Blood Curse, Private Edition {Actual RP}

✙ Bandit Harlem, Outside of Kalladen Walls, Forest ✙

She picked up her sped through the woods. Her heart racing, and her leg carrying her as fast as they can. She glanced behind here and seen not a thing, just trees. She smiled and slowed to a walk before stopping and leaning against a tree. She gasped for air as she looked around her surroundings. There was nothing out here. She would be lucky to find someone that lives out here. With a huff the woman turned on her heel and begin to walk in a random direction.

She stopped when she heard the shouting from soldiers from Kalladen. She followed the sounds and looked at them retreating to the walls of Kalladen. She shook her head and growled a bit. Jumping at the sound, she was not yet use to it, she turned again and took off for the deeper part of the woods. The woman had no where to go and no one to go to. She was scared and not ready for the full moon coming soon.

✙ Lucas Ryder, Outside of Kalladen Walls, Forest ✙

Lucas Ryden slipped a cigarette from his pocket and in between his lips. A match flared up and lit the cigarette as he look a drag from it. He stood at the edge of the tree line, watching the walls of Kalladen. He couldnt help as a sadness fell over the man. He looked to the ground with a furrowed brow and a frown on his face. He hated this. The hole damn thing. If this virus didnt happen he would have a wife and a child. He ran his fingers through his long hair as he took another drag from his cigarette. His blue hues looked over the city once again before he turned on his heel. He walked a few feet forward and slid down at the base of a tree. He leaned against it, taking a deep breath, and putting out the cigarette. He could see Kalladen and he just sat there with his eyes trained on the city, watching it.
+Blaze Carson, Fathom Hallow/Center Park+

Tick....Tock....Tick...Tock. Like a persistent hammer, driving him into madness, Blaze curses at the clock hanging on the wall. It has been his only companion since he had been thrown in the prison. Everyone else treats him like a monster. An annoying pest that needs to be exterminated. If they are going to treat me like a monster, I might as well live up to the reputation.With that thought, he begins to gather shadows into a ball in his hand. For the last few weeks, he had been slowly perfecting his powers trying to steer clear of the watchful eyes of the Fathom Hallow guards.

Carefully, and with as little sound as possible, Blaze forms the shadows into the shape of a key. He only had one chance at this, and if he failed, it surely meant death. He pears out through the bars of his cell. The guards where distracted by a rather attractive female inmate. Quietly he moves his shadow key into the lock. With a few flicks of his fingers, the lock opens with a click.

A mischievous smile forms on Blaze's face. The first one since he watched Leeah's emotionless face as they hauled him away. He walks out of the cell with a sense of confidence. He makes it half way down the hall before he hears behind him "Stop!". He turned to see the two guards running after him with pistols aimed. "I wouldn't do that if I where you.". he states coldly. He throws his key of shadows at them, and it turns into two ropes in the air. The ropes go around the necks of the guards squeezing tightly, making them drop their guns.

Blaze watches as the guards drop to the ground struggling to breath. His grin grows bigger as a sense of satisfaction and power washes over him. The guards eventually stop struggling as they take their last breath. He walks away from them without a second glance.

The rest of the prison was far to easy to get out of. He makes his way out into the main courtyard, then sprints to the city streets. He doesn't stop until he reaches the edge of town in the surrounding forest. With a sigh of relief, Blaze collapses by a near by tree. He sits, leaning on the tree, looking up at the morning sky breathing in the fresh air.

+Leeah Vladrin, Kalladen Business District+

"Sorry, we don't hire your kind here.". This was the fourth time Leeah had heard this sentence today, and rarely where they ever truly sorry. She had been trying hard to keep a semi-human life since she became infected. The whole situation was Karma slapping her in the face. Two weeks after sending away her boyfriend, Leeah got attacked in an alley way by the same man who Blaze was defending her from in the bar when he himself was infected. Now, any attempt at leading a normal life, was defeated.

She walks with her head hung low out of the coffee shop. She could feel the eyes of the customers burning on her. She was viewed as a mutant. Had any of them took it upon themselves, then she would have been taken away to the same prison she had sent Blaze to. As she walks out the door, she quickens her pace. She keeps looking behind her to be sure she wasn't being followed. After hastily walking a few streets away, she comes across a small bar and dips inside.

She sits at a bar stool at the end of the bar and hangs her head. She begins to think back. She becomes lost in a time before this virus ruined her life. She thinks of Blaze. She sees his handsome face smiling at her, hugging her, kissing her. A single tear rolls down her cheek and hits the cool wood of the bar top.

Her thoughts are interrupted by a man standing behind the bar. "Can I get you anything, miss?" he held a look of genuine concern on his face. Leeah smiles at him "Just a beer please.". The man nods and turns his back to her. He comes back with an ice covered amber bottle, and sets it down in front of her before popping off the cap. He smiles "If you need anything else, just call.". Leeah nods to him and picks up the bottle.

She takes the bottle to her lips. As the ice cold liquid runs down her throat, she savors the burn. She wasn't much for drinking, but any kind of numbing was welcomed at this point. She takes another drink, and then another, before setting the bottle down and staring out at nothing in particular.
~Maya Hawthorne, Fathom Hollow~

"Hey! Maya, come on, we need to leave, you see that guy? He just left outta hear no problem, why the hell should we wait? We could get out of here easy!" a loud voice called to her left, Maya glanced over to Jay, one of her closest followers, frowning slightly.

