Blake Grey


Awesome Sauce





  • Age, Crush, Cabin, and Gender

    Age- 17; Cabin- Moon; Crush- N/A; Gender- Male

  • Personality and Bio

    Personality- Blake can be seen as the stereotypical bad boy, but he’s actually pretty soft inside, kind of like a stale marshmallow. He might seem unapproachable, but he’s actually pretty friendly. || Bio- Blake was raised in a middle class family. He used to be more sporty and outgoing, but then his mom died. His family knew that she would die, seeing as she had cancer, but it happened right after she started getting better. It took a dramatic turn, and that made Blake more tough. However, his father turned to alcohol, his sister got depressed, and when Blake turned sixteen he had to get a job.  His father went to rehab and sent Blake to this camp for the summer, and sent his sister to a different camp.

  • Likes and Dislikes

    Likes: coffee; girls; guitars; music || Dislikes: spiders and their webs; liars; alcohol

  • Fears and Other

    Fears: being trapped in a web, slowly getting poisoned by the spider and then being left to rot; his family collapsing even further than it had || Other: He occasionally smokes cigarettes.





Blake is tall, standing at 6'3". He has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

He's somewhat lanky and is often judged on his outside appearance, being a tad bit pale. 

Often times, he'll wear some sort of long sleeved shirt, but since it's summer and he'll be outside, he'll be in shirts and shorts most of the time.




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