• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Bleach: Death & Rebirth II


Auburn Mystery

  • Cannon and OC characters are allowed. However You must create a complete and very detailed template for said character showing you have exceeding knowledge for the in and outs of said character as well as the ability to understand how they work, how they talk, how they act and so on. Your sheets will be scrutinized heavily by the entire community in this RP, not just one person. If this sounds too challenging, then I suggest you stick to making an OC.
  • Claiming a character spot is FCFS basis. Once claimed, you have 48 hours from the time of your post to show progress. If nothing is said or done after this time, that spot will again become avaliable.
  • There is no character limit per player, but you will be limited to two[2] characters per faction.
  • The 4 Factions are Shinigami, Vizards, Arrancar, and Full Bringers.
  • The exception to the above rule is a Person may not have multiple Captains, Vice-Captains, or Espada.
  • Remember to balance your character. If a person is found to be excessively Overpowered, you will be asked to change your sheet.

General Information

Full Name:

Nicknames and Aliases: [anything from what other people call them to what your character insist to be referred as goes here]

Age: [here add their actual age combined with their "human" one appearance-wise]

Species: [if you chose this CS, then they are a soul]

Occupation: [if you chose this CS, then they are a shinigami]

Affiliation: [if you chose this CS, then that is Gotei 13]


Seat: [captain or lieutenant]

Outlook Information

Appearance: [here include a short description regarding their physical features together with a picture]

Attire: [describe their uniform and any special accessories they carry on their person]

Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live]

Fears: [the minimum is one]

Likes: [the minimum is three]

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

Background Information

History: [keep in mind that souls, especially shinigami, don't usually remember their time on Earth. However, you can still mention what their existence as a human used to be]

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: [it can be anything from fire to kido to illusions. Go creative with this one]

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: [add the release command here as well]

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: [for captains only! add the release command here as well]

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 0 being "Untrained", 5 "Basic Knowledge", 10 "Skilled", 15 "Top of Class" and 20 being "True Master". Also, if you wish to you can go in depth about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - x/20

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - x/20

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - x/20

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - x/20

Kido - x/20

Offense - x/20

Defense - x/20

Intelligence - x/20

Overall - x/100

[This is an overall rating for your character against your peers, not a collection of aforementioned stats.]

Only add this is you plan on being Vizard. You may also exceed a given stat. Example would be Speed 23/20 to just just how exceedingly fast you are.

Hollowfied Form

Spiritual Power - x/20

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - x/20

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - x/20

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - x/20

Kido - x/20

Offense - x/20

Defense - x/20

Intelligence - x/20

Overall - x/130

[This is an overall rating for your character against other Vizards, not a collection of aforementioned stats.]

Miscellaneous Information

[any additional info you want to share goes here, whether it relates to their talents, thoughts, relationships, etc. Also, you can insert a theme song here]

General Information

Full Name:

Nicknames and Aliases: [anything from what other people call them to what your character insist to be referred as goes here]

Age: [here add their actual age combined with their "human" one appearance-wise]

Species: [if you chose this CS, then they are a hollow]

Occupation: [if you chose this CS, then they are an arrancar]

Affiliation: [if you chose this CS, then that is The Espada]


Outlook Information

Appearance: [here include a short description regarding their physical features together with a picture]

Attire: [describe their uniform and any special accessories they carry on their person]

Hole: [where their hollow hole is located]

Hollow Mask: [what it looks like and where it is located]

Number: [the location of the number signifying their rank]

Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live]

Fears: [the minimum is one]

Likes: [the minimum is three]

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

Background Information

History: [keep in mind arrancar are simply were born of a Menos Grande, which is composed of many hollows. Thus, they will possess no memories of life as humans]

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Sword Information

Aspect of Death: [each Espada governs over a certain type of death. Here you may use some of the cannon ones or just make up your own]

Sword Name:

Sword Element: [it can be anything from fire to kido to illusions. Go creative with this one]

Sword Sealed Appearance and Abilities:

Resurreccion Appearance and Abilities: [add the release command here as well]

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 0 being "Untrained", 5 "Basic Knowledge", 10 "Skilled", 15 "Top of Class" and 20 being "True Master". Also, if you wish to you can go in depth about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - x/20

Swordsmanship - x/20

Hand-to-hand Combat - x/20

Offense - x/20

Defense - x/20

Intelligence - x/20

Cero - x/20

Bala - x/20

Sonido - x/20

Hierro - x/20

Regeneration Speed - x/20

Descorrer - x/20

Overall - x/100

[This is an overall rating for your character against your peers, not a collection of aforementioned stats.]

Miscellaneous Information

[any additional info you want to share goes here, whether it relates to their talents, thoughts, relationships, etc. Also, you can insert a theme song here]

General Information

Full Name:

Nicknames and Aliases: [anything from what other people call them to what your character insist to be referred as goes here]


Species: [if you chose this CS, then they are a human]

Occupation: [if you chose this CS, then they are a fullbringer]

Affiliation: [if you chose this CS, then that is Xcution]

Outlook Information

Appearance: [here include a short description regarding their physical features together with a picture]

Attire: [describe their clothes and any special accessories they carry on their person]

Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live]

Fears: [the minimum is one]

Likes: [the minimum is three]

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

Background Information


Reputation: [what other people think of them]

Fullbring Information

Fullbring Name:

Fullbring Element: [it can be anything from fire to kido to illusions. Go creative with this one]

Fullbring Object and Appearance:

Fullbring Released Appearance and Abilities:

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 0 being "Untrained", 5 "Basic Knowledge", 10 "Skilled", 15 "Top of Class" and 20 being "True Master". Also, if you wish to you can go in depth about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - x/20

Swordsmanship - x/20

Hand-to-hand Combat - x/20

Speed - x/20

Offense - x/20

Defense - x/20

Intelligence - x/20

Overall - x/100

[This is an overall rating for your character against your peers, not a collection of aforementioned stats.]

