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Fantasy Beware the Frozen Heart (Open and Accepting)


Queen of Darkness

The Kingdom of Iynrion

Once a beautiful, bustling city. Now only a frozen wasteland ruled by a cruel and harsh prince. Very few live here but those who do seek to freedom from the Prince's Curse.



The Prince's Castle:


Other Kingdoms:


Known as the Kingdom in the Cliffs. Known for the best weapons



A fine Elven Kingdom Known for its silks



Known to breed the fastest horses. Human Kingdom.



The famous Floating Royal City


Mariusia Port-

Known as the best trading port


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Looking over the cold wasteland that was once Iynrion, Rin narrowed his eyes. Amazingly enough, a few people still lived down there. He didn't mind them. What he minded was the feeling in the air. Something was brewing. It always felt like this when someone was planning something. He knew what. Someone was coming to his land to 'free' it. It happened sometimes. Some stupid prince, king, knight or hero would have heard the story of Iynrion, a kingdom trapped in eternal winter. They would come and they would try and break his grip on it. Hell, even maidens had turned up to melt his heart of ice. Tutting, he turned on his heel and walked back into his place. His black cape, made from a black bear's fur, dragged on the icy floor as he walked over to his throne. There were statues of ice around the palace. Mostly of people seemingly begging for their lives and that exactly what they had done. They were all princes, maidens, kings, knights and heroes who had managed to get that far and try to melt his heart. It didn't work and now that made the palace all that more homely to Rin. He smirked to himself as he sat down and stared at the figures trapped in ice.

'Let the new hero come. I could do with a new statue,'

Pyra rubbed her hands together as she sat by the fire. A wild rabbit was cooking and the flames kept her warm as the night settled in. She was traveling to Cascar to pick up some much needed materials for her new armor. While she was there, she was going to find someone to enchant it. She had to kill Rin but she knew people had tried. Tried and never been heard of again. She can only imagine what Rin did to them. The prince's heart was as cold as his land and she can't imagine he would take to people trying to free his land from his winter very well. Probably got insulted by the idea of someone trying to melt the coldness in his heart too. Frowning to herself, she wondered if anyone else felt the way she did. She didn't want to melt that frozen heart of his. She wanted to wrap her whip round it and tighten it til it shattered into a million pieces. Narrowing her eyes, she glared at the fire. He would die and she would be the one to do it.

Somewhere to the south of Iynrion

Sabrina trudged slowly down a snowy mountain, wrapped in a thick bear-skin cloak. She didn't need the cloak, since she was immune to the cold, but she new that wouldn't look normal to others. She really didn't want to attract attention. Sabrina looked up and saw three tall, flat white rectangular building in the distance. She was traveling to Iynrion for answers. There was a minor blizzard at the area she was in at the moment, but it didn't impede her. She continued on marching, determination filled to the brim. A slight hope that she'll finally find the answers she wanted, no, NEEDED, from this so called Ice Prince.
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The polar bear plodded ungracefully throughout the castle as it looked for its master. Rin looked up over at it as it moved in front of him. He ran his fingers through it's fur before smiling to himself.

"Soon, my dear, we will have a new statue," He whispered. "I wonder what kind of idiot will come here this time. it's been a while since a maiden has come here. maybe i'll freeze them slowly,"

Silver looked at him before nuzzling his hand, making Rin smile a little. The polar bear was the only thing he ever let pass the ice. He found her when she was a cub. a stranger from a far away land had stolen her and then left her to die. Rin found the creature and in a moment of feeling, felt bad for it so he brought her home and nursed her to health. He named her Silver and she stayed with him ever since.
Iynrion--A few days after the events of my previous post

Sabrina had finally arrived at the city. From what she had heard from her past one year of travel, this city used to be a beautiful city: bustling with citizens and strangers alike, filled with life and happiness. Now, all we see is a cold, dead and joyless place to live in, cursed to the bone by this Prince of some sorts.

I've got to find this guy. I know he'll at least know SOMETHING! Sabrina thought to herself as she trekked down one last, frozen hill and through the creaking gates of this fallen city.

