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Tactical Goat


The port town of Bladecrest


The sun began to set on the horizon, painting the sky and the ocean with a myriad of colors. The city was tinged red, a lone figure standing still in the middle of the bustling market. There was a deep hood over his head, with dark glasses covering his eyes as he watched the sun sink below the horizon. Most people didn't seem to notice the cloaked figure, which is just the way he preferred it.

Taking a bite out of an apple that seemed to come from nowhere he turned, sliding his glasses off. He tucked them into a pouch, his bright teal eyes adjusting to the light as they scanned the crowd. Nobody seemed to even notice the shady figure's passing as he wound through the market on the way to his room at the inn.

It didn't take long to get there, and he passed through the bar and upstairs without so much as a second glance from the other patrons. He seemed to have this strange ability to walk around unnoticed, which suited his line of work just fine. Entering his rented room he closed and locked the door, walking over to the worn leather bag on the bed. He pulled out a different set of clothing, light leather armor the color of pitch.

Getting changed he made sure he would have everything he needed for that night. The man had a long night ahead of him, one that would hopefully net him a tidy sum of gold. With one final, deep sigh he opened the window to his room and climbed out on the ledge, closing it behind him before deftly climbing to the rooftop. The inn wasn't very far from his target, a massive mansion in the higher-end part of town. There were other homes like it nearby, but this one was special. The owner was in the shipping business, and the thief had it on good authority that the owner had just received payment for a large amount of goods that passed through the port. Pulling his cloak around him and his mask over his nose and mouth he started across the rooftops, easily moving around the city guard.

It didn't take him very long to reach the house, pausing on a nearby roof to survey the area. Sure enough, there seemed to be more guards around the house than the previous two nights, leading him to believe the rumors were true about the gold. He'd have to step lightly to make sure he got out of this with his skin intact.

Making his way silently to the rooftop of his target he stopped, taking his time from here on out. He'd have to find a place to enter, find out where the gold was, avoid the guards... There was a lot he had to take care of, so now was as good a time as any to stop and wait.
The last rays of light faded beyond the ocean horizon casing the sky aflame. Iris laid sprawled out along the railing of her balcony watching as the last light of day faded, another end to a boring day. Made even more boring by the fact she couldn't even go into town after ditching her guards the day before. The nekos tails swayed lazily as she lounged on her perch over looking a well maintained garden devoid of any large trees. Only pretty roses and seasonal flowers her mother spent hours working on. A hobby they had tried force on her but Iris didn't see the need in maintaining such a temporary thing. A knock on her door drew her attention and she looked over her shoulder to see Agatha, her babysitter for lack of a better word. The tall snob of a woman always preached prim and properness which Irked Iris to to no end.

"Iris what are you doing out there, you are grounded." Iris just smirked as she push herself up to sit her whole posture reading lazy and uninterested. "I'm still with in the confines of the house, I have set a paw any ground outside my room. My balcony is technically still my room." She countered with a smirk. The older woman just frowned "Get in here here and get ready for bed. Tomorrow is an early day for lessons." Iris rolled her eyes and hopped off her perch sulking as she went back inside. She was already dressed for bed though she had forgone a frilly night gown for an over sized shirt and shorts. "I am ready for bed, I'm just not tired." She declared sitting on the edge of her bed. Agatha just scrunched her nose possibly for the hundredth time that day "Regardless, All doors and windows are to remain locked. Your father has a fair stash of money today. Until he can deposit it into the bank everything is to remained lock tight. Do I make my self clear?"

Iris had been toying with a frayed edge of one of the tassels on the bed only half paying attention to the old bat. "Yeah, yeah... thieves and assassins and all the evil dweller of the night." She muttered flopping back on her bed. "Heaven forbid anyone ever step foot outside once the sun goes down." Agatha just snorted slightly. "I mean it Iris, stay inside." "I got it alright." the teen hissed getting irritated with the woman's constant badgering. Agatha forwned before turning on her heals and heading out of the room "I'll add eddicate to the roster of tomorrows classes." She said before leaving the room. Iris just growled softly "Annoying old bat..." she grumbled under her breath.
Elias perched on the rooftop, listening to the idle banter of the guards below. They were talking about how much they hated the job, and would much rather be in the red light district... Elias had to agree with them on that. At least his work would pay more than what the guards would make in ten years. Not bad for a single night's work.