Miscellaneous Information

[any additional info you want to share goes here, whether it relates to their talents, thoughts, relationships, etc. Also, you can insert a theme song here]



1st Division, Command This division is the head of Gotei 13 and the ones responsible for relaying Central 46 orders, dealing with Soul Society law and monitoring the other divisions. The captain of the 1st Division is also the head of all other captains and the leader of Gotei 13, given the rank of General Commander. Likewise, the 1st Division vice-captain is leader of the vice-captains and has authority over all vice-captains, next to their own captains and the General Commander. This division has the least number of shinigami.

2nd Division, Special Forces / Assassination & Undercover Operations The captain of the 2nd Division is also captain of the Special Forces; one of Soul Society's two other military fractions except for the Gotei 13. Members of the 2nd Division are mainly dealing with stealth and assassination, and many of them are also members of the Special Forces as well. They also handle all undercover operations regarding Seireitei security. Special Forces applicants take additional two-year training after Shinigami Academy.

3rd Division, Intelligence & Information The 3rd Division is the unit that are responsible of the act of sending out shinigami to gather information, and sometimes work in cooperation with 2nd Division agents on more serious missions. They are also the ones that sort all outgoing and incoming information before sending them to the 12th Division for storage. Adding to this, they are in charge of the jigokuchou monitoring and message system.

4th Division, Medical Assistance & Supply The 4th Division deals with the brunt of the healing when it comes to shinigami or other spiritual entities. While the shinigami in this division use medicines for their healing, they do have the ability to use their energies for curative purposes, something unique to those that are in or have been in the 4th Division, because the average shinigami can only use their power for combat. This unit is assigned many of the menial tasks in the Soul Society, such as cleaning the subterranean canals located under the Seireitei. Additionally, this particular division is considered the lowest in the Gotei 13 hierarchy, albeit the fact that they heal almost all the injured in the Soul Society. 4th Division members are taken from the Shinigami Academy at their third year, after proving exceptional, non-violent reiatsu, and then takes an additional study of four years to become medics.

5th Division, Kidou Corps / Kidou Tactics & Control The captain of the 5th Division is also captain of the Kidou Corps; one of Soul Society's two other military fractions except for the Gotei 13. Members of the 5th are in general kidou experts, and are often stationed together with 11th Division members, 2nd Division assassins as well as 4th Division healers to form an all-around military group. They are also responsible for all sealing and magical workings inside Soul Society, as well as recording and storing any new kidou. Members of the Kidou Corps are handpicked from the best kidou-users of the shinigami, and undergo additional training.

6th Division, Internal Affairs The 6th Division handles all of Gotei 13's internal affairs, such as monitoring shinigami activity and handling any disturbances from other shinigami. They are responsible for apprehending shinigami that breaks Soul Society laws and also detaining them until Central 46 has given their verdict in the matter. Their division has the most holding cells, which is used to detain criminal offenders until they are judged.

7th Division, Seireitei-Rukongai Diplomacy The 7th Division maintains peace between Seireitei and Rukongai. They make sure shinigami don't go causing chaos in Seireitei, and are completely responsible for keeping Rukongai civil… or at least the area closest to Seireitei. When souls have complaints/suggestions/questions/etc, whatever, they send is sent to the 7th Division where it is read, ignored, taken into consideration, and decided upon. They often act on their own, but also work with various other divisions.

8th Division, Reserves & Backup The 8th Division is the mass reinforcement division. Their shinigami are split into groups that are talented in kidou, offensive tactics, or defensive tactics. When any of the other divisions require extra shinigami or reinforcements, the 8th is the division they turn to first. Aside from the 11th and 13th, the 8th Division has the most amount of shinigami.

9th Division, Counter Intelligence The 9th Division prevents information from leaking, as well as information being stolen. Their shinigami work close with the 12th Division research facility, to protect it from outside influence. They also prevent important information from leaking into Rukongai, especially information that could cause an uproar or mass panic. Adding to this, they are also in charge of dealing with tactics and warfare against intelligent beings and massive hollow gatherings, and are the ones responsible for any counter tactics when Seireitei is under attack. 9th Division is also in charge of the memory-replacing that has to be done after shinigami fight in the living world.

10th Division, Large-Scale Operations The 10th Division is in charge of planning, coordinating, and executing large missions. Everything is run through their division first, and if approved, the 10th Division gathers the required shinigami from each division, assembles them, assigns duties, plans the attack, coordinate the shinigami according to the mission, execute the attack, and then keep maintenance over it. That includes sending out more reinforcements and information regarding the mission.

