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Nation Building Birth of Civilisation (CS PAGE)



Nation Name: (What is your nation called?)
Government: (Tribe, Tyranny, Republic. etc)
Population: (How many people live in your nation. Please be reasonable)
Capital: (Where does your government operate from?)
History: (Brief overview of the formation of your nation)
Culture: (Brief overview of your people and their traditions)
Religion: (What kind of deities, if any, does your nation believe in?)
Location: (Six provinces are allowed for a starting nation. If possible, please provide a map)
Other: (Any other details you’d live to add)
Nation Name: Albahra

Government: Tyrant of En Tariq

Population: 50,000

Capital: En Tariq

The City of En Tariq was founded around 1,200 BC, by settlers originating from somewhere across eastern sea, originally meant to be an outpost for some far off mother country, though the distance between this colony and their patron meant a distinct gap in resources and culture, allowing the Tariqi people to develop their own distinct customs and practices. Due to the lack of exploitable resources around the area, and the abandonment of trade routes that had previously made the city profitable due to heavy levels of piracy, En Tariq soon became relegated as a penal colony, where prisoners and decadents from the mother country were sent to serve as slaves and labourers for a wealthy ruling class, causing a severe disparity between the elites and their underlings, causing the city to have no distinct middle class system.

Some time around 1,070 BC, contact with the mother country became more sparse, as the city’s originator became embroiled in a significant conflict in their homeland, and by 1,050 BC En Tariq was officially left to fend for itself as a now free and independent nation. En Tariq was joined in this endeavour by two further city states who had also served as former colonies of the mother nation, and the Confederation of Albahra was formed, with each city taking a leading role. An initial form of government was established in the early years of freedom that meant drawing the names of three members of important and noble families from a random lot, one from each city, to establish leadership that would last for a term of two months, however following a slave revolt in 1,034 BC, this system of government collapsed, as the country’s three leaders were considered unqualified, slow and ineffectual, swapped out too often to make any effecting and long lasting judgements. It was during this period that General Alnaar, fresh off his victory against the slaves marched upon the city of En Tariq, the most populous and prosperous in the federation, and declared himself Dictator and Tyrant for life, aiming to bring peace back to the city and establish a strong governing system.

Alnaar proved to be a strong military leader, and under his leadership, the Tyranny of En Tariq (other cities in the confederation having lost a significant amount of prestige and influence under the general’s rule) has added a further three tributary cities to her empire and established herself as a regional power.

As a former penal colony, there is a clear distinction between En Tariq’s ruling class, and those below them, with a significant portion of the population being in bondage and slavery being a normal and common aspect of society, especially prevailant as a punishment for crimes and major offenses. The slave trade itself is a crucial aspect of the city’s economy, along with other trade, which the city often facilitates between it’s neighbors due to its centralised position in the Great Sea.

Sailing is also heavily prevalent, with fishing being a large source of food within the country, along with ship making being a common profession. Due to the lucrative trade in the area, however, piracy is rampant in the area, and it is a regular occurrence for slave ships to rise up against their masters and take to a life of privateering in the high seas, though this can sometimes be considered advantageous, as it scares off would be assailants, a useful tool, as whilst the city considers itself a regional power, they lack a significant military force to press their will onto others, instead preferring to assemble armies of slaves only when they see threat on the horizon.

The people themselves are often scantily clad due to the heat, with veils being a prominent headwear for both men and women to prevent heat stroke in the general populous. A man from En Tariq may take one ‘True Wife’ from the class of free men, though they may instead favour to take up to three ‘Bond Wives’ selected from amongst their slaves and servants, though a man is unable to take both a true and a bond wife.

Trayalism: The people of En Tariq follow a pantheon of gods that revolve around the three states of being: creation, preservation, and destruction. Each state is represented by a different deity: Tiber, the Creator, Elbe, the Maintainer, and Amstel, the Destroyer. Whilst each deity is worshipped and revered by the Tariqi people, Elbe is by far the most popular, especially amongst the laymen, as he is considered a divine protector who preserves the world and keeps it from destruction.

Trayalists believe that the current world is only one amongst a series of other worlds that have existed over history. They believe in a cycle, first Tiber creates the world, then Elbe preserves it and protects its people, afterwards, once the lifespan of the world has ended Amstel destroys the world, allowing for the process to commence once more. Upon their death, the Tariqi believe that their souls are transported downwards towards the great hall of Elbe, where they are preserved until the next cycle of the earth, when they shall be released onto the world into new bodies with new memories. Because of this, the Tariqi put little value into their physical bodies when they die, and in fact, the only part of a Tariqi that is preserved is their skull, which is often put into an ornate box and kept by the deceased’s family as an heirloom, whilst the rest of the body is often disposed off through burning (if you are rich) or simply dropping into the sea (if you are poor.) Holy symbols for Trayalism include the Triangle, the Trident, and the Falcon.


Nation name: sanguine
Government: council of the angel

History: in the year 1100 the nation of sanguine was founded by the mysterious leader simply known as the "angel". It is unknown of which tribe the "angel" came from, but regardless he conquered the six tribes and United them into what is known as sanguine.
But after twenty years of rule the "angel simply vanished from the earth, no trace whatsoever.with no known heir to speak of the now six city states begun civil war. The war only lasted for six years with the city of tarquin being victorious.
After the civil war the winner of the war tarquin, established the council of the angel to rule over the six citys.

Culture: the people of sanguine have been noted to have some of the finest of arts. They also have a three day holiday called the "day of mourn", each day is for the mourning of the fallen. And the day of the angels where everyone stops to give large amounts of prayer to the angel of sanguine.
The nobles of sanguine have been noted to be attracted to gold compared to other nations. And the average peasant can actually live pretty decently because of the mild weather they get, which means crops and fish are in more abundance.

The main source of income of sanguine is fishing,farming,and the arts the nation produces.

Religion: the cult of the angel is the state religion, and as you may have guess revolves on the belief that the angel is the Guardian God of sanguine. The Sanguinian people
Believe in the creator God known as prime.

Location: it's in the southeast coast of would be Spain
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Nation Name: Manakoi Nations

Government: Tribal Council

Population: 23,000

Capital: Saplo

The Manakoi Nations is a union of two old tribes, Manabog and Hillawi, that had entered the lands approximately 2400BC. They started as small clans, offshoots of a long ago tribe searching for prime lands or fleeing from destruction. The paler, fair pigment suggest that their closer ancestors were not from the Mediterranean. What eventually became the Manabogs claimed open lands in current day Saplo while the future Hillokois displaced a weaker tribe that lay stake in what is now Falkirt. Lands were fertile and rich with game while the oceans were prime thus both tribes prospered, though that is not to say it was as simple.

