Blood Curse {Actual RP}


The Amazon
Plot and sign-ups can be found here: 
It has been two weeks since Blaze barely escaped his captures.It wasn't an easy task. His heart was still filled with the pain and anger of his girlfriends betrayal. Five years of friendship, love, and trust, was all ripped away because of a simple bar fight. It made him realize how you can give soul to someone without every really knowing them. Carefully he makes his way through the darkness to the park in the middle of the city. The park was very quiet. Being the middle of the night, not even the birds sang. He enjoyed the solitude.

Since making his escape from the prison, he had not interacted with anyone else. The thought of possibly being locked away again like a caged animal made him cringe. Even though he only spent a few days there, it was enough for him to know what hell truly felt like. The world didn't see him as a person anymore. The world saw him as a monster. A monster that needed to be destroyed. At this point, Blaze could not trust anyone. He had to become selfish and only think of himself. Though, this wasn't easy when his heart was broken.

The street lights castes eerie shadows along the ground. He holds out his hand and begins to play with the shadows. He manipulates them into moving pictures, like a silent movie made entirely of silhouettes. After finishing his little movie, he walks over to a nearby bench and lies down on his back on it.

He looks up to the night sky, and takes his wooden pan flute out of his pocket and begins to play a haunting and mesmerizing melody. In between notes he sings "Awake from the deep I reach for the sea. Feel the heat take a hold, through the body hides the soul. Each thought of her will torture me. I must remain cold...The fear won't unfold. Does the depth of my need penetrate your sleep?". The words brought a silent tear to his eye that he cast away as quickly as it came.
Julie had been huddled by a tree in the park. Around behind a bush in the back sleeping. Well trying to sleep was more like it. The night was a little figid and while her lavender colored hoody was warm, her short khapris were not. Her arms had been wrapped around her legs while her head rested on her knees. But suddenly, as she awoke from the only slight amount sleep she had obtained, she heard a noise.

Moreso was it actually music. it was soft and melodic. Almost as if drawing her in. Turning over on her knees, she crawled through the soft grass and under a shrub or three until she finally came upon the bench at which a young man was sitting. Since she kind of startled herself on arriving at him, she gasped softly, though not meaning to as she knew this would probably alert him. She quickly tried to duck down and blend into the bush. The girl didnt really know how visible or not she was but she remained still with her forehead on the ground.
Upon hearing a rustling sound near the bushes, Blaze stops his song suddenly. Without warning he sits straight up. "Who's here?" he calls out into the darkness. His eyes remain focused on the land around him. He had become paranoid. He was always thinking the guards where coming after him to send him back to the prison.

He stands up and begins slowly walking. He cautiously makes his way over to the bushes where the sound came from. "Come out, come out wherever you are." he whispers. His hand goes out beside him. The instant he found someone, he was prepared to use the shadows to kill.
The girl just remained silent as he walked over. She even held her breath trying to not make a noise. That was until someone grabbed her by the wrist. She squealed but not to loud and pulled back trying to get away. Though she still kept her head down. She kind of just laid down hoping maybe it would make her harder to pull from the shrubbery.

"Please don't hurt me! I didn't know the music was coming from you! Please!" She pleaded.

Julie pulled back again but she had no force in comparison to the man.
Blaze raised an eyebrow as he pulled out the girl. He couldn't help but to laugh when he finally came face to face with who he thought was a prison guard. "Your kidding right?" he looks sarcastically. He releases her hand with a push then goes and sits back on his bench. He looks back to her "Why don't you go on home little girl. It's dangerous to be out here at night.".
As she was pulled out of the bush, Julie kind of rolled over as she fell to her knees. It hurt when she hit the pavement and she let out a small whimper as she did it. Quickly she glanced up at him to see what the man was doing but before he could make her face she lowered it again as he went back to the bench.

"You don't own this park. I can be out here if I want too." She smarted back off at the man.

Finding a tree next to the bush she scooted her behind over against it facing the man. Not having anywhere to go and the fact that he wasn't leave she felt compelled to stay. Even if he was going to be rude. Julie cuddled up again, legs packed tightly against her chest, arms around them and watching the man from behind the shadows of her hoody.

