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Fandom Bill Willingham's Fables: Season One


New Member
Fables is based on a comic book series created by writer Bill Willingham, published by DC Comics's Vertigo imprint beginning in 2002. The series deals with various characters from fairy tales and folklore – referring to themselves as "Fables" – who have been forced out of their Homelands by "The Adversary" who has conquered the realm. The Fables have traveled to our world and formed a clandestine community in New York City known as Fabletown. Fables who are unable to blend in with human society (such as monsters and anthropomorphic animals) live at "the Farm" in upstate New York.

This series is a alternative universe setting to Fables in which everything has changed but the premise remains. This series sets a brutal murder that shocks Fablewood (a place in Los Angeles where the Fables live) and it's investigative community who hunt for the answers, and much like real life, everyone has a dark secret.

  • Players will get to create their own character under a famous folklore or fairy tail and get thrown into this world where nobody except the shadows, are your friends.
  • One signed character will be made the murderer and must lie and complete their personal journey.
  • Based on the fourteen Eisner Awards winning comic series, Fables.


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