It took nearly a century for the two tribes to come into contact which was more due to them being small populations focused on growing rather than exploring. Naturally the two tribes were alarmed upon discovery of a group equal in strength. The tribes did not share language and differed vastly in culture, interestingly their religion had much in common. There were other tribes of course but they lacked the numbers, which at the time the Manabogs and Hillowis were only in the hundreds, to be considered threats so for the time being they kept to themselves. As for the other tribes who were just large family groups they would eventually join into the tribes by different methods. Force was the weapon of choice the Hillowis used, the captured were enslaved and it wasn’t for several generations of crossbreeding that they became accepted. The clans that joined the Manabogs usually did it of their own free will especially when it became apparent of the intentions of the Hillowis.

War would eventually be declared around 2090BC, the more savage and warmongering Hillowis being the aggressor. They relied on their culture of war and blessings of the gods to overwhelm the Manabogs that were superior as a civilization. It was not enough. The Manabogs who had superior numbers, the means to better arm their soldiers and a primitive navy slowly beat back then conquered the Northern savages. Wars are never without cost and this was no exception, nearly half the male population in the peninsula was killed in that decade of bloodshed. In the end the peninsula was controlled by one flag one tribe.

The next millennia was one of expansion along with the highs and lows that come with it. Many new leaders fought for control openly or in the shadows, plagues came and nature struck but in the end the Manabogs, now called Manakois have survived. They are six councils commanding over six territories in prime area to meet the trade from the Northern Lands and those in the South. Saplo, where it all began, has become the proud jewel of the Nations. Not yet as grand as what traders speak can be found in the Southern lands but in the North she is a power.

The Nations have been relatively free of major conflicts in their long history and such are very welcoming of foreign nations. However the outside villages are naturally cautious while usually being built near or on a hillfort as barbarian raids are common. Lessons from the war with the Hillawi, who have assimilated into the Nations for a number of centuries, have been passed down by the high council. If an army can not be trained to be superior then they should be armed better at the least. As such the Nations put a high focus on military technology and trying to keep up with the advanced nations to the South. Do to this the art of forging and knowledge of minerals is highly prized as are shipbuilders whose profession provides food along with trade.

There is not an obvious class system which is simply because currency has not been invented. Bartering the method of trade and medium of exchange varies between areas. As for classes the majority are obviously lower class, the councils are considered the upper class. The rule of thumb is the man with the larger home and more wives is probably doing pretty well. Slavery is not looked down on however it is relatively uncommon which is mostly because the Nations are too poor to buy very much stock. A majority of slaves are owned by the Nations, they are made up of captured barbarians or those that commit crimes deserving of such a punishment. They are treated as livestock and are used to build or maintain roads, build hillforts and any other labor that needs to be done. Once they can no longer serve their purpose they will be culled. Slaves owned privately, who are primarily debt slaves, have no laws protecting them and the care given varies widely.

The largest profession in the Manakois Nations is farming the founder crops along with raising livestock such as cattle, sheep and boar. Beef makes up the majority of meat consumption for people away from the coast and milk is dearly loved. Hare and fowl are also raised but are often considered pets. After agriculture the next pair of common professions are fishing and logging. The hardwoods of the peninsula have been found to make especially sturdy galleys. Soil rich in tin has been the primary source of trade and the major source of income, rarely the finished bronze materials were traded as the nation did not have the copper to spare.

Clothing for the most part is still made of leather and fur, wool is more expensive so is not worn by the common man. Children will often be seen wearing woven grass especially in the warmer months. Many houses are round houses which are simply a round wall made of either stone or woven wood, both of which are lathered in a mixture of mud and straw. The roofs are straw with a layer of mud on top and a hole in the center to let fire smoke out. Hillforts, fortified hills using earthworks instead of walls, are made to protect anything from individual buildings to small settlements and even livestock pastures.

Religion: Animism. Spirits lie inside all common item rocks, waterways, plants, animals and so on. There are some known as higher spirits, Somna who is the Spirit of the Sea, Autuse who is the Air, Halir the Sun Spirit, Lulir the Moon and Dhame the Spirit of the Land. The popularity of these gods vary from tribe to tribe along with that of the lesser spirits. The Manakoi do not build great places of worship for the spirits instead they have designated holy sites, perform many ceremonies and carry around personal idols.

The soul of the dead are said to join the spiritual forces that influence everyday life. To reach this spiritual world the dead are left with their eyes open and mouth left open. Often times gifts are left with the corpse and sacrifices are made. It was not uncommon for wives to sacrificed a century ago but that tradition seems to be fading. Shamans are believed to carry a connection with the world beyond and act as a voice for the spirits along with being a protector from evil spirits. They are widely respected and as such carry a prominent role in tribal councils.



Ymen (yes I picked white just to be a bother)

Other: (Any other details you’d live to add)
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Nation Name: Astrana

Government: Oligarchic Republic

Population: 30,000 (Divided roughly in half, on either side of the straits)

Capital: Dulos


The united city of Dulos, is relatively young, especially compared to the tribes and people that have existed on either side of the straits. Before the nation of Astrana rose, there were 2 minor Kingdoms. The Astori and the Ranes. Astori lands were situated on the lands immediately east of the strait, and the Ranes’ lands were to the west. Despite sharing a common tongue, cultural traditions, and their religions being similar, this physical split between them was enough to create a rivalry between the two, contest over who would have the straits under their control. Both tribes had inhabited their lands for at best guesses 500 years, however the dating of both cultures were rudimentary at best, and this rough figure was unknown to them. All they knew was that this was the Land of their forefathers.

Raiding and skirmishes between the two had always been commonplace. However as they began to realise the importance of the strait as a funnel for maritime commerce and trade, the rivalry only grew greater still. Eventually in the Spring of 1250 BC, tensions came to ahead, with the then King of the Astori, King Pentaros, leading his forces across the strait. News of his assault had already been received by the King of the Ranes however, King Borgar, and as such his force was waiting for them. Given the fact both viewed this as their chance to fully and ultimately quash their rivals, both of the royal dynasties, in their entirety were aboard the vessels, each believing fully in victory, and to wait for the outcome on land would have resulted in a great loss of prestige and glory. The great battle between the two (Which would later be named the Battle of Shattered Oars) raged for the best part of a day. By the end there was no victor. Evenly matched and with no side holding advantage of the wind, the two fleets battered each other to near complete destruction, with survivors washing up on either shore. One thing that became abundantly clear to both sides however, was that the 2 kings, and their numerous male members, were not amongst the survivors. In one rather futile battle, the ruling dynasties had effectively been wiped out (aside from some bastards and young offspring not fit to rule at this time). In the power gulf that was created, it was filled not by the old nobility, who were too slow and busy squabbling about a successor to the king, but instead by the burgeoning members of the middle class. The trading families, men who had achieved wealth and power, not through an old name, but through trade and graft. With the Nobility sidelines, the heads of 6 families, 3 from the Astori and 3 from the Ranes came together, meeting aboard a ship in the middle of the straits. There were many similarities between these men and the kings who had come before them; a lust for power, wealth and land were chief amongst them. However these were men whose lives were run by profit and by loss, and it was apparent that war between the two resulted in only loss of men and resources, as well as disruption of trade through the straits which was their lifeblood. These two pragmatic groups came together, and after 3 days aboard the ship they departed, as members of a new nation, Astrana, a rather simple solution of putting the names of the 2 former kingdoms together, if unoriginal.

