them to an archery match if they try (and he might win!). Dude has super issues with orcs. They give him the creeps. Elves, too.

Background: Isaiah was born to a fletcher who worked for the Castors. His father taught him how to use a bow very early in life, and at 16, he joined the Castors for military training. Ever since, he's been called one of the best archers in the Castors..but his personality gets the best of him, and he has started losing quite a bit, as well.

Other: Has a hunting dog named Az that he sends out to track his targets and bring back food he hunts. That's it.

Name: Vemez Ilya Eraga

Gender: Female

Race: Demon

Age: 369

Faction: Unaligned

Class: Silvertongue

Equipment: Hands, tongue, and luck.

Sin: Lust

Hunger: Luck



Personality: Flirty, anxious, and definitely a wolf in sheep's clothing, Vemez only works for herself. No one matters but her.

Background: Vemez's past is relatively unknown, mostly going from place to place, feeding off the luck of those who live there, and escaping. Vemez has been known to take all of the luck from someone via touch, and then allow fate to kill them. Those without luck die fast, accidents bound.

Other: Not much.

Read more about this role play...
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Name: Vamana

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Age: unknown, looks to be in his 20's

Faction: it is rumored he is allied with Vex. But weather or not this is true is up for debate

Class: Rogue/ mage

Magic specialty: shadow manipulation

Equipment:what ever is on hand

Sin: Lust

Hunger: Rage/ pain

Personality: Cocky, stuck up

Background: Vamana was one of the first to scrape his knees on the assent to middle earth. His job? To collect soul debts. Of course he takes pride and delight in his job.

As a demon he has more speed and strength then mortals but unlike most demons Vamana's kind forges an agreement with the shadows (as living beings) allowing them to manipulate and bend them to his will.

For several thousand years he has been terrorizing the mortals for his own enjoyment. And often enjoys all the sins earth has to offer.

Other: has an addiction to sweets and a distinct dislike of mortals and angels
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Name: Siv Orcos

Gender: Male

Race: Demon

Age: Real age 550, looks to be in his late 20's

Faction: He served for the southlings

Class:He is a skilled warrior in the art of combat and only believes in up front and personal combat

Equipment: A demonic long sword, and a demon knife


Sin: wrath

Hunger: pain/rage


He has jet black hair with small white highlights the reason for the white is unknown to him. Even for his old age he looks pretty young. He has an appearance of a light build but is very strong and quick on account of his demon powers.His eyes are a crimson red a common color for demons.(he doesn't have those wings)

Personality: He is rather calm and is very indifferent to other people he does what he is told and doesn't really complain. He really only seems to care about his own life but doesn't really do anything out of personal gain. He does think that close combat is the only true way to fight and obvious displeasure will show on his face if he is paired with ranged fighters but that does not mean he will not fight with them.

Background: Siv Orcos comes to earth mostly when the evil inside of people call forth a demon to take care of there enemy's and eliminate them. Of course he is expected to take the souls of the ones he slayed and the person he made a contract for once he has completed the assignment.He doesn't take any personal pleasure in the killing even though pain and rage are what he feeds off really he just enjoys the mission being accomplished . He is well known by the southlings as they have asked him to do many contracts. Lately he has been questioning his work to himself but continues to do it for now.

Other:He seems like a person who would rather do stuff solo but truly he shows some enjoyment when he has to be with a team. Only people who truly know him know that he is not as emotionless as he seems.
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Name: Deron Washington

Gender: Male

Race: Elf

Age: 28

Faction: Kyliqo

Class: Mage

Magical Speciality: Hydromancy, specifically Hemomancy

Equipment: A small dagger to draw blood with and some chalk to draw runes with

Description: (below)

Personality: A very arrogant jerk to people he doesn't know, always getting into fights when it's unnecessary. But a very kind and comical person to other elves and people he knows well.

Background: grew up always being bullied and abused by the humans. One day he willed their blood to erupt from their bodies and after several minutes that happened much to Deron's surprise. After that he researched how he did it and why it happened. He learned that he was innately magical when it came to water, and that blood had lots of water in it so he could control it. After years of more research he found out that he could make runes out of blood, water or chalk to channel his magic in a more controlled and focused manor. Now he lives to serve his elven faction, help his elvish brothers and sisters and exterminate any who oppose him.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.d701f4b60db7a5d4163c738d230652fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="16119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.d701f4b60db7a5d4163c738d230652fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Insurgo "Surgo" Valreon

Gender: Male

Race: Demon, obviously.