He dropped silently from the roof, landing on a nearby balcony before making it to ground level, near the back door. The guards were changing their shifts, which gave him a short window of time to make it inside without being seen.

He pulled a set of lockpicks from his pouch and worked the back door's lock quickly, slipping inside and shutting the door just as the new guard turned the corner to take his post. He didn't hear any sounds of alarm or yelling, so he let his eyes adjust to the dark kitchen for a moment before continuing.

The house was huge, but he had procured a small map of the building, and had a good idea of where the gold would be stashed. Checking the hallways he moved towards his target silently, only pausing and hiding when he heard footsteps.

The guards were mainly stationed outside, with one or two wandering the halls. The place was locked up tight, but it was nothing he hadn't handled before. Compared to some of his other jobs, this one was easy.

Once he found the room he quickly picked the lock and slid inside. The room was nearly empty except for a large chest, the key predictably missing. He relocked the door and moved over to the chest, checking it for traps or alarms before he started his work. Finding none, he rolled out his tools and started to work.

Nearly an hour later he had defeated the overly complex lock and opened up the chest, nearly drooling at the sight of the coins. There was enough there to fund a small army for the next hundred years. He pulled several pouches from his belt, filling them with as many coins as he could carry. The chest was half-emptied by the time he was done, the weight-reducing enchantment and silencing charms on his belts doing their job perfectly.

He closed the lid to the chest and quickly made his way out, working his way upstairs so he wouldn't have to worry about the guards on the ground. He remembered seeing a balcony earlier, and made his way to the room it was attached to.

As he was about to enter he could hear a guard coming up the steps and quickly went inside, closing the door silently behind him. Now there was only the room to cross, and he would be free.
Iris had tried to fall asleep but it was much too early and she was too restless. She laid in her bed staring up at the canopy of her bed wondering what it would be like to actually explore the world. Not just look at it through a window of from the bow of a ship. She knew she should be grateful, her family was very well off and she got whatever she wanted except for a bit of freedom. She sighed ever so slightly. She rolled onto her side before her ears caught the sound of foot steps out side her door. Early then the normal guards rounding the upper halls. Then her door opened and shut quickly, odd. She opened her eyes spotting an unfamiliar figure by her door and tensed.

She watched him a moment as he started to creep across her room and realized it was a thief. No doubt trying to escape with some of her fathers gold. She was tempted to stay silent and let the stranger pass with no issue but a better idea came to mind. She smirked slightly and shifted in her bed silently his back as too her. Any loud noise would no doubt alert the guards and possibly shoot her or something. Instead she let out a very low but audible feral growl one that could easily be confused for the big cat of her ancestry.
Elias had nearly reached the door to the balcony when he heard the growl, spinning to face her. His stomach dropped to the floor, though his teal eyes betrayed nothing as his daggers were in his hand, his eyes adjusting to the dark as he stared towards the source of the sound. He knew some of the houses had some pretty crazy security systems, so the idea of a big cat guarding the place wasn't out of the question.

After a few moments he saw that it was a girl, sitting up in her bed, her ears tipping him off to her race. He knew about the nekos, and it made total sense as to how he got found out. Letting out a sigh of relief he slid his daggers away and turned to the door, unlocking it.

"Stay quiet, and I won't slit your throat." he hissed quietly, not paying the young girl much mind.
A sly smirk crossed Iris's face as he turned to the door. "If you open that door I'll scream. Then you'll be tried for thievery and murder if your so keen on slitting my throat." She threatened. She knew it was completely insane idea, but she was desperate to get out and be free already.
Elias' hand paused on the doorknob, letting out an almost imperceptible sigh. He let go and looked over his shoulder at her, his eyes dangerously narrow.