First and foremost the construction of a new capital was ordered, a city of two halfs, on either side of the strait, Dulos, named after the old name for the strait itself. There was to be a port on either side, as well as a palace on either side, with plans for only one to be occupied at any one time. When the union had been agreed so had the method of government. The 6 chief houses, 3 of the Astori and 3 of the Ranes, would form a Council, The High Council Astrana. At this point they would vote for the position of Lord Councillor, the head of one of the houses, in the case of a deadlock the election was decided through drawing of lots. Once the member was elected he held the position for life (or was voted out by 4 of the remaining 5 members, 2 of which had to come from whatever of the 2 groups his family were connected with, Astori or Ranes). His residence was on the opposite side of the river from that which his family was connected with, the aim of this was to repair the wounds that had been created by generations of rivalry, showing that the two groups were not so different after all.

As the date ticks over to 1000BC, Astrana has fully solidified their hold over the immediate area, and Dulos has emerged as a sparkling metropolis, stretching over either side of the newly christened Strait of Astrana. Around 2/3s of the population live within or just outside its mighty walls, its merchants growing fat off of the raw materials which enter its ports, at which point the owners of industry make their money converting it into manufactured goods, at which points the merchants make yet more money shipping it onwards into the Mediterranean (or equivalent name) or in the other direction.


The Astori and Danes have few if any differences between them, the split between them being purely geographical, even if it is still something that marks a difference between the two cultural groups. In recent times however this has begun to be worn down, mostly down to the system of governance in place set up to achieve a breaking down of barriers.

The upper class is greatly diminished, with the monarchy no more, the nobility cling to their titles and names, but they are worth little more than prestige now. Generally the best a Noble can hope for is marrying into the Merchant class, an exchange of money for a historic name. Most of the original noble families have died out, or been reduced to little better than farmers on their estates.

True power in Astrana lies with the middle classes, chiefly the merchants. Whilst the 6 most powerful families make up the High Council (The Principle Families), there are scores of lesser Merchant Families beneath them, each jockeying for favour and positions of influence.

Given the trading nature of the capital, the nation of Astrana is a true maritime state. Whilst there is a very small standing navy, whose sole purpose is to protect trade through the Strait of Astrana, almost all of the Merchant Houses maintain a trading fleet, whether this consists of 2 or 3 small trading vessels, up to the Patrician houses which can count upon a dozen such vessels. As such Astranan merchants are a common quantity in many coastal cities, throughout the Mediterranean. It lacks a proper Land based military force however given its smaller population. All in all they are not a nation famed for their military nature, wars are expensive and bad for trade, 2 things which rankles the Principle Families.

Give the fluctuating temperatures in the region (an average of 5C in winter and 25C in the summer) garbs vary dramatically over the course of the year. The one thing that sets out the different classes however is colour. For your commoner their clothing will be the same colour as when it was produced, and as such will be shades of brown and grey. For the high elite however, the more fantastic the colours, the higher your status, with deep purples, fiery reds, and emerald greens often being found at such high society gatherings, in some cases all on one individual.

Slavery is viewed simply as another commodity to trade, and as such slaves are a relatively normal sight in Merchant class households. There are laws in place regarding the treatment of slaves, however this was brought in as a means of protecting them as stock, as opposed to protecting them as people.


Religion Name: Sarkutism

The Astranan follow a wide pantheon of gods, known as a collective as the Sarkut. As such there are numerous temples dotted throughout Dulos each dedicated to a God, whether that be of sailing, trade, fertility, and even those dedicated to death, offerings left to help a loved one pass beyond.

The principle God however is Helithion, King of the Gods, and creator of the world. It is believes that firs there was no sea, no mountains no hills, the world was simply a barren featureless plain. Helithion however, the first of the gods, and the creator shaped it into the world of today. Bringing his sword down in sweeping arc, a gash was formed, and through it flowed water, forming rivers, seas and oceans. It is believes that the Astranan Strait is where his sword first fell. The other gods came into being, first born of Helithion and then by his own offspring, populating the heavens with more and more of their kind. It is believed that the gods play an active part in the mortal world, and so offerings in temples are routine, with priests receiving tribute in return for offering prayers. It is believed that upon a person's death their good and bad deeds are weighed up. If the scale tips towards good, then they are deemed worthy to go to the Gardens of Helithion, a place of feasting and happiness. If the scales tip the other way however then they are sent to the Caverns of Sanctos, far from the light of the sun, a place of torment and eternal darkness, forced to wander for all eternity.


Land on either side of the Bosphorus Strait


Other: (Any other details you’d live to add)
Nation Name: Coraso

Government: Oligarchy/Plutocracy

Coraso is governed by a council of nine lords and ladies known as the Coterie of Barons. Barons (or Baronissas for females) serve for nine year terms, at the end of which the title is auctioned to the highest bidder. In order to bid a man or woman of at least twenty-two must be able to prove they are a third generation Corason citizen. Should they win the auction, they must pay an annual fee of ten percent of the winning bid so long as they hold the title. If they fail to pay their annual fee their title will be immediately stripped and put back up for auction. In an effort to prevent any one family from gaining too much power, one cannot bid for a title if a close family member is a Baron or Baronissa. Close family members include: father, mother, child, wife, husband, sibling, aunt, uncle, and first cousin.

Population: 56,000

Capital: Corrance, City of Karma


  • Up until the 13th century, the southern half of the boot-shaped peninsula was dominated by the Dranav, the region's tribal people. The Dranav prospered there. Their land was fertile, their climate temperate, and the tribes rarely went to war. But when the coastal tribe of Varone learned of monarchies, empires, and other powerful realms in distant lands, they abandoned their tribal life and established a kingdom – the Kingdom of Varone.

    Regue, the first king of Varone, brought many of the peninsula's southern tribes under his rule. Some were consolidated through diplomacy, by promising protection and granting titles of nobility to chieftains; while less agreeable tribes were forced to surrender at spearpoint. With the region more or less under a single authority, the various cultures, customs, and traditions of its people were combined.

    In the mid 11th century Varone's King Samex Tyrebo proved to be an underhanded and antagonistic ruler. This unpopular behavior resulted in a cabal of Varone's merchant lords plotting against him. Samex was promptly assassinated and his family and remaining supporters exiled.