"Breaking out illegally... wouldn't look too good when I decide to formally lead the people, and make amends with the... outside, while I do have the mea-"

She was cut off by him slamming his fist into the wall, loud enough to be heard all the way from her cozy cell, and loud enough for her to tell he meant business, "Look Maya been stuck in here for too bloody long, as much as I want to stay safe by sticking to the Mayor's daughter I'm not going to last another second if I have to stay locked in a f*cking prison for being f*cking... sick," he yelled, grabbing some unwanted attention from the guards.

Maya glanced around and saw the murmuring of people agreeing with him, panic began to set in on her, guards were approaching and her people were getting riled up, she had a decision to make and she needed to make it fast. Staying in her padded, comfy cell and waiting for her father had grown weary and due to the ruckus the other man escaping had caused all of the attention wasn't on them. It had only taken her less than a minute to make her decision, and even less time to manifest a large white orb and hurl it at the bars, sending the metal into a sizzling, bubbling, melting, mess as the heat and phosphorous combined to disintegrate the bars and drain her of a good deal of energy.

Fortunately the guard's reaction to the orb had been to scramble backwards and load their guns, giving Maya the chance she needed to manifest her wings and shoot forward, slamming into the first guard and wrestling his gun free from his grip, seeing as he was too shocked to do anything other than blubber his complaints. Moving with calm serenity she aimed the gun at the other man.

"Now unlock my friend's cells or you're getting a bullet to the skull, and possibly a mouthfull of all the energy I can muster, now hurry up, I have things to do," she snapped, tossing her hair over her shoulder and glaring at the man, he opened his mouth as if to oppose and she spread her fingers wide, allowing the white energy to crackle and pop between them, "The rest of your buddies are off dealing with the newly escaped prisoner, do you think it would be wide to oppose me? The mayor's daughter?" she asked quietly.

"I-i have no orders to let you g-go," he stuttered, Maya's eyes narrowed significantly and she let loose a burst of energy, sending it crashing into a nearby wall, the guard made quick work of unlocking the cage, when his work was finished Ray made quick work of landing a sharp blow to his neck, subduing the human instantly.

Heart beating as fast as her feet were moving it only took a few minutes to figure out how to get out of the prison, smashing a few heads in the process and not without some causalities, but all together in one piece. Moving quickly, despite her exhaustion she burst through the front door and made her way into the courtyard, horror struck her nerves in harmony. They had been waiting.

Dressed in what seemed to be swat team gear, and drastically outnumbering them Maya drew back, as her group formed a circle, all eyes looking to her for guidance, guidance she didn't have. Anger took over, anger that threatened to turn into full on fury, she broke free of the circle and began making her way to who she believed to be the head of the guard.

"You dare try to keep me here any longer? Who the hell do you think we are? Do you know who the hell I am?" she hissed, a lone bullet stopped her speech, plunging into her shoulder, an earning a cry of pain, as she dropped to her knees three things happened, Ray went forward, attempting to wolf out as he ran... and the guards returned fire, bullets spraying through the man's form, ripping him apart as they all took aim. And then chaos erupted.

She had never experienced pain like this, it was only a shot to the shoulder yet tears welled in her eyes, and she found it hard to breath as her hand gingerly clamped onto the wound, she attempted to stand, trying to manifest the energy to produce another orb but arms wrapped around her, a warm body hovered over her, working as a shield and forcing her towards the entrance. She glanced up to see Ray, battered and worn, face barely recognizable, as his legs finally gave out and they both were sent tumbling to the ground.

"Ray! Get the hell up! We are all getting out of this together!" she hissed, trying not to scream at the wet feeling of being covered in blood that wasn't her own, unable to stop the metallic taste from reaching her mouth. Despite his battered jaw he managed to shoot her a smile.

"Go on and run now Princess, we're only pawns, you need to raise an army, get us out of here, I don't know about the others but your father's position isn't the only reason I decided to follow you, go on now, get out of here," he said, grinning.

"If you think I'm going to let you lay here and
die, you have another thing coming your way, I am no-"

"Sorry Princess, time is up," he said, Maya turned away, she didn't want the last image of him in her mind to be his last breath, tears didn't come, she forced herself to her feet, the pain of her shoulder seeming petty now as she manifested her wings and took off in a flurry towards the edges of town, she needed to find her brother, they were going to have to work through this together.

~Donald Hawethorne; Business District Bar~

Donald almost gagged when he put the glass to his lips and took a sip, bad alcohol... they had given him bad alcohol, he thought, gritting his teeth and lifting up the glass and see that yes, sediment was forming in bottom of his glass. And he had already paid for this shit. He had three pretty good guesses on why he had gotten this shit, and all of them led back to the same shitty backwards ass thinking he had been trying to escape forever, prejudice.

Just as he was about to get up and approach the bartender, completely prepared to flip the counter if he had to his eyes fell on a young woman. She was almost reduced to tears, and it hampered his anger immediately, when things were to the point where people were inclined to
break down in public, things were messed up, he knew he had no idea what she was crying about, and he knew if he just sidled up to her he would risk the chance of looking like he was trying to get in her pants.

Clearing his throat he took a seat next to her, glancing the way she was and taking another sip of the disgusting alcohol.

