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Fantasy Bennett Academy for the Gifted (Sign-Ups Closed!)

Infinite Eclipse

Spell Castor

My Form:

Full Name:
Mikayla Nicole Bennett

Nicknames (if any): Kayla, Nic

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Hair Color: Dark brown that has lighter natural highlights throughout.

Eye Color: Dark brown

Height: 5"7

Body Modifications (if any): Earrings and

on her shoulder blade.

Chosen Power: Pyrokinesis

History/Background: Youngest of the current Bennett family Mikayla is expected to be a perfect student. Her father put her in High School in the closest town to Oakfield which was almost thirty minutes away. She lived in Oakfield with her family and watched as students moved to and from the academy. Her mother grew sick and died of cancer when she was fourteen. When she turned sixteen her father allowed her to get a tattoo to match the one her mother had had. Her family always had high expectations for her which made her stress a bit over things like schoolwork, always striving for the perfect score.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required): Seth Grey
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"Aki Kaze"

'Autumn Breeze'












C (borderline D.)

However her skills in actuality are around that of an A rank, simply because of a strange condition she has causing Dizziness means she almost never hits her target and passes-out randomly, making her more of a danger to her comrades than enemies.




- 'Cute-Things' (e.g. Stuffed toys, Animals, etc...).

- Candy/Chocolate.

- Books, Anime/Manga. (She's a massive Otaku).

- Naps.

- Hanging around people. (Wether or not she actually knows them.)

- Has a massive obsession with fire despite being an Air
(-bender) User.


- Being Hugged.

- Being called 'Cute' or 'Adorable'. (A common occurrence with her size and appearance, being quite tiny for her age and rather 'child-like' in *Cough* certain aspects *Cough*).

- Vegetables.

- Hot/Overly-Sunny Weather. (She's extremely pale making her sunburn easily and because of how small she is she gets hot very quickly.)

- 'Big-Chested' Females.

- Homework/Studying.



She's an odd little thing, she likes keeping to her own and despite her adorable appearance has quite a blunt way of speaking, she's absolutely against any rude language and gets embarrassed extremely easily, making her almost the embodiment of innocence. She speaks her mind and speaks in normally short sentences or tries to avoid it if she can, she clings to anyone she's around, wether or not she actually knows this person as she's scared of passing-out when no ones around or having another dizziness-attack. She's optimistic and rather adorable in behaviour, she's very optimistic about most situations and extremely committed despite being lazy when it comes to school-work, she enjoys cheering people-up and is rather skilled in cooking, purely because she wants to make sweets and baked-goods for herself, she gets jealous easily and is overly-stubborn. But overall she's a very Happy-Go-Lucky kinda girl.



(She's more magic than weapon focused, Not even carrying a weapon around with her most of the time, instead using whatever she has around her-... Mainly hitting people on the head with books...)

- She can use her air abilities to make almost blades of wind, they can't travel far from her and despite seeming to be a range weapon because they fade-away quickly are in fact most effective at close range, they're almost like arrows in a way.

- She can do basic levitation with enough effort, lifting things ever so slightly off the ground though-... because it doesn't take much concentration mainly uses this to hold up books for her to read.

- She's trained in her own strange type of martial arts that allow her to manipulate the air around her to give her hits massive force if making contact with the persons body. (Which-... hardly ever happens.)

- When she does have a weapon of some sort, can, depending on what it is use wind in certain ways to amplify its force.

- Can Create Masses of air able to hold someone in place or even create a small tornado.

(She's essentially someone who would be borderline OP if she didn't almost constantly miss her targets and pass-out.)


