Blood Curse


The Amazon

Kalladen was a thriving city. It was set in a large peninsula off of the eastern coast of the country of Galden. At the center of Kalladen was many small business and community buildings. Several parks throughout the city was the epicenter for stately homes. Farmland and beautiful forest dotted the peninsula on the cities edges. You could say Kalleden was the perfect picture of modern society. In the year 1992 several adults and children where admitted to Fathom Hallow, the cities main hospital, exhibiting some very odd symptoms. Some patients had developed a high sensitive to sunlight, and grew extremely sharpened teeth. Some patients became carnivorous and had long course hair and a nearly wolf-like appearance that only showed in the moonlight. Several other patients developed other mutations, each having it's own nearly otherworldly quality. Doctors where working day and night to try to figure out what was causing this epidemic. It was soon discovered that these strange symptoms where caused by a mutated virus, that was growing more and more powerful by the day.

The virus was originally transferred through the water system. The crisis was growing rapidly, and getting harder and harder to control. Galden grew fear that the towns epidemic might spread through the rest of the country, so they cut off Kalladen. The government built a large iron fort that surrounded the entire peninsula. The fort was constantly guarded by an army that came to be known as Magnus Soldiers. No one got into the town...and no one got out. The local doctors where able to purify the water, but the virus began to mutate once again. Now, it is transferred by blood. Trapped in this hell on earth, the citizens of Kalladen where thrown into a panic. Businesses where being robbed, community building and parks where vandalized.The numbers of those infected with the virus where rapidly growing.This new group of people came to be known as The Vomica, which translates to The Cursed. Fathom Hallow was changed from a hospital, to a prison, keeping those infected isolated within it's walls.

Anyone who shown symptoms of the virus was immediately ceased and taken to this new prison. Adults and children alike where being forced into this prison where they would live out there days alone. Many of The Vomica managed to escape capture and sought refuge in the outlining forests.Being pushed out of their homes, The Vomica began to settle into the forests and now abandoned farm. The Vomica had some disagreements about how to handle their new situation. Some wanted to try to make peace with the regular humans and try to find a cure, others wanted to embrace their new found powers and use them to rid the land of those that disagreed. Out of this conflict, two new groups where made. Those that sought peace called themselves Lumen, and those that sought destruction called themselves Atrum. Resources are quickly depleting, but until a cure for this virus is found...there is no way out for the denizens of Kalladen. No way way out. Survival is all they have left. Nothing more....nothing less



The demon himself, is the author of confusion and lies.

Description: Male or female, demons are master of manipulation and tricks. They tend to be loners or stick to small groups. Most demons side with Atrum although there is the rare demon who sides with Lumen.

Appearance: Demons looks can very. Some can appear completely human, only slightly more attractive than others. Others have eyes that can come in black, red, or white. They can also have features such as horns, tinted skin (also in black, red, or white), tails, or all of these together.

Powers: Demons have up to two powers. They can be shadow control, telepathy, poisonous blood (to all except other demons), illusion creation.

Strengths: Physically more agile than most and cunning.

Weakness: Not very strong.

Ebon Fae

The blessings of Fae are no longer enough.

Description: These are not your normal fairies. They are full of dark energy. Where normal Fae uses trickery for amusement, these creatures are much more dark. Ebon Fae tend to side with Atrum with some who follow neither.

Appearance: Smaller in size then the average human. They are no more than four feet tall. They have dark wings that are either translucent or transparent and can only be seen by those they choose. Their hair and eye color can vary but are usually dark colors such are purple, dark blue, or even black. There skin is pale with a slight luminescent quality.

Powers: They are able to fly, but not beyond the walls of the city. They also have the power of Glamor (change appearance) and can create dark orbs of light. Older Ebon Fae can sometime have the power of prophecy.

Strengths: With their ability to fly, they are able to hide easily and they tend to know their surroundings well.

Weakness: Any kind of metal weakens them and burns their skin.


We are not longer Nature's children, but her master

Description: Mischievous little creatures. Fae like to have fun and are often very childish. They tend to stay clear of the city since metal burns them. They can side with Lumen, Atrum, or be completely neutral.

Appearance: They look like their Ebon counterpart, only lighter. They have wings that tend to be light in color. Their hair and eyes have lighter hues in golds, yellows, and white. There skin looks as if it was kissed by the sun. Like the Ebon Fae, they are shorter and smaller than the average human.

Powers: They have the same abilities as the Ebon, only producing light orbs instead of dark ones.