"Hey, here is no place to cry, you don't want them seeing this side of you... actually, I have no idea why you're crying, care to talk about it?" he asked gruffly, keeping his eyes ahead of him.
~Pashmina Afghan, In a tree relatively close to the city walls ~

Pashmina was in a tree. She held her rifle close to her body looking for somebody to shoot. She heard several noises coming from all around, but couldn't identify who they were. She waited for somebody, but it was difficult. Pashmina wasn't a patient person and had to always be active. She was doing her best to not keep from fidgeting. She zoomed into a tree, because she thought she had seen something, but it had turned to just be a bird. It was food why not shoot at it!? She had an excellent shot and almost never missed.

Pashmina aimed her rifle and shot at the helpless creature. She hopped down from her perch and walked towards it. "Small, but this'll do!" she commented. She picked it up and put it into her leather bag. She gazed through the mass of trees and saw the city walls. She was thinking about going back inside, but they were the ones who did this to her. Well, they didn't give her this elvish form, but they ridiculed her and locked her up for it. She gripped the rifle tighter as she thought of her family and friends back there.
+Vinn Sage, Outside of Kalladen Walls, Forest+

Vinn awoke from a short nap in a small cave just outside of the cities walls. He sat up with his eyes still closed. He then opened them slowly expecting someone to be watching, but there was no one there. So he rubbed his eyes and looked around to see nothing. He was having trouble remembering the night before, almost like it never happened. He saw that his fire had gone out and smoldering close to his feet. He put some dirt over it to smother it trying to keep it from smoking and alerting any guard on the outside of the wall to his sleeping hole.

Vinn took a moment to take a big breath in and stretch. When he was done he gathered up his belongings and placed them in his bag. He said out loud to himself "Well i guess time to head out for another long day on the run.". He looked around to see if there was anything special he should take with him. He found a piece of flint by his feet and stuck it in his pocket for later. He picked up his bag and placed it on his back. The sound of people yelling in the distance startled him a bit and he took of running out of the cave at super speed and swiftness, but as quickly as he got started he was stopped by a tree just outside the cave.

He got back up to his feet and rubbed his head "Ouch! That hurt a little.". He took a look around before darting off again and only saw trees on three sides and the walls to the city on the other. He took off again with super speed deeper into the forest to the southeast hoping he might find people this day, or if nothing else some food.
+Leeah Vladrin, Business District Bar+

The half trance Leeah was in, is broken by the sound of someone speaking to her. With a bit of a startle, she turns her head to the seat beside her. She sees a man sitting there, looking at her. She takes a moment to try to remember what he had said. Something about not crying. She becomes flushed. She didn't even realize she was crying.

She dries her eyes with the sleeve of her shirt, and turns back to him. She tries to muster up her best fake smile. The emotional tole of all the rejection today had finally gotten to her. Not to mention everything else that had happen in the past six months, becoming infected. By the same person who infected her lover too. The irony escaped her at the moment.

She speaks to him in a slightly shaken voice. "Sorry, it has just been a rough go lately." She tries to raise her voice to be heard over the bustle of the bar, yet it is still soft and meek.
~Maya Hawthorne; Park Center~

She headed for the forest, breath coming in gasps as she clutched onto her shoulder, exhaustion threatened to take over, she skirted closer to the ground before landing in a rather graceful manner. Realization struck her like a bus, and she shuddered, realizing that she had no idea where her brother was, she had no phone and the chances of him having, or being anywhere near one were slim to none. A sharp pain in her shoulder reminded her that she was injured, and the fatigue from flying and blasting energy only added on, wincing she gripped her shoulder and let out a whimper in protest. She had never been hurt before, never in all her life had she been struck by another person, especially with a gun, people were too afraid of her father to do so.

As she made her ways away from the trees she noted three things, one was a gunshot, two was that her shoulder was beginning to stop bleeding, and three was a man who seemed to be around her age, braced against a tree, of course the gunshot only encouraged her to move quickly, whipping herself forward and hiding behind the large tree, a few feet away from where the man was. She had no doubt he had seen her and made no move to try and hide it, placing her hands on her hips, the arm with the hurt shoulder moving rather timidly and glanced at him with almost what would seem to be... impatience in her eyes.

"Normally I'd introduce myself a little more... formally, but please tell me you heard that gunshot... or at least know what it's affiliated with?" she managed to hiss, crouching down, and moving her hand from her hip to her shoulder.

~Donald Hawthorne; Business District Bar~

When the woman turned away initially, he got the unsettling feeling it was because of his appearance, and despite his best mental efforts a feeling of shame washed over him, it took him another glance to realize the woman was merely wiping her eyes and trying to adjust herself before speaking to him. The initial gut crushing feeling disappeared and he tilted his head to the side, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck sheepishly.

"A rough go, eh? Feels like everyone has been having a rough go now a days... being locked in a city and stripped of your freedoms will do that to a person," he laughed bitterly, taking another sip of the alcohol, making a sour face in protest as he forced himself to stomach it, realizing it must be weird to sit in front of someone and make faces, "Sorry, the assholes gave me hard liquor that had gone bad, now if you're really feelin' bad, especially bad enough to cry, don't you think it might be a little better to talk to someone about it? I know you don't know me, but it irks me when a woman cries. I've got a lot of time to kill, so you can go ahead and lay it on me, times are tough for everyone, we have to be there for each other, even when the government bails," he said grimly, his signature scowl returning to his face as he turned from her and glanced back at the wall.

