Blood of Shadows [Inactive]

The sun was slowly setting. Most nights, this would lead to everyone going in, eating dinner, sleeping in. Not tonight. East Lydin was packed, colors streamed up, swordsman practicing for the duels, markets open and offering all sorts of trinkets, snacks, and goodies.

It was the Weather Festival. The Weather Festival was held every Spring, held as one of the most important seasonal festivals of the whole year. The citizens of Albione would head to Lydin, the East of Lydin to be exact, and give thanks to the gods for the weather, hopes for sunshine, a good amount of rain, and for the plants to grow. Things were different this year.

It was the 400th anniversary of the Weather Festival. And it would mark one of the rarest occurrences of all. The Royal Family was sending a royal out of the castle, to the festival, in hopes of a miracle. No one knew why they wanted a miracle, or what sort of miracle they wanted, they only know the words they said. "We are coming for a miracle.". Needless to say, protection in East Lydin and the roads leading to the mountains was high.

Tonight was supposed to be a happy festival. Things, of course, wouldn't go as planned.


A carriage was riding through the streets, horsemen giving it room to pass. This was an important carriage, the Vylisi Seal on the side. The carriage was carrying one Alexandre Vylisi, who seemed to be quite busy inside. Alexandre was in a fine coat, black with white seams, Vylisi Crest on the back, with black trousers. He seemed to be admiring himself in a mirror, the handsome devil he was.

It was a bit more complicated than that. He was /talking/ to the mirror. The mirror had a face in it, it seems, that of an elf. Pale skin, dark blue eyes, and silver hair, female. The majority of her body is unseen, but she wears a black robe, with a blue ribbon and a sapphire below the white ruffles, blue earrings on each ear.

Alexandre speaks to her, sipping a cocktail, his face both bored and angry at the same time. "Ms. Wise, are you trying to tell me I am incapable of running this festival without you? What nerve do you have to say that to me?".

Argyle Wise may think it, she probably does, but she would never say it to the noble's face. "Surely not, Vylisi. I just implore you to think about this. This is the Weather Festival, a time where divine magicks are brought down in blessings. You do not think someone with weather magicks could ruin the festival?".

Alexandre's brow furrows. How could this wretched elf tell /him/ how to protect his festival? "Ms. Wise. If I needed the Ars Academia, I would have contacted you myself. This district of Lydin belongs to /my/ family. You do not tell me what to do, I will protect this bloody festival the way I see fit. Do not infiltrate my belongings again.".

And with that, Alexandre is chucking the mirror out the carriage, the glass shattering below. The reflections of a female face can be seen glistening in the shards, before they vanish, the glass once again normal.

Alexandre finishes his cocktail, a shout up to the driver of the carriage. "Step on it. To the Castors's silly little area.".


Speaking of which, the Castors had their own little section set up in the market, yes.

Every year, the Castors would host a dueling tournament. This year was probably the most important of all years for this, with the Royal Family having a representative to watch the duel. Warriors from all families and factions were lining up to battle.

One of whom was Cald Erven. He was lucky that with all the people coming that no one recognized him for who he was, and he planned on winning the prize, 5000 Stanes. Cald came alone, but he was ready for the tournament, a sword prepared for the duel.

Farther along the Castors section was a smith. An Orcish smith. Most people were avoiding Ulg-ven Bor, but one Castor was begrudgingly sent to pick up some weapons. Isaiah Trevant steadying up to the blacksmith, a frown on his face and a bow on the back of his vest. "Alright, green-skin. I'm here to pick up the blades for the tournament.".

Bor grouched silently, grabbing the blades. This should be done quickly.


Everything looked to be in order tonight so far. Except for those lurking in the shadows. Angels, demons, vampires. The Vex thought tonight was a great night. A night that soon, they would ruin for everyone.

For now, the Festival goes on as planned.
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Black flames shot outa of the ground in a barren field. They grew bigger and bigger as people prayed around it. The figures preying were all wearing black and red robes chanting the same thing "Siv~Siv....", on and on it went till suddenly something came out of the flames. The flames illuminated it to appear to be a figure. Nothing could be seen but the white highlights that were on it's hair. The figure looked up it's Red eyes shinning in the darkness now also. His figure becoming more clearer,it was wearing a black cloak over a black leather armor. A sword hung on his side a sword like that no human has ever seen before.