"Hmm... I wonder where this Prince live..." Sabrina wondered out loud. "Probably in the center tower up on that bridge...how can I get up there to meet this him...screw it! I'll ask around!"

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To be perfectly honest, Hime was a little confused. She had set out on her journey to destroy the Ice Prince without really knowing where she was going. She could tell she was close though, the temperatures were dropping and she was starting to see snow, but she had n idea how much longer it would be until she reached the castle.

Hime, being the trained fighter that she was, was accustomed to chilly climates. However it was practically subzero here and as she trudged on, she narrowed her eyes in distaste. "This was a great idea Hime! Walk into battle with the friggin Ice Boy and not wear a scarf! You're so intelligent Hime!" She berated herself for several minutes before she realized she was in the center of the barren city, looking up at the castle.

"Oh. Well never mind. This will be easier than I thought." She grinned to herself and tightened the grip she had on her weapon before moving forward again, with just a little more spring in her step.
Rin got up from his throne and walked across the icy floor towards the doors that led outside of the castle. Pulling up his hood and making sure he just looked like a normal citzen, he opened them and headed out into the city. Boredom was getting to him and he needed to do something before he went mad with it so he walked down the steps and headed into the area. No one blinked an eyelid at him as he walked past.

@Genieva Von Bubbles @PeteTSs


Sabrina walked quickly towards the Ice Prince's palace. She had asked around, and turns out, there was a huge frozen castle behind the three huge skyscrapers. She was already under the frozen bridge, and she could already see in the near distance a frozen palace. She started to sprint.

After a while, she finally arrived at the bottom of the palace's huge entrance staircase. Huff...Huff...Urg...I really hate staircases...Sabrina thought to herself and started to climb. She then noticed a figure walking down the stairs.

"Hello?" Sabrina shouted up at the figure. "The Ice Prince lives up in that palace, right?"

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Alexandra let out a frosted cold breath and squeezed herself a bit more as the gypsy caravan slowly made its way through the frozen city. Damn it was cold here. She didn't get why they had to come sell trinkets here every week, it wasn't like a lot of people lived here anymore. Besides, she wasn't the only one that was cold, all of them were in gypsy clothes, meaning lots of jewelry, exposed stomachs, silk, light, and colorful, and was ment for dancing not winter!!! Alexandra reached over and took out a wooden flute, she had carved it herself and was a amazing player. The caravan came to a stop as a citizen came over to the caravan and requested to buy some things. Alexandra began playing a soft and low beautiful tune from the flute, just trying to warm her fingertips.

When Hime approached the staircase she squinted up at the two people already up there. She wondered if they were also there to kill the prince and as the thought surfaced, so did a feeling of annoyance. If she wasn't the one to wipe the guy off the map she would have no right returning home. Speaking of, she knew her father would be outraged when he woke up and found her gone. She'd be lucky, extremely lucky to get off with a light scolding. She ran her hands through her hair in frustration making her appear frazzled.

"Well, if they are here for the same reason as me, might as well team up." If she was any less mature, she would have groaned aloud at the thought. Then again she could probably just walk right past them and continue on her merry way. Yeah that sounded a hell of a lot better than working together. So she hefted her weapon onto her shoulder and whistled a cheerful tune as she tried to shimmy past the pair who were, as it happened, taking up most of the staircase.

@PeteTSs @DeadxPhoenix2661
"Hello?" A girl stood at the bottom of the staircase shouted. "The Ice Prince lives up in that palace, right?"

Rin looked toward her as she spoke. The Ice Prince. He always hated that damn name but it was what everyone called him. However, this girl was asking him if the ice prince lived here, which told him what he needed to know. She clearly wasn't from this place and obviously didn't know he was the prince. Granted, no one ever really did when he walked round the city. They just assumed he was a poor soul trapped in the eternal winter like they are. A small smile graced his lips before he walked over to her.