~Valen Helsinger, heading toward the Business District Bar~

Valen emerged from the darkness of a nearby alley in silence, tipping his wide-brimmed black hat over his eyes and tugging the sides of his white-and-brown fur-lined coat over the holsters of his pistols, hiding them from view. Turning his head to the alley, he clicked his tongue as a signal to his 'friends' in the shadows. Out emerged a pair of Magnus Soldiers, fully equipped in combat gear and dragging behind a limp form, whose blood streaked the concrete in a beautiful crimson sheen. The unfortunate soul was a Striga; a Vomica who had broken the law of Kalladen by infecting more human beings with its disgusting disease. Looking at the creature made Valen's stomach twist in rage, and he had to restrain himself from striking the creature's crescent mark then and there. It would not escape justice...the restraints that bound it insured that. Dipping his head down the street, he signaled for the Soldiers to take the prisoner away. As the Striga was led away, the citizens that were traveling the streets avoided the Soldiers as if they were vicious predators...which in a way, they were; Valen had made sure of that.

The Purifier did not follow his subordinates; instead, he began to travel down the opposite direction. Walking slowly down the sidewalk, he too was avoided by the nervous citizens, their fearful expressions obvious as they passed, attempting to keep their eyes from meeting his. Humans acted in fear, but not for the same reasons as the Vomica; the human population treated him with respect because he was the law...the Vomica treated him with anathema because he took pleasure in killing their kind at any chance he could get.

He delighted in his job, for he was like the sheriff of an old time Western who lived in a town of bandits and outlaws; either destined to die or to become a hero. It was the possibility of either that brought a thrill to his existence with every passing day. So long as the Vomica remained, he would remain the living embodiment of their worst nightmares. His reputation as a hunter for escaped Vomica from the prison was bathed in the blood of said escapees; he was not a merciful man.

Valen's reputation did not just stir up feelings of fear or despair; it also gave rise to anger and hatred for some Vomica. Perhaps the most notable example would be the stance the Atrum had against him; to them, he was a threat to their 'glorious race', and its members have made quite the number of assassination attempts against Valen over the years. Each time, no matter who they sent, they failed miserably. Some said he had a skilled gambler's uncanny luck, while others said he was secretly a new form of Vomica; one whose powers were beyond their comprehension.

No matter the rumor, they all proved to be wrong; how he had survived for so long, without even bothering to take much precautions to maintain his was all thanks to the 'antidote' he had lost long ago. His immunity to the virus was a powerful component, and perhaps the most important, but it also had other side-effects too. Since the lost vaccine had been made from the blood of various Vomica, he had developed what one may call an 'awareness' of the creatures...he could look at a Vomica of any type, and know instinctively how to best kill them.

Valen's stomach growled slightly, its rumbling loud and clear; he needed something to eat. His eyes searched around the street he was currently on for any joint that might harbor a meal for him to buy, finally resting his gaze on a quaint bar. Raising the brim of his hat, he approached the bar's entrance and walked inside. His arrival went mostly unnoticed for now, and he kept his attention off of everyone else; if they did not disturb him, he would leave them be. Simple as that. He took a seat at a bar stool a few seats down from a pretty young woman who appeared to be weeping, and a man who he assumed was trying to calm her. Lovers, perhaps. Maybe friends. Whatever it was, it did not matter to him.

Sitting down, he spoke quietly, but his voice carried enough to the barkeep for him to hear. "...A bottle of your best brandy, and water to wash it down. I'll pay extra." The barkeep blinked at seeing Valen, but shrugged and went about his business, grabbing one of his bottles from the shelf and carrying it over to Valen along with a bottle of water. Once his drinks were set down, Valen paid the barkeep the amount he promised, and began to pour himself some with one of the nearby clean glasses. Once it was filled to the brim, he raised it to his lips and downed it quickly, the alcohol burning his throat viciously on the way down, leaving him smiling oddly as he set the glass down.
+Blaze Carson, Center Park+

Blaze did not get much time to get his composure after his escape. His solitude was interrupted by the voice of a female. He looked up from his quiet spot and immediately recognized her. It was the mayor's daughter. He heard a lot about her from his stay in Fathom Hallow. He knew she was also a prisoner there, and apparently his distraction also allowed her to escape.

He stands up and nods to her. Upon closer inspection he see's the gunshot wound. He had heard the shots, but he figured they where a warning to him. Now, the booms made a lot more sense. "No need for an introduction, I know exactly who you are.". He could hear what seemed like impatience in her voice, though he was unsure why. Blaze removes the shirt off his back and begins ripping it into strips. "We need to get that wound cleaned and wrapped quick. You are already infected you don't need to get sick too. Take off your shirt.". Any other time, his last instruction would have been in different context, but right now he simply needed better access to inspect her wounds.

+Leeah Vladrin, Business District Bar+

Leeah becomes very aware of how crowded the bar is getting. Ever since she was infected, large crowds make her nervous. She is fearful she will met the same fate as her beloved fiance. Oh, the irony of it all. She begins tracing the tattoos across her arm with her fingertips. Her head is hung low as her eyes dart from the man seeking to comfort her, and the one who just sat down a few stools away ordering the brandy.

