Black Prison of Fuchi


Screaming Mute


"All Hail the Queen."


The Black Prison of Fuchi is a Very Large Prison that is in the middle of the Sea surrounded by nothing but water, it's built upon a large Rock. There is a small outside part of the Prison which is the Docks, ships drop of Food and Prisoners here making daily stops from the mainland. The Ships are always very different as they cycle around pretty well. But other than that, and the small wall up to the entrance, the rest is Prison. Hell. Welcome to it.


Section J : Cells & Recreation

There are a Number of Cell Blocks that have to accommodate for the sheer amount of Supernatural Prisoners this place holds, there are four Blocks of Cells labelled Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, Spades. Each block has their own little hall with tables where the prisoners can socialize and hang out, but then these halls are then linked to the Yard which is outside, surrounded by High walls and Guard Towers. The Yard has Multiple painted out basketball courts for prisoner use.


Jobs : Some Prisoners set up stores on their cells, selling little trinkets they created or items to anyone who passes by. Guess you could say they're Vendors. Some Prisoners know that things are needed like Hairdressers so turn their Cell into a Salon with waiting lines outside for example. Some sell simple smokes or even creative toiletries.


Section Q : Kitchen and Dining

As simple as it sounds. The Kitchen is a pretty big place and probably the most stressful, needing to feed so many prisoners every day becomes stressful with a Dining hall that is very large with a couple of overhanging floors. There are multiple lines for food depending on the Diet a Prisoner has.


Jobs Available: Cooks, Cleaners, Head-Chef, Dish-Duty.


Section K : Appliances

 Each Cell Block has their own Shower room and Toilets, and they are all unisex. You're all animals after-all. So apart of the Appliances section there is also a Launderette where all the Laundry Workers hang around to help out with the washing. There are rooms for working with Wood who create all sorts of useful items for prison use, Prisoners trained to fix Electronics, and Prisoners trained to Fix appliances around the Prisoner in case something becomes faulty. There is also a Gym for where the Prisoners can go to train or to train others.


Available Jobs : Launderer, Woodworker, Electricians, DIY, Trainer


Section A : Solitary and Medical

Medical Bay is where all the injuries go and if you go further down the hall you can hear the screams from Solitary... Medical Bay is pretty small, they have a single room full of beds for top priority patients, anyone else gets sent to their cell. Some People Die. Solitary has multiple floors and is located underground. Namely underneath the Headquarters so Guards have easy access to Torture watch their prisoners.


Available Jobs : Doctors, Nurses, Cleaners


Headquarters : Blue Base
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