"May I ask who's inquiring?" He asked, calmly as another girl joined the party. Well more tried to push past but Rin never felt so popular. Normally maidens just turned up alone. Mostly to claim his frozen heart. Trying not to chuckle to himself, he turned to the two girls. "No one is home. I must of knocked about 50 times but no one answered. It seems this 'ice prince' isn't home,"

@PeteTSs @Genieva Von Bubbles
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The Ice Prince's Castle

"I am Sabrina. I have arrived at this city to ask the Ice Prince a...question..." Sabrina said slowly, shifting a little to let the girl who was trying to move up the stairs pass. "I am also curious if I could get a job here at the castle, you see. I really hope his Highness is looking for a missionary. Do you know if he is hiring? You look like a noble yourself, probably quite close to the Prince himself, so I'm guessing you might know something of that sorts."

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"Why would you want to work for me?" Rin asked, surprised before shaking his head. Of all the requests he had heard the last few years, working for him was not one of them. "I mean the prince. I do not believe he is hiring nor ever has,"

When she heard that the prince wasn't there, she let out an exasperated sigh and let her sword clatter loudly to the ground. "Are you kidding me? I trudge all the way here from Ornduin to kill this guy, and he isn't polite enough to wait there and greet me? What an ass." So instead of continuing on, Hime turned to listen to the two strangers. The woman seemed interested in befriending the Prince, and the boy, because really thats all he could be, appeared to be a citizen of this desolate wasteland.

When the boy spoke again, she immediately latched onto his slip. Work for me, eh? She grinned to herself but made no move to retrieve her weapon. She'd wait it out, and she sat down on the stairs, content to just listen.
Rin stopped as he noticed the other woman grin to herself before turning round to her and smiling.

"So you're here to kill me?" He stated, taking down his hood. "Another one eh? Wow, you people sure aren't creative. Lets go kill the so called ice prince because he made a frozen wasteland,"

His smile turned dark.

"I can't let you kill me," He replied, flexing his fingers. "But I doubt you're going to listen so at least do me one last thing. Call it dead man's wish. Tell me what did i do to you that makes you want to kill me so badly? You're not from my kingdom so tell me why?"

@Genieva Von Bubbles

The Ice Prince's Castle

^Before post #15 After post #14^

Me. So he is the Prince. I'll just play along with him for the time being..."Ah...what a shame. I thought the Prince would need someone to recruit more people to become citizens after what had happened here." Sabrina said with a sigh. "You see, I like to travel to places. I am also good with people. I could bring this city back to its former glory without having more innocent lives lost to the cost. Anyway, I wouldn't need much. Just a couple of coins for food and some gear. He'd be doing me a favour sending me out too..." Sabrina trailed off. She wanted this 'job' so that she can get the necessary equipment she needed to get some answers on why she was sent away from her home at a young age and what was threatening her life so much 14 years ago. She also knew that the Prince is over a century old, and that she could probably get the answer she needed if all else failed.

@DeadxPhoenix2661 @Genieva Von Bubbles
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To say she was surprised when the prince dropped his disguise so easily, would be a vast understatement. However she didn't let her shock show, instead she slowly rose to her feet, leaning on her sword and flashed him a cocky grin. "Personally, I don't care about you. Really, I'd be plenty content to let you continue doing whatever the Hell you're doing here but I got people in high places to impress and a crazy father to discard. A crazy father who is very well on his way to murder me so lets make this quick, if I'm dying today, I'd rather it be you. Don't want the bastard to get the satisfaction." However if i get to kill you, you'd be my ticket out. @DeadxPhoenix2661
"My, my so I'm just a means to an end," Rin placed his hand on his heart dramatically before laughing coldly. "I'd be happy to end your life but right now I am not in the mood to fight nor freeze but for the record, I am not some trophy kill you can collect. you want to kill me... that's fine but you're not the only one and there is a lot of people with better reason then yours but a word of advice,"

He moved over and leans in. His icy breathe traced across her skin.