She looks at her own dark bottle of bitter liquid. She imagines a jagged line cutting through the middle of the bottle. Then, the top of the bottle breaking, leaving sharp pointed glass. She sees cursed blood covers the tips of the makeshift weapon. She shivers and shakes her head, relinquishing the memory. Her eyes turn back to the man attempting to comfort her. Should she spill her soul to a complete stranger?. "I have just...I been trying to get a job. I want some sort of normal human life, but....I suppose it is a useless cause now.".
~Maya Hawthorne, Center Park

Maya froze at his request, and at the rampant rate he had torn his own shirt. She rose to her feet and wrapped her arms around herself, drawing her brows together tightly as she glared at the man.

"What do you mean there's no need for introductions? You know who I am? I assume you mean as Hawthorne's daughter," she said, barely managing a smug smile before the severity of his words reached her, she felt her face heat up as she fixed him with a disdainful look, "Take off my shirt? Why do I have to do that?" she exclaimed.

She exhaled painfully as her quick movements jarred her shoulder, she was exhausted, and Ray's possible death had unnerved her, made her numb. The man didn't seem like he was going to try and hurt her, maybe he had torn his shirt to make makeshift bandages? She was too exhausted to pass up an opportunity to have her wounds checked out.

She wiggled her way out of her bloody T-shirt and and let it fall to the ground, she crossed her arms over her chest and shifted herself so that her shoulder was closer to him. She glanced away from him and glared at the ground in the opposite direction.

"Thank you, for checking out my wounds..." She muttered.

~ Donald Hawthorne, Business District Bar

Donald immediately perked up when she mentioned that she was infected, while she didn't explicitly state the human life comment was a dead giveaway. As his eyes drew to where she was tracing onto her arms he noted he should have realized a while ago. It also explained why she didn't react when he approached her, Satan's eyes weren't customarily considered attractive on a dude.

"A job? Why are you trying to fit back into their society? They abandoned us, I say let them have their stupid, sheltered, prejudice, lives, we'll build our own society. There are plenty of jobs open for people like you and me, not all of them are legal, not all of them are squeaky clean, but we need to start off somewhere, and if we need to do it with a starting boot in the mud, I say hell yea, let's go for it," he said, voice growing increasingly louder as he spoke, his enthusiasm exceeding his pseudo gruff appearance. He could hear the murmurs of many of the folk around him, quietly agreeing him, embarrassment flooded over him, that encouraging speech was for the woman, not for them, but he couldn't help but feel the tingling of pride as he watched what he had sparked.

Surveying the room for more reactions his eyes narrowed on a figure, a familiar figure, familiarly despicable. Of course it wasn't hard to pinpoint him, everyone knew him, and he stood out with the shock of white hair, and those....cold eyes. Valen Helsinger was the real monster among the "monsters".
- Marcus McConnell, Cabin in the Woods -

An unnatural creak sounded as the door to a lone cabin in the forest opened, causing the giant man that stepped out to curse under his breath, grumbling about fixing 'that damned door soon' as he raked a hand through his beard and sniffed the air, almost lingering as if tasting it. "Another full moon," he thought aloud as he moved 'round the house slowly and carefully. There wasn't much for defense, but the cabin wasn't much for visitors anyway, despite the were-creatures paranoia that had only grown over the years. A few times, of course, there'd been braver souls that had ventured his way; ventured to HIS area of the forest. Hunters mainly, but there had also been....


Stopping roughly from his inspection, Marcus' head snapped around, nostrils flaring as he took in the scents around him. There were the trees, various plants, vegetables he'd grown, other animals and then, the smell of them. Sweat, adrenaline, the sickening scent of fear. Not only from the soldiers this time. They were retreating, most of them. But on the edge of his nostrils crept the smell of another. "Female?" he mused aloud, sniffing again. "A mutt."

Growling deep in his chest, he moved around to the front of the cabin again and picked up the axe, tugging it easily from its place in the earth and kneeling down with it. Whoever this gal was, she was heading his way... and there was a soldier near too. The wind changed, throwing off the scent and causing the beast-man to exhale a sigh of frustration as he waited. If they came to his cabin, he'd worry. If they passed by? "Let them kill each other..." he whispered to the forest around him, brown eyes flickering ferociously in the fading light of dusk.
✙ Bandit Harlem, Outside Marcus' Cabin ✙

She turned her head to the sound of two sets of running foot steps. "She ran this way!" Her heart stopped as she took off. No no no no... She ducked and dogged through the thick trees, the soldiers hot on her tail(LOL). Up ahead a cabin came into view and the woman smiled. "Thank god." She pushed back a tree and was about to reach the porch of the cabin when she was yanked back by her shirt. She let out a yelp and tried to rip her arm away from the soldier. "Let go of me!!" She shouted as a rumble of a growl escaped her throat.

The soldier slapped her across the face, leaving a bloody scratch from his ring on his finger. She struggled more and got loose to only find herself face to face with a larger soldier. She couldn't see his face but the vibes he was giving off, she could tell he was pissed. He quickly reached up and caught the young woman by the throat. Her hands flew to his arm as he tightened his grip and looked up at the other soldier. "I say we kill her right now." Bandit's eyes went wide as she made a little squeak, trying to call out for help, hoping some one lived in the cabin.