11th Division, Offensive Tactics The 11th Division is the frontlines. They are the most skilled in physical combat and work mainly with other divisions. They rarely work on their own since they currently lack much coordination. During times of danger, the 11th Division is flooded out in mass numbers to immediately subdue problems, which include invasions of Seireitei. The 11th Division works with nearly every other division, since they are the most powerful and offer the most defense and offense. 11th is the division with the largest number of shinigami. (It is also the division with the highest mortality rate.)

12th Division, Research & Development The 12th Division is in charge of gaining new information through experimentation. They research information that is sent to them from the third division before storing it. They are also in charge of storing a mass amount of information known to Seireitei in their database. The 12th Division also develops new technology to aid shinigami in their missions.

13th Division, Defensive Tactics & Seireitei Protection The 13th Division is the ones that actually send out patrols on a daily, frequent basis to survey Seireitei. If a threat occurs, they find and take care of it, sometimes with help from other divisions. They also work together with various divisions. If a threat is a large enough, the 13th Division is in charge of sending out shinigami, assembling them, assigning them duties, and other things. Their job is similar to the 10th, except on a smaller basis

1st Division: Command



2nd Division: Special Forces



3rd Division: Intel & Info



4th Division: Medical



5th Division: Kidou Corps



6th Division: Internal Affairs



7th Division: Seireitei-Rukongai Diplomacy



8th Division: Reserves



9th Division: Counter Intel



10th Division: Large Scale Operations



11th Division: Offensive Tactics



12th Division: Research & Development



13th Division: Defensive Tactics & Seireitei Protection





Espada Numero Cero:


Espada Numero Uno:


Espada Numero Dos:


Espada Numero Tres:


Espada Numero Cuatro:


Espada Numero Cinco:


Espada Numero Seis:


Espada Numero Siete:


Espada Numero Ocho :


Espada Numero Nueve:


Espada Numero Diez:


Full Bringers


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Renzo Tahara

  • Full Name: Renzo Tahara

    Nicknames and Aliases: Captain Renzo (for formalities), Butcher of Hollows (very old nickname, only few people remember that), Renzo (only called by close friends)

    Age: 1117 years old, looks around 35

    Species: Soul

    Gender: Male

    Occupation: Shinigami

    Affiliation: Gotei 13

    Division: 6th

    Seat: Captain

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Full Name

Masaki Yamaguchi

Nicknames and Aliases

His comrades, higher ups and family usually call him 'Masa' as they have dubbed that his nickname. He doesn't mind if his subordinates call him that as well, as long as it is in the privacy of their divisions grounds.


Masaki doesn't care about showing his age, if people ask for it. He is 153 but has the appearance of a 16 year old boy.






Gotei 13

Previous: Kido Corps


10th Division



Outlook Information

Appearance: Masaki is of average height, standing at around 5ft 6inch. He also has an average/slightly muscular build.

His eyes are a rose-red in colour and he has white hair.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.5ff0d74ac206fe9dfd091e4f82fd2072.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78222" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.5ff0d74ac206fe9dfd091e4f82fd2072.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Masaki wears a long sleeved captains haori with his divisions insignia on it's back. He usually has the haori opened up so that his shinigami robes can be seen. They are black in colour but have no sleeves and he has a white sash tied around his waist.

Masaki usually wears a pendant with his divisions insignia on it as well.

Personal Information


Masaki is an incredibly kind and thoughtful person, he would do absolutely anything for his comrades, especially his subordinates, if anyone were fo harm them he would leap at the first chance he got and find out who did it. Masaki, being a Captain, is in charge of a whole division, and he takes this very seriously. Although he finds his work very important, he feels that keeping a strong bond with those in his division is even more important. He is under the strong belief that if he didn't have a good bond with his subordinates, his division would lack in every necessary quality, and would probably end up as the weakest. He also keeps the bond and morale high in his division as he doesn't want his subordinates to feel alone on the battlefield, he wants them to know that they have each others backs.

Although Masaki is a very kind guy, he is also very serious about his work, and will always get the task done. Although he shows the utmost kindness to his subordinates, he is still their Captain, and asks that he is taken seriously at all times. That doesn't mean he won't joke around of course. Masaki is quite intelligent, and although he is rather young for someone of his rank, his skill speaks volumes. He absolutely hates being underestimated and/or mocked by others for his young age and appearence, as he believes that age does not define who someone is, and he will gladly show his capabilities to prove this. Masaki has also proved to be very secretive, in this case, with his Bankai. Only the Captain-Commander and a few other Captains have seen his Bankai, the reasoning as to why he hardly uses his Bankai is unknown, people have tried to find out in the past but have always had no luck.

Unfortunately, Masaki can be very quick to anger, and is easy to tease. Thus during meetings and such, the other Captains would probably tease and annoy him just because they know he would respond like the child he is.

Personal Philosophies

"You cannot truly stop evil. You can only defend yourself from it."


The biggest thing Masaki fears, is the fall of the Gotei 13. He believes that should they fall, the world would spiral into complete chaos. He also doesn't like the idea of his comrades getting killed the comes with the so called "fall"


Helping subordinates and other comrades learn Kido- as most people seem to struggle with it, he loves to give them a hand in any way he can. Lengthy fights, worthy opponents, a challenge, the quiet, his underlings/subordinates, training, freshly baked food- he adores the smell of pastries.