"Why have I been summoned" he said emotionlessly. This figure was in fact a demon this same Demon had been summoned many times by these same people the southlings, everyone of those times to kill someone.

"Demon Siv we have summoned you here this time because we wish you to reek havoc on tonight's festival" one of the men said. "We promise to offer the normal payment" said another.

Siv nodded it was not his duty to question his missions, but lately he has grown tired of them even thoughts of rebeling. These thoughts were dangerous so he kept them locked away in his head.He threw on his hood over his head hiding his black and white hair. As he got on a horse they had given to him he rode off towards the festival.

Ah, the Weather Festival...on such a clear, crisp night, too. Those prim, pointy-eared freaks sure know how to pick a day.

Nyne rested on her toes, high up within the branches of a tree that flanked the road. The sound of shattering glass caught her attention, and she leaned out from under the cover of the leaves for a bit, eyes wide and pupils thinning as a carriage lumbered its way by. Staring at it, Nyne took a deep breath, trying to pick apart the many scents in the air; Demon was strong. Hell-oooo there, kin.

In truth, she was bored. Nyne had a habit of wallowing when she was bored, too, and the only way to get rid of that was to do something about it. So it stood to reason that she'd end up out here, alone and searching for things to do. It seemed like Luck was favoring her, tonight.

Nyne slunk down from her tree, pausing to tug her hood down over her face a little more before she continued down the road. The carriage was still in sight, though it was getting further and further away, but Nyne saw no reason to start running. She could keep up. Staff at her side, Nyne walked across the road until she turned and melted into the shadows along the side. Thank goodness for all of those trees.

Once she was near enough, the demon raised a hand and let it hover. The shadow of the horse suddenly morphed and raised up from the ground, taking the form of a raven flaring its wings. With luck, it would scare the beast into stopping, halting the carriage along with it.

Deron was at the festival, he loved the sight of a festival, the happy faces, the noise of all the talking and the overall joyous feel of being there. Even if he hated most everyone there he could still enjoy the festival for himself, staying to the edge. However, he wasn't actually here to celebrate. He was given orders to secretly protect the festival and make sure no one knew he was doing it. So while he would smile and laugh with the crowd he kept pricking his finger, drawing enough blood to create a small rune every so often so he could activate them later. He was preparing for the worst even if it would never come.
Riding on the horse he could smell the sent of other demons. 'Let them do what they have to and I'll do my mission' Siv thought to himself. Even for a demon destroying this festival was gonna be hard, if he didn't have this damn contract (the only thing keeping this mark on him from sending him back to hell)he'd of quit and have done something else. Siv actually enjoyed being up on earth though he never showed it, anything was better then hell.

Finally he arrived at the festival and dismounted. He kept his hood on as he walked around his red eyes the only visible thing from his face. 

[QUOTE="Shiro Okami]Riding on the horse he could smell the sent of other demons. 'Let them do what they have to and I'll do my mission' Siv thought to himself. Even for a demon destroying this festival was gonna be hard, if he didn't have this damn contract (the only thing keeping this mark on him from sending him back to hell)he'd of quit and have done something else. Siv actually enjoyed being up on earth though he never showed it, anything was better then hell.
Finally he arrived at the festival and dismounted. He kept his hood on as he walked around his red eyes the only visible thing from his face.

(Sorry about that)
With out a word Vamana stepped out of the shadows, using them as a doorway to where ever he pleased. He walked freely among the crowds in a new body he had borrowed from some traviling man who had crossed the wrong path and made the wrong deal.

Pulling his hood up to cover his sensitive eyes, he sauntered through the crowds searching for the perfect meal. It was true he fed on human emotion but a different hunger struck him today, one of flesh and blood. and the shadowed hissed in his ear demanding a snack of their own. Though the others could not hear it, and the language they spoke was long dead and only spoken by demons of his kind, he answered to them and happily listened
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