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Fantasy Beyond the Mist (RP)

Malice Queen

Senior Member
Roleplay Availability
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Beyond the Mist

A collection of islands orbit around a large crystal that emanates a thick mist – coating the islands and hiding their existence from one another. Despite the shroud, the islands remain untouched by the fog.

To those on the islands, the faint glow of the crystal and the thick curious mist at the edge of their isles spark a desire to discover and explore the unknown. While some wish to leave their homes, most choose to stay for the lands beyond the mist are uncharted dangerous territory. The call of adventure had drawn many to venture forth into the fog, but they only get turned around and are led back to their island. Many worship the crystal as a deity, the being that gives them life, and keeps them safe from the assumed horrors in the fog.

This is the life you’ve always known, but it’s about to change. The mist has receded and now numerous chunks of floating earth are exposed. The crystal’s once brilliant light had since dimmed, leaving nothing but a lusterless piece of rock. You have left your island – for glory, riches, a new life, the pursuit of knowledge…the choice is yours.

Despite your motivations to leave your home, however, there is trouble brewing in your newly expanded world. The mist receding has caused smaller islands to collapse and crumble into dust – the impending doom is evident and many turn their eyes to the lightless crystal in the distance for answers.

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    Long ago, the Goddess Orenna created a world for her children. For ages, they worshipped Orenna and prospered...until one day, the skies darkened and a miasma crawled across the land, bringing monsters in its wake. The Dread Serpent had found the goddess' creation and became jealous of the love and attention she received as well as the beauty of it. The Serpent sought to destroy Orenna's world and the humans who lived on it. Of course the Goddess fought the Serpent with all her might, but as his endless army of monsters devoured her children and the miasma poisoned the land the, her world slowly began to break apart. Gravely wounded, the Goddess used the last of her power to encase herself in crystal and purify the miasma that surrounded what little remained of her creation. She saved her children – but at what cost?

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The priests and priestesses of the temples claimed that their deity of Light has finally revealed herself to her children. For the first time in...forever they finally saw what was beyond the mist – and like everyone else, they were cautious but curious. The citizens of Atlantea were prohibited from leaving, but, a select few chosen by the High Saint and High Priestess would venture out beyond to investigate the disappearance of the fog as well as the origin of the outsiders. Outsiders would be denied entrance to Atlantea, as the monarchy would see newcomers as a problem - especially when there are so many more people in the world now.

Nothing could have prepared the people of Ervas for the recession of the fog, as soon as it happened the monsters on their island became more aggressive and deadlier. The many villages on the island would send out a party to serve as the elder's eyes – their goal was to explore and report back their findings. Their exploratory parties consisted of one person from each of the tribe's four occupationa. With their primitive tech, the parties of Ervas venture from their island to investigate and explore the new world – not knowing what dangers they may face along the way.

The peoples of Rasheth are curious by nature and the fog receeding has intrigued all but a few – thise with families have chosen to stay while those with little or nothing to lose have prepared for adventure. What other technology would they find on these new exciting islands, what new cultires would they find?

Shiloh was an island of order, their entire existence was explained by their order and now all of it has been proven false. Many would plunge into a crisis of faith, several cities are flung into a panic, many would mobilize their forces, and riots ensued in the outer cities. Now the three orders are in dead-lock – unable to decide what course of action their island should take.

The older shamans of Valone could claim they have felt this disturbance coming for decades, while the younger ones would definitely feel that something was off about the world. Many look on in horror as the islands are revealed while some take the chance to find a way of the frozen island and discover a new greener world.

The religious people of Zofrana blame the inventors for the fog disappearance of the fog – claiming the machines they built were an insult to their god. The faithful believe that this is the will of their god.

The inventors however, would take the chance to explore the expanded world to learn more about the new-world. They attempted to figure out what is hiding out there beyond the mist. Some seek to find a way to harness the crystal's power and others want to acquire resources from other islands to fuel their experiments.

Those who are neither inventors or religious are baffled, some will actually panic while many others will wish to go out and see that their island wasn't actually the center nor the only bit of land on the world.
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Enzo stared out to the endless horizon before his eyes. A golden sunrise illuminating the world around ahead of him and exposing his narrow vision to endless possibilities. Unfortunately his entire view of such a spectacle was limited by the fact his eyes were practically squeezed shut. An entire life spent in darkness can mess up your vision something fierce. Enza pressed his hand against his forehead as it pounded and throbbed. One might think that it was the light of day that irritated him. But Enzo had his mind set on other matters.
“I wonder what would happen if I just flung myself off the edge. Hey Moundshroud…”
Just then a skeletal cranium peeked out from behind Enzo. From its bony maw came a raspy and nasally tone.
“Don’t even think about it!”
“Was worth a shot…”
Enzo turned his back from the horizon and walked back inland to find a place to sit down. He wanted to figure out what he would he would do next. He wondered if there were any exotic lifeforms outside the reaches of the place he called home. He began to wonder what their insides looked like. How they ate, how they breathed, how they reproduced, and how they slept. A world of possibilities opened up for Enzo and he was giddy with anticipation. So many new potential subjects for research, new specimens to catalog. Knowledge waits for no one and Enzo hoped to follow as close behind it as he could. But that all depended on whether or not he would even be able to get off Zorfrana. At was at this point that Enzo sat down, closed his eyes, and pondered.
Location: Somewhere at the edge of Zorfrana
Tags: Nothingness Nothingness
Status:Thinking about death by terminal velocity
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Kleid vi Weisenman
He arrived at the branch of The Sword he was assigned at. There were many people outside rallying. Ever since the fog started to dissipate, there was chaos. Everybody was confused, afraid and was unsure on what to do next. Cases of looting and riots all over Shiloh keeps popping up, one after another. The Sword was having a hard time trying to maintain order. He, however felt that something awaits him in the distant lands. Where nobody has ventured before. He smiled. A man then approached him.