Being underestimated for his appearance, pointless fights, people insulting his Division, people giving his subordinates grief- he would most probably go on a hunt like a protective father should this happen, dishonesty, deceitful people, and unkindness.

Background Information


Masaki, much like any other Shinigami, has no recollection of his time on Earth. He just doesn't remember. All he knows is that he died during his teenage years and isn't happy about it. He's always been under the impression that he was simply unlucky, and that he died with his whole life ahead of him. Yet he feels that his time was simply at an end.

His life as a Soul however, he knows about as clear as day. Growing up in West Rukongai, he had to scavenge and struggle to survive. He lived in a small house with two of his friends, Rin and Satoshi, who were just as unfortunate as he was. Growing up, he would steal food, clothes, pretty much anything just so he could survive. In the hopes of pursuing his dream. Becoming a Shinigami.

Eventually, he began to notice his spiritual power, and regrettably, left his two friends behind in order go enrol into the academy. Rin and Satoshi were happy for him, but Masaki just didn't want to leave them alone, so he promised to protect them should he become a Shinigami. And eventually, he did. During his days at the academy, he was always two steps ahead of his peers. He was regarded as a child prodigy, this was because he excelled in the Kido arts, which are generally quite hard to master. He always fell behind in the Hakuda classes, but this didn't really bother him. And It still doesn't.

He managed to gain use of his Shikai rather quickly, and graduated from the academy rather quickly and became a fully-fledged Shinigami. Due to his skill in Kido, he was placed in the Kido Corps And would quickly rise in it's ranks, devoping a very close relationship with the Grand Kido Chief, who even tutored Masaki personally, and helped him hone his skills. After about 6 months of being in the Corps, the position for Captain of the 10th Divison came up after the former Captain died in battle. The Captain of the Kido Corps at this time entered Masaki as a candidate, as he/she could tell that he had great potential and wasn't suited for the Kido Corps any longer. Due to the secretive nature of the Kido Corps however, Masaki had to promise not to tell anyone about his time within it, or share any of their intel, he has kept that promise, not even sharing anything with the Captain-Commander. Masaki ended up passing all the necessary tests and ended up getting the title as Captain.

He has been the Captain of the 10th Division for a few months now.


People know of his skill with Kido, and that is really what has gained him his reputation. What his comrades think of this however, he does not know. (You guys are free to think how you want^w^)

People know him as a caring captain, who would die for any of his comrades, especially his subordinates. Without question.

Being the youngest captain, he has gained a reputation for that as well.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name

Kaminoikari (Wrath of God)

Zanpakuto Spirit

Kaminoikari takes the form of a large, graceful white tiger with bright yellow eyes with strange runes imprinted onto her paws. Kaminoikari is regarded as a beautiful spirit, simply because of her elegance. Her personality is exactly like Masaki's, which is why they get along so well.

Zanpakuto Element

Kido- White light.

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities

When sealed, his Zanpakuto doesn't have any special abilities.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.1db1acf27a6420827ddee4a0fc4f693b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78223" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.1db1acf27a6420827ddee4a0fc4f693b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities

Terashimasu, Seinaru Hikari! (Illuminate, Holy Light!)

When in it's Shikai form, Kaminoikari gains the ability to send pulses of scorching hot light towards an enemy, which can blind the target if they look at it, and has incredible burning capabilities. Masaki can fling balls of this light towards an enemy as well as beams of it. Masaki hardly ever goes into his Bankai unless he really needs to, as his Shikai is already pretty powerful as it is. Only a few other Captains have managed to see his Bankai in action, none of his subordinates have so far. Except his lieutenant of course.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.f82af168c1f855a343181c7987b00827.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78224" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.f82af168c1f855a343181c7987b00827.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities

Kiyomemasu, Kaminoikari! (Cleanse, Wrath of God!)

When in it's Bankai form, the attack range is increased significantly as well as the power of the light used. One ball or beam gains the power to completely burn through the area of the enemy it hits, leaving a hole there. The light that can be emitted with the balls/beams of light is much brighter. Upon activating his Bankai, Masaki gains the ability to send slashes of the white light when in Bankai, which have incredible burning and cutting potential as well as a much greater speed than the beams used in Shikai. This is his strongest attack with the Zanpakuto. He doesn't like using his Bankai as he thinks that it is unfair. This is because when using it's abilities it's very hard, if not impossible in some cases, for the opponent to even get close to him. Although, he doesn't tell anyone about this as he thinks they'd view his concern as pathetic.

The main reason as to why he doesn't use it however, is because with each attack, the beams/balls produced increase in speed. At the maximum speed, it is near impossible to evade, and the opponent has to either block the attack or take it. Masaki deems this trait overpowered, he also dislikes it as it ends fights almost instantly. He likes a good, long fight.

It is to be noted that his eyes change from rose-red to gold when his Bankai is in use.