Strengths: With their ability to fly, they are able to hide easily and they tend to know their surroundings well.

Weakness: Any kind of metal weakens them and burns their skin.


The strength of the vampire is that people will not believe in him.

Description: Strong and beautiful, vampires are master hunters. They /must/ feed at least once every night to survive, whether it is human or animal. They are immortal for the most part. They are almost always part of Atrum. Although they have many similarities, they tend to hate demons.

Appearance: Vampires radiate beauty that is greater than any other being. They are mostly human in appearance, though because of their weakness to sunlight, their skin is very pale. Their sharp fangs are only visible when they are hungry or on the hunt. Some vampires have double fangs, or even a full mouth of them.

Powers: Besides their super-human strength, vampires are able to "blink" from place to place and read minds.

Strengths: Super-human strength, doesn't age.

Weakness:They have a crescent moon shaped "birth mark" somewhere on their body that if pierced or punctured (by stabbing or otherwise) they die. They also can not drink from the dead or they die too.


Minds are easily mesmerized when frightened.

Description:Striga are ultimately a psychic vampire. They feed off of life force and energy instead of blood. Like vampires, they must feed every night in order to survive. They are immortal for the most part. They are almost always part of Atrum

Appearance:See vampires.

Powers:Besides feeding off of life force, Striga usually have one more power from the following: Telepathy (reading minds),Telekinesis (moving objects mentally), or Memory manipulation.

Strengths:Same as vampire.

Weakness:Same crescent moon "birth mark".


Be a good animal, true to your animal instincts.

Description:These creatures are very in touch with their animal side. Personalities can vary just as much as any human. Because of this, there are shapeshifters on all sides, even living among the humans.

Appearance: They look completely human, except when they gain different forms. For example: A shapeshifter with the ability to change into a snake, may have snake eyes or a forked tongue in their human form. They look completely like the animal when shifted.

Powers: Shapeshifters have the ability to shift into animals, but there is a catch. In order to gain the ability to shift into an animal they must drink the blood of that animal. After that they can shift into that animal at any time. One shapeshifter can have many forms.

Strengths They gain the ability and senses of the animal when shifted.

Weakness:In human form they have the same weaknesses as any human does.


Man is by nature, a vicious animal.

Description: Weather it is werewolves, werebears, weretigers, or any other type, these are another creature very in tune with there animal side. The difference between a were and a shapeshifter is the fact that they can only take one form. Were tend to be temperamental. They can side with Atrum or Lumen or be completely neutral.

Appearance:Were-creatures appear completely human. Occasionally some may have darker skin, animal eyes, or sharpened teeth.

Powers:The ability to transform into one animal. This ability is uncontrollable when they are touched by the light of the full moon. When they are in their were form they are able to communicate with other were in animal form.

Strengths: Physically strong and agile especially in animal form.

Weakness: Tend to have uncontrollable temper.


Elves are like trees, grounded and focused from the trunk down but graceful and agile on top.

Description:Elves are a very noble and proud creature. Most of them escaped from the city to the outer forest because of feeling more comfortable in nature. Most of them stay neutral or side with Lumen with the very rare elf siding with Atrum.

Appearance:Elves have pointed ears and tend to be slightly taller than the average human.Their skin, hair, and eye color are diffrent shades found in nature like greens, browns, and even gold like the sun.

Powers: They have the ability to camouflage like a gecko (they can blend into their environment so they are almost invisible).

Strengths:Skilled hunters.

Weakness:Very prideful.


Description:Malato simply means "diseased". These Vomica got the short end of the straw when it comes to be infected. They can be Lumen, Atrum, or Neutral.

Appearance: These creatures have the most varied appearanced. They can be subtle from diffrent hair color or eyes, to drastic like scales or fur.

Powers:Malato have no real powers. They simply got the aspect of the virus that changes appearance..

Strengths:Same as humans.

Weakness:Same as humans.


  1. All Rpnation forum rules apply.
  2. Romance, violence, and drama are accepted, but keep it PG-13.
  3. No power-playing or god-modding.
  4. You must have permission from the other player before killing or seriously injuring another character
  5. 1-2 characters maximum.
  6. To join simply post your character to be approved.

Character Skelly:




Powers: (If different from the races list)

Appearance: (Can be a picture or description)



My Character:

Roleplay will take place here:
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Name: Skye Whisp

Age: 18

Race: Dark Angel

Powers: Can control darkness and levitate/move things with her mind.

