Birthstone Spirits: The Month Warriors (Sign ups)


Care Bears... prepare to stare!
The dimension of Aires was a peaceful place where the 12 zodiac live. They rule under the Dragon Goddess and watch over Earth. That all changed when the Goddess turned twisted, tainted with power and drunk on her arrogance.

The other 11 zodiac realized that the Goddess needed to be stopped. They used the 12 birthstones to find 12 humans to hold the powers of the stones. The chosen humans now have powers over the stones and are told they need to defeat the Goddess. But, the Goddess has caught wind of this and has sent her dark minions to Earth to destroy the newly named 'Month Warriors'.

Soon the Month Warriors will travel to Aires to dethrone the Goddess and save Earth and Aires itself.


January (Garnet)- Powers over Plants (Greg Kensoon)

February (Amethyst)- Powers over darkness. (Lucia DeSotto)

March (Aquamarine)- Power over Water. (Tyler Griffin)

April (Diamond)- Control over Rocks/Minerals (Ayra Jones)

May (Emerald)- Telekinesis (Ronan Linesto)

June (Pearl)- Wind powers (Lukas Jennings)

July (Ruby)- Shapeshifting (Jacobi Grimes)

August (Peridot)- Powers over Earth Taken

September (Sapphire)- Power over Ice (Simon Albion)

October (Tourmaline)- Necromancy (Nico Costello)

November (Topaz)- Powers over fire. (Hayden Grimes)

December (Tanzanite)- Healing Powers. (Calico Harley)


  • Follow all of RPnation's rules and mine.
  • Keep it PG-13, romance is allowed but nothing sexual.
  • 2-3 Paragraphs or more. NO ONE LINERS details are your friends.
  • No bunnying, powerplaying or godmodding.
  • Please don't make OP characters, I cannot stress this enough.
  • If you read this put "Goddess" Somewhere in your CS.
  • Have fun!






Pendant: (Where the Birthstone is )

Personality: (Minimum 1 paragraphs Maximum 4 paragraphs)

History: (Minimum 2 paragraphs Maximum 4


Theme Song: (Opt.)

Other: (hint, hint)



Toastey Leoplurodon

If you are unsure if your character is a sue, run them through this--->
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Name: Simon Albion

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Birthstone: Sapphire



Personality: PLACEHOLDER


I'll put on the "finishing touches" when I get home. Sorry 'bout that.

I will accept you when you finish it and put the keyword in.
Name: Lucia DeSotto

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthstone: Amythest

Pendant: Lucia fashioned earrings out of the Amythest and a fake one that she has bought from the store.

Personality: Lucia is not someone most people would call "upbeat". She is pessimistic and likes to rain on others' parades. She doesn't think most things will turn out the way they should and is always making annoying sarcastic remarks. She is a clever girl however, and is good at getting out of tough situations. The silver tongue that she has also helps. She is a bit of a tsundere when it comes to romance and never likes to admit her feelings towards you if she has any. She hates constant questions and will tell you to look it up if you ask a personal question to her. There really isn't any reason to why she acts like this. At least, that's what Lucia told me. You can never trust that girl...

History: Lucia's parents were quite worried about her as a child, as when she was in school she was always getting in trouble and was never getting any good grades. For some reason they thought this meant that she wasn't getting challenged enough and tested her for one of the accelerated classes. Lucia had no idea what to do on this test, and quite obviously failed. Her parents then realized that she just wasn't very good at school. This surprised them as she always said she liked to learn, but when they had a conference with her teacher they discovered that she was being bullied. They knew that this was the reason she was acting the way she did and had a talk with her about this. Over the next few weeks even though Lucia's bullying problem stopped her grades were still suffering.

They decided to get her a tutor to help her in school. Lucia was reluctant at first, but she warmed up to her tutor. After she got to know her she thought that her tutor was like a goddess. She was so kind and funny and had never gotten frustrated with her when she did something wrong like her teachers and parents did. She was heartbroken when she found out her tutor was going to go to college the following year. This meant that she would never see her again! She hoped that the day would never come, but like all things it did. She gave her tutor a farewell and went on with her life. Now six years later she just finished her final year of high school and is searching for colleges to apply to.