(It is a scaled down version of the picture below, it is the same size as his Shikai and Sealed one)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.2bb8eef261373ab0f24f0a914ebca500.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78225" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/image.jpg.2bb8eef261373ab0f24f0a914ebca500.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Abilities Information

Spiritual Power - 18/20

His spiritual power is immense, which is to be expected of someone of Captain ranking. When releasing his spiritual power, the energy is incredibly fast, and it can whip up currents of strong wind around him. People tend to be surprised by this. His reiatsu, when released at it's full potency, usually leaves opponents stunned, and it's destructiveness can leave lower level Shinigami fearful and paralysed. It can even leave some Shinigami complety incapacitated due to it's immobilising properties. His Reiatsu is gold in colour. It is to be noted that his Reiatsu isn't as intense as the Kenpachi's

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 19/20

He is very proficient with Zanjutsu, he is very talented when it comes to it. And can prove to be very dangerous. Although he usually attacks at range, he can fight using his sword. And isn't afraid to either, he does prefer fighting at range though.

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 1/20

This is the area of combat he lacks skill in, for some reason, he has never been good at it. He is still trying to learn it now. But for this failure, he makes up with his skill in other things. It is lucky that he doesn't have skill in this though, as his abilities are made for ranged attacks and not close range. The other captains sometimes mock him for his poor skill with Hakuda.

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 20/20

He is very agile and very fast, combining this speed with his mastery of Kido, he can prove to be a very dangerous foe. He is also an expert of Shunpo, able to stay at range in order to attack.

Kido - 20/20

He is known for his skills with Kido over everything else. His time with the Kido Corps has given him great knowledge of the art. As well as being tutored by the Grand Kido Chief him/herself. He can use many high level Kido spells with ease be it bakudo or hado, and if he needs to, he can use the incantation to improve it's power. Throughout Soul Society, he is one of the leading authorities on Kido and is usually called upon when Kido related situations have occurred. Although this annoys him, as he believes that advising on Kido is not one of his duties, so he usually says, "Well why have you not contacted the Grand Kido Chief? Or the Corps itself, for that matter? It's what they're for."

Offense - 19/20

His offense is one of his strongest traits, considering his Zanpakuto is an offensive type, mixed with his use of offensive Kido, which is his favourite type. He tends to use Hado over Bakudo when in fights, but does sometimes use an equal amount of the two.

Defense - 15/20

He has an never really been an expert on defending himself physically. If he needs to, he can just use his Kido spells for this.

Intelligence - 18/20

Masaki is very quick witted and can adapt to situations quickly. However his greatest trait with his intellect are his observational and analytical skill as well as his ability to judge peopls characters. He is very good at memorising peoples attack patterns, which helps a lot when (if) he is using his Bankai.

Overall - 75/100

Miscellaneous Information


-He is the youngest Captain of the Gotei 13, and for his age he is incredibly mature.

-He still has a good relationship with his old comrades of the Kido Corps, even though he is no longer a part of it. He regularly contacts the Grand Kido Chief through private letters as well.

-He loves sweet foods, especially cakes, and he has never drank alcohol in his life.



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Full Name: Daichi Yamamoto

Nicknames and Aliases: "Lil Yama" "Yama" "The hidden dragon"


Species: Soul

Occupation: Shinigami

Affiliation: Gotei 13


Seat: lieutenant

Outlook Information

Appearance:View attachment 162877

View attachment 162878

Daichi has a very gentle yet masculine face that while male, one can see how he could be confused for a female. For those aware of Daichi's sex it is commonly thought that he is a "pretty boy" with dark hair that shines with a purple-ish hue and stunning sky blue eyes he easily gains the attention of those who would glance in his direction. Keeping his long hair constanly in a ponytail that hangs over his right shoulder it Adds to his slightly feminine look that accompanied by the dedicated but gentle expression that is perpetually on his face, has made him a bit of a heart throb in his short time after emerging from Muken.

Attire: Daichi wears the traditional uniform of a soul reaper with great pride only adding a plain white scarf that he keeps wrapped loosely around his neck. Daichi does this for reasons unknown to others but otherwise considered as "a comfort thing".

Personal Information

Personality: Daichi's most prominent trait is his determination, fearing very little in the way of challenges he continuously strives to overcome whatever obstacle decides it's a good idea to be in his way. Daichi's second most prominent trait is a tie between his loyalty and his honesty, always speaking the truth Daichi does this out of respect for the people around him believing that to be truly loyal you must always tell the truth even if it isn't what the person wants to hear.

Personal Philosophies: "You must be the strength for those who are weak"

Fears: Failing those he is sworn to protect. His own power. Disgracing his grandfather

Likes: Chocolate, Good honorable people, protecting others even if he doesn't need to.

Dislikes: Chaos, Death, destruction, Ruthless people friend or foe.

