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Fandom Bleach: Shattered World (Characters)

Character Sheet



Character sheet is below in this post. Make sure you have all the details asked for (unless stated as optional). You can touch up or make your sheet look pretty as long as it is readable and has all the information asked for in the sheet itself. Remember I am always open for any questions to iron any details out or figure things out for the sheet. Anything in () in the sheet is there as a general guideline to help you know what to put there, make sure to delete it and the () and put the informtation in the field.

When it comes to stats, its meant to more so show how balanced a character is in general for their particular level of strength.In RPG terms, comparing a level 15 character to a fellow level 15 character. Its in many ways a rough gauge of how much of their full potential (on average with someone with their level of spiritual pressure) might be capable of. Consider it to loosely be a % based. Don't take it too seriously or as some 'number to live and die on'. Its a fancy way of showing how they are balanced.

Attack: (A persons sheer offensive power)
Defense: (A persons ability to take hits either through mitgating or absorbing it)
Speed: (How fast a person is able to move or their technique with movement abilities such as Hoho)
Stamina: (How much endurance a person has to remain in combat or act before becoming worn out)
Reitsu: (How effective a person is with the use of Reitsu through techniques such as Hido, Cero, Blut, or other specialized techniques)

Starting off the total combined stats you can have at max will be 400. Stats can be placed at increments of 5 (looks more clean and tidy and makes it easier for me to do possible visual character stuff later). Stats each cap at a max of 100.

If you receive a <3 from me, your character is approved.

Character Sheet:

Name: (Name here)
Alias: (Nicknames, Titles, other things people might refer you by)
Race: (Human or Soul followed by what they are so Human Fullbringer or Soul Shinigami)
Age: (Should make sense based on being a Human or a Soul)
Gender: (What are you)
Date of Birth: (Month/Day)

: (What do they look like? Description or image... or both)
Height: (How Tall?)
Weight: (How Light or Heavy?)
Sexuality: (What ships may sail?)
Motivation: (1 short sentence to describe what the character strives to do)
Likes: (List of 3 or more things they Like)
Dislikes: (List of 3 or more things they Dislike)
Relatives: (Family, whether adopted or by blood.)
Personality: (How the character acts and behaves. The good, bad and the inbetween.)

Backstory: (Characters backstory. Should contain details both before the worlds merging 8 years ago and how things might of evolved for them since then such as losing contact with family and friends or how they are making it by, ect.)




General Fighting Style
(The characters style of fighting. Do they go charging in head first trying to slice their opponent up? Perhaps they keep a distance away relying on setting the opponent up to catch them off guard?)

Skills and General Abilities
(List of things your character is able to do. Skills can include things like Sword Expertise or Archery. Abilities can list general expertise of Kido or Blut.)

(Name of their special ability tied to themselves whether its a Zanpakuto's name, the name of a Fullbringer, the name of the abilities for a High Spec human. Ect.)

Appearance: (What does it look like? Include various release states if it might have them listed. Images and/or Descriptions work)

(What does the power enable you to do? This should primarily be during the release state whether Zanpakuto or Fullbringer.)

(What weaknesses does your character have whether how they fight or particular counters to their specialized power or what not. Things such as partial blindness on one eye, limitations with long ranged combat, perhaps they have power over water as an enhanced human that can be countered by freezing it? Various things like that.)\

EXTRA (All optional, delete this section if you want, or add more in)
Color: (Optional... what is their favorite color?)
Food: (Optional, favorite food/type of food?)
Hobbies: (Optional, What hobbies might they have or had before things went south?)
Quote(s): (Optional, things they might say)
Theme: (Optional, theme song that fits the character)
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Name: Hitsujimaru
Alias: N/A
Race: Soul/Shinigami
Age: 244
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 14

: Hitsujimaru is a mostly plain looking man with a modest build. He has tanned skin that is covered in scars and callouses from years and years of farm work and years thereafter of combat. On his body is a thin coat of body hair that isn't very noticeable from a distance, but up close makes him look almost ape-like, especially paired with his shaggy black mop of head and facial hair. His shinigami uniform is tattered, patched with brown cloth in large or unflattering areas. The uniform is too big for him, appearing baggy over his slim frame.
Height: 179 cm
Weight: 70 kg
Sexuality: Agrisexual
Motivation: Find sheep to herd.
Likes: Sheep, onion, watermelon
Dislikes: Pests, poor weather, thieves
Relatives: Hitsujimaru lived on a farm with his father, who had been separated from him during the End.
Personality: Hitsujimaru is a simple man. He likes his sheep, he likes his farm, and he likes his family. The man spends most of his day with a deadpan look on his face. He gives simple answers and doesn't really know how to think of anything other than simple answers. Hitsujimaru doesn't really tell jokes, and he doesn't really laugh either. He knows sarcasm, but it's usually very subtle. He doesn't taunt others. He doesn't like psychological manipulation and isn't smart enough to figure out how it works. Hitsuujimaru is a simple man.