Appearance: Blonde choppy cut hair that turns black at random, tall, pale, skinny, black wings with gray stripes through it.

Personality: Athletic, sarcastic, quiet, sneaky, smart.

History: I was born in the depths of the ocean, I've always had a strange attraction to darkness and water..I can't stay away from either of them. 
Name: Avery Mabroke

Age: 17

Race: Vampire

Powers: Aside from her super strength, her blinking ability and that of being able to read minds, she possesses no other notable supernatural powers other then the capability of controlling shadows and making them form whatever she pleases (she looks into the mind of her opponent and makes their inner spirit feel fear by ether mental images or physical ones portrayed by darkness)


Personality: Avery is your basic, untamable rocker girl. She is a fearless daredevil, constantly traveling everywhere she can to get her hands and sights on the most exotic and interesting things. She may come off as harsh, cunning, and mischievous (well, she is all of those things), but usually her wicked tendencies are nothing more then what she considers jokes. Avery is prone to having violent or angry outbursts, which usually doesn;t mix very well with her excessive lack of normal morals.

But, she is actually very emotional and can feel things such as compassion. Her independent spirit and hardcore nature make her crazy exploits seem even crazier.

History: There really is not much to know. Well, that is probably because she doesn't remember almost all of it. Avery has absolutely no recollection which relates to her former life before becoming a vampire at age 15. All she knows is that she is an outcast amongst all species, as whatever she did in her former life made her a complete loner who causes others to ether shy away or attack at the sight of her. She is constantly trying to figure out who and what she really is, which is why she is always traveling.
Name: Justice ( Justin ) Hieghts

Age: 16

Race: Striga

Powers: Memory Manipulation and Telephathic.

Appearence: Tall, straight and short golden brown hair. Golden describes as it appears a darkk shade of blonde when he is in the sun. He has a dimple at the corner of his smiile, on the left side of his face.H

Personality: Justin is really a nice kid, but is quickly turned to Overprotective of thhose he cares about. He would taake a bullet for his little sister.

Other: He is on the Lumen side.

Name: Destiny. Hieghts

Age: 9

Race: Fae

Appearence: Lighter Blonde than her brother. Her hair is a few inches loner than he shoulders. It is straight with not many curls. Shhe is a short person, with pretty dark green eyes along with her brothers.

Powers: She can fly and can hide easilly.

Personality: She is mischivious and loves to goof around.

Other: She looks up to her brother Justin.
Approved. You guys can start the roleplay if you want. I posted the thread in the first post at the bottom. I would still like to get a at least a few more people.
Name: Spencer Rendas

Age: 17

Race: Shapeshifter

Powers:Only other 'power' besides the one that she already has would be that she can talk to animals.

Appearance: The animal that she shifts into the most would be a wolf. It has been made noticeable from the wolf ears and tail that are now permanently attached to her. The color of the wolf is the same color of her hair.


Personality: Spencer is stealthy and quick. She usually sits back in the shadows and watches everything, taking in as much detail as she can. She is adventurous and loves to shift whenever she can. Spencer s loyal and protective over the people she cares for. She can also be very blunt at times but never means to harm anyone.

History: Spencer was already living on the streets, knowing how to survive and fight already, when the virus hit. She got infected with the virus a little before they locked up the city so she knows how to use her power very well and she can shift fluently. Spencer doesn't know which side to be on so she stands as a neutral. She knows that not all humans are bad but she didn't know what to think because of the fact that she was shunned and abandoned by her own family, the people she thought she could trust the most, and that happened before the curse happened so they could only get worse.
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Approve SilverofHope. I am working on my character intro, but the rest of you can still start anytime.

Name: Juliana Nevont

Age: 12

Race: Malato

Powers: Teleportation

- This skill works instantly and as far as she can tell has no strain on her body, mental or physical. She can teleport others and objects but she has to go with them. She can only move to places she can picture in her head and that she has actually been. If something is blocking that area it doesn’t let her move. She tries but nothing will happen. She has had this power for a long time and knows how to use it well, however when frustrated or scared she usually gets teleported to random places. Sometimes she knows them, sometimes she doesn’t. As much as she has tried she has never been able to teleport outside of the walls.

Weakness: Size does seem to matter. She cant teleport a building, or a car. Because of this if she is bound in such a way to an object, she cant just teleport out of shackles. The whole object would have to go. Another problem is the laws of physics. An object in motion stays in motion. If she fell, any momentum she had would be maintained after the teleport. Resulting injuries would still happen for obvious reasons. But she doesnt fully understand how this works. Cause if she was holding onto a branch and teleported, the branch wouldn’t come with her. Complicated power for a 12 year olds understanding.

