Bjorn Eld


Picked Clean
Character Sheet:

Name - Bjorn Eld

Age - 23

Gender - Male

Race – Human

Appearance – 7c8254f7b5a9c4e6293bb56013770ac3.jpg

Skill #1 – Archery

Profession - Lockpicking

Bio –  Named and born in the town of Coldgate, Bjorn was part of the Eld family, a harsh family that expected much from their children, too much at times for Bjorn. Born with a physically skinner and less built body than his siblings he often found competition from them. One older and the other younger, he often found himself dominated in everything in hunting, drinking and brawls, having to resort to stealing and unhonourable means to achieve things at times under anyone's noses. Bjorn however had shown great potential at archery, and was soon forced off to train with others holding the same talents by his father. At this time Bjorn had been reaching his mid teens and finally began to put some worth beside his name as one of the most accurate shots of Coldgate. With his age and skill, so too came more acceptance from his family, and with it their influence. Constantly hearing stories of the Eld clans hatred for races outside of the human burning feircely, Bjorn had adopted them more and more as he grew, he soon shared their views. This occasionally caused him to be found in great trouble, with Coldgate so close to the Orcs in southern Velinis.
Now older and fully grown into a man, Bjorn was tasked by his father to go the other parts of Velinis to spread the Eld name, and family; only to return to his home in Coldgate every Last Dusk to New Dawn to avoid the bitter winds of the cold.

Weapon preference(s) – A simple handmade short bow crafted from oak, with a dozen arrows in his quiver.

Other – He holds a small dagger, though more crafted for carving and cutting puroses than combat.
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(Looks good mate; You still have an unused skill slot, but you can always pick up more skills along the story's progression.)

(Feel free to join in on the General RP thread whenever you're ready.)

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