    The kingdom was slain with its king, and the merchants responsible for both deaths established the state of Coraso. They also renamed Angad, the former capital of Varone, Corrance.
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Nation Name
The Kingdom of Khattusa or simply Khetta, the latter being a term that has more of a geographical connotation, running from the origin of the river Buranuna to the banks of the Euxine sea, thus not referring to the actual borders of the kingdom itself. The etymological derivation of the word Khattusa is interesting for it isn't acquired from any proto-khettite civilization and is more likely to have been a remnant of the previous non nomadic peoples that inhabited the region. As far as it can be surmised the word's original meaning lies somewhere along the lines of 'a city surrounded by rivers and mountains' or alternatively 'a small hamlet'.
Absolute Monarchy, the word Khshayathiya, itself a derivative of the Old Khettite root Khshāeta meaning "shining, brilliant" is the title worn by most rulers in the region, alternatively the word Kshatrap is also used. Although, its literal meaning is closer to what one would call a governor or a petty chieftain. The current ruler Khshayathiya Tudhaliyas III hails from an illustrious line of monarchs who claim to be able to trace descent from a number of minor gods spanning multiple pantheons.
It is unclear whether the practice of census taking was prevalent before the Khettites settled the region but nonetheless it has become a staple of state function. Every six years freemen are required to return to their places of birth in order to keep track of population, to determine rates of taxation and crucially, to record the number of arms-bearing citizens. The census records would then be noted onto large clay tablets and eventually relocated to a common administrative hub. The most recent records suggest that the total propertied male population of the kingdom numbered at around forty-two thousand.
Khattusa or Khashetra, the capital city of the Khettites was closely associated with a chief deity of the peoples that inhabited the region, prior to the Khettite migration. Evidence suggests that the city was once named Tarhunt after the aforementioned deity, It would be reasonable to assume therefore that a large population of the old civilization continued to live and practice their faith there before being ultimately assimilated into the whole either through conquest or through other more peaceful means.
Formulating an exact history of the peoples that now occupy the banks of the Euxine sea is near impossible, for one the Khettites upon migrating to the region adopted the local cuneiform script for transcribing the Khettite language which meant that slowly but surely the tongue of the invaders would become more akin to the region at large, loosing a great deal of its own unique inflections along the way. From what Old Khettite is available for one to analyse, it would seem that these nomadic invaders were distant cousins of steppe peoples near the sea of Azov. This is certainly recounted in the varied legends and myths surrounding the founding of numerous cities and settlements in the region. That leads to the second reason as to why compiling an early history of the Khettites is such a daunting task, the migration and settlement of the Khettites did not happen all at once but rather was the product of waves of periodic invasions and conquests. There is evidence to suggest that the earliest Khettite migrations did not spell the end for the old indigenous kingdoms in the region and that these invaders might even have been invited to act as an auxiliary force in the numerous petty squabbles between feuding monarchs. What little information that is available about the early Khettites or indeed the peoples that once occupied the regions they came to inhabit comes primarily from the Chronicles of Ahikshetra, Ahikshetra being a prominent city-state that shielded itself from the wrath of the ravaging hordes by placing it's crown on the heads of a series of Khettite rulers. These rulers then went on to commission the creation of annals that would compile the histories of both the invader and the invaded. After the period of instability that followed the initial migrations, 'the time of troubles' as it is ominously called ceased, a series of monarchs emerged, claiming sovereignty over all Khettites. These monarchs compiled annals of their own, using the Chronicles of Ahikshetra as their base and often removing or adding fictionalized excerpts with the aim of blackening the name of a previous dynasty or indeed glorifying their own.
The Khettites have retained a great deal from their once nomadic forefathers, for one the tradition of breeding sturdy horses for a variety of purposes from being used as beasts of burden or during times of war continues still. It is not uncommon to notice images of riders along with their horses displayed prominently on religious buildings and on administrative grounds, a reminder of their peoples martial history. The institution of marriage too reflects this forgotten lifestyle, with men being permitted to marry multiple women although restrictions are placed on people on account of class. In terms of architecture and other more cultured tastes the Khettites have largely adopted the practices of the conquered, planned cities with straight lanes and squared off compounds, clothing that was more attuned to the warmer weather and prioritized comfort and flash over function etc. The average Khettite citizen would have the luxury of being capable of enjoying numerous relatively inexpensive pleasures, for one the nobility was quite keen on constructing places of public enjoyment like large open gardens to curry their favor, several bathhouses and riding grounds would also be constructed and repaired at the expense of the royal treasury and if that did not suit their tastes they could also spend time at theatrical functions that recounted the exploits of some famous Khettite hero. Although, not a leisurely activity per say, the Khettite heartland was also home to numerous markets bringing a variety of novel items of interest from the far east.
Libhu (Copper) | Vuswi (Silver) | Rekne (Gold)
(1) Libhu
(1) Vuswi = (31) Libhu
(1) Rekne = (23) Vuswi or (702) Libhu

[div class=fyuri11credit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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Nation Name: Shackanates Shacka, gentilic: misiltan (singular), misiltani (plural), misiltanite (possessive)

Shackanate shares a similar etymology to Tsardom, where the ruler's honorific refers to a clan's name, and in this case, the tyranny's founding clan, the Shacka folks.

Note that "Shackanates" corresponds to "Shackanate of". Therefore, the name "Shackanates Shacka" means the same as that of "kingdom of [the] Shacka [clan]".

Government: Tribal Oligarchy/Despotism

A despotism where the shacka ("king") holds unlimited and unchecked power over his subjects. The first shacka, Shilah'an, established this type of government only 22 years ago, and has been the only shacka so far; thusly, the extent of its characteristics are yet to be defined. As it seems,it is an hereditary autocracy. However, Shilah'an frequent absence and and his system's juvenility threatens both its legitimacy and survival.

Who rules de facto is the Wirther Council, composed by 25 influential Misiltani who make part, almost exclusively, of the privileged magyaret class. They care for the administrative matters, such as bureaucracy, infrastructure, taxation, resource managament, and technological research. Any decision deliberated by the Wirther Council depends on the shacka's approval, and any decision decreted by the shacka goes by goes under the council's scrutiny (but they cannot foreclose the shacka's decision, all they can do is advise him). During Shilah'an's military campaigns the council was able to reign the shackanate, but now an honorary shacka has been appointed they must bow to him - even if begrudgingly.

Capital: Misiltan


Magyar (magy + yar ,"fertile plains", present-day Little Hungarian Plain), farmlands just northwest of Balaton ("great lake", Lake Balaton), harbored countless short-spaned but thriving civilizations since 3500 BCE. Its fertility in a sea of hills and sterile fields made it perfect for settling, but the big influx of migrants made it equally propituous for dispute and war.

Section X: Origin of the magyaret class

Peoples that had barely established soon found themselves quarreling with ferocious and tired invaders. These would leave few survivors, except the most shrewd, folks that sold their presence and knowledge as indispensable for the victorious agressors' survival. Composed mostly by "hidraulic engineers" and successful, innovative farmers, their intuitive creations boosted an enviable development for a region that should otherwise be a valley bloodshed, ruins and corpses; their importance turned them indissociable from Margyar and, consequently, their families as well, which became a privileged caste of whichever was the dominating civilization of a given time, which came to be known as the margyaret (Magyar+ tet, man o[f the] fertile plains). While their relevance is atemporal, their status as a social class was cemented around 1420 BCE.