Mutations: As for mutations the only main problem she has is that it altered her eye color. She has light lavender color around the outside of her baby blue iris. Since her teleportation seems to be linked with her mental state, when she gets ready to teleport, whether she knows shes going to teleport in the near future or not, the lavender in her eyes fluoresce slightly right up until she uses her power.

Personality: As being a young girl, she is tender and loving. Even with the loss of her parents and the fact most people betray her, a child is ever forgiving. Unfortunately she steals and pilfers for her own survival.

History: Isn’t much too her history. Her parents were killed when all this started. They were some of the first Malato to be killed. Julie was old enough to learn to steal and survive but not much also. She has no friends and she just hides where ever she can.

Nathaniel York






Apart from his usual vampire abilities (Listed on the races list), Nathaniel is also capable of Mind Compulsion. It's effects and success, however, vary on whoever he tries to compel (If the person is strong-willed or not. Its race. And some more). His physical and psychological state also influences his powers.




Nathaniel is usually a calm and collected person. He can be considered the type of person that prefers to go unnoticed and blend in. He's not really of those who like to stand out or get any unwanted attention, so you won't really get the chance to watch him 'making a scene', unless something triggers it. He's also observant and that and his mind reading are the main reasons that make him analytic and makes it easy for him to 'read people' while he's capable of hiding his own feelings behind a poker face. His attitude and personality themselves can change a lot depending on who he is dealing with, as he adapts himself to his surroundings and situations.


Nathaniel was immediately turner in by his own family and locked up on Fathom Hallow as soon as the first symptoms started to show. He used to belong to a rich and powerful family and as soon as they realized he had been infected, they cut ties with him, even if he was the eldest son and heir. They couldn't afford to let such a shameful and lamentable event stain the family's name. It had been told to the public he had died. He met Evie at Fathom Hallow and took her under his wing. She was the one who planned the escape and they did so together. Neither of them belong to the Lumen or Atrum, though Nathaniel himself is more biased to the later.


Evangeline (Evie)






Telekinesis and Memory Manipulation



Despite some people think Evie seems hard to approach, she can be a pretty out going girl, who is also rather laid back and free spirited when you get to know her. She's also extremely smart and clever, to the point that some call her even a genius. Though she's fiercely loyal to those she thinks deserve it or those she holds dear, she can also deceive - maybe betray - others without feeling any remorse. She's a pretty brave girl that would stand for what she believes in (Even if her ideals may change a lot from time to time).


Evie does not remember anything at all from her past apart from her time on Fathom Hallow. The most important event was when she met Nathaniel and both of them decided to escape together. They had been living together ever since. Some people mistake them as lovers, though they always say they are nothing more than siblings. They do not resemble each other at all, but they consider each other family.
Name: Samzi Debbenath

Age: 19

Race: Demon Witch

Powers: Dark magic, Swiftness, Poison Bite.



Personality: Well, for the fact that Samzi mostly stays in the form of a Demon, she is cruel, no-merciful, aggressive, and she somewhat loves to play with her enemies. Other than that, Samzi loves to go out for ice cream. But that not might be available anymore since the whole city is on lock down. Samzi also loves to hang out with friends, if she had any, as well as go to parties, etc.

History: This demon only remembers making deadly potions, killing people, watching her friends die by many enraged creatures, and the town begging for freedom. Nothing special... She just watched herself become part of the madness.

Adela Lumeness






Adela is very adventurous and involved in the war, She's headstrong and determined. She's also very opinionated and can be quite full of herself at times although, most just take that as part of her being an elf.


Adela was raised outside of Kallen in the forest surrounding it with many other elves. She's never been human so it's sometimes difficult for her to empathize with them but, she tries, determined to see peace between Vomica and humans she is very involved with the war. From an early age Adela was taught to be very skilled with her blades and although wants peace, she is prepared for a violent, bloody, war to break out between the Atrum and Lumen. So, needless to say she is proudly apart of the Lumen attack and defense force along with the rest of her living family, which consists of her Mother and Father. Adela doesn't know anything about the rest of her family or, if she even has a "rest of family" It's something her parents refuse to talk about.

