Blackwood Academy for the Psychic. (Open to first five)


Bust :(
I've got an idea for a group role play~

Blackwood Academy is a very old school, not known by many.

It's set deep in the woods, far from most places, with the nearest town being over six hours away.

The schools main building is an old mansion, dark and covered in ivy.

It looks empty, until you actually go inside.

Although the school has regular classes, but most are consider "honor classes" since only exceptional students are allowed in.

But unknown until orientation, the school is home to psychic students, helping them with their abilities and helping them live with them comfortably.

The school also holds a dark secret, from many years ago.


So! I'm looking for around five other people besides myself, two more girls, and three boys.

I have a few requirements for anyone who wants to join though.

1- Please be able to use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

If I can't understand you, most likely, I won't accept your character.

This also goes for third person writing- I prefer the role play to be in third person.

I will ask for a sample, and if you switch from third to first, I will also say no.

2- Be active.

I would really like everyone to be able to post more than once a day, but if you can only post once a day, I'll accept it.

Please be sure to let me know if you can't post for a few days, or if you want to quit.

3- Please make all characters at least 18. I'd like this to be more of a college type school than high school.

Also, please, no one under sixteen. I feel better role playing with older people, unless you can prove that you're mature and can write well.

So, when you sign up, please post a sample, it can be as small as a paragraph, and I'll let you know if you're accepted.

Once that happens, I'll require a link to your oc, or a bio.

Also, any psychic abilities can be used, except mind reading.

It's just frustrating if people mind read, because then we have people reading each other's minds and making up their thoughts for them.

So, no mind reading.

Alright! So, let's get going~


1- Taken by Seionshi

2- Open

3- Open


1- Taken by Effervescent


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Hello there. I would love to join! It sounds like lots of fun. I am 16 and very mature so I would not worry.

Dana walked through the woods towards the large mansion. She was worried and did not know what would become of herself, that is until she had a vision. The mansion is a school. A school for wonderful things. A place where Dana's powers will be accepted and she will be taught to grow. However she also sees something dark. Something.... dangerous.
Thanks for applying, but after seeing your sample, I don't think you'd be a good fit for this particular role play.

Thank you, and I wish you luck with your other role plays!
Seionshi said:
Thanks for applying, but after seeing your sample, I don't think you'd be a good fit for this particular role play.
Thank you, and I wish you luck with your other role plays!
that's perfectly fine! Thank you! I hope your role play turns out amazingly fabulous
I'm interested in playing one of the guys! I was wondering if telempathy would be allowed if only it were a projection from the person and not have them capable of reading minds or emotions of others. Or telepathy where it's only communication and not perception. I'm not sure I want to pursue either of those psychic abilities, but it does deal with projection of thoughts to others, which would allow the others to read that character's mind with that character's permission.


Darren was still getting used to the way the school was mapped out. The mansion didn't really look as big as it actually was from the outside. Perhaps it was the ample growth of foliage around the facade that hid its expanse so well. He always did his best not to make eye contact with the students attending this rather old school. A few were known to have psychic abilities, and their abilities were a far greater threat than his. From what he could gather there was a constant struggle for many to control what they could do. He was empathic, able to sense what others were feeling, but very rarely projected. The few times he did were with physical contact and as a result brought him to the school. That provided him with control. Don't look. Don't touch.
Your sample sounds great! You're accepted.

As for the ability, I think that sounds fine, and you're allowed up to three abilities.

Oh, this is for anyone else who'd like to join;

3 Psychic abilities are allowed, and please have at least three classes you'd like to take, which can range from your typical classes, ex math, LA, English, ect, to the psychic ability classes. 
I'd like to pitch an idea I had for a character. Granted, it worked better on a board with telepaths on it who Sadie could interact with, but I think I could give it a good shot here. She's deaf but has the gift of mental projection. Let me know. Also, if someone wanted to play her sister I'm down. They could just chose an ability for her, extra points if it's something that helps the two of them communicate more easily. Otherwise I can just play her myself as a side character as needed. I also have samples of posts with her in them if you need me to dig them up. Cheers!


From the time they were young sisters Sadie & Charlotte were always shuffled around from place to place. Their father is a military man and their mother died in child birth due to complications. Sadie specifically had more medical issues than her sister and the doctors determined early on that she only had partial hearing. As she grew older it began to get worse until by the age of six she was entirely deaf. She can talk... technically but it doesn't really make sense to people. More like sounds that vaguely sound like words.

From the beginning Sadie and Charlotte were close, learning sign language to communicate. when they were seven they discovered their powers and Sadie learned she could send pictures to Charlotte so that she could understand her. They learned to communicate like that really well, each picture having a meaning. it was a comfort, but Sadie still has a real hard time with hearing people. She gets frustrated that she has to write out a text any time she wants to say something.

She knows Charlotte feels guilty that she was the twin who survived their birth unscathed and she has fierce protective instincts about Sadie. She's popular and tries to bring her sister into the fold, but it just doesn't happen. She can't be the life of the party when she has nothing to say. so she just sort of has an "I give up" mentality and resents a lot of people.

The sisters have been at Blackwood since freshman year. Their dad is gifted with psychometry and uses that skill all over the world in the military; needless to say he travels a lot. They love him dearly but don't see him much. That's one of the many reasons Blackwood was a good fit. They also have people who are psychically gifted and a few teachers who know sign who can help sadie around school. She gets lecture notes that she studies after class, taken by another student for extra credit since she can't hear most of her classes. From those she studies and manages to get decent grades.

For friends, if she wants to tell you about her day she'll often replay a scene from it in your head. For a moment it is as if you are transported to another reality. It's effective, but kind of creepy if you aren't used to it. She won't do it to you unless she warns you in most cases because people tend to flip out or not understand. Think about it. one minute you're in a hallway talking to her and the next you're somewhere else watching some other reality around you. It's like dreaming... only not.

For enemies, she can use the same tactic, sending rapid fire unpleasant memories into someones brain can really bother people... or she can create other realities for people and they might not always like them... If they can focus their mind her target can get out from under her control but it's not easy. She's had a lot of time to practice, alone with her thoughts. She's not the type of girl you want to pick on. she'll stick up for herself, and if she doesn't her sister will come after you with a vengeance. The girls' got spark.

Sadie's happy with who she is and it might not be the most exciting, or companionable existence, but it's her life. and she plans on making it the best it can possibly be. Being deaf will not define her.

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