Section 1: Pre-shackanate civilization (ca. 1500 - 1022 BCE)

States in Magyar such as the shackanate are sufficiently uncommon but it is unparalleled that yet another State was its antecessor. Named formally Yaoretan (yaore + tan, "city (connoting civilization) [of the] Yaore [people]"), it was funded by the Yaore ("we [as in 'the whole group']") some five hundred years before the shackanate, rendering it as the longest settlement any people managed to retain in the disputed farmlands of Magyar. Arriving in groups far greater than the original settlers could withstand, their conquest of Magyar was swift and relatively painless and as usual most of the proto-magyaret families were spared. The volumous amount of people (and thus manpower) and the particular brilliance of the magyaret farmers of that generation rendered food bonanza and exponential growth, turning their settlement into a bustling city. Only a few years elapsed before they colonized their surroundings and some decades before establishing a formal hierarchy, and thus, a State proper. In that hierarchy, unsurprisingly, the magyaret were dominant, toppled only by yaore chieftains. The society, in general, was surprisingly stable, especially assuming it was a multicultural one. With hierarchies came necessity for bureaucracy; cities demanded infrastructure; invasors, now too small to pose a threat, were of secondary relevance. And so, Yaoretan grew and thrived. Yet their quietude was put to end when a swarm of experienced warmongers under an unprecedently genial general stormed their cities; the yaores, who for so long prepotently disregard military affairs and technology were no match for the iron-wielding horde of Shilah'an Shacka.

Section 2.1: The Majar migration

Around 1250 BCE the Majar people settled in the plains surrounding modern day Western Carpathians, enjoying the protection and resources the orogen provided. Unusually skilled in metallurgy, they were quick to exploit the Carpathians' vast iron resources and make swords, spears, helmets and various other tools; the gold and silver found abundantly in the mountain foothills weren't spared either, being extracted and used for ceremonial purposes. In that aspect, they were an extremely advanced civilization. Raiders were sporadic, and usually no match for the iron wielding majars, but the last incursion in 1060 BCE presented some danger. Thankfully, the invasion was brilliantly managed by Ilmund the Shacka, consecrating his lineage as the indisputed "kings" of the majars. But Ilmund enjoyed his revered status for very little before an urgent crisis swept the majars, which was of food shortage. Despite the vast mineral richness the region was, agriculturally speaking, poor and unsuitable for sustained growth, and under Ilmund the majars' population had reached the saturation point. His premature death in 1040 BCE left the majars in turmoil, with his successor, Shilah'an Shacka, contested by usurper elders, who doubted of Shacka's administrative skills. Shilah'an responded to his challengers in the most damaging way possible - through warfare. Through sheer military might the 23-years-old general won against all odds the mini civil war he himself had begun; the battle, however, crippled the already fragile infrastructure of the majar's city. In order to survive, Shilah'an and the surviving majars had no option but to leave. With their bulls loaded with silvery and golden trinkets as well as various ferrous tools, a few ingots of pure metal, and of course all the foodstuff they could carry, they marched sourthwards of the Carpathian Mountains, hoping to find greener pastures.

Section 2.2: The shackanate proper

In 1025 BCE, the majars reached Magyar. Despite their best efforts the yaores couldn't defend against the battle-hardened immigrants. Those, in the other hand, were used to the nomadic life of pillaging and moving on, and so most small yaorenite cities were razed along their people. The only survivor was their capital, Misiltan (misil + tan, "important city"), whose splendour and size marveled Shilah'an, and were the majars finally settled in 1024 BCE. However, their presence was uneasy and the otherwise peaceful capital was now in relative turmoil. Shilah'an was a competent administrator and an excellent warrior but an inexperienced statesman, and his political ineptude made his negotiations with the yaoretan upper classes - especially the sly magyaret families - simply terrible. The magyaret, exploiting the people's dissatisfaction with foreign rulers and their complete lack of "proper manners" - knowledge in bureacracy and statesmanship, essentially - began to riot and amass opposition against the majars. It came to a point where an extremely influent magyaret, Posenlad Lamuria III, gathered the 25,000 or so inhabitants of Misiltan - over 90% of the city - and charged against the 5,000-ish majars but, thanks to Shilah'an's expertise, they were massacred (this event came to be known as the Yaoretan Uprising). After that battle, the city was home to but 5,000 or so yaores.

Seeing the importance of allegiances, relationships and social pacts, Shilah'an decided to cement his status as the ruler of Misiltan in a very simple manner: by declaring himself king. Using his unparalled military might as justification, he claimed to be godsent and thus worthy of being the ruler, and using an imprisioned Posenlad III's forced loyalty as legitimation, he swore to be a ruler of not the yaores nor the majars but the misiltani people. Rather than fighting against, he decided to accept the surviving (and terrified) magyaret' advices (and pleas for privileges), who in exchange recognized Shilah'an's right to rule.

"You have one to bow to now, people of Misiltan. Bow to god's child. Bow to your Shacka."

1022 BCE, and the shackanate is born.

Section 2.3: Expansionism and modern day

Despite Shilah'an's presence, the city was ruled de facto by the small magyaret council known as the Wirther Council. Simply put: regardless of his best efforts, Shilah'an hadn't the shrewdness to impose himself in any other way than militarily. Yet the stability and prosperity that was beginning to take place made another internal conflict (where Shilah'an could gain gravitas) absolutely unlikely. Shilah'an however was no fool and exploited the situation masterfully: he left to the wisest of the Wirther Council to tutor his ten-years-old son while he would expand his dominions. A win-win situation: his offspring would learn how to be an administrator and a politician, territorial gain would help sustain his authority, and the stagnant band of bloodlusting majars would finally see once again some action.

After five years, in 1016 BCE, Shilah'an returned to Misiltan demanding colonizers - he had reached a great lake among plains and hills of springs and limestone boulders. A few hundreds of settlers marched to the province which came to be known as Posenlad (modern day Transdanubian Mountains), named in honor of Posenlad. (Shilah'an claims that Posenlad volunteered to join his military campaign as a form to prove his loyalty but, unfortunately, was one night mauled by a bear trying to protect his Shacka. In reality, however, he was quartered, and his body disposed in Balaton.)

In 1005 BCE, Posenladtan ("city of Posenlad [province], the capital") became self-sufficient, no longer relying on misiltani resources or majari garrison, and thus Shilah'an prepared for another military expedition, which began in 1004 BCE. Weary of leaving a power vacuum for too long, he annoited his son, Shilah'an Shacka II as the temporary ruler during his abscense. Shilah'an is yet to return.


The Yaore people, able farmers and administrators, lived peacefully in the fertile plains of Magyar until 1022 BCE, when the iron-wielding majars under Shilah'an Shacka swiftly conquered then. Shilah'an's political ineptude led to a mini civil war between the yaores and majars inside the main city, Misiltan, but his military prowess sufficed for his decisive victory. He was able to crown himself the king, or the Shacka, of the Misiltani people (yaores + majars) and appointed a few upperclassmen (the magyaret) as his advisors. Aware of his political weakness, he left his son to be raised by the magyaret while he decided to conquer some territories in order to maintain his authority. During 1016 - 1005 BCE he incorporated some territories in the south, which came to be known as the Posenlad Province. He left for yet another conquering campaign but his son, Shilah'an Shacka II, was appointed honorary Shacka to avoid a power vacuum. As of now, he has not returned.