Her nose flared trying to get a good breath in and she caught a sent of another man. He smelled like one of her. A were-creature. She begin to let out more squeak like noises as her eyes searched the area around her. He was not to far away. He HAD to of caught her sent by now. Her leg kicked forward, hitting the larger soldier where the sun don't shine. He let of her throat and fell to the ground in pain as she took off for the cabin again. "Help m-" She was cut off by the other soldier tackling her. "Dammit!!"
- Marcus McConnell, Woods Outside the Cabin -

The giant knelt, waiting cautiously, mind racing as smells and sounds closed in toward him. To act, or to let the situation resolve itself? Rising his nose to the air, he drunk in the small of three. The were-girl from before and two soldiers. They closed in and he watched, moving out of site as he studied them. 'Say they kill her,' Marcus thought to himself, hands tightening around the axe. 'Even then they'll find me, bring more. No longer hidden...'

Shoving away the thoughts, he watched as one slapped the girl, the scent of blood washing over him. With the full moon so close, the beast shuddered, stomach growling hungrily. More words were shared, the soldiers speaking of her death, a cry of pain and the females cries of help. She knew he was there, she could smell him as well. 'Ignore it, Marcus,' the voice in his mind reminded him. 'It'll bring nothin' but trouble.' With a curse, she was again forced to the ground. "Shit," the were-bear spat, brandishing the axe and sprinting forward.

"Wha--" the first and larger soldier spat out, words silenced by the blade thunking wetly into his throat. Gurgles followed as he fought the intruding metal, hands weakly battering at the wooden handle uselessly. He fell, gasping, and the giant moved again. Quickly, too quickly for a human, he rushed the other soldier that had tackled the girl. Too late did he see the wooden stick that cracked his head, dazing him for a moment. He stumbled, the other soldier getting up and raising a hand triumphantly for a second blow. He swung, but this time caught nothing but air.

Marcus was up, darting around him and with a vice-like grip, lifting him from the earth and slamming him back down. The soldier beat upon the larger man's back, but the blows were ignored. Again, the crashing thud of a body meeting the hard ground. The sound repeated three more times before a crack was heard, echoing along the trees. The broken soldier heaved a rasping sigh and, as quickly as it had began the fight was through.

"Who the hell are ya', mutt, and what're you doin' here?" he male snapped at the younger looking were-girl, wiping blood from his eyes with his arm. "What the hell were ya' thinkin'... getting caught like that?" Huffing, he moved to retrieve his axe, pulling it from the corpse with a wet sucking noise. He took one look at the blood and threw it away from him, hardly suppressing the urge to lap the flesh and bone from the dirty blade. "Don't you know what time it is?! Jesus Christ..." he finished, trailing off and pacing for a moment before moving toward her and shoving his hand at her. "Get up."
✙ Bandit Harlem, Outside Marcus' Cabin ✙

She was just about to slam her fist into the soldiers jaw when a man ran out from nowhere and attacked the soldier that she kicked. He came forward for the soldier that was pinning her down and she moved away, scurrying away. She watched as he attacked the two soldiers. He was strong, no doubt. She watched as the soldier died and looked up at the were-man as he begin to shout-complain at her. "Get up." He said and she did as she was told, quickly moving to her feet, in fear. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to d-disturb you!" She crossed her arms and looked up at him.

She studied his face. He was rugged looking. With tanned skin, long brown hair and a beard that matches. She furrowed her brow at the way he was acting toward her. They were on the same side. "T-Thank you for helping me. You didnt have to. You could have let them kill me off." She sighs, now feeling horrible for disturbing him. She takes a sharp breath and breathes in the sent of blood and flesh. A deep rumbling growl emitted from her throat as she looked down at the dead bodies. The beast that would soon take over roared inside her head. It was hungry and it scared her.
+Blaze Carson, Center Park+

Blaze finishes ripping his own shirt into strips and grips them in his hand. As the girl takes off her top, Blaze glances at her, taking a moment to admire the beauty of a female undressing. Even after the events of the day, he could not steer away from his natural tendency's to "appreciate". "Yes, I know you as Hawthorne's daughter, and as a prisoner, like I was.". She approaches her slowly as to not cause any more panic.

Looking down at her chest/shoulder, he places one hand close to the gun shot wound. He looks it over carefully, squinting his eyes as he does. He lays the strips around his neck and takes one of them in his hands. "The shot looks pretty clean. Eventually, we will have to get the bullet out, but for now...we just need to get some pressure on it and get it covers. This is going to hurt.". He starts by wrapping the cloth around the wound it's self.

He looks up to her and gives a slight smile of reassurance. "Now, don't think anything of this.". Without explaining what he was doing, he takes another strip and ties it to the end of the one he just wrapped. He secured the bandage around her arm, then around her chest. He tied one clothe, after the other until he had used up all the strips.

+Leeah Vladrin, Business District Bar+

Leeah becomes painfully aware of how much attention their conversation is drawing. She slinks down in her chair, attempting to become as small as possible. She was beginning to wish the virus had given her something useful, like the ability to become invisible. Right now she felt the strong urge to disappear completely. She lowers her head, lightly shaking her head as she does so her hair falls down around her face. She grips the cold bottle in her hand causing her knuckles to turn white. She mumbles under her breath "Should be take this conversation somewhere, quieter? It seems to be drawing a lot of attention.".
~Maya Hawthorne, Center Park~

Maya cleared her throat and glanced away as she felt the man's eyes graze over her before he began work on her wound, light eyes piercing the ground. When he told her it was going to hurt she had no way to anticipate the pain that followed his statement, first it was only a surprised gasp that left her lips, before she actually cried out, gripping onto his thigh and trying to hold back tears from entering her vision. Maya Hawthorne does not cry... Maya Hawthorne does not cry. Unfortunately pain was not something she was entirely familiar with before the infection, and now she was getting a full dose of it.