Themesong: Go Google It

Other: <---- Lucia
Name: Calico Harley

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Birthstone: Tanzanite

Pendant: Calico had her tanzanite cut into the shape of a cat and wears it as a charm on a simple necklace chain.

Personality: Being stubborn, determined, and ambitious, Calico finds it a bit difficult to make true friends even though making acquaintances is so easy for her. Work hard and play later is her life motto. She is a very decisive person, finding out what she wants and working to get it, but also has her head in the clouds and is often found daydreaming. She takes time to think before she speaks, a habit some people find annoying, but it helps her say just the right things.

History: Her family life was always rocky after her parents divorce when she was eight. They allowed her to choose where she wanted to stay and she lived with her dad, only visiting her mother every other weekend. Her siblings, mother, and step-father all had-or still have- drug problems which she does her very best to stay out of. With her dad's only income being disability checks, Calico knew what it was like to live on a pinched pocket.

It was after her mother started fighting for custody of her and she was put in the middle of every fight between her parents, that Calico knew that she wouldn't live like this as soon as she was on her own. So on her eighteenth birthday, Cal moved in with her friend and got a job at Barnes and Nobles while she finished up the last year of high school. Getting a discount on her purchases, Calico read up on religions to find something that fit for her. She found Wicca, or Paganism, and developed her idea of the God and Goddess. Her heart set on becoming a high school English teacher, Calico continues to work hard to achieve her dreams, even with the added stress of being a Month Warrior.

Theme Song: Alive by Superchick ^^


Name: Hayden Grimes

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Birthstone: November

Pendant: anklet See picture below. (The heart is topaz)

Personality: Hayden is a trouble maker. She loves to mess with the others with her pranks and things of that sort. She is almost always happy. She only gets serious when something bad is happening. Hayden then becomes a fighter, who wont back down or leave anyone behind. She is stubborn when it comes to Jacobi, her brother. Even though he is older she keeps him around her in fear of anyone hurting him. When she looks at her glass it is half full.

History: She grew up in a loving home with her parents and half brother Jacobi. Her life was perfect until she got into college. She begin to get into parties, drugs, and drinking. Her brother had enough of it and told her never to speak to him. She got clean and ended up getting in touch with her brother again and he asked her to move in with him. She dropped out of college and got a job at the local record store to help pay bills. Hayden was chosen as a Month Warrior for November. She was stoked. She told her brother and he seemed shocked as well. He was a Month Warrior for July. Hayden begin to feel the pressure and quit her job focusing on the Goddess and how to dethrone her.

Theme Song: Here's To Never Growing Up - Avril Lavigne



Name: Jacobi Grimes

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Birthstone: July

Pendant: His necklace See picture below

Personality: Jacobi looks like a trouble maker but is not. He is serious, taking in any information given to him. He annalizes everything and tries to not let any information pass him. He is a stron fighter and wont give up on anything. Begin the older of the two, he thinks just like Hayden. He thinks he has to keep his little sister safe. Jacobi is very blunt and will tell you first off if he dont like you. Other than that he is a loving person and smiles quite abit.

History: Same as Hayden

Theme Song: 45 by Shine Down

Name: Ronan Linesto (he's Italian)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Birthstone: Emerald

Pendant: He carries it around in a type of hand/glove emerald holder on his right hand

Personality: Ronan is a natural hero, even though he can be a hot head a times and reckless, he doesn't hesitate when it comes to others. He tries his best to save anyone, no matter what. Ronan's complexions are usually kind, caring of others but still not that serious, he is pretty friendly. He is a bit confused why he does it and why he has the Emerald but he uses it for it's good purposes.

Ronan is sarcastic naturally, when around friends he's even worse "Cruel Humor" witty comments you name it he jokes around with it. Although he knows when something bothers them and he simply stays quiet afterwards. With people he doesn't know he is quiet and polite, usually with adults that visit his house or people he doesn't know in general. He's pretty curious.