Background Information

History: Daichi is the adopted son of the late Head captain Genryusai Yamamoto who was found on a mission to investigate the source of a reportedly massive and menacing spiritual pressure. When the members of the group assigned found a young boy they were perplexed having been prepared to face a powerful enemy they had no idea how to proceed when the bright eyed child greeted them with a smile. Deciding on taking him back to the seireitei in order to asses the boy the reapers had a hard time trying to suppress Daichi's power, a massive backlash occurring as he naturally reoiled at his power being restrained. It took the convincing of a gentle female reaper to explain that his power may scare others to get him to tolerate their attempts. Hours later the group had finally returned to the seireitei further perplexed by the blade that had appeared once Daichi got his power down to a more reasonable but still intense level. It took a full week once at the Base of the court guard squads to decide what would happen to the boy. Coming to the conclusion that the head captain should meet the boy to decide. When Daichi was brought before the head captain he was initially intimidated expecting a terrifying man (which by all rights would be Genryusai) but Daichi's response was unexpected and inexplicable. Upon seeing the elderly man Daich gasped smiled and proceeded to run up and hug the man clearly quite fond of him. Somehow swayed by the boys behavior and the obvious potential to be a soul reaper, Yamamoto decided on the adoption. Intending to train Daich and knowing full well of the dangerous levels of power the boy had Yamamoto made another controversial decision and ordered a facility built in Muken the lowest and largest level of the seireitei's prison. Once built Daichi was moved there to begin his training under Yamamoto and other top reapers. Setting up a series of tests life went on for the soul society unaware of the young man continuously training under their feet not to reign in and be able to use his power to become a protector for the Seireitei. Ever since he was placed down in Muken Daichi has grown and learned to control his great power reemerging now after completin said training and shattering the final barrier that had kept him from the world above.

Reputation:Has only been above ground for a few months not having much time to build a reputation, though many have noted his quiet kindness and honesty, as well as his frightening determination.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name:Jigoku no ryu

Zanpakuto Spirit:View attachment 162700

Zanpakuto Element: Sprirtual energy sepcifically Daichi's

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:View attachment 162836

A blade that is black except for the metallic silver edge it has a circular black cross guard with a dragon designed into it the head and crest colored in gold. The handle itself is also black with a soft but easily held wrapping.

Jigoku no ryu is a zanpakuto that weaponizes it's master's reishi turning it into a violent force that can be expelled in a wave that cuts and crushes simultaneously.

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: "Hakari, Jigoku no ryu." (Destroy, hell dragon)

View attachment 162853

Jigoku's power changes dramatically requiring Daichi to raise his spiritual power exponentially he has to force it out to the point where being anywhere near him would be like being near a concussion bomb going off. Once the transformation is complete all that power is gone, or seems to be. In reality all of that great power had been compressed and then suppressed into the shape of the sword above. It is a blade that shares a resemblance with only one other zanpakuto, Captain Byakuya Kuchiki's Senbonzakura. This resemblance comes from the fact that while it takes the form of an actual sword it can become one with Daichi's reishi loosing its shape and taking on others in the form of armor in his body. This "Armor" is actually Daichi's weapon featuring two clawed gauntlets, knee high "boots", and a mask reminiscent of the Espada Hallibel a mask covering his mouth and throat before curving along his collar bone and ending on his shoulder. All of this is formed out of Daich's pitch black reishi. The reishi in itself visually moves thou it retains ithe various shapes along his body. Each piece of his garment have a special skill that while accessible without using the armored form are much more potent.


Pitch black and always flickering like black flames the gauntlets feature clawed fingers that are extremely sharp and bladed elbows that have a wicked curve which shares the same sharpness.

Special attack: Terror claw- an attack that expels reishi in sharpe crescents, they move faster and will cut deeper than other blades of Daichi's reishi. (Can be expelled from claws or elbow blade. The limb must be swung in order to use the skill)


Having the same appearance and properties as the gauntlets they only differ in shape having pointed claws on his hidden toes and a blade along his shin that comes to ain't over his knee. The boots also have a blade jutting out behind Daichi's heel.

Special attack: Dragon's step- an attack it sends a shockwave of forceand reishi which uses concussive force to batter and crush opponents. (Must be used against a surface though it can be used on any surface it will send the shockwave throughout the surface in a dome not coming back at Daichi. Limited to a twenty foot area of effect)

Mask and shoulder pads:

The mask is a black reishi version of Hallibel's with sharp teeth that part on occasion. The shoulder pads are simply there for protection and allow for this piece of armor to have a secondary skill.

Special attacks: Dragon's breath- A beam of reishi generated from a black orb in front of his mouth that burns it's target it is a linear attack that will go in the direction it is aimed. (Daichi must take a deep breath before using it as it pushes air away and doesn't Allow for easy breathing.)

Dragon's plunge- An attack that uses the shoulder pads' energy to form a conical point in front of Daichi, it is defensive and while possibly usable for attack it would require Daichi to charge the opponent causing a blast if he can strike with it. ( The shoulder armor will not regenerate unless Daichi has enough energy to form and sustain it.)

This energy glutton of a Zanpakuto spirit is the reason why Daichi has such a high amount of power, when in use it is constantly eating away at his power and f used for too long or if Daichi is put in a bad enough condition his zanpakuto' voracious appetite will kill him.

Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - 10/10

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 6/10

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) -7 /10

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 6/10

Kido - 6/10

Offense - 7/10

Defense -6 /10

Intelligence - 7/10

Overall - 55/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]

Miscellaneous Information

Talented cook and musician. (the kids a natural with the piano)

Theme songs (couldn't pick just one):


  • YSuxhEm.jpg

    General Information

    Full Name:

    Haruka Batsura

    Nicknames and Aliases:

    She will always prefer to be addressed by her first name, but her closest friends can call her "Haru". She also doesn't seem to mind it when someone she knows refer to her by "Sister".