"No mattered how hard you try, he is never going to see you as anything more then his trophy daughter. You're nothing but a prize to the men of your kingdom and even if you kill me and brought my heart back to them, they will never respect you. You lack everything they're looking for. Those people in those high places will never see you as an equal," He spat, glaring at her before smirking and turning to the other girl. "As for you, I am not hiring. I don't care for your questions and you're nothing more then another face to me,"

He turned on his heel and headed back up the castle stairs before turning to both girls.

"I ask you to take your leave," He states, glaring at them.

@Genieva Von Bubbles @PeteTSs
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The change in her mood was instantaneous. She went from grinning and confident to absolutely enraged. The grip she had on her sword tightened to the point of almost cracking the delicate hilt and she launched herself at him, bringing the weapon down in an aggressive arc, attempting to behead. Hime was being irrational she knew, but she also knew he was right. She wasn't going to earn anyones respect even if she conquered the world. That's not how it worked. However he was wrong about her father. She wasn't a trophy daughter, some pretty young thing to be shown off and then pawned to the most prospective bachelor. She was a living breathing punching bag who had no right to punch back. This thought only served to make her more angry and she growled like a feral animal. @DeadxPhoenix2661
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The Ice Prince's Castle

"I will NOT back down" said Sabrina, matching the Prince's pace upwards. "I know you know what happened 14 years ago. I want answers! The answer to that question is the only thing I care about." Sabrina stopped abruptly. "I will show you my worth. Duel me. If you win, I will immediately take my leave. If I win, on the other hand, you have to answer my question honestly."

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Rin dodged the first girl's blade before looking at the second girl with surprise. One was trying to kill him and the other just challenged him to a duel. He blinked and for the first time in god knows how long, he started to laugh. Like actually laugh. Not a cold noise but an actual warm laugh that sounds a bit un-natural coming from him but a jolt in his heart made him stop and he gripped his chest in pain as he let out a painful breathe before straightening up and looking at the first girl.

"Did I hit a nerve?" He smirks in an almost playful way before looking to the other girl. "Look, girl, I don't know what happened 14 years ago. I barely leave this place and I'm not interested in fighting you,"

He looked at both of them.

"Despite that, you both have captured my interest," He smirked, flicking his hair out of his face. "You're not like the usual maidens who turn up here, thinking they can melt my little cold heart,"

@PeteTSs @Genieva Von Bubbles

The Ice Prince's Castle

Sabrina drew in a deep, frosty breath and sighed. "Stop playing with me. You are already over one hundred years old. I know you must know something about the event. 14 years must seem like a breeze to you, am I right? Do you accept my challenge or no?"
Her first reaction to being dodged was to attack again, but when he started laughing Hime stopped in her tracks. What.....? Was he serious? I didn't come here to melt jack squat! She was about to say so, when Sabrina spoke up again. She sounded seriously exasperated. Hime looked rather goofy, poised to attack, sword raised overhead but completely frozen in place and the most dumbfounded look spread across her tired features. Speaking of tired...she got a look at her self in the wavy reflection her sword provided and almost blanched at the dark bags under her eyes.

With a reluctant groan, she sheathed her weapon and stretched her arms above her head. Since he wasn't going to fight her, and she had nothing to prove she decided that maybe she should just find some place to hunker down. Going home was not an option and she doubted that she'd ever return. So instead she slid down the wall behind and tilted her head back to rest. Let those two duke it out if they wanted. She needed a nap.
Rin frowned as the sword girl slid down and closed her eyes. He summoned a ball of snow and threw it at her, smirking to himself.

"If you're tired, go book a room in the motel," He stated before turning to the other girl. "Look, girl, I may be over a century old but I don't know what you're going on about.... unless you mean the war of course.... hm... maybe I should asked this sooner but just who are both of you?"

@Genieva Von Bubbles @PeteTSs
Just as she was about to drift into peaceful oblivion, she found herself coated in snow. Her violet eyes flew open as she squawked indignantly at the prince, scowling at his pleased expression. I've been traveling for days without sleep, five minutes wouldn't have killed anybody...! It took a moment for his question to sink in and she was half tempted not to answer as she brushed snow fro atop her head. But, eh, whatever why not. "My name is Yukihime Kurgaya. I prefer Hime."

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