Regular Life

Ronan's life has been pretty plain, he doesn't take things a big deal but he focuses in school, his parents are bankers, his life was boring really. Sometimes he would wonder about college and what he would say that he did "So Ronan what activities have you done" "Um...Video Games....Good Grades...a small fraction of karate?" His day dreaming are what jeopardized him in class as the teachers would humiliate him in the class but he wouldn't mind, it's his fault. As he always thought his life was a constant cycle, the only fun he had was on the computer doing his own research on the human mind. Becoming a Neurologist /Neurosurgeon is one of the few things he looks forward to in life. He has many hobbies on the computer but if he mentioned them some would think of him as a computer addict.


When Ronan first found the Emerald, he thought of selling it, but being a bit of a collector and not sure how to sell it since his he isn't doesn't really know how he would sell/ship something online without his parents finding out. One of the many reasons he wants to move out. So he kept the Emerald, he got it on his birthday so it's his really. He put it in a pouch under a fake cabinet bottom, he would look at it everyday, investigating it. Being a creative and imaginative guy he started making a holder for the Emerald. He was thinking necklace but they he moved to glove. He went out and bought leather materials and of course looked up online how to make a glove and a holder for the emerald that wouldn't drop it, he still works on the glove or sort of a strap hand holder. It entertains him and keeps him away from the computer for a bit.


Ronan was signed up to Kendo by his Japanese step-father. He didn't want to at first but when he found out it was about swords, he became obsessed. He is still new at Kendo, since he started only about 4 months ago but he is making amazing progress. The only thing that really interests him about Kendo is the that it teaches him to use a sword, I mean he would dual wield it but he is too much of a rookie to do well. Maybe he would show something impressive in his interview


When Ronan was walking back from Kendo practice he noticed something. A woman was being pinned by her neck by a bigger man, they were screaming at each other until the man started choking her. Ronan at first had thought he should avoid it until the man started choking her. "Hey!" he shouted, his mind racing on what the hell he was going to do, he still had his bokken. The man ignored him and kept holding her neck, Ronan yelled at him "Fucking STOP!" he stepped forward and the huge man dropped the woman, and started screaming and running towards him. Ronan did run thing, he turned and started running, the man kept chasing him. "SHIT SORRY MAN I DIDN'T MEAN TOO" He was running out of breath and ran into an alley, but instead of going all the way in he stayed at the corner and waited for his footsteps, pulling out the bokken as the man came up he turned, closing his eyes and slammed the bokken unto the mans face. The man fell back, going under the bokken and on the floor, a big red mark on his face. His nose bleeding and some teeth messed up. Ronan opened one eye and looked at the man's body. He couldn't help but panic if he killed him but remembered all those fitness tests and checked the mans pulse. He was still alive and Ronan went back to help the Lady, the woman called the cops and they praised him as a Hero, he was introduced in some small newspapers and congratulated by people. Ronan simply stood there not realizing what happened exactly "I just ran away then closed my eyes and hit him with a stick..." but he still knew something for sure. He wanted to be a Hero

Theme Song: [media]

[/media] ((Not sure about this theme still looking for a better one but this is okay for now))

Other: Goddess, Bday on May 17 (If that is necessary)
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[QUOTE="Toastey Leoplurodon]Hot diggity, Ronan was long. He was good though! I wonder if he and Lucia would get along...

Haha Hopefully they get along, I'm used to writing apps more than 15-20 sentences at least >.< It can be annoying when I'm just joining a casual rp
Most of my CS are the length of the one I just made. If I'm feeling inspired though the biography will have at least four paragraphs.
They are all in the same town yes. So maybe they could meet in a park somewhere.

Name: Nico Costello

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Birthstone: Tourmaline




Nico is a strange character with a dark persona. He has a sarcastic and sharp tongued attitude. He is fast to shut someone down with quick retorts and snippy comments. He tends to smirk a lot and doesn't get along well with others. He is slightly psychotic and has a knack for violent acts. He finds the fighting or killing of someone as amusing and fun.

History: [Will add later]

Theme Song:



Other: Goddess

[QUOTE="Ember Spark]O_O My characters are oldest ;-; 
We need 5 more slots to fill up

Gotta take care of dem younglins nao, Hehehe *Evil laugh*

Also, I've heard from some people that Mabinogi is good, I never got interested in it but the sound track seems good

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