"Well, I'm not going to stay here and get caught, that's for damn sure." he growled under his breath, his body tensing as he stared at her.

"If I can't leave, and I can't kill you, what do you suggest I do? Return the gold and turn myself in?" he said, his voice carrying an irritated tone of sarcasm.

The way he stood next to the door, he was trying to make sure that shadow completely obscured his face. Even though he had the mask on, he had fairly recognizable eyes, something he'd have to make sure to fix at some point soon. If he got out of this, of course.
Iris sat with her legs crossed resting her elbows on her knees and her chin on her hands a mischievous glint in the teens nekos mind. Her tail swayed behind her slowly. "Hm I have a feeling even if I did ask to put the gold back you'd just find another way to escape." She mused aloud. "She really couldn't tell any of his features even with her enhanced sight, the only thing she could make out was he oddly colored eyes. "So instead how about this. Take the gold instead as payment for letting me go with you."
"I've already figured out another dozen ways to escape." he mused quietly, watching her. When he heard her words he growled under his breath, turning back towards the door.

"Absolutely not. No. I don't need dead weight tagging along with me." he hissed, glancing back over his shoulder at her as he grabbed the doorknob again.

"You have nothing to offer me. This gold isn't nearly enough payment for me to haul around some bratty kid."
Iris narrowed her eyes growling softly as he rejected her off. "It's either take me with you or I will scream, and you will be caught. There are eight guards stationed around my room, three of which are right below that balcony. Not to mention I'm right next to the guard tower so you'll be spotted no mater what." She threatened. ears folded back aggressively, Iris always got her way even if she had to black mail people to get it.
Elias could feel that knot forming in his stomach again as he stopped, staring over at her. He didn't really feel like being chased tonight...

He moved over to her bed and leaned in dangerously close, his eyes narrow. "Why the hell do you need to get outta here so bad? You're living in a mansion. You have access to things I could only dream of." he said quietly. She would notice his scent was an oddly pleasant mix of tobacco, desert sands, and dry wind.

"You'd have to be insane to leave here, and I don't deal with the crazies."
Iris narrowed her eyes further not budging as he drew close to her. Part of her was intimidated by the thief but she didn't let it show. "It's a prison." She stated bluntly. "You have your freedom to do as you please. I'm bound by restrictions detailed down to when I eat, sleep and step outside."
"Thus is the life of the spoiled rich girl." he growled back, turning to walk off. He stopped before he reached the door, though, trying to think of what it would be like for her. He couldn't imagine being locked in a single place like that his whole life... For some reason, against his better judgement, he felt a pang of sympathy for her.

Letting out a deep sigh he turned back to her. "I guess I can understand. There's going to be a few rules." he said, his hands on his hips.

"If you alert the guards, I'm leaving you behind. If you can't keep up, I'm leaving you behind. The moment we're out of the city, I'm leaving you behind. Do I make myself clear?"
Iris smirked slightly when he gave into her demands thought her victory was soured with his so called rules. Being abandoned in the middle of no where didn't sit well with her but she would have to tackle things one step at a time. She sighed softly "If you can loose me." She smirked before hopping out of her bed and walking over to the wardrobe pulling on a pair of sturdy boots and a cloak before slinging a bag she already had packed to go.
Elias rolled his eyes at her comment. Even though her race was known for their grace, he doubted she could keep up with him. He watched as she grabbed what she needed, she looked like she had been waiting for this for a while.