"Luitenant Weisenman, the situation is getting worse. Most of our troops has been dispatched and is now currently trying to maintain order, but they just won't stop. It is Pandemonium."
Kleid let out a deep sigh. Where is she? She was with me earlier, but I'm sure she'll find me. We are connected after all.
"Are there any memos from the top? Announcements? Anything?" He asked. They can't act independently without orders.
"None sir, i'm sorry." The Man replied with a disappointed face.
"It's fine, keep up the good work." Kleid smiled. What awaits beyond the borders of Shiloh? Power? Knowledge? Perhaps there are other people than them. It would certainly be intriguing. He waited outside the door for Erina. Leaning against the wall. He didn't feel right going inside alone.
Master of the House Master of the House
James walked across the desert looking around for any signs of people. "I'm going to die out here alone..." He told himself as he continued to walk. A few minutes latter he found a open ruin and stopped there. Opening his sack he looked for his canteen and opened it only to find no water. "My fates sealed. I'm a dead man..." he crawled to a corner and started to cry.
Josh Theyrill

The morning the mist disappeared, Josh exited the tent to find that some of the tribe’s men and woman were discussing with each other worriedly. He walked over to his mother who was cooking under the kitchen tent. “Mom what’s going on? Why does everyone looks so worried?” His mother looked up at him also carrying a worried look. “The mist, it’s gone and small parts of the island has fallen a way. It’s just as the old shamans have claimed. The light of the crystal has faded and it’s power along with it. We’re not sure what’s going to happen now. The tribe elders are discussing whether or not to send out people to see what has been beyond the mist all this time.”

Josh walked over to the Elder tent to ask to be one of the few that was sent out to explore. When he was allowed in it took a while to convince the Elders that it was the right decision, they knew he was the father figure in his family as his father was always out hunting for the tribe. He explained to them that his mother and himself had already came up with a plan for when the day came that he either left the tribe or made his own family. It was then decided that he would be one of the select few to venture out and that they would be leaving that day.

Quickly Josh packed and said goodbye to his family and friends. The plan was that four people would go out, one in each direction and see what was past the mist. That evening he set out with his bag and enough food to last him at least a week, he walked straight ahead of him without looking back.
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Lunabella I. Silverheart

Please stop it, you're scarying me. Why are you talking to me, please...leave me alone.

Mood: Scared and concerned
Weather: Late morning, noon

Form: Mermaid
Location: Her room, to her the throne room

Tags: Malice Queen Malice Queen (just in case XDD) and anyone else that just happens to be at the Mother Crtstal's main temple

The day hadn't started yet, the sun never rose. the water was calm, the moon had graced her presence for all the nocturnal creatures who were around to see the beauty of the night. Tonight, there was a new visitor, or at least, new to the scenario. The night creatures swam through the water, seaweed waving as if there was a breeze blowing them to and fro. The new visitor swam through the water, her long fish-like tail swaying up and down, propelling the young being forward. Her head moved about as if she was taking in the sights. Well, that would be a bit difficult for someone like her.

For her, her vision was picking up small blotches of objects around, sounds bouncing off small surfaces scattered in the sand. the young girl who was swimming all alone was blind. She couldn't see anything. It was a miracle she could '
see' around the area she was in. However, she relied on her senses. There was something pulling her, from there she swam with the streets of her home, Atlantea. She wasn't picking up any sounds, not even a catfish or a dogfish. Nothing was making a noise. "He-Hello?" She called out, but nothing. Fear crawled through her body. She was truly alone. But the tugging, the calling. It was pulling her to the temple. The Main Temple of the Mother Crystal. "Wa-wait, I thought I was a-already here." She stated to herself in a quiet whisper. Thinking nothing of it, she swam up towards the temple, looking at the interior.

The familiar marble halls and alabaster columns. The glowing glass shards hanging from the various chandeliers pinned to the ceilings. The statuettes of the minor and major gods. In the middle was entire temple was the large statue of the Mother. Mother Goddess of the Crystal. She was beautifully crafted, of course, Lunabella couldn't see this. She couldn't see any of the carvings. However, the images she was able to pick up was able to give her an idea what each item looked like. Before she could leave, she heard talking, pleading almost. Someone was calling to her. "He-Hello? Where are you? Who's there?" She called out with concern in her tone. The pleading continued...

'Help me...find me...'

F-Find you? Wh-What? B-But where are you?" She called out once more. The pleading only got louder, the young girl looked around, nothing like it was helping. It wasn't until she turned her head in the direction of the Mother Crystal's statute...the voice was coming from there. But how statues can't talk. The pleading became louder, almost as if the statue was screaming The mermaid's eyes widened with fear, swimming backward as she tried to get away. "O-Ow, st-stop it. Y-You're hurting me!" Lunabella cried, crouching on the ground, her hands at her head. Tears filled her eyes before she let out a scream herself. Lunabella called for help...