Her grip on his thigh increased as he began wrapping the bandages around her,
"Ah! Ah! Gentle! Be gentle! Tender spots!," she snapped, using a hand to toss her hair over her shoulder before glaring at him. She glanced back at him, despite the fact she wanted to choke him, she was thankful for what he did, she doubted anyone else would have even taken the time to do this, she forced herself to remove her scowl and sighed before glancing at him, "Well my name is Maya Hawthorne, I mean, you probably already know that but it feels better to introduce myself, you never told me your name," she said, sitting up, the bandages restricted her bra in the most uncomfortable way possible but she supposed it was better than bleeding all over the place. Another hitching breath escaped her lips when he tightened the bandage over her chest her grip on his thigh increased and her eyebrows narrowed further. After he used the rest of the bandages she stood up, tucking a hair behind her hair and glancing at her bloody shirt draped across the ground, that wasn't going to be wearable.

"Ah, I meant to ask, do you have a phone?"
+Blaze Carson, Center Park+

Blaze's breathing picked up slightly at the feeling of the girl squeezing his thigh. He knew she was just trying to ease her own pain, but the action of it made his heart race a little bit. Her comment about the the tender spots makes him snicker "Yeah, that's what she said." he mumbles under his breath. It seems the virus not only changed him physically, but also on a emotional, mental level. His normal respectful, hopeless romantic self, has changed into something dark and demented. He no longer though of the emotional tolls his actions might have on another person.

He was helping this girl simply because it could benefit himself. She had status among the city and in Fathom Hallow. Her status could attract a lot of Atrum members and a potential rebellion. His ultimate goal was to take down Fathom Hallow, then eventually, the rest of the city. Blaze rubs his arms feeling the chill of the wind on his bare skin. "I don't have a phone here. I lost everything when I went into Fathom, but I might still have one back in my apartment. That is, if it still exist and hasn't been ransacked by now.". He gives her a nod while still rubbing his arms and begins slowly walking towards the southern part of the city.
~Maya Hawthorne; Center Park

Maya stared after the man as he began a slow trek to the southern part of the city. Her eyebrows furrowed as she considered letting him walk off, there was no reason for her to help him, right? The fact he helped her was an huge reason, and her conscious was not allowing her to brush it off like it normally would. She sighed, the man still hadn't told her his name, but he had been quick to help her with her throbbing shoulder.

"Hey, look, I'm trying to rally my forces, I need to prove myself as leader, first things first I need to bring down Fathom, punish them for what they did...and what they took from me...and to prove myself as a threat, someone to be recognized by," she said, her strong, proud stride returning as she kept pace with the man, she crossed her arms and glanced at him, "I don't know if you have anything to go back to, but I can't do this alone. If the humans won't accept us into their society then we have to forge our own,"

She stepped in front of him, crossing her arms and tilting her head in an attempt to make her slender frame and pale hair and eyes as strong as she could, "You helped me and I want to return the favor, we have to stick up for each other, now I know I have a phone and extra clothes in my father's house, I need to found my brother and then I need to get a few more people to help me in my.... siege,"
+Blaze Carson, Center Park/Southern Kalladen+

...if you have anything to go back to.
The words screamed through Blaze's head like a trumpeting orchestra. He did in fact have nothing left. His quiet college life was stolen away from him. His potential future, his engagement, his life...none of it mattered anymore. The only thing that mattered was that is was Vomica versus the rest of the town. The Cursed against the world. He stops in his tracks and turns around looking at the girl with a sense of desperation and anger in his eyes.

He walks to her, so he is standing within arms reach. "Why stop at Fathom, or Kalladen for that matter? Why not take over all of Galden? Then eventually all of the world. We are not human, we are better then human. We are not sick, we are evolved. We are a species that needs to be at the top of the food chain. With enough on our side, there is nothing that can stop us.". He takes a moment to calm himself, realizing that he was speaking out of pure anger at the world. He nods his head to her "Alright, let's go to your father's then. You have allegiance.".
~Maya Hawthorne, Center Park/Southern Kalladen~

Maya's eyes widened when his face contorted into that of rage and sadness, she shuddered, hoping that her words hadn't triggered him into doing something like attacking her, she froze as he walked toward her, fingers bristling as she prepared the process to summon an orb, energy briefly crackling around her fingers. His question spurred a smile onto her face, but sparked worry inside her mentally, though he seemed angry his statements showed that he was ambitious and had thought about this before. She studied his face, edging in a mental image, had she seen him somewhere? Did she know of this man? She placed a hands on her hips and glanced him up and down one last time.

"I don't plan on stopping, we're getting these walls down. I'm not going to try and destroy and take over Galden, that's what they're scared of, and we'd only be proving them right. Showing that we are "monsters" that want to destroy their way of life. I want to show that this infection shouldn't be the crowbar that pulls humanity apart..." she said, before curling a strand of hair around her fingers and frowning at him, "And you still haven't told me your name,"

She muttered, returning to walking, mind subconsciously remembering the way there, despite her recent time being locked up, nothing had changed, she would always find her way back home.
- Marcus McConnell, Woods Outside the Cabin (w/Bandit) -

When the girl ignored his hand and scrambled to her feet, Marcus snorted an exhale through his nostrils and watched her, eyes only moving away for a second to look at the axe again. 'Get it together, Marcus,' he thought to himself, steeling his attitude and ignoring the twisting feeling of hunger in his stomach. Finally, he spoke, gruff and deep voice splitting the silence. "I could'a. Then a'course, they'd have run back to their higher ups, told 'em about my place here. They'd come investigate an' shit'd hit the fan. Bad idea."