    Outlook Information


    Haruka presents features very common in for a girl her age. She stands at an average of 5'5 and weights a total of 126 lbs. Her skin tone shows small hints of some small sun-bathing, but at the same time isn't far from the pale tone. Haruka's jet black hair is always kept above the shoulder level as, according to her, long hair is more of a problem to keep tidy. A very remarkable feature of her's is the pair of dazzling green eyes that lay above her nose and, if one looks hard enough, the fire of excitement that dances inside the black voids that are her pupils. There's also a small presence of makeup scattered across her facial being the light pink lipstick and her shaded eyes.


    Haruka's clothing diversity seems to be almost none existent. She is mostly seen wearing a plain white sleeveless shirt combined with an maltreated looking black tie, a checkered red and black skirt and a pair of lengthy pair of dark-grey heeled boots with a checkers pattern very similar to that of the skirt. When it comes down to accessories Haruka has a wide variety of them including her long black and white stocking with a stripped pattern, a pair of stripped patterned black and red protective sleeves, a very loose black leather belt with a golden buckle in the shape of a heart with wings, a red collar around her neck from which a golden locket hangs and a deep blue officer hat with a golden button with a "V" engraved into it. Haruka can also be seen carrying a bag similarly colored to her hat everywhere she goes as it contains many objects she prefers to keep within her reach (Such as her moon pin, the book in which she writes, a picture of her and Akita, etc).

Full Name: Ayumi Yatamuri

Nicknames and Aliases: [anything from what other people call them to what your character insist to be referrers as goes here] Ayumi

Age: [here add their actual age combined with their "human" one appearance-wise] 121

Species: [if you chose this CS, then they are a soul] soul

Occupation: [if you chose this CS, then they are a shinigami] shinigami

Affiliation: [if you chose this CS, then that is Gotei 13] gotei 13

Division: 4th division

Seat: [captain or lieutenant] lieutenant

Outlook Information

Appearance: [here include a short description regarding their physical features together with a picture]

brownish red hair , light blue eyes. 5'4" 124lbs. Has a light scar on her right wrist

Attire: [describe their uniform and any special accessories they carry on their person] the basic gotei 13 uniform. Except for a red ribbon choker she wears around her neck. Which was a gift she recieved from a friend for making lieutenant

Personal Information

Personality: [don't just list traits but give a brief clarification as to how your personage acts]

she kinda layed back unless she on the job.

She prefers to stay back and let others lead in battle.

She is strict one thing and that's making sure everyone in her care is completely healed.

Personal Philosophies: [optional! if you choose to include this point, then share their life mottoes and beliefs by which they live] her philosophy is to protect her comrades no matter what.

Fears: [the minimum is one] closed in spaces. She has an extreme version of closaphobia. Which if she cant manage figure a way out she has panic attacks.

Likes: [the minimum is three] 1.likes the trees and nature around rukongai. she often climbs trees in district 1 area known as junrinan

2. Both Likes and respects her captain

3. Likes sweet candy of the human world

Dislikes: [the minimum is three]

1. Dislikes people that treat her squad like they are useless .

2. Dislike drinking alcohol and smoking

3. Close in spaces

Background Information

History: [keep in mind that souls, especially shinigami, don't usually remember their time on Earth. However, you can still mention what their existence as a human used to be]

she does not remember her life in the human world. Her earliest memories is of growing up in the 64th north district of the rukongai. She grew up stealing from those she felt didnt deserve what they had. She had very few friends during this time.

By the time she join the

Shin?reijutsuin either thoughs friends died or had abandoned her out of jealousy of her reiastu level.

When at Shin?reijutsuin her grades were high in Hakuda, Hoh?, and Kid?but only adverage in zanjutsu. It here she discover her talent for medical kido aka

Kaid? and barrier kido aka bakudo.

She graduated in her six year and place 5th seat in her squad. She continue to impress the gotei 13 and her upper squad mates. Recently she became lieutenant after the previous one died during a mission. She blames herself for this and tries to live up to his memory.

Reputation: [what other people think of them]

her reputation is that she often to childish for her seat said by others in other squads.

The 4th division views her as respectable and someone to live up to. She demands respect above all else from her under squad mate. She never been known to ask them to do something she wouldn't do.

Zanpakuto Information

Zanpakuto Name: hira no seiryuu

Zanpakuto Spirit:

Zanpakuto Element: [it can be anything from fire to kido to illusions. Go creative with this one] kido type

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance and Abilities:



Iyashino ?ra - healing aura that surrounds her and her allies it appears light blue . It restores health small amounts heals over time at 4% reiastu loss


Shinkuuhazan - it a slash of wind that creates a vacuum not always effective cause she not very skilled using her zanpakuto in combat

Zanpakuto Shikai Appearance and Abilities: [add the release command here as well] (ignore the writing in the photo )release command is roar hira no seiryuu


First two abilities are here as well but are greatly increased in healing ability and power.

3. Gisei no shinkuuhazan - creates cuts all over an opponent body where reiastu leaks from. She then takes it combining it with reiastu to heal her and her allies. Can quickly exhaust her.

Zanpakuto Bankai Appearance and Abilities: [for captains only! add the release command here as well]


Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 1 being "terrible" and 10 being "superb". Also, if you wish to you can go in debt about their skill after each point listed bellow. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - 8/10

She has a fairly good amount of reiastu to

Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship) - 6/10

She not bad with swordmanship but she better at kido so thst where she focusing.