But nobody came...

Lunabella's eyes shot open. She heard the familiar the temple, the voices of the helpers, people coming in for blessings and guidance. The statuettes scattered about in the room, the marble walls and ceiling, the white alabaster columns and the large statue of the Mother Goddess. Images of the room flashed in front of her milky blue hues. Tears filled in her eyes, her hands still on her head from the vision she had. The remnants of the pleading were still here. Just echoing. Lunabella panicked. She screamed. It was all she could do. Her scream echoed in the temple, her body visibly shaking as she sat at the altar at the foot of the statute. "
Stop it...Stop it, please. I-it hurts." She whimpered, crying to herself before gripping her arms tightly.

Holy Mother, protect our home. Blessed be your Name, you who can do all, grant me power.
Erina Santi

Name : Erina Santi
Location : Shiloh
Occupation : Officer of The Order of the Sword
Mood : Confused but faithful

Tags : Kent Kent
Where oh were did you run off to? Erina sighed to herself as she paced around the island of Shiloh. She may have gotten herself... lost. She frowned. one moment she was with Kleid, the other, she was not. Were they not supposed to go to their branch of the Sword together? She stopped for a while. Inhale. Exhale. At that moment of stillness, doubt filled the lady's heart. What was happening to her beloved home? Her most respected goddess? Her island of order and law has become an unruly pigsty with people rioting; everything was in disarray and it disgusted her. Looking around, she saw confusion. You could feel it in the air: everyone was scared and confused. It broke her heart. She closed her eyes and began to pray.
"Holy Mother, Guide us in our hour of need. Give your children protection. Blessed be your name, you who can do all, grant me courage."
Feeling better, she straightened her body. Eyes ahead, long quick strides towards The Order, and a long gaze ahead of her. A familiar face...
"Kleid, you left me!" She exclaimed. A pout on her face, and her arms crossed. Childish.
She glared at him for a while before recalling what indeed had happened earlier. She got distracted and lost sight of him. Typical Erina.
((TMW BBCode wont stop breaking huhu pls halp))

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The ever cold wind brushed through the snow-covered land of the town as the sun crept up from the horizon. Smoke flowing out of the small houses never stopped as people went out, covered with layers of clothing, to start on with the new day. As the rays slowly lit up each roof, crawling up to the mountains. Three figures surfaced from the shadows, basking in the sun as they looked over the town. One an Elder, and two her apprentices. Her face wore distress, her shoulders tense, and her hands gripping hard on her staff.

“Something dawns on this land.” spoke, her voice hoarse as if she was shouting endlessly for quite a while.
“That wou-” Altair, one of the apprentices, was cut off by the old woman’s hand as she raised her staff with the other. A gust of wind flew past them, whispers only they could hear. The last apprentice walked up to her, waiting for the woman to speak.
“The mist disappears, and the others have sent young ‘uns to seek out the reason.”
“What do you suggest, Grandma?” A female asked her, her features identical to Altair.

The older woman looked down, deep in thought, before settling her eyes on her grandchildren, “I would have gone myself to seek out the unusual phenomenon but,” She gestured herself, “Given my physical condition, I could not stand against nature even if I could control them a few.” She stepped forward, giving both of them a hard look before continuing, “You must go. The power of the crystal is slowly dying. And the mist disappearing is one of the signs. Go and prepare for a long journey. You must leave before noon so you could venture a bit far… Although I am not sure given with your unfortunate sense of direction.” She smirked, the twins pouted, scratching the back of their neck.

“Then.. we shall. Are you coming with us, grandma?” Altair asked, his hands settled on his hips.
“Goodness no! I’d rather not see those money-sniffin’ fools. The Goddess knows what I’ll do to them when I see them.”
Altissia, the other twin laughed, “If you say so grandma. We shall get going then.” She hugged the Elder, then stepped aside for Altair to do the same.

Their grandma returned into the forest where she currently resides, leaving the twins alone with their thoughts out in the surface.
"Brother mine, I think we should tell mother and father that we will be island hopping."
"No doubt about it, dear sister. But if we did they'd just tag along thinking it is a real trip." Altair mused, smiling wryly. He started moving to a direction, yet his sister just stared at him.

"I am sure that is not the way, brother. Our village is that way." Altissia pointed the other way, smirking deviously at Altair, who was also doing the same.
"And what makes you think you are correct, dear sister? Last time I checked I wasn't the only one who can't figure out where to go."

The twin sister just smiled, "Wanna bet?"

Shiloh has been plunged into chaos. The people are afraid. All their life they believed that the fog protects them from the dangers beyond it, but now it is beginning to disappear. Nobody was prepared for this. How will they react?
Kleid vi Weisenman

Kleid vi Weisenman
Location: Island of Shiloh
Mood: Glad
Tags: Master of the House Master of the House

He looked at the woman who approached him. He was glad that she was safe and nothing happened to her, not that she couldn't defend herself. He was just so over protective of her. She is the only one precious left to him.
"I didn't leave you. Typical Erina wandered off by herself." Kleid knew very well what she feels. Kleid hugged her.
"Shiloh has been plunged into chaos. The people are afraid. All their life they believed that the fog protects them from the dangers beyond it, but now it is beginning to disappear. Nobody was prepared for this. How will they react?" He then patted her head.
"The disappearance of the fog also opened an opportunity for adventure. Do you smell it?" He then chuckled. "But first, let us do our job. Maintain order."
Nicoleta Constantin
Thief, Scoundrel, and Daughter of the Aburi

The large, central market was busy and bustling, aloud with the murmur of new ideas, expanding philosophies about the other islands. Amid the cacophony, Nico pulled the merchant forward by the ruffles of his colourful shirt, which looked to be made from the tacky drapery of some ancient tomb. Bringing her slightly sunburnt face to within centimetres of the rotund, bronze, balding man's own, her blue eyes were alight with aggressive insistence.