"If it's so dangerous, why are you just laying around?" She asked him meany, trying to get under his skin.
Blaze shakes his head. It was obvious this girl wasn't going to leave him alone anytime soon. He figured he might as well have some fun at her expense if she insisted on being around him. "It is not dangerous for me. I am the one that is dangerous.". He raises his hand and allows a ball of shadows to form in his hand. The shadows take on a shape of a laughing skull. He raises his hand to her and the skull goes shooting from his hand right towards the girls face before disappearing on impact.
Justice walked through the edge of the woods, guiding his younger sister by his left hand. The night was quiet and peaceful, but for two that had been altered by the 'Curse' nothing was safe anymore. Destiny trudged along, her eyes drooped to nearly the stub. "Justin, can't we stop? Just for the night?" She pleaded, in a whine of a manor. "D, you know we can't stop here. Soon I promise." He persisted, guiding the small girl around tree's and such.

"Piggy Back then?"Destiny mumbled.

Justin sighhed, but seeming that he had no choice, he pulled the smaller girl onto his back. Justice was considered a Vampire, except he didn't feed on the mortals. He fed on energy and stuff like that. His sister here, was an average fae. Except she liked to fly. A lot. Often Justin would have to climb a tree to get her down, or some other useless tasktic. In a matter of minutes, Destiny was asleep. Justin glanced tthrough the still remaining tree's to notice a small park. Two people had gathered there. Justin ducked suddenly. Why were two people out so late? He wondered.
The girl pondered the thought of him being dangerous. In her eyes, everyone was dangerous, it was just an opinion on how much so. Some would turn you in for cash, like most tried to with her, others would just neglect you. But when the ball of shadows turned into a skull she instantly knew he was like her. But that did not matter. In a fight for survival friends turned on friends to survive. He was no different.

She shuddered a little bit and her head shot back to dodge it wacking into the tree behind her. Julie grunted as she mumbled before rubbing the back of her head.

"So you have powers. Everyone has powers in this town. You don't frighten me. " Julie remarked trying to play it headstrong.
"But I should frighten you." Blaze stated matter-of-factly. He wasn't afraid to show how powerful he really was if it came down to it. Though, it intrigued him that this girl didn't run at the first sight of his power. Usually the 'normal' people run when seeing him. This had to mean she wasn't normal. "So, what type of power do you hold little one?'.
She brought her arms back around he knees. Her eyes began to glow, though she didn't realize this. They would look like a canine or feline in the dark when light hits their eyes, but her eyes reflect a slight violent hint. Julie just stared at him.

"Why would I have powers? Some people are still normal. I could be to ya know." She shivered for a second as a chill went up her spine. Now she just tried to push his buttons. "You seem like the one that's scared. All emo with your skulls of smoke."

She raised her arms like claws attempting to depict a scary monster from the shadows. Julie flicked her wrists as if clawing at something and she kind of made a growling noise that sounded more like a cat dying.
Blaze once again laughed at the girl. She was either very brave or very stupid, he had yet to figure out which. He stands up and walks over to her. Shadows danced behind him as he walked like dark ribbons caught in the wind. His long black hair made a similar movement. He stands right in front of her and kneels down so his gaze meets hers "If you where normal, then you wouldn't be trying to hang around me. So, tell me, what has the curse done to you?".
Spencer sighed and continued to walk throughout the forest that surrounded the park. She had her hoodie wrapped tight around her small body with her ears being covered up by the hood. Her tail was hanging out and swinging around lazy, rubbing up against her legs every now and then. Spencer could hear others talking in the middle of the park. She has gotten so adapted to her wolf form that even in this, her human form, she could smell and hear things better than any normal human could, just like a wolf. She walked a few more steps before deciding to go up in a tree to get a better lookout on anyone that came close, if anyone was even around her.
Julie was actually very frightened. It was just the mans whole demeanor. But somehow the simple and small amount of companionship she received from the stranger was comforting. At this close, her glowing eyes would of been very noticeable and extremely beautiful. Almost like lost amethyst gems found by an archeologist.