I'm a little confused with what's happening in the RP. Is everyone inside the city?
Approved everyone. Yes Haley, everyone seems to be in a park right now in the epicenter of the city.
Name: Kain

Age: N/A

Race: Vampire

Powers: (If different from the races list) Telekinesis, wielder of Soul Reaver, a powerful sword that cannot be broken. He can also turn into a swarm of bats to escape danger or get places faster.

Appearance: (Can be a picture or description)

Personality: Kain is not a very kind individual, he is pig headed, arrogant, and often thinks only of himself. However he can follow orders when it suits him to do so, and he can be somewhat kind around others should he choose to be.

History: Not much is known about Kain's past other than he was once a nobleman but the infection changed him into a creature of the night who thirsts for blood. Other than that no one knows much about him.
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So it seems like the rp died. Is anyone still wanting to to do it? If not I am going to start it over since new people are wanting to join.
Name: Jaclyn Alister

Age:20 (actually 100.)

Race: Vampire

Powers: Due to being blind at birth when Jaclyn was turned her blindness remained in exchanged for other sense to be heightened. Though she is blind she can idealize images much like when bat use echo-location. This only happens when feeding come around and the monster is let loose.



Personality: Very quiet at most times, but wise for being such a young vampire. Her feelings are pity on the humans she feeds upon, offering them a prayer along with two sliver coins placed upon their eyes for the ferry man to take them to meet their God. While she is often more times then not very distant to others about her feelings, Jaclyn is truly a tormented soul with a tragic past and perhaps an even worst future. Though, she keeps her head up in the end, holding onto the one thing that hasn't sent her mind into a spirally darkness.

History: The story started long ago, when the nights were long, the days shorter. Things of supernatural were all but stories you told you children to make them be good. Living in Dublin Ireland things were quiet, most people herded sheep while others did more tactful things. Jaclyn how ever had life much harder, being adopted at a young age from the streets of London, the poor girl was blind, didn't have a clue nor a friend in the world. The man that adopted her was known all around town, a fair charming older man, widowed with not a child to his name. Who would have lot he was and abusive alcoholic ? Keeping the poor soul around: Jaclyn. She was used to lure fine young men into buy things at the shop so he could earn a profit.

It wasn't till her coming of age should her life change. Leaving the house early she walked through the mud-ed pathways after a days fresh rain to pick up her father who had gotten into a fight again. Charlie had told her so, he was one of the rare few whom she could call a friend. A young Irish man with a very high spirited can do attitude towards life; how she admired him..

That night, something was much different along her path. Being as she could not see it was more the dark presence's she felt over her whole body. Truth be told, if you were to ask her about that night she could only tell you the feeling of someone dragging her into an ally. A dark whisper of "Shh.." And then. Pain...Not just any pain, the worst pain you could think of, the pain of dying.

The next day she awoke on a moving vessel, her body felt cold and lifeless. Jaclyn nearly went crazy asking those around for reply but there was nothing but silence... It felt as if weeks had past, months even? Time was something that abandoned her long ago.

Most of after her arrival in her new place was fuzzy, she could hear men yelling about a floating crate and then she could feel it, the hunger deep inside her pulsing.

The first taste.

The first kill.

The darkness that took her life away.

Jaclyn was in hell, it was all till she met him. She had been traveling with a group of gypsy's that had taken pity on the blind girl, they had offered to take her with them in return she would help in any means possible, the thought made her happy.. A house, a home. Friends? But no that would have been to easy. By nights fall she was looming over their bodies, tears falling from her eyes as she made out a cross from her temple to her chest then side to side; from shoulder to shoulder.

She could hear the howling of the beast not far, the gypsy's called it the mark of the devil a foul beast that consumed the flesh of man, sent from hell itself to turn the world to evil. Stories...That was all, just stories..At least, it was till she found herself begin chased, stopping in front of a a building she quickly ran inside. Lighting struck as she shivered, cold from the pouring rain that had began to pour.

Her body bumped into the feet of a wooden craving, panting she could feel the outline, she was in a church? Dropping to her knees with blood caked on her lips, she shivered forming the cross as she cried out to God, if she were to die here then may God save her soul. The doors burst open as she closed her eyes. She could hear its snarls, the heavy breath. Then, nothingness.

Her body collapsed and by next light she was with a strange man, he was kind and gentle... A saint in her eyes. He would never disclose her name so she would merely call him "Howl." and most she found herself happiest along his side, after that night Jaclyn's mind changed, she could remember the fear that washed over her body. If such a thing existed, then what was she? And the beast...Why didn't it kill her. Many questions rattled the girls mind as the years went on.
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