"What do you mean you don't have anything that flies ... You sell magical transport, do you not? I have been told now by dozens of shabby con men calling themselves merchants, and you ..." Nico took a deep breath, realizing that the increasing volume of her voice was drawing ever more stares. Starting again rather quietly, she was still well into the sweaty man's personal space.

"Look, I will take a carpet, a broomstick ... a particularly strong bird tied to a rope?" There was almost a hint of hope in her eyes for a moment before the merchant's slight shake-of-the-head confirmed that it was a ludicrous idea. Nico heaved an exasperated sight and shook the man ever so gently, her brow rising to a pleading kind of peak. "Please, you don't understand, I need to get off this god-forsaken sand-heap ... It's so ... arid ..."

No longer amused by the pretty girl's intimate distance to him, the merchant swatted and pushed her away, cussing lightly as he went. Once he'd broken free of her surprisingly strong grasp, the man straightened his collar, and his stylish, wide-brimmed sun hat, and heaved a chuckle at the strange, crazy girl.

"Please, perhaps I can point you in the direction of a nice hat, for you've clearly gone mad by sun exposure. Look, EVERYONE wants flying transportation right now. Not only was it already the hottest mode of locomotion BEFORE the mist pulled back, it's now the only way to find out about the other worlds out there ... if there's life on them, what they look like, how they live ... Anyway, I digress, I'm sold out."

Nico's jaw clenched, her brow setting firmly in a clench over her piercing glare. "... then perhaps you could direct me to someone who might NOT be sold out ..." It sounded like less of a question, and somehow more of a threat. The merchant laughed it off again, though he was beginning to cast wary glances at her. He seemed to muddle over the question for a moment or two before moving over to his counter. Pulling a small slip of paper from behind the desk, the man handed it across to her. Snatching it from between his fingers the paper gave the name of a vendor, and a city. Nico's shoulders sagged, it was at least a few hours walk across burning sand dunes from here. A sigh escaped from her bewildered chest as she turned to look at the city gates ... perhaps she could find one of THIS merchant's previous customers and just ... mug him.


Nico had been walking for an hour now, clutching her bright red scarf to her face as she squinted into the hot wind, cursing under her breath. Never before her stay on Rasheth had she experienced chapped eyes. Tilting her protective, white hood back, the normally pale olive-complexioned girl peered up at the unforgiving sky. A few dry looking clouds rolled by. She was half convinced they were dust. Maybe it was just some kind of hallucination, but as she walked, Nico began to hear sobbing. As the sound grew louder, Nico found herself near a stone outcropping with a large, jagged opening, what was once a door. Inside you was a young man openly weeping ...

B Blazinghookshot
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Holy Mother, protect our home. Blessed be your Name, you who can do all, grant me power.
Erina Santi

Name : Erina Santi
Location : A branch of the order of the Sword
Island : Shiloh
Tags : Kent Kent
Feeling : Childlike and faithful
"Deep words, deep and meaningful words." She laughed lightly as he pulled her into a warm embrace. "It's what we're good at, isn't it? Restoring Law... and Order." She said with a playful grin, yet her body glanced at the borders of the island. Her eyes thirsted for the uncharted terrain that was before her. Somehow it was so close, but so far. Questions bombarded her mind. The mother... oh Mother, Holy be Your Name. What ill-begotten plague haunts you? What sins have we given birth to that you must suffer this horrific tragedy? You seem to be dying, oh Great One. What shall your children do to save you, the way you have saved us? Or perhaps this is a gift you present us, but we simple-minded creatures, fail to grasp your magnificent and divine plan. Forgive me Mother. I am weak. Give me strength to face the challenges that you place before me. Empower me to bring glory to your Holy name. Holy Mother, protect our home. Blessed be your Name, you who can do all, grant me power." The officer seemed to space out for a moment.

She stared blankly at Kleid's chest for what seemed like an eternity. Focused. She was frozen in place, unable to get back to reality as she prayed to her beloved Deity. This was something she couldn't seem to help.
A few blinks. Her eyes readjusted to see and focus on the man in front of her. She offered him a gracious smile, knowing that he'd understand. He always did.

"So, lover boy, what are your orders?" She put a hand on her hip, the other at the hilt of her sword.