Hakuda (Hand-to-hand Combat) - 4/10

Not good at all . But not horrible. She lacks any strengh to do enough damage.

Hohou (Footwork and Speed) - 8/10

Like her caprain she believes she need to be fast to be useful. She mainly uses her hohou for dodging

Kido - 8/10

She great in kido spells. She strong enough to combine several kido together. Her biggest strengh is her barrier and healing kido.

Offense - 4/10 although great in a surprise attack. Her best bet is to let someone fight while she heals

Defense - 8/10 knows alot barrier kido that protects her and her allies while she heals them.

Intelligence -9/10

Overall - 55/80

[on average captains are 65/80 while lieutenants - 55/80]



General Information

Full Name: Crien Itami Valsteich

Nicknames and Aliases: Pain

Age: Appears to be young twenties, is actually 100

Species: Hollow

Occupation: Arrancar

Affiliation: Espada

Rank: Espada Numero Cero

Outlook Information

Appearance: Crien has a rather lankly body type, despite being fairly built despite his small size he stands at 6ft tall being average heighted he will often be seen crouching slightly when walking, people would call his appearance exotic, having bright green hair to match his eyes he also has several piercings, a ball on his tongue and two piercings on his left ear, one looking like spines running down the outside of his ear and one on his earlobe a small chain with a black ball hanging from it, the ball represents the appearence of his Zanpukto ‘Pain’.

Attire: Crien will often wear the formal arrancar white robes without the sleeves and will often be seen unarmed never really carrying any weapons, he wears casual sandals with black socks.

Hole: Middle of his chest

Hollow Mask: Lucifer’s hollow mask takes the form of a jaw that starts from his ears and comes down connecting at only the left side of his face, the teeth are long and sharp reaching above Lucifer’s mouth.

Number: Back of his left hand

Personal Information

Personality: Crien is often carefree and is only interested in finding out new things, not having much life knowledge or any social skills Crien’s upbringing in Hueco Mundo rendered him not very smart in most situations and often doesn’t even understand his own thoughts, most would see him as only an animal due for his natural knack to fight he often hungers for it, often picking on others he can sometimes be seen as a bit of a ‘bully’ always pushing others to fight back with him.

Crien doesn’t take kindly to those telling him what to do or change the way he acts and will often show this by doing whatever he damn pleases not hesitating to break the rules that are even set for him. To most Crien is seen as self serving only doing things out of personal interests he will often bend others situations to his favor and is known to be able to turn his own luck around within a moments he often likes taking on challenges alone rather than relying on others and has always longed to face a challenge greater than himself.

When it comes to social skills Crien can come off somewhat charismatic to others, often being surrounded by others around him he’s use to being part of the spotlight and doesn’t mind the attention and is always truthful about his thoughts even towards his enemies he’s not one for secrets or lies instead telling them how things are, this often hasn’t always been appreciated as he can also be truthful of his opinions of others he is a loose cannon in the crowd and for those who know him are constantly waiting for him to explode again, he’s not often hot tempered though in fact seeing him mad is a rare sight

Personal Philosophies:

“This world is just a playground for us to enjoy, so why is it so many want to kill that joy?”


  • The destruction of his home


  • Challenges
  • Human food
  • Reading
  • Cute hollow creatures


  • Dull people
  • Humans
  • Soul Society
  • Shinigami
  • Vegetables
  • Repetitive scenery

Background Information

History: [keep in mind arrancar are simply were born of a Menos Grande, which is composed of many hollows. Thus, they will possess no memories of life as humans] (WIP)

Reputation: Among the other Espada Crien is seen to be the most unpredictable of the lot and for this fact can fear him to an extent although he is often liked and easy to get along with, it’s normally told to others to always be cautious around him.

Sword Information

Aspect of Death: Corruption (Chaos)

Sword Name: Pain

Sword Element: Cero Explosion

Sword Sealed Appearance and Abilities: Instead of a blade, Cien will often use hand to hand combat to fight others but has revealed his weapon of choice being a variety of black balls which are said to explode when making contact with another, appearing with no handle all of these balls can be maneuvered by simple hand gestures from the user.

Resurreccion Appearance and Abilities:

“Express Pain”

In his resurreccion form, Crien appears to have a thin white layer that covers his skin along with white lines coming down from his eyes to his jaw line a collection of his ‘Pain balls’ appear around Crien as if they were wings, having the same ability as before the balls explode the only difference is his enhanced natural abilities and the explosion is also on a higher caliber than before.


Abilities Information

[rate their qualifications in certain areas with 0 being "Untrained", 5 "Basic Knowledge", 10 "Skilled", 15 "Top of Class" and 20 being "True Master". Also, if you wish to you can go in depth about their skill after each point listed below. This is, however, only optional]

Spiritual Power - x20/20

Swordsmanship - x1/20

Hand-to-hand Combat - x15/20

Offense - x15/20

Defense - x5/20

Intelligence - x5/20

Cero - x10/20

Bala - x5/20

Sonido - x10/20

Hierro - x4/20

Regeneration Speed - x10/20

Descorrer - x0/20

Overall - x100/100

Miscellaneous Information

[any additional info you want to share goes here, whether it relates to their talents, thoughts, relationships, etc. Also, you can insert a theme song here]


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