40% Ethnic Yaore (5,400)
50% Ethnic Majar (~6,800)
6% Other Ethnicities* (~700)
4% Misiltani [offspring of an Yaore + Majar] (~500)

* Exclusively members of the magyaret class. Invaders would often spare family belonging to that caste, and so pre-Yaoretan families still exist. The oldest and most respected clan is the Lamurian, who claim to have arrived over two thousand years ago.

Initially, the yaores (original settlers) saw the majars as foreigners and uncultured, inferior barbarians, and sought to eliminate them. After the miserable failure that was the Yaoretan Uprising, the yaores realised they underestimated the majars' worth, and accepted the idea that their military prowess made up for their lack of "civilized" manners. There is however still bitterness and prejudice (the majars are still invaders, after all, and such short term hostility is but unavoidable), but the fear the yaores have for them veils that enmity under false stability and acceptance.

The majars were initially indifferent to the yaores, but after Shilah'an Shacka giving concessions to that ethnicity and the everyday passive agressiveness they must endure makes them more and more unsatisfied as time elapses.

Societal hierarchy:

Misiltani society is divided in five social classes, from upper to bottom:
  • The shackian caste. Members of Shacka's family, such as his wife, sons, and "iron brothers" (long time friends considered family).
  • The magyaret caste. A mixmash of ethnicities, in fact almost every family of the ~100 magyaret clans is of a different ethnicity. It does not necessarily equal the wealthy, even if it does most of the cases. An clan is only considered part of the magyaret class when they live in a foreigner's civilization as remnants (or survivors) of the preceding settlers of Magyar. They are the administrators, inventors, land owners and "enterpreneurs" of the shackanate.
  • The onejers are the wealthy non-magyaret clans. Their wealth is measured by militaristic, agricultural or real-stately means.
  • The agrians are the common people. Nothing to see here.
  • The szlav* are the slaves. Almost exclusively invaders who weren't slaughtered. Does manual labour no one wants to do.
* That's just a play because szlav sounds like slave, starts with s, and is overall a cool word. I'm not racist or anything, please don't ban me.

Cultural aspects

The Milsitani culture is a mixture of the various ethnical customs of the previous settlers assimilated in one overaching culture. In general: it incentivizes manual labour (being a farmer or builder is honorable, rather than shunnable); artistry is poorly developed; engineering, especially in terms of logistics and hidrology, is advanced; innovations (for the aforementioned fields) is seen as the lifeblood of betterment and highly regarded; bureaucracy is not particularly of note but still existant; and since contact with other peoples that don't involve strife is scarce, diplomacy is primitive and even infamous, and a neutral stance is preferred (over being aggressive or friendly to foreigners). Oligarchy is the culturally accepted form of government, given they are used to be ruled by the magyaret.

The Majari culture is yet to be mingled with the Misiltani culture and thus still holds some independent characteristics. In general: while not militaristic, it is quarrelsome (i.e. they like to fight, but there's no incentive for military customs, hierarchy, honour, etc.); mineral extraction - and thus foraging - and metallurgy is extremely advanced, just like ornamental artistry (using of course metal sources); and the many years of nomadism and sightseeing so many different landscapes sprouted expansionism and adventurousness. Obedience to an authority deemed "the strongest of the group" is the culturally accepted form of government, and thus they are used to autocratic rulers.

To sum it up: impeccable builders with a taste for technological advancement mixed with prestigious metallurgic warriors who, as as whole, can't do much other than build state-of-art roads or invade foreigners with brutal ease.


In short, efficient but visually modest (and even ugly) constructions.

Population: Around 12,000 in Misiltan (~8,000 adults; 3,000 teens; 1,000 kids or babies) and some 1,500 in Posenladtan (~1,100 adults; 300 teens; 100 kids or babies).

Culture: (Brief overview of your people and their traditions)

Religion: The Yaoretan follow Ordianism, a polytheistic and rather simple religion, where each god represents some aspect of life such as beauty, war, food, storms, etc. Very rudimentary. The Majari religion is pretty much a ritualistic animism. It won't be hard to fuse them into one ritualistic polytheism.


The "western" region of the shackanate corresponds to modern day Little Hungarian Plain, fertile farmlands, whereas the "eastern" bit are the Transdanubian Mountains, which in my first inspection seems like a rather sterile karst terrain. They are called the Misiltan and Posenlad provinces respectively.


Other: (Any other details you’d live to add)
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Nation Name: Genesis

Government: Absolute Monarchy

Population: 29,000 (19,000 F/10,000 M)

Capital: Tarsis


Once upon a time, Genesis was called, Ravenna. It was originally a militaristic nation, run by soldiers rather than politicians and royal families. 400 years after the nation’s founding, a slave rebellion saw a shift in power that overthrew the oppressive patriarchy that bought and sold women. The tables were flipped and men who threatened the new matriarchy were shackled and labeled “slaves”. The Queens managed to remain in power as they built up their kingdom, but unrest stirred again and betrayal would lead to another change in powers.

Fast-forward 500 centuries and Ravenna is on its last legs as a new faction tears the nation apart from the inside. The birth rate in the nation dropped to a record low and in order to stave off extinction, abolitionists struck out against the government. A young warrior by the name of Olivier betrayed her fellow generals and her Queen. She freed the slaves of Ravenna and turned her loyal troops against her enemies. A year of in-fighting resulted in Olivier’s victory and the founding of Genesis on the ruins of Ravenna.

While it is no utopia, Genesis is on track to being a new nation. It’s new Queen ended slavery, established borders and new alliances, but is most famed for the new military that she has built. Since the founding of Genesis, several invading forces have been repelled by the healing nation, and each time its army has improved.


Genesis is a militaristic nation, filled with people who enjoy combat and place strength over any other trait. The women here are given priority over men and those with high combat potential are given special treatment or even a place in the military.

Genesis observes two holidays, both of which span a two day period. The first is Zetian Day, in which the nation celebrates their goddess, The Mother. During these days a grand festival is usually thrown in Tarsis and the people are given the days off to praise her. The second holiday is known as, The Passing. It is held during the winter solstice and the two days are spent remembering, celebrating, and honoring warriors that have passed away.

Equality is a difficult subject in Genesis. A majority of the population is female and the common belief is that men are simply useless for all but one thing. The more educated members of the population are aware of how backward that type of thinking is, but have very little power to make a change. While the two genders are equal by law, discrimination does occur regularly and little is done to change this. Men who have joined the military and fought in battle are some of the only men to receive true equality from the female portion of Genesis.


Ravenna - The Goddess for which the nation was originally named. Ravenna was part of a pantheon, but became the sole deity when the first rebellion removed men from power. She is hailed as a queen, a mother, and a warrior. The people of Genesis believe her to be fearless and merciless to her enemies while being protective and nurturing to her followers.