Don't worry, when it comes to subduing chaotic people, we are the best.
Kleid vi Weisenman

Kleid vi Weisenman
Location: Island of Shiloh
Mood: Determined
Tags: Master of the House Master of the House

"Order and Law" He chuckled. How Ironic, both of them were well-known and respected officers, yet always causes trouble.
"We're good at that, probably even the best."
He then looked at the Crowd. People standing there, carrying their signs and protesting that the order has been lying since the beginning. The people and the order both did not expect this to happen and both are in shock. The Capital is in disarray, it is also probably the same with the other cities and towns. He then looked at Erina who asked her for orders.
"Oh? you are taking orders from me now? That's good to know." He smiled. A boom then came out of nowhere. It was an explosion. Kleid looked above and there was smoke a couple of blocks away from their locations. The crown then went in a panic and dispersed. Everybody was going in all direction.
"I guess that answers your questions." He said. An officer then rushed to them.
"Officer Weisenman, Officer Santi" He first acknowledged both of them. "All of our officers has already been dispatched to certain areas in the city, perhaps the both of you could take that one? They are a group of armed people who used explosives and looted various shops. They claim that they are the new heroes of this City."
"Don't worry, when it comes to subduing chaotic people, we are the best." He then looked at Erina and nodded.
"Let's go."

Yora Zennidan
Location: Atlantea’s Throne Room | Mother Crystal's Temple
Mood: Concerned and Upset
Thoughts: “I shouldn’t be leaving!”
Interactions: Cheshire Grin Cheshire Grin
Mentions: N/A

Yora was uncomfortable, this was the first time that she had been apart from Lunabella since her anointed the High Priestess’ Guardian. She was meeting with the High Pope and High Saint to discuss what course of action Atlantea should take. There was a debate whether to send a fleet off the island to investigate the new-world or to send a small team. The royalty seemed to trust Yora’s opinions, and because of this they wanted her to assemble a small scouting party. ”Your majesties, I’m sure there are others better equipped to take on this journey…”, she would begin before being interrupted by the Lunabella’s over-protective older brother, High Priest Cornelius. “The High Pope and High Saint have spoken, yet you are so brazen as to question their decision?”, Cornelius’ eyes would narrow as they looked upon Yora. “High Priestess Lunabella will be under my watchful eye once you depart.” Cornelius was adamant about having Yora leave the island and having Luna back in his care as it was since they were children. Yora would wince as she was chewed out by the High Priest. “Yes, I understand.” she said with evident discomfort and pain in her voice. “Lunabella will not like this..” she thought to herself as she bowed and exited the throne room to return to her charge.

There would be a crowd forming where the young monarch would be, her ears covered as she screams her head off. Yora would swim over, pushing everyone aside and shooting at them to return to their duties. Yora’s hands would grip Luna’s hands softly and full of care, holding the palescale’s hands with concern. A shushing sound would fill the immediate area as Yora was trying to calm the screaming girl. “Luna. Luna! It’s okay, I’m here… What in the great sea is the matter?” Yora was obviously concerned for her charge, and this didn’t really make her feel any better about leaving. Luna would murmur something, causing Yora to hug the girl tightly, slowly rocking her to bring her mind back to the present and out of her head. “Was it another vision or a dream?…Were you moving in your sleep again?” Yora would asked, her questions seemingly never-ending. At the moment, Yora wouldn't be able to tell Luna she was going to leave Atlantea, not yet anyway...even after this episode, Yora doesn't have the heart to leave her precious charge.
James stops crying to himself and gets up.
"Ok this is stupid. gotta keep going..."
He pack his bag and looks around to see a women looking at him
"Um... how long were you there..."
He asked her his face growing a bright red. He puts his hands close to his waist where his daggers are hidden.
Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie
Nicoleta Constantin
Thief, Scoundrel, and Daughter of the Aburi

Crossing her arms, a bemused Nico peered into the large stone archway as the young man rose, finally noticing her. He seemed dressed not for travel, but for town, and his lips might have been more chapped than hers. Cocking her hips to one side, she watched as he turned red as a beat.

"Oh, long enough ... let me guess, bandits?"

Of course, just BEING on Rasheth was enough to make Nico want to cry most of the time, but for someone born here, there must have been a more significant reason to be weeping out in some godforsaken desert ruin.

B Blazinghookshot
Sor'rue Malkavian
Airfleet Base A'thera

Tags: Kent Kent Master of the House Master of the House Shireling Shireling
The Island was burning beneath their feet.

The Indecision of the Council, rare as it was, breed fear into the hearts and minds of the populace.

The Sword was only useful when wielded by those willing to act, and the people on the council were doing nothing!

Sor'rue looked at the reports flooding in, information on the mist dissipating, and awaiting the orders to act by the council. However, they were in deadlock- No orders to investigate were coming, Sor'rue knew this now, and it infuriated him. How long were they going to wait, until the populace finally blew up from the tension? Sor'rue did not relish it, but he had to act. As a Speaker, with a crystal from the goddess embedded in him, he held emergency powers in situations likes this, but never this severe. Regardless, the people needed direction, they needed to know that action was being taken.

So Sor'rue decided to give that to them.

Messages would fly out, from the flock of Vulrex from the Beast-masters Aviaries. Leading officers in certain locations would speak up. "To the People of Shiloh, This is a message from speaker Speaker Malkavian....~Ahem~To the people of Shiloh As I am sure you all have noticed, the mist has receded....and there is far more out there, than we have long since believed to be nothing. With our council stricken with indecision, it is by my authority as Speaker to enact emergency policies, until such time as our council can decide with clear minds and open hearts."