Age: Appears 19-20 in human years. (Real age is around 1300 give or take)

Faction: Unaligned (Up for hire at any time, any day, any reason)

Class: Rogue.

Equipment: Wrist blades, Daggers (hidden who knows where) and a variety of toxic poisons ready for use.

Sin: Wrath.

Hunger: Fear.



Personality: A little "off-key" he isn't exactly your typical teenager/young adult - he is however;

Slightly paranoid.




Terrible at socialization, and apparently has never heard of the term "Personal Space".

Dislikes/untrusting of new people.

Almost childlike behavior.

(In a sick and twisted way)

Although his sin is Wrath he is patient- waiting for the perfect moment to proceed with his tactics.


Surgo has been everywhere-staying in one place for too long was never an option when a few hundred years ago he managed to seriously tick off some pretty high ranking demons (who new they actually liked their jobs) causing some serious damage in the process- kicked outa Hell and with no where else to go he's looking for a good place to lay low for awhile, but keeping an eye out for your pursuers never hurt anyone... well not too much anyways.


Surgo is not limited to one physical form- using what he calls "The Dark"-an essence that is produced/gathered through the acts of sin- he is able to change his body however he pleases (this is limited to the amount of Dark available)

(The Dark can only be seen by those aware of its presence)

*He may also attempt to influence the Dark, however this technique is not always successful.*

Even Demons need friends!!

Rae a female black mamba, and Voltiear a male raven have become his traveling companions (he IS able to communicate to them though not through regular means).


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Alright, a super important NPC and my own character are posted. Time is still the same for starting, and I'll post more NPCs over the night.
Name: Nora DeWitt

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Twenty-Four Years Old

Faction: Castor

Class: Mage

Equipment: Nothing but her tongue

History: Nora was raised in a military home and the youngest of 5 other children. But from out of all her siblings she was the only one still interested in being a general like her father, who had retired. She practiced with him daily, obtained a sharp eye in shooting and strategizing in military tactics. Her mother was a mage and taught her daughter of magic, one in particular as shadow magic. Nora's mother worried for her daughter's safety. She could see a blood thirsty tint in her eyes and shadow magic was . . . slightly overpowering. But Nora's mother could do nothing. Nora went into the military at the age of 17 to live a life like her father.. Though no one knew it Nora wanted to take full control of the military. Through out her first 3 years in the army, she blackmailed top officers and unfortunate accidents happened to stubborn Generals. Worming her way through every blockade in her way, she finally had the military in the palm of her hands. Of course she was careful. No fool plays a game only to get at the top. She kept some of the generals there, she had too. As to not draw suspicion to herself, she would play to the theme of their steps, allowed herself to be looked down upon, and did what she was told. But when she was called and told that if war was to begin she would have to take her stance as a general of an army. She snapped. She had bigger plans of what she was to do with her life, not join a battle between moronic men and women who felt the world was theirs! But like always, she did as she was told. None of her noble peers were exactly happy with the armies choice of a general. Nora help contempt for their beliefs and practices, she was more rouge to them if anything. But they were grateful for her ways to get what she wanted when she wanted it. It had been proven useful when in arguments or when someone had gotten out of hand. So there she was, in the middle of a battle she wanted no part in it.


  • aloof, apart, stand-offish
  • impersonal, disengaged, uninvolved; closed, shut-down
  • detached, distant, remote (these traits, like so many others on this list, actually characterize a schizoid personality disorder, which--at their extreme--cold people can sometimes be)
  • haughty, or projecting superiority (though, if these narcissistic features are present, they could reflect the individual's outward demeanor, or self-deception, far more than how--deep down--they actually see themselves)
  • self-absorbed; insulated, passively withdrawn
  • emotionally unavailable, inaccessible, unresponsive, indifferent, uninvested
  • unfeeling, unemotional, affectionless; unsmiling--straight-faced (or stone-faced)
  • cold-hearted--as in "cold fish" or (even worse) an "iceberg" or "ice queen"
  • lacking in empathy and compassion
  • untrusting, wary, guarded;
  • angry, hostile; critical
  • excessively independent and self-reliant


Nora is passed! I apologize for delay, mixture of not enough people and for screwed up sleep schedule. If not Tuesday around..6PST?, then I will begin from 3PST-6PST Wednesday. Thank you for your patience! Now to make the rest of the NPCs.
Name: Trinity(Trixx) Anderson

Gender: Female

Race: Vampire

Age: 16 and you really don't want to know.