"It left me orphaned and alone..." She spoke softly. "People hate me simply because my eyes aren't a normal color. My powers are small in comparison to others and they still treat me differently."
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Blaze's intrigue grew as he stared at her mesmerizing eyes. He felt drawn to her. He knew well what it was like to be orphaned. Even before the infection spread through the town, he himself was an orphan. He felt the sudden need to protect this girl, like a father would a daughter. "This infection leaves all of us alone. You are no different than I am.". Suddenly, he stood up and looked around. He could hear slight noises different from the normal bustle of the city. He felt that they weren't alone. "I think we have company." he whispers to the girl. He turns around and looks around "Who's out there? Show yourself or I will kill you on the spot.".
(Not sure how should I appear but I guess I'll just jump in! ^^)

Evie was resting lazily on top of the branch of a tall tree. She was waiting for Nathaniel to come but . . . Man! He did take a lot. He was just so picky. Any 'victim' would do, at least on Evie's case. She rubbed her stomach absently as she felt the dull pain of hunger starting to affect her.

She was just so immersed on her own little world, on her mild annoyance towards Nathaniel, that she didn't notice she was not alone until she heard a male's voice resonating near her current position. She blinked and lowered her eyes to the ground, leaning forward a bit and wrapping both of her hands against the firm branch beneath her. There, a guy and a girl stood, not so far from her. As she hadn't really payed attention to what the guy had said before it didn't even cross her mind to answer his question. So, out of curiosity she just stared at them, brow raised.
Blaze's eyes fell on a girl not to far away from them. He couldn't help but wonder why all of a sudden these girls where coming out here in the night. Did they not know of the danger's that lie here? Did they not know that he was dangerous? "What are you doing here?" he calls out to her.
Evie tilted her head to the side lightly as he spoke, pointing at herself with her index finger for a moment before a smile slipped on her face. She slid her legs to the side and wrapped them firmly around the branch. She then let herself fall back and swung her body. In no time, she was already releasing her grip around the branch, landing neatly on her feet. She took a few long strides to the guy and just then she opened her mouth to answer "Waiting for my brother who went to fetch us some food. What about you?"
Julia looked over at the other one who just emerged. It was rather strange that everyone was gathering here. The young girl just sat their and observed the while they conversed, trying to stay warm.
Justice peered from behind a tree. His little sister Destiny was far asleep on his back. The man had yelled for others to appear. A few more people had arrived, each gathering at the same location. This was very suspicious to Justice, also called Justin. Justin glanced at the one who was probably closet. And luckily one of his powers was Telephathic communications. Justice concentrated, "Who are you?" He sent to the one named Julia. "Are you Like Us?"

He sent the girl only two messages, quietly hiding in the shadows.
Blaze was becoming slightly agitated. What was it with these girls? He came to the conclusion that he was surrounded by idiots. He looks to the new girl with a frown of disappointment. "Well, I was trying to play music, alone, but it seems that is not happening. Why don't you go wait for your brother somewhere else?".
Julia was confused. She heard a voice but no one was around her. Turning left and right, then back again, she could not see anything. Still confused and wondering shy was everyone coming around suddenly, she spoke up.

"Technically I was here first. I was sleeping then you played your music and woke me up."

Thinking she was crazy, she rested her head back on her knees.
Blaze turns back to Julia with a stern look. His voice is deep and nearly monotone as he speaks "Just because you where hear first doesn't mean you had to come speak to me. A simple 'hey, I'm trying to sleep here' would have sufficed". He was growing increasingly agitated. He had worked hard to remain in solitude since his escape, and now everyone was coming out at once.
Julia yawned. It was getting pretty late and she was very tired. She leaned forward, getting on the soles of her feet, then pushing herself up, she stood. The little girl was very short, and it was obvious now with her height how young she actually was.

"Have it your way then." Turning around she walked off down the path, not sure where it was heading in the darkness of the night.
Spencer continued to sit at the top of the tree she was in, watching and listening to the conversation going on. She didn't expect so many people to be in this area at the same time, but it was a nice little change from the constant silence that she usually was in, well almost constant silence if you include the animals talking. She yawned and leaned back against the branch she was on, closing her eyes for a few seconds.

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