Beyond the Walls of Verbos [Inactive]


Meta-Magic Eight Ball


A Brief History:

The kingdom of Verbos can be a stifling place. It is said to be the kingdom of safety and wealth- but, in a land ravaged by demons safety comes at the price of freedom.

Many years ago, the God of the Sun, Icarus, started a war with the Goddess of the Moon, Selene. They battled constantly for control of the sky, all the while leaving the lavish paradise they created beneath them unprotected. A particularly fierce battle lead to the moon blotting out the light of the sun, becoming shadowed itself by the unquenchable bright rays.

Kronos, the God of Chaos and creator of the Shadow Realm saw this eclipse as a devious opportunity. He arose from the depths of his protective realm, delighted by the lack of the Earth's protective lights. In only minutes, hundreds of portals were opened about the entire planet. Demonic creatures of the shadow realm poured through under the cover of darkness, disrupting the entire balance of the land.

Demons began to ravage the land, tormenting and ultimately destroying everything they came in contact with. King Edwin the 2nd responded with a thick, 50 ft wall around the central city of Verbos. Hiding behind their wall, food supply began to dwindle, forcing King Edwin to order another wall to be constructed about the surrounding farming communities.

In the years to come, Verbos flourished in wealth and population. Strict laws were placed on the citizens, and a copious amount of guards hired to enforce them. Able bodied men and gifted magic users were forced into the royal guard, upon the threat of death. Entry and exit of the city was monitored with incredible intricacy.

Enter: "You" fifty years after the walls construction. You have lived your entire life peacefully within the walls. It was a very strange day that would change your entire life.

The new King Greggory had allowed outsiders past the walls; and not just any outsiders. A strange pair of traveling entertainers swoop throughout the Kingdom of Verbos. After playing a show for the king, upon request, they remain for a few days, dabbling in each region of the large kingdom.

Wherever you happen to hail from; a member of a noble family or a peasant farmer, you catch a glimpse of the awe-inspiring show. A strange, yet charming man with a crimson gaze begins the show by introducing a small demonic friend, and demonstrates the complete control he has over the malice creature. He labels himself a 'demon tamer', and a 'puppet master'.

Suddenly, a fox leaps upon the stage, flames flickering about the tips of it's three tails. At first she leaps and flips and spins, awing the audience as fire danced about her fur. The fire rages and grows until it engulfs the entire canine, resulting in an audience-wide gasp. The flames die down to reveal, not a fox, but a dancing woman with three fiery tails waving about behind her.

When the fox woman finishes her act the man returns, going on some strange speel about being a 'puppet master'; just as you're beginning to think he's full of lies and slander, you're waltzing towards him. The man's moving his hands in a graceful beckon, an amused smirk on his face. You are terrified and confused; you are no longer control of your own body, and the man isn't even touching you. With only small twitches of his fingers and sweeps of his hands you are dancing gracefully all over the stage.

Finally, he brings you in close, uttering the words in your ear,

"Join us; be free."

The spell is broken and you wander back to your spot in the audience in a confused state, watching as he pulls his trick on other patrons of the audience. When he's finished, he announces the location of their last performance in Verbos. As he does, his gaze locks with yours with a brief second that seems like hours.

No matter who you are; a magic user with no intentions of joining the military, a simple farmer boy with a yearning for adventure, or even a young noble girl with a need to see outside the walls, you are beckoned by the words. You simply cannot stop fantasizing over the idea of joining these strange traveling entertainers.

The night of the last show, once they had done their routine, you show up to their guard-ridden camp site by the walls. You have made the hasty decision; you will take this chance. You will join them, and be free.

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