When she was ready he opened the door to the balcony, picking up a glass before stepping out. He looked down and saw the guards, hurling the glass deep into the garden. When it shattered the guards all ran towards the spot, giving Elias ample time to plant a foot on the railing and launch himself to the roof. Without looking to see if she was following he leapt to the next roof and started to run, heading back to the Inn.
Iris glanced back into her room making sure to leave behind a note she had already written before hand. It was one simply stating her need to be free and while she did love her family she felt too suffocated and miserable to continue living in the mansion. She easily followed the thief onto the roof. a rush of euphoric adrenalin rushing through her as followed behind him.
Elias ran swiftly and silently, his speed impressive. Occasionally he'd stop and wait for guards to pass before continuing, and before long they were back at the Inn. He dropped from the roof onto the windowsill and opened the window, climbing inside quickly. His mind was preoccupied, trying to figure out why he brought this irritating girl along. The best excuse he could think of was a momentary lapse in sanity.

Once she was inside he closed the window, tugging down his mask and removing his hood and cloak. With his face revealed, she'd be able to see how irritated he really was.

"There, you're out. Happy now?"
Iris bounced along managing to keep up with the thief, but just barely. She had always been very athletic spending most of her childhood running around. Even growing up she would often get in trouble for not acting lady like by climbing trees and tumbling around on the grass. Her two older sister had always been prim and proper but Iris had gotten more feral tendencies. She hopped into the room looking around as she moved more into the room before glancing over at the theif as he took off his mask and hood. She had to admit he was fairly handsome. "Hardly..." She muttered leaning against one of the walls. "I'll be happy when I'm out of this town. Every guard in the town will be looking for me by noon tomorrow... if not earlier."
Elias glanced back at her and sighed, not even pausing as he pulled off his armor and changed back into his regular clothing. He didn't care if she saw, why would he? It wasn't like he was planning on seeing her again.

"Then it's for the best that we're leaving immediately." he said simply, gathering up his things.

Once everything was packed up he glanced over at her, finally noticing all of her features. She was fairly attractive, for a neko. He sighed a bit and pushed the thoughts out of his mind.

"I suggest you buy what you need in town before we leave. Once we're in the forests, you're on your own."
Iris looked off into a window as he stated their need to get out of town as soon as possible. She glanced back and noticed he was taking off his clothes and quickly looked away again trying not to get flustered. A bit of a wild cat she may be but she was still raised to be more or less of a lady. She stared outside wondering how long her freedom would really last this time around before he spoke up again. "Hm? I have everything packed... including food." She smirked slightly. "When I said I wanted out I wasn't kidding."
"Good, then I don't have to waste time waiting for you to shop." he said sarcastically, making sure his gear was secured before opening up the door.

"Get your hood up, and tie something around your face. I don't need guards recognizing you." he said as he left the room, not bothering to wait for her. She'd either catch up, or lose him in the city. He hoped for the second, he didn't need her tagging along with him.
Iris narrowed her eyes slightly at the thief knowing that he didn't want her around but wasn't about to let him off the hook just yet. She quickly pulled her hood up and grabbed a scarf from her bag wrapping it around her nose and mouth before following the thief out of the in making sure to keep a step or two behind him.
Elias wound his way through the city, not even bothering to see if she was following him. He only stopped to check when he slowed down as they neared the gates. He put his arm around her and stumbled as if he were drunk, laughing loudly. His voice lowered to a dark whisper as he leaned towards her ear.

"Go along with it." He started laughing again with a wide grin, waving to the guards.

"Off ta find a quiet spot inda woods, if'n ya know what I mean." he slurred, eliciting a chuckle from the guards as they waved them through.
Iris nearly bumped into the thief when she finally managed to catch up irritated that he was probably trying to loss her the whole time. She lurched forward when he threw his arm around her. She realized what he was doing and played along with the act going into a fit of giggles as she leaned against the the thief wobbling back and forth.
Elias stumbled out of the city, the sounds behind him slowly vanishing as they made their way down the lone dirt road. The forest loomed ahead of them, and as soon as they were out of sight of the guards he let go of her, sighing.

"I hate guards, but their stupidity amazes me sometimes." he mused, pulling his hood off of his head.

"Here's a spare map. I suggest you head towards Runecrest, it should be a fairly easy route." he said, handing her the parchment.

"Now you're free. Good luck." he said with a final nod as he turned to head off in a different direction.

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