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Realistic or Modern Beyond Power - Character Archive



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Beyond Power is a group rp focused on detailed character building, complex relationships, and real, human emotions and problems in a world populated by people with fantastic supernatural abilities. The world is dark, gritty, and corrupt, but that doesn't mean you have to be! In fact, in the city of Ephyra, you can be whatever you want.

So who will you become?

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This thread is to keep a nice tidy list of the completed, accepted characters for Beyond Power.

This setting was heavily inspired by Hero Rising, One Punch, The X-men Universe, and the Incredibles.
▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ B A S I C S ▆▆▆▆▆▆
name • [ Evan Wallace Ivarson ]
alias • [Eve, Van ]
gender • [ Male ]
age • [ 32 ]
race • [powered ]
orientation • [ Demisexual ]
occupation • [ Office Worker - recently fired ]
role • [ Civilian ]
appearance • [ Evan is oddly easy to miss. He tends to kind of blend into the background of things. He has very sharp, pointed features, and a gaunt, lean build. He looks more frail than he is, but his expression is one of perpetual boredom. The natural bags under his eyes give him a tired, harsh look. His eyebrows are thin and somewhat angular - because he plucks them. He usually dresses in baggy sweaters and skinny jeans. Despite his best efforts, he tends to look a little mussed up at all times. He's caucasian, long and lean, kind of a lanky beanpole. His hair is dark brown, shaggy and unkempt, often falling into his eyes, just long enough to cover his eyebrows and the back of his neck. He has a tattoo of three black tally marks on his left hip, which he doesn't talk about. The most striking feature about him is his eyes. He has heterochromia, one eye being a dark brown and the other bright green. He is most often seen wearing glasses that make his eyes look a little too big.]

▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ P S Y C H E ▆▆▆▆▆▆
personality • [ At a glance, Evan is very much your typical grown up nerd. He's quiet, withdrawn, and even a little lazy. He's always finding more efficient ways to get things done so that he can lay back. He has trouble connecting with other people, and seems to get along best with his pet beetles and moths. He has trouble motivating himself, and even normal social activities just seem like a chore to him. Despite this, he still feels lonely. He wants human companionship, but has no clue how to comfortably go about it. He does best when he has a series of tasks to accomplish. Once he gets into his work, he's like an incredibly efficient machine. But he can get lost in it. When he gets passionate about something he's doing, he will lose days or even weeks at a time, devoting it to research, construction, reconstruction, and perfecting his programs and algorithms. He will forget to eat or sleep, and his pets often have to fend for themselves (so it's fortunate that they're so intelligent). Once he finally feels that something has been made as close to perfect as possible, he will usually crash for a week or two and dissolve into a hungry, unshowered, disheveled mess. He is both intimidated by and attracted to powerful people. ]
dreams • [ Evan hopes to one day be successful enough to both outshine his older sister and still not have to do any real work. The true american dream. But on a deeper level, maybe he just wants to be loved, truly and sincerely, but isn't willing to put the work in for that.]
fears • [ Being forgotten, Socializing, Claustrophobia]
the good • [ Calm, Level-headed, Organized]
the bad • [ Spineless, Anxious, Obsessive]
the ugly • [ Evans worst trait is simply his own lack of fortitude. He allows his fear and anxiety to hold him back to such a degree that he won't even dare to try anything for fear of an inevitable failure. So he constantly takes the easy way out, be it in relationships, his career, or the world at large. He backs away from any great opportunities or friendships and isolates himself, forever wallowing in a shallow tar pit of self loathing and regret, never striving to be anything greater.]

▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ P O W E R ▆▆▆▆▆▆
ability • [ Insect and Arachnid communication/intellect enhancement ]
in depth • [Evans power is exactly what it sounds like - he can talk to bugs. He has yet to establish a firm line as to exactly what creatures he can and cannot understand - he swears he heard a shrimp talk once. But he can understand complex thoughts and ideas conveyed to him telepathically by most insects and arachnids. He is also capable of communicating back to convey messages and ideas to them, and can generally carry on normal conversation with them as if he were speaking to a person. He can commune with them for about the same distance that he could shout to another human. While insects are not naturally compelled to obey him, he is capable of befriending them, in which case they will often oblige to help him, if he asks nicely.