He leaned his head to the side and spat, the scent of the gore on the axe handle still wafting to his nose. "If I had a g'damn brain in my head, I'd kill YOU too, pup," he said with almost a hint of a smile crossing the right corner of his lips at the 'nickname' he'd been kind enough to gift her with. "But, I'm no monster just yet. That'll come later." He gave a snort of laughter at that, but it was cut off by the girl's growl.

"Almost that time, pup," he said, brown eyes shifting up to the moon, all traces of smirk gone from his features. "I'm gonna' assume, since you were runnin' for yer' life, that you don't have a plan for the er... big event." Shaking his head, he cocked an elbow toward his cabin. "This is gonna' sound damned creepy, but hear me out. I've got a spot in my basement you can stay in for the night. Same kinda' spot I lock myself in when the beast takes over." He sighed. "I know it sounds f#@kin' nuts, kid, but trust me, neither of us want you runnin' around here makin' a mess tonight."

Turning around toward the house, he took a pack of beaten up cigarettes from the pocket of his pants and lit one with an equally battered Zippo, exhaling a bluish-grey cloud into the night sky. "If all that ramblin' didn't leave ya' speechless, how about we share names. Or, I could just keep callin' you Pup," he joked half-heartedly, expelling another plume of smoke from his nostrils as he chuckled. "I'm Marcus. Folks around here have been callin' me Ursus."
✙ Bandit Harlem, Outside Marcus' Cabin ✙

Bandit flinched every time the man would raise his voice to her. She looked up at him with apologetic expresstion as she turned his way. Moving closer to him she listened closely to what he had to say, taking everything in. "What do you mean by a spot in your basement? How is it going to keep us from killing each other?" She questioned quickly wondering what the hell he was talking about. "And it dont sound THAT crazy that you want me to go to your basement with you." She let out a laugh trying to lighten the mood between the two.

She looked up at him when he introduced himself to her. She smiled "My name is Bandit. Errr... I am called Bandit by everyone." She nervously laughed as she scratched the back of her head. She started thinking... This man was like her but different. He was not a wolf but another animal. She looked up at him and furrowed her brow. "What are you?" She asked then regretted it. "I mean... You are like me! But not a wolf. God I am rude." She gave him a nervous smile, still being quite scared of him.

Government Announcement:

The speaker's hanging all around the fort walls hiss to life.

Citizens of Kalladen, it is now seven hours until full moon.

Please proceed to your homes and take caution.

Magnus Soldiers will be patrolling the city streets.

Any Were caught in the city streets will be shot on sight.

~Blaze Carson, Center Park/Southern Kalladen~

With a sigh of frustration, Blaze rolls his eyes at the girl. It seemed she didn't fully comprehend what was happening around them. A new species was rising to the top of the food chain. "Do you not see? We are monsters. They should fear us. If we get these walls down and go out into the rest of the world, do you think they are just give us a big hug and accept us? No. They are going to treat us the same way we are being treated caged animals.". He lowers his head shaking it. He knew this girl gave him no reason to be so hostile, but between the virus coursing through his veins, and the back stabbing he had experienced, hostile seemed to be his new permanent state of mind.

He looks back to her, now more calm "My name is Blaze Carson, pleasure to meet you.". When she begins to walk away, Blaze does not immediately follow. He takes a moment to study her from a better angle, and get a better grasp on the situation. He wonders if it would be worth it. Was it possible to get a small group together to take down the walls? Right now, it was them against the world. Where they really strong enough. He catches up and walks beside her "I will help you with what needs done, but we are going to need much more then just us, and we are going to need a secret place away from Magnus eyes to plan and gather supplies.".
- Marcus McConnell, Woods Outside the Cabin (w/Bandit) -

Marcus couldn't silence the sigh that followed her question. "What do I mean... eh shit," he grumbled, trying to think of a way to explain this without it seeming ever more like he was a serial killer. "Same year I got infected, I had a friend'a mine help build me a couple of cages. Only way to keep the 'beast' in, ya'know? Thick steel, damn near impossible to break down, an' they've got some timer-things on'em that unlock when yer' back to 'normal', whatever the hell
that means anymore."

For a second he went quiet, remembering that first year and the full moons before he was able to confine himself. His face soured at the memories, but soon he'd pushed them away again and looked back at her, cigarette crackling audibly as he took the last drag and snuffed it on the ground with his boot. "Bandit, huh? Interestin' name, I'll give ya' that," he said with a hint of a laugh in his voice. When she asked about what he was, he thought for a moment before sighing. "Ah, what the hell. I'm like ya', but not, that's for sure. I'm a bear. Kinda' fitting I guess... always have been a big'n."

Waving off the comment about rudeness, he turned to open the door and say something, but his words were halted when the hiss of speakers crackled in the distance and announced the time. When they were through, the giant growled and shook his head. "Sonovabitch, right on time as usual," he started glumly, then opened the cabin's wooden door with a low creak, standing to the side. "C'mon in if ya' want. Ya' can look downstairs at the cages or have a seat. I'm gonna' erm... clean up this mess outside."

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