"The Order of the Hammer and Scroll are being militarized, and outfitted for active duty, effective immediately. A strict curfew is being enacted, starting at 7:30pm tonight, and ending at 9:00 am the following morning. All members of the Order of the Sword are to return to active duty, and report directly to their ship captains. A task force shall be selected to scout out the local area, now that the mist has receded, though the rest of the fleet shall remain here, to keep the peace and restore order.
Do not attempt to vandalize or loot the local residences or places of business. Do not attempt to take shelter in any residences, no matter how well-stocked or fortified. "

"Violation of these guidelines grants Officials of all three orders expressed permission to defend their places of business and homes of interest with lethal force, if warranted. Places such as the churches and monasteries shall be converted into relief stations, to aid the civilian populace currently affected by the ongoing chaos. Keep to the faith, and remain strong. Trust in the orders, and we shall keep you safe. That is all."

Sor'rue had to hope that his message would give the people some semblance of security, that things WERE being done, and action was being taken. He hoped that Officers Weisenmann and Santi received the message, as well as the good doctor he had hired for the ship. Sor'rue was heading directly to the central Island, as he was sure it would be best to have the central location panned out and controlled, in the event that any of the other islands inhabitants were hostile.

Sor'rue saw the other people of his ship were outfitting themselves for the expedition. The Men and Women of his fleet, the Fleet of Perpetual Justice, were boarding their ships. Most were uttering prayers, some took bottles of liquid courage, and others were simply....scared. Sor'rue couldn't blame them, as he boarded his own ship, the Shadow of Intent. He was scared as well, but calm was what people needed when lives depended on you. He had to steel himself for what was to come, and get himself outfitted for the trip, that was surely going to be marked in the history books.

No pressure, right?
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Hiroshi Yoshimitsu
Location -- Zofrana ; A top the large tesla tower in the center of the largest city on Zofrana.
Mood - Curious

Tags - N/A

With both his arms behind his back while he had gripped onto a rather large sheathed katana and a pair of metallic gauntlets holstered onto each side of his hips; a hooded male had stared off into the distance of the land over Zofrana. Witnessing the sight of lightning strikes crashing down upon the many pillars out in the distance while some strikes even came down upon the trees causing many to come crashing down from time to time or to continue standing as though they were even absorbing the electricity for a type of nutrients into their trunk. The entire time that the hooded male had apparently remained safe from lightning strikes even as some came down all around the city that landed upon the other tesla towers around the city, the whole while the male stood there; his gaze was focused far beyond the forest of Zofrana but rather to be focusing on how the fog that once surrounded all across their land had been lifted to reveal what appeared to had been other 'islands' from all over in the much further distance.
Watching this sight from where he stood, although he had not actually taken his gaze downwards to the city grounds below; the sounds of commotion from both the mixture of shouting and planning of what to do about this new discovery was enough to tell that there was growing chaos going on below. "Foolish..." With those only words leaving the male's lips in a low whisper, the hooded male soon returned his gaze downwards to soon notice as to how at the entrance of the city there were a few of the inventors of Zofrana preparing one of their larger airships with several canisters fully charged crystals onto the ship as though they were planning on a far travel. The sight of this took little more than simple common knowledge to realize that these people were planning to go off to the nearby new discoveries of new lands that they had seen; all the while, the hooded male had only arched a brow at the sight of this.

"Hm, interesting. I wonder if they would allow me on...?" Questioning the thought of this, without another thought in mind; with a single step forward from the tip of the tesla tower, the hooded male had immediately began to descend at a rapid pace. Eventually as he neared the ground, before letting full impact hit the ground; the male had began to slow his descent in a matter of seconds to allow him to land at a much more smoother pace by shifting the chi around his own feet before he had ended up breaking his legs upon the impact.
Of course, with all the commotion going on around the city about this new discovery of the other 'islands' in the far distance; both of religious disbelievers as well as some being overly curious while inventors made their way around the city streets wondering and giving different theories about what could be happening, no one had really paid much mind to the hooded male, due to this; this gave him the perfect chance to head straight for the direction of the entrance into the city to check out what the people of the city were doing with their flying mechanism.

James relaxed a bit but kept his hands close to his daggers. He looked away from her embarrassed and said.
"To be honest I thought i was going to die of dehydration... Speaking of which do you have any water?'
He then looked her for a better look and realized.
"Wait you're not around from here right? The heck you doing out here?"

Neon Valkyrie Neon Valkyrie

Enzo’s pondering went on for about an hour or two, give or take a couple of intrusive strikes of lightning. Finally the peculiar necromancer leapt up off his stoop and exclaimed in a rather unbefitting way.


Enzo stared outward into the great wide horizon with estranged smile on his face. A grin of such wild curiosity and wonderment stretched from cheek to cheek as the man’s eyes widened in such wondrous astonishment. He had made up his mind. He would hop aboard the first airship disembarking from Zorfrana and leave the literally over glorified electric rock that it was.

“There is no place for us in on this floating rock Moundshroud! We are going to find someplace else and learn about all the different beings living in this world! So many new things to dissect and examine! WE WILL BECOME HEROES OF SCIENCE!!!”

Moundshroud seemed less than impressed as his reaction was rather silent. Enzo quickly turned to knock his fist on the skeleton's… well… skull.

"Ow! What was that for!?"

"I could sense your disapproval.”

Enzo exhaled a gravely sigh of irritation before he finally began to walk back to the inland. He would have to find a ship and fast. He so desperately wanted to leave Zorfrana. His curious heart was beating with immense anticipation for the wonders of the world to meet his gaze. He longed for the world’s cadavers to meet his surgical instruments. A grand new adventure awaited him. An adventure of scientific understanding. But only the Goddess knew what was in store for him.