That's the part of Evans power that he's aware of. What he doesn't realize is that the insects who come into his radius receive a temporary intelligence boost, elevating their psyche to a simplistic human level. This effect fades once they're out of his radius of effect. However, the longer they are in his radius, the longer the effect lasts. So the insects he meets at random will return to their normal levels within an hour or so, while the bugs that have been around him for a few weeks can function for as long as three days at those higher levels. The beetles and moths he has raised himself for generations are permanently altered due to their long exposure, and are more intelligent than most. ]
caveats • [ Evan can talk to bugs, but not much else. They aren't particularly inclined to listen to him, and he can only talk to two or three at a time. ]
quirks • [ Despite communicating with the bugs telepathically, Evan describes their voices as being 'very small' and hard to hear. Whenever there is any other sound or interference, he won't be able to understand the insects unless they are practically in his ear. Also, even though he is telepathically communicating back, he finds it very difficult to do so without speaking out loud. This means that he's seen mumbling quietly to himself a lot. ]

▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ H I S T O R Y ▆▆▆▆▆▆
biography • [ Evan was the first child born between his two parents. They were both powered, but always seemed rather inclined to act as if they weren't. His father was a shapeshifter who never quite got the hang of controlling it. The man spent his youth unable to stop himself from spontaneously changing into different forms and animals. His mother was not dissimilar. Although she had the ability to commune with and control bugs, she grew up very afraid of them, and so hardly ever spent any time practicing controlling her power. The both of them had lived their lives, mostly, as normal humans. It suited them well enough, particularly given the past with his mothers family...

So Evan had a quiet life, growing up. At least he did for the first few years. He was always a somewhat quiet child, but he loved to explore. It was admittedly not the best hobby for a young child living in Midtown of the great city of Ephyra, but his parents were mindful and patient, keeping close eyes on him and only letting him out to play during the daytime. His mother, having come to better terms with her powers later in life, would often use butterflies and dragonflies to keep an eye on him while he played outside. Evan grew accustomed to semi-sentient insects hovering around him from a young age, and came to associate them with safety and comfort. He was devastated as a child when he accidentally crushed a dragonfly trying to play with it. His parents seemed grateful that Evan was such a gentle child, and they doted on him lovingly. His mother taught him about all kinds of insects, what they needed and how to take care of him. She got him his first beetle larvae when he was about five, helping him take care of it and showing him how, all while explaining the marvelous transformation process it underwent. It would be the beginning of a lifelong hobby of raising pet beetles. At that time, everything in his life felt serene and safe.

Then his baby sister was born.
He was about five years old at the time, and at first Evan was just as fascinated and careful with his baby sister as he had been with his beetles. He loved holding her, talking to her, showing her all of his favorite toys and cartoons. For a while, it seemed like the feeling was mutual. As soon as she could crawl, Ria was following after Evan, always clamoring for his attention. But as she got a little older, she became more and more demanding. She didn't want to share toys with her brother. She would push or kick him if he tried to tell her no, or yank his hair. For a while he dealt with it simply because his parents kept begging him to be patient. It was always something. 'She's just a baby Evan, she'll grow out of it.' 'It's just because she's teething, be patient with her.' 'She's only a toddler, she'll wear herself out.' But as they both got older, Ria only got worse. When he tried to complain to his parents about it, they brushed off his concerns, because honestly, Evan, shes your baby sister! She's half your size, you're supposed to look after her. How can a tiny little child bully you, when you're five years her senior? They didn't seem to notice that she bullied them, too, after a fashion. Ria was strong willed and smart, even at a young age. She would fight and cry and carry on until her tired parents capitulated to whatever her demands were. Evan, soft spoken as he was, couldn't assert himself the same way, couldn't make his parents listen to him. As the years progressed, living with Ria slowly became a nightmare. It wasn't bad all of the time. There were plenty of times when Ria seemed to revert back to his sweet, doting sister. Many weekends were spent in the park, with Evan gladly passing on the knowledge of insects that their mother had given to him. Around the age of twelve, his power manifested, and he and Ria both reveled in his new ability to call all kinds of insects to them so that they could carefully inspect them. But even then, Ria was demanding, often trying to snatch bugs out of Evans hands only to crush them in the process. It made Evan cry, but Ria only seemed annoyed that she didn't have them anymore.

He really did try. But by the time he was eighteen, Ria was thirteen and practically running their household. As soon as he got the chance, he moved out of his parents home and into a crowded flat with several of his friends from school. He was grateful that they'd invited him to live with them, even if it was mostly because they needed help paying rent. So Evan got a job as soon as he could, working at a local fast food place to scrape out a living in between finishing up his last year of high school at Kirkmangton. While his parents had done their best to save up a reasonable amount of money to pay for college, it still wound up being a steep bill for Evan to consider footing. He focused on community college in the meantime, getting an associates degree in natural sciences and moving up in the workforce.
His life thereafter was fairly mundane. He kept in contact with his family, occasionally coming home for visits even after moving Downtown. Ria always hugged him and told him that she missed him, and quietly his parents confided to him that she'd been getting into trouble for getting into fights at school. Rias powers had manifested fairly early to match very closely to her mothers. She couldn't directly communicate with them the way Evan did, but she could control entire swarms of insects and arachnids easily. And unlike their mother, she didn't shy away from it. She used it eagerly, and quickly discovered a love of spiders, in particular. Evan thought that maybe this was a good thing, that she'd have something to devote her energy to, like he did with his beetles. But, in hushed, concerned tones, his mother confessed that there was something else she worried about. About his grandmother.
Evan had never really thought to ask about his maternal grandparents. His fathers parents had always been very doting, giving he and Ria lovely gifts every christmas. His mothers parents had just... never really been around. It simply was, and he'd never wondered why. Never asked. But he got an answer anyway. His grandmother was Lucia Henry - more commonly known as The Plague Doctor, the infamous supervillain who had once conquered an entire city with her army of swarming insects and fleet of devoted cult followers. His family had shied away from using their powers ever since his mother was a little girl, for fear of somehow falling into Lucias footsteps. Now, having inherited her power, Ria seemed to show a frightening aptitude for violence and destruction. Apparently she'd already sent one boy at school home early, covered in spider bites. Evan wasn't sure what to make of this revelation. He mulled it over for weeks, before finally deciding on a course of action.