Backstory: Hitsujimaru's birth was peculiar, being one of few births outside of the Seireitei, and marked with tragedy. His mother died shortly after childbirth, having needed far too much. This took a heavy toll on his father who in addition to losing his wife, had lost a hand working on his farm. Hitsujimaru was born and raised in the outer edges of the Seireitei, outside the reach of any effect bureaucracy but also far from any effective protection. There he lived for over 200 years in his father's barn, which made its living by farming vegetables and herding sheep. He had several adopted siblings with whom he worked over the years made up primarily of new souls coming into the Soul Society, and over time had come and left. Due to how remote they were, Hitsujimaru's farm barely had help from shinigami, and any attacks or petty crime had to be dealt with locally. His farm was largely forgotten, but that didn't stop him. To Hitsujimaru the farm was all he knew. He tended the crops in the morning, he led the animals to graze and drink, and in the evening he retired to bed so that he could repeat the process bright and early the next morning. His parents were farmers and they had been for the thousand years.

It was a simple life, but it was one he chose. Even when people left his farm, Hitsujimaru chose to stay because it was the only life he knew. He planned on passing it on to his own children if he ever had them. Though, he hadn't planned on dying. He heard stories from his great-grandfather who had lived longer than anyone else he had known and apparently didn't have much spiritual power, allowing him to do what he loved without having to worry about hunger or starvation. Hitsujimaru looked up to the man, and wanted to be like him. Of course, Hitsujimaru did have some spirit energy. His parents did as well. While it wasn't much, he had enough where he had to eat in order to sustain himself, which was fine by him as it gave him something else to look forward to.

Hitsujimaru had next to no background as a fighter. He had gotten into bouts driving bandits and stray hollow from his farm, but nothing too threatening and almost never on his own. So, when the merge happened, he didn't know what to do. Hitsujimaru had kept what little of his farm was left, and for a while he was even left alone while the rest of the worlds did what they did. He didn't know what happened to his family, but it didn't matter to him. They knew how to take care of themselves, and he had to worry about himself. However, as the days dragged on, hollow attacks became more frequent. He had no idea what to do, and he had nothing to protect himself. For a moment, he resigned himself to his fate, continuing his life as a farmer just because it was all he knew.

Then one day, he saw a shinigami, starving, thirsty, collapsed along what was left of a road near the remains of his barn. Hitsujimaru dragged her into the barn and nursed her back to health. In exchange, the shinigami offered to protect his farm. After all, there was nothing else for miles. Over time, the shinigami taught Hitsujimaru basic shinigami skills to protect himself if he ever found himself alone. She wasn't a master herself, but Hitsujimaru was able to pick up some basics over his spare time, which ranged from basic hakudo, kido, and even shunpo. This helped when the hollows began to become more frequent, seeing that they were the only two non-hollows around.

This continued for three years and the two had established a rapport with one another, albeit one that was mostly business-like. Hitsujimaru provided food and shelter while the shinigami provided protection. Still, one shinigami wasn't enough. When a particularly large horde of hollow attacked, the shinigami could no longer handle it. Hitsujimaru had to put skills to the test which before had gone untested, and in the end, the shinigami died.

After that, Hitsujimaru left his barn, as it was overtaken with hollow and no longer safe. He wandered the wasteland ever since, looking for civilization but only finding enemies. Though reluctantly, Hitsujimaru's power grew as a shinigami. He eventually looted an assauchi off of a fallen shinigami. The blade was cracked, obviously worn with time, but Hitsujimaru needed it as a weapon. Still, it had eventually repaired itself through Hitsujimaru's spirit energy and he even learned to use his shikai. His real goal, however, was looking for fertile soil and safe land to farm, but this had become a challenge. So, he continues to wander.



Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Speed: 50
Stamina: 100
Reiatsu: 50

General Fighting Style
Hitsujimaru uses a "self taught" style honed over the eight years after the end. Due to his lack of mobility relative to his opponents, Hitsujimaru's style is highly defensive and revolves around standing in place to parry enemy attacks to wear them down, with sparse use of shunpo to avoid attacks that would otherwise be unavoidable.

Skills and General Abilities
Farming and more specifically shepherding are Hitsujimaru's primary skills. These are things which he has done for over 200 years. However, he can use basic shinigami techniques, including basic kido.

Hitsujimaru uses a zanpakuto named Shinryu Mitsuba. Unreleased, it is a katana with an arm-length blade and a hilt comfortable enough for two and a half hands. When not in use, it is kept in a black sheathe.

In Shikai, Shinryu Mitsuba transforms into a spear that is a head taller than Hitsujimaru with a leaf-shaped blade tip that separates into three immediately after release. Along the side of the spear are tracks which resemble clothing zippers, on which each of the three individual blades can move freely. A seam appears at the center of the spear at which the spear can be snapped apart, turning into two spears of half the length, or one spear and one pole. At any point, the two halves can also snap back together.

Hitsujimaru is not a formally trained shinigami and doesn't have the natural talent to compensate. He only knows a selective number of kido spells and can't learn more until he sees others being used (we'll say Bakudo and Hado number 1-5 to start). His shunpo carries him a relatively short distance and can only be used in short bursts. In addition, there isn't anything particularly special about his zanpakuto in shikai. There are no special powers to it, at least to his knowledge.
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