Sacrifices of enemies, victories in battles or any kind, and honor are all acceptable forms of tribute to The Mother. Acts of deceit, dishonor, cowardice, and unnecessary cruelty are all seen as disrespectful by The Mother.

Ravenna is worshipped in temples across Genesis, most of which once belonged to old gods of a fallen pantheon,

Location: On the island of would-be Sardinia.

Tarsis - Capital

Pandora - Northern Fort

Calypso - Southern Fort


Genesis makes use of its mines to produce copper and silver pieces called, swords and shields.
Nation Name: Makil

Government: Theological Monarchy

Population: 75,000

Capital: Utiam (Sun and Sea)

History: In the year 2600 BC the founder and prophet Marque’ll The bringer of Love and Giver of Law set out to create a great temple, the Hall of Deity. this great hall was made in what is now the capital of Makil,--------.In the year 2576 BC Marque’ll completed the Hall of Deity and with this compilation came a rush of great wealth to the city as people from the surrounding lands made pilgrimage. Many pilgrims decided to stay adding to the local workforce of ---------, this led to an increased strain of resources namely food. Around 2573 BC Marque’ll is said to of had a great vision sent from the gods of the sea and sun; widely considered Marque’ll’s parents. The vision came with a solution to the slow famine which had begun to take its toll. “Mother sea and Father Sun had grown food in the sea but in order to truly have enough food for all the sea must rush the land”. Thus began a series of canal projects that aimed to allow fish and kelp to grow deep inland and literally bring food to the people of his land. These projects were not easy or without cost however. By the year 2560 ----- had lost much of its wealth and the irrigation projects had not been completed this was stressed even more so my Makil’s regional neighbors who seemed keen to sap what wealth remained in the holy city. In 2556 Makil’s Northern Neighbor, Buka, declared war. The war was brutal and nearly 3000 died between both sides but ultimately Makil was the successor by the year 2550 BC and many of the Buka were made slaves as retribution. With the newly acquired slaves the canal projects were completed in the year 2545 BC. As the sea rushed the land through the carefully constructed canals kelp was brought in by fishermen. As this kelp was cultivated the hunger crisis that plagued Makil for over 3 decades was finally solved and a population boom followed suit. In the year 2540 Marque’ll died and their daughter, Kithala, became Queen. Through her elegant and skilled leadership she peacefully acquired lands, by marriage to the south of Makil bringing in new lands into her sphere of influence. Throughout her reign the canals her father founded continued to expand as well as their ability to feed a growing populace. Kithala’s death in 2462 allowed her son, Revu’d, to take the reins of the small nation. Revu’d was an impressive military leader and brought many surrounding regions within Makil. Throughout the next 600 years many social and agricultural reforms came into existence. More importantly during this period much of Makil’s governmental abilities were used in building up defensive fortifications, cities, expanding canals further inland, and redefining trade with its region. Today, as of 1000 BC Makil has 6 distinct regions the most important of which is Mar which houses the capital and most of the kelp canals.

Culture: Makil’s culture is heavily influenced by its religion, Balinism, both the sun and sea are highly revered. Balinism’s strongest influence over Makil’s culture would have to do with hermaphrodites, the founder Marque’ll was a hermaphrodite, they are considered god born, a true child of the sun and sea. Hermaphrodites can easily move up the strata of society no matter their state at birth. Being in a hot region many of the Makilite where thin robes with the wealthier classes wearing bright and vibrate variations. Men and women are considered equal with only hermaphrodites treated as though they are higher beings. Sacred prostitution is a common pratice by both young men and women especially on holidays that reguard the sea goddess. The sea goddess's influence has resulted in a population that is especially sexualy active. The sun god’s influence helps ensure those that follow Balinisms teaching are compliant with the laws of the land. Disregarding or any perceived attempt to harm the sea is punishable by fire regardless of social or political standing. Blasphemy or insults against the sun is punishable by drowning. Crimes that do not offend the gods, depending on severity, are punishable by labor most of which usually involves maintaining the canal systems that have been built up over the centuries.

Religion: Religion and government are one in the same within Makil. Balinism is a religion of many gods but 2 are highly revered. Utu is the sun god and is the god of Divine Balance, Justice, and Protection. Tiamat is the goddess of the sea and salt water, she embodies Love, Sexuality, and Passion. In this religion men are considered to creations of Utu and of Law while women are considered creations of Tiamat and of Love. Hermaphrodites on the other hand were created by both Utu and Tiamat and are of both Law and Love. This belief was further enforced by the founder Marque’ll. Balinism’s over all teaching push the population to be both compliant and happy with the way society is set up and help the government in its administrative abilities.


Marque'll's Nation.png
Nation Name: Mithradati

Government: "Absolute" Monarchy: power is held by the Sun-King - the Shahanshah - King of Kings. Current Wielder is the Kryzi Dynasty

Population: 34



The story of the Mithradati begins in the year 1121 BC, where the thunderous Great Horde of Khagan Bag-Alih journeyed east from the cold steppes in a holy migration for the sun; the bleak weather of their origin was seen as a curse and the dwindling supplies and a string of natural disasters drove the Mamengrin Horde away. Khagan Bag-Alih's charisma and leadership qas unparrallelled, he united the entirety of the tribes under his rule and left a smoldering ruin of death and violence to all rival heretical nomads in their journey.

In 1118 BC, the horde stumbled upon the a vast land of glittering orange, where warmth and sand filled the horizon. Bag-Alih took his people south in further vicious conquests, tearing down foreign homes and desecrating the idols of unknown heresies. The land burned in holy fury. In 1116 BC, the Khagan cursed the migration as a lie - he condemned the land as fruitless and untamable, claiming they were cursed by the Unnamed One - that only further blood could earn Ghorm's patronage and grant them a true home. But many of the nomad chiftains were weary of the violence, they followed the Khagan for a new life in a new land, not war and destruction. Disagreement spilled into a fist fight, one side bore bronze like fangs; and the sands were doused in Mamengrin blood. After all was said and done, Khagan Bag-Alih and his ardent followers lay dead on the sands. The survivors split into three groups; those who would continue their migration to the east in search of new lands, those who would return to their cold homes in the northern plains, and those who would stay in this desert of blood.

1050 BC, a full generation after the War in the Horde, the Mithradati had established themselves as a local Kingdom - they based the grounds of their Government on their religious beliefs; but the society followed the tribal-independence of the Steppes. Many of the surrounding lands were too cowed by the former warfare to strike against this newly arisen power, but the region burned with a simmering hatred for the Mithradati. In 1034 BC, the scorned warrior tribes of the region banded together in a combine to drive the Mithradati out - this marked the beginning of the Dune Wars, which lasted almost 5 years. Under the second Sun-King; All-King; the Chosen and Blessed; Touched by the Sun; Baatur Kryzi, chosen by the people and tribes as a great warrior and leader, Mithradati prepared for war. The fighting was bloody and ruthless, but in the settlers favour - for the Mithradati were the larger and more prosperous people, having established sturdy agricultural practices as their forefathers aimed, their homes were wrought of stone and rock - whereas their tribal rivals possessed wood and splinter. In 1029, the Mithradati enforced victory over their foes and took their lands of their own. Overnight, the Mithradati doubled in size, earning further national spirit and visions of future prosperity.