He went to meet Lucia Henry.
The woman was already ancient by then, failing rapidly in health. It was hard to imagine that this wrinkled, frail creature with whispy white hair had once needed to be confronted by two of the greatest heroes in order to be stopped. Her eyes were hollow, and she seemed constantly a little confused as to where she was. Evan gleaned very little from her that first visit. But he kept returning, and soon she started talking to him. Just bits and pieces, and she kept calling him by a different name. Most of it was nonsense, a mishmash of memories fragmented and scattered to the wind. He started reading articles and studies about her during her time as The Plague Doctor, even bringing some in to read to her to jog her memory. Some worked, some didn't. At the end of it all, Evan couldn't really shake the feeling that she didn't really seem very evil. Just a frail, confused old woman. The one thing that really seemed to delight her was Evans pet beetles he would bring in with him. Once upon a time, even ants wouldn't be allowed near her, but by then no one seemed to think the old crone was much of a threat. She may have been a villain, but Evan liked seeing her smile. So much so that he was actually rather heartbroken when she finally passed away a few months later. The nurses assured him that she had been happer in the few months hed been visiting than she had been in years, and that she died peacefully. It didn't sit right with him.

But he had learned one or two things from her, and he encouraged his parents to steer Ria towards sports. Any sport, just something else to put her enrgy into, wear her out and give her a goal to focus on. It took some time, but eventually his advice seemed to pan out. She spent more and more time practicing and less time getting into fights. Eventually, Ria would pursue soccer professionally, and become rather successful. Unlike her big brother.
Evan would float from one office job to the next over the next several years, eventually getting enough experience with the latest spreadsheet software to land a rather safe office job with an insurance corporation in their financial department. How he ended up there with an associates degree in natural science, he'd never know. He busied himself with his work, getting an apartment on his own (away from his old friends, who he'd gotten kind of wild with) and becoming 'independent.' His life, on the whole, was boring. He occasionally had to side step powered battles waged by local heroes Downtown, or had his trains delayed by some pyrokinetic melting the train lines, but all in all, he never had anything particularly spectacular happen to him. He kept breeding his beetles and chatting with them, kept trying to make the spreadsheets just a little more efficient so that he had more time to browse the internet at work. Until suddenly there was no work. A fight with a flying villain did some serious damage to his companys building, and they needed a way to pay for it. The obvious solution? Let a hundred non-essential workers go. Apparently, Evan was non-essential enough.
He could have moved back in with his parents, but he was too embarrassed to. Ria already owned her own house. Ria was getting fanmail, these days. Was helping their father finally settle down and retire. And what was Evan doing? So he kept it to himself. And that's where he finds himself now, living on a timer of unemployment benefits and trying to decide what to do with himself. He could try to find another office job, or he could go back to college and get a 'real' degree. Or, he could do.... something else. ]

▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆▆ M I S C ▆▆▆▆▆▆
conditions • [ Sleep Apnea, Mild pollen allergy, Short Sighted, Alcoholism]
hobbies • [ Evan breeds several kinds of beetles and moths as a hobby. He has maintained his current lines since he was a teenager. Unbeknownst to him, the entire line exhibits permanently increased intelligence levels thanks to being raised within his power radius. They operate on a simple human intelligence. The bugs he keeps the most are Ceceropia moths, poodle moths, giant flower beetles, giant millipedes, stag beetles, rhinoceros beetles, neptune beetles, caucasus beetles, and goliath beetles. He also likes to criticize coffee, fiddle with code, and generally create largely useless sorting algorithms.]
training • [ Most of Evans skills center around mundane, like general office and computer OS knowledge. But, on top of that, he's actually an incredible real-time problem solver. He has an incredible talent for solving puzzles, as well as codebreaking. He also knows a lot about lockpicking, but don't ask him why. He has a knack for stratagem of all kinds as well, and this includes applying them to laid-out plans. ]
alignment • [ True Neutral ]
voice • [ Johann Lemoine ]
album • [ Grandson - Despicable , MISSIO - Everybody Gets High , Cavetown - Lemon Boy ]
inventory • [ ❯ One pair of prescription glasses
❯ One thin wallet
❯ One pack of cigarettes
❯ One flask
❯ One keyring
❯ Three tubes of chapstick
❯ A random number of bobby pins and hair ties. ]

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