Location: Somewhere near the edge of Zorfrana
Tags: Nothingness Nothingness
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Hiroshi Yoshimitsu
Location -- Zofrana ; Front of the city ; On top of leaving ship
Mood - Interested, Curious

Tags - CyrilAndCompany CyrilAndCompany

Making his way through the city further, the hooded male had constantly made sure to step to one side after another to make sure that he would not be stopped by the large crowds of citizens, religious believers and inventors all over the city. His only real attention was focused onto the large ship that had been at the front of the city as to which many of the inventors were still preparing for the trip off the island home known as Zofrana. Throughout the entire walk there, thoughts roamed the male's head as he grew curious about what laid outside of the lands of Zofrana, whether or not the other lands were just the same as how Zofrana was, whether the people were the same, what kinds of food they had there; so many questions came up but yet none of them even possible to answer if he didn't catch up to that ship before it decided to leave.
Eventually, it took mere minutes to reach the gates that would've lead out of the city to the main front area of the city; the gates that were normally open to all to leave or enter was actually closed for once which a large sign over the gates stating 'Under Construction: DO NOT ENTER' In all red lettering, followed by two guards holding onto electrical spears that were making sure that none would pass through the gate and attempt to climb aboard the ship. This however, did not stop the hooded male from continuing forward towards the gate; immediately though it was quite obvious that the guards would stop his progress by pointing their weapons straight towards the hooded male to demand him to halt where he stood. Without so much as a word and nothing more than a smirk in response; the male simply brushed aside the weapons by the electrical end just as he began to absorb the energy through his very palm of his hand, leaving both the guards in utter shock before they had backed away in fear of what or who the hooded male was to be able to do such things.

Just as he stepped towards the gate and simply opened it enough for the hooded male to slip through, his final sights had laid upon what appeared to had been the massive air ship as scientists and inventors followed by large muscular men and women of all different races carrying supplies onto the ship were seen all around. Arching a brow at the sight of this; with all the organizing going on all around, it took little effort for him to slip straight onto the ship through where they were loading the supplies, of course though; because the ship wasn't bound to leave just yet, the hooded male took the time to wander around the massive ship to check exactly how large the ship itself was to begin with. As he had wandered his way straight to the front of the ship, the last thing the male had ended up expecting was soon enough as the sound of the engines starting up and dust began to blow all around the surrounding area. The ship was already packed up and preparing to leave immediately without so much as a leaving party or anything, it appeared as though the inventors and scientists were quite eager to leave the land of Zofrana and immediately check out the neighboring islands in the distance.
The sight of this was quite the shocker honestly, clearly enough the hooded male wasn't going to be able to reach the back of the ship to get inside; so the real only choice he had at the time was to just climb to the top of the ship and ride it on the top, at least for now. Without wasting even a moment further, just as he had done so earlier when he had dropped from the tesla tower, the hooded male had began to channel his chi straight to his legs once more; however, unlike last time as he had used it to land smoothly, he was increasing the chi to eventually end up jumping and lifting himself fully up to the very top of the ship.
Landing with a massive thud on the top of the ship, without wasting a moment furtherer before the ship had fully decided to take off in a hurry at all; the hooded male made sure to slam his fist that was practically glowing blue from the amount of energy he channeled through it straight into the top hull of the ship to hang on.

Nicoleta Constantin
Thief, Scoundrel, and Daughter of the Aburi

The man's apparent suspicion brought a grin to Nico's face. It wasn't often she made six-foot-tall men nervous, but then he didn't seem in the best of sorts at the moment. She was pulling out her waterskin, wondering idly if she should demand payment, when the Rashethi spat out his odd question. Of course, she didn't look quite like most people on this particular island, but no one had suggested she was from somewhere else. After all, in the mind of the average Rashethi, where else would she be from? Knowledge of the other islands was new. Nico was only aware of them because she was from the Caravan, but their travels were a matter of the utmost secrecy, and they took great lengths to keep it that way. Raised in that tradition of secrecy, Nico didn't miss a beat, chuckling as she swung the waterskin back and forth on it's strap, dangling it just out of his reach.

"I don't think anyone's from around here, it's the middle of the desert, and if you must know, I'm on my way to Shansartha ... now, about my precious, expensive, hard-to-come-by water ... what are you offering in trade?"

B Blazinghookshot

Holy Mother, protect our home. Blessed be your Name, you who can do all, grant me power.
Erina Santi

Name : Erina Santi
Location : A branch of the order of the Sword
Island : Shiloh
Tags : Kent Kent
Feeling : Curious and Brave
In the beginning, there was nothing. Dark, and empty space as far as the eye can see. Empty. Lonely. Then all of a sudden, an explosion! BOOM! Light and Sound erupted. Matter formed out of nothingness. All this was a gift... a gift from the holy mother. Out of matter, life. Beautiful mysteries. Such things cannot be simply explained. The Mother was all Erina knew. The mother was dying. Chaos. That was the perfect word for the happenings around them. Erina wasn't well acquainted with it. All her life she's knows order and law... granted, she did cause her own list of troubles to her island (minor things, of course). But all around it seemed as if everything flew down to a state of anarchy. She blanked out as her thoughts raced. Questions and Doubt. Everything in front of her, everything happening, she saw like a movie playing in front of her. As if she was merely a third party, un-involved with the disaster before her.

Blink. Blink. Kleid. Kleid was there, waiting for her.
What am I doing? Blink. Blink. Fuck me slowly, there's no time for this.
"Looks like the Sword's in charge till further notice." A familiar cocky grin emerged on her face. "Indeed, let's go Kleid, you heard the man." Without waiting for his response, she turned her back and made her way towards the center of the chaotic mess whilst barking orders. Hand at the hilt of her sword, ready.

Cailea Stormraven​

Location: Ervas

Tags: KuroBara KuroBara
The Past
The day the mist cleared, Cailea had been out on a hunt with Akira and the other two members of their group. Her dual colored eyes had looked out on the horizon when through her seeking abilities, she had noted that the movements of the beast they had been tracking had become somewhat erratic. A hand raised to offer shade from the bright morning sun that they had been walking towards as they came upon a precipice, the usual glare created by the light reflecting off the mist duller than usual, causing the hunter to realize that she could see into it and beyond.

There was hardly time to contemplate this as the beast they had been tracking turned on its own path, charging back from whence it had come and inevitably reaching Cailea and her fellow hunters. After a grueling battle with a beast that seemed to just not want to die and fought viciously against the hunters, they finally won out, pausing only a moment to contemplate the withdrawing mist and what they would say to the elders upon returning to the village.

Upon returning to the village, it wasn't hard to determine that everyone there already knew. It was hard to miss something like that when their home was built in the treetops. Then it became a matter of sending out messengers to the other villages in order to discern what they knew and how they wanted to proceed. A meeting of the elders of each village was called and that would soon decide the fate of all of those living on Ervas.

The gathering of the elders had been less so a meeting of minds and more so a clash of opinions. Some of the elders thought that venturing out into the unknown world was imminent as with the added aggression of the beasts below, it had become harder to hunt, some of the beasts going so far as to lurk below the settlements when they had once stayed far away. Finding out what was on the outside, finding new ways to survive seemed the most prudent choice to these elders.

Still, there were others that thought it a fool's errand to leave the safety of their known world, or at the very least, what safety there was, and venture out into a possible no man's land with the hopes of finding something better. Why leave everything they have ever known, lives that they have known to work for as long as they have existed, in order to bet on the idea that there might be an easier way of life?

Days and nights went by as the elders argued the pros and cons of exploring versus sticking to what they have always known and eventually it came down to a vote. The elders would make a decision based on what the majority voted for.

It was still dark outside when she had risen, making her last minute preparations for the journey. She had been selected as one of the four of her tribe to venture off the island and into the unknown. It had actually not been her preference to leave the island, not for fear of the unknown, but because she was hesitant to leave her mother alone with all of her siblings. Granted, the youngest was now three-years-old, it was still a task to handle on one's own.

Her rough fingers pulled back through her short brown hair, tugging it downwards against her scalp as her hands moved to rest at the back of her neck, fingers interlacing. She stared at the ridged wooden wall on the other side of her bed as she contemplated the venture she was about to partake in. She had been chosen because of her survivability and the fact that over her life, she had learned many useful skills that while she was technically officially a hunter, she could still assist with tasks as far as crafting and tracking. The only thing she hadn't learned to do as she grew older was identify plant life.

As she stood lost in her thoughts, she heard the soft footsteps of her mother. The woman came up behind her and gently patted her shoulder, asking if she was still hesitant about going. Cailea could only offer a slight smile and a shrug of her shoulders that were covered in a dark green fabric that reached down her arms until it became hidden beneath the leather bracers she had made from the hide of the beast she had helped slay on her first hunt, likewise, the rest of the armor she wore was from that same hunt.

With such a short period of time to prepare, Cailea's attention drifted from the sounds of her mother moving around behind her as she assisted in her daughter's preparations, to the actual act of leaving the island. She wondered if they would actually be successful in leaving or if it would be a tragic failure considering the limited technology on the island. The people had to come together to think of a way that they could safely explore and it was all experimental which begged the question, would this venture actually succeed?

Kleid vi Weisenman
Seems they were gonna be late, he though to himself. His airship should be arriving from the Air Base soon, so, they have to take care of this mess quickly. They arrived at the chaotic street. Kleid spotted about 12 people in disgusting clothes.

"Oi, filthy dogs!" Kleid shouted at the trouble causers. They looked at them with those vicious eyes. "Didn't your hear the announcement? You heard the guy right? Now, off you guys go, before I break every bone you have and then throw you people in prison." Kleid tried to be intimidating as possible. There were like a dozen of them, big guys.

One guy stepped forward and Began to laugh. Kleid raised his eyebrow and observed.
"The sword sent two kids to fight us. " The others then laughed. "This boy even threatened to break every bone we have and then throw us to prison." That guy thought he was bluffing. People like them belongs in prison.

"I assure you, we are no kids. and I am very well capable of doing the stuff I mentioned earlier. Would you like to volunteer, dog?" The man in front snarled and charged for him with his axe.

He then made a finger gun and grinned. They should know what they are capable of. Kleid is also not fond of making bluffs.
"Air Bullet." A bullet of air then shot from his finger and hit the right shoulder of the man.
"First bone broken or is it bones? Bah" Kleid said as they heard a crack noise. The man was forced to drop his axe and kneel because of the intense pain he is experiencing. He cried out for his friends.
"Get them." He said before collapsing. All of them then rushed towards them. Kleid unsheathed his rapier and proceeded with his fughting stance.
Master of the House Master of the House

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