The Mithradati are an individualistic people, they possess great freedoms and it's acceptable for a family to decide they wish to create a home in the desert and do so - thus many of the towns and villages are entirely self-made. Taxes in the land aren't harsh, instead operating on the system of tribute, in which these self-made villages and towns are expected to give a pool of funds yearly to the Sun-King. The Mithradati originated from great northern steppe hordes who conquered the rolling plains, but the origin of their people has left little impact culturally. For whilst the steppes are possessed of immense armies of horsemen, the Mithradati have forged great fortresses of stone - their nomadic military heritage has waned in their settlement, now only the most noble and renowned warriors are permitted a strong mount. These mounts are often clad in heavy bronze, with great shields glittering in the sun - these immense cataphracts are the elite of the Mithradati Horde, but they are rare and prized - the bulk of their military is made up of freemen, for the Mithradat's independence gives the Sun-King little direct sway over the lives of his countrymen.

The independence of their society isn't such a detriment, however, the Mithradati are a religiously fueled people and revel in zealous combat, rallying men and women to a great shieldwall in the name of conquest and divinity. Social classes within society are rarely a concept, for a man without a home or suffering in poverty has only himself to blame - the lowest dreg can climb to the Sun-King's chamber based on merit and strength-at-arms, the Aristocracy, whilst naturally afforded opportunities and advancements the common folk aren't is not seen with unique and favourable light in the Sun King's court. Rather, it is commonplace for an incompetent noble to have his lands forcibly seized and awarded to another better suited candidate, even of common birth. In terms of style, the Mithradati often bare scarce protective clothing to guard from the beating sun, they favour style and impressionability as a symbol of status - the more important a person is, the more glamorously they dress. Marriage, tied to religion, is seen as a sacred bond. The Mithradati believe in one partner for one life, a bond should never be broken or shared, and adultery is harshy punished. The idea of the annulment of marriage does not exist, for if a marriage is a sacred bond given by Ghorm - to break that bond would be a direct heresy. It's not unfamiliar in their culture for men to duel for the prospect of a bride; then that bride may duel the winner or a suitor to reject the marriage.

The Mithradati are a proud and venerable off-shoot of the nomadic steppe hordes prowling the northern plains of the Persian sub-continent. Their ancestors, avid practitioners of bloodletting and sacrifice, would honour the Gods in displays of blood and savagery - so too has this tradition passed to the wayward sons of Ghorm - God-King of the Sun. Patron of battle and embodiment of war. He sits upon the highest peaks of destiny, surveying his mortal patrons from the hidden threads of reality. Forging light and dark in endless turmoil, his struggle against the Great Unnamed eternal, for the Great Unnamed desires a never-ending dark, where none can flourish, where crops die and Ghorm's children wither. The Sun-King's charge takes him far from the realms of man.

In his stead, Pushkira, the Great Ranger, is his avatar within the physical realm. In her great sand-filled globe, Pushkira wove beasts of prey, she forged killers and challengers to man's dominion - but without which man would perish. Pushkira is the creator of nature, of the animals and birds, she is the great hunter Goddess, but also the great tamer - riding through the plains upon a golden steed who's thunderous hooves cause the mountains to shudder in mighty earthquake. There is another, a lesser God, who dwells in the depths of the physical world.

Where Ghorm defends the great unknown and the spiritual planes, and Pushkira, ever-vigilant, guards the realms of Earth and Man, the Underlord, wreathed in shadow and bathed in flame - but she is not an Evil God, he is not the Great Unnamed. The Underlord is the God of learning and knowledge, his dominion is said to be a great burning expanse of untouched books in a library too immense for the world above to hold. Unlike his greater brethren, she is a quiet and isolationist God. The Underlord respects Ghorm, no doubt, and Puskira could not have woven the mountains and the rivers without the architectural brilliance of the Underlord - but he is a symbol of neutrality and self-absorption, not oft aspired to be the sandriders above. Many say the Underlord was born with the Mithradati, but this is seen as heresy.

Persia - Western Iran? I can't make maps no judge

basically Vikings if they were in the desert
Nation Name: Betana'shi (Literally: the House of the People)
Despotic Monarchy
Puzursurru Ishme (Meaning: 'The Servants of the King are heard')


The history of the people of Betana'shi (the Aturiya) goes back as long as time itself, though the recent development of their people as something resembling a power in the region they stay in is a far newer development. For a long time simply being the subjects of the conquerors that would wax and wane in the fertile crescent, it has only been since the collapse of the most recent Empire in the region that the Aturiya have had a voice for themselves. Being among many peoplegroups that revolted during this time, under the leadership of their first God-King, Shamshi-Adad, that the once reasonably peaceful subsistance farmers rose, and sacked the city that would become their capital, the previous inhabitants being killed, enslaved, or driven out.

In the last 200 years, the number of Aturiya has grown, both through the prosperity of their lands and through assimilation of various, related, conquered peoples into the fold, the city of Puzursurru Ishme has become extremely large- Numbering 50,000 people- all supported by the fertile mesopotamian farmlands surrounding it, where the rest of the Kingdom's people reside, farming and raising livestock.


Due to their previous lack of cultural cohesion and central leadership, no strong culture really began to flourish until the Kingdom was established. The roots of their nation being from bloodshed, the Aturiya, whilst not overly violent, are a people that pride themselves on martial skill and prowess on the battlefield. They do, however, have distaste for dishonourable, or otherwise barbaric practices, viewing their skill with violence with reverance and respect, rather than as a blunt instrument to be used to enforce their will.

Most of their culture, however, revolves around trade, commerce, agriculture, and general city life. Other than the farmers outside of the city, the majority of the Aturiya are merchants, craftsmen and builders, with a lucky, well-educated few being scholars, scientists, and (for lack of a better term) engineers. All men are, however, expected to have at least basic military training, with the words that their culture lives by being: "It is better to find yourself a warrior in a garden, than a gardner in a war."


The religion and spiritual practices of the Aturiya are extremely individualistic, and based upon the veneration and service to ones ancestors (Modana) and family (Kilpat). The only formal religious figure to them, is their God-King, called the 'Bihayi Modana', meaning literally 'Living Ancestor', their king being considered the living vestibule of all ancestors, able to draw upon their wisdom, ethereal knowledge, and guidance. The greatest tabboo in their culture is to criticize the King- For to criticize the King is to disrespect the ancestors, both your own and those of others.

However, due to the King's percieved position of divinity, he is expected to be as calm as the grave and as wise as the oldest of Elders, with Kings who show themselves to be intemperate, unwise, or generally incapable being ritually sacrificed by being drowned in the River Tigris, and having his name wiped from written history, with even the mention of it in passing conversation being a crime punishable by death.



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