Faction: Vex

Class: Silvertongue

Equipment: All she needs is her silvertongue.



Personality: Cunning, confident, and smart-eleck.

Background: Revealed in role-play

Other: nope.

Name: Valentine Brice

Gender: Female.

Race: Angel

Age: Unknown.

Faction: Castor

Class: Ranger



Virtue: Kindness



Personality: Shy, quiet, but very swift and skilled with throwing knives

Background: ???

Other: Nope.

Name: Nyne Ethriel

Gender: As far as appearances go, female.

Race: Demon

Age: 682 years old, give or take a few months.

Faction: Vex

Class: Mage

Magical Specialty: Nyne can create alchemy circles at will (though she needs her staff to do it); they amplify her magic, in a way, and allow her to use more powerful, useful spells. She specializes in shadow manipulation, able to control shadows and morph them into extra appendages and the like. She can also conceal herself by retreating into the darkness and, as a result, is incredibly vulnerable when in well-lighted areas.

Equipment: A long, metallic staff; intricate engravings and symbols cover it from hilt to tip, and at the very top sits an odd-looking purple gem. Despite its fragile appearance, the staff is incredibly durable.

Sin: Pride

Hunger: Rage. Gotta have that Vitamin R, y’know.

Description: Looks can be deceiving, but despite her “subtle” appearance, Nyne is quite proud of the Demon blood running through her veins. She tends to take on the shape and figure of a common human female, and it’s pretty understandable to mistake her for one, if you ignored the occasional anomaly. Her fingers, for example, end in long claws instead of fingernails. Then there’s the long, lizard-like tail that she can’t seem to bother to conceal. Nyne is tall and slim, with skin that’s as dark as coal, akin to leather in texture, and fringed with hundreds upon thousands of tiny scales. Every article of clothing she wears, shoes included, is made out of cloth; specifically, a dark-grey cloak over a grey, long-sleeved tunic. The lines of silver embroidery on both reflect the work of a master artisan. Nyne’s pants are more simple and hang loosely around her legs, not too tight but not too big at the same time. The ends of the pants legs are bunched up inside grey cloth boots, and wound around those boots are what looks like strips torn off of a burlap sack.

Staying hidden is of huge importance to Nyne, so it’s rare for her to be seen without her hood on. At most, one can see her lips and her eyes—eerie, yellow orbs that seen full of mischief—but whether she has hair or not is unknown. The times where she chooses to remove her hood are times when she’s messing with people and hoping for a good fright.

Personality: Nyne is the type of person—creature, if you want to be politically correct—who manages to make a name for herself amongst her peers without being present most of the time. She’s fond of playing tricks, and utilizes her magical abilities when she’s in need of a quick getaway, making her one hell of a good escape artist. Feelings of mutual tolerance flow between her and those she regularly communicates with, but when boredom strikes, Nyne won’t resist a prank or two. Her offhand “weapon” being her sharp tongue, she also loves to tease.

Going along with the Sin that she follows, Nyne believes mostly in her own abilities and doubts those of others. Her overconfidence has yet to get her into some serious trouble, but it can make it difficult to work with others. She also never willingly admits defeat, and tends to challenge those who go against her judgement.

Background: I have no idea. This is an entirely new character, so…I’ll try and add something later.

Other: Nothin’ for now…

Okay so this is my last apology. I've been very busy with the holiday and sleep schedule and the stuff. I think we have the perfect amount of players, and it will begin on Monday NO MATTER WHAT. I thank you all for your patience and as an apology, my first pose will be super meaty <3
Sorry for the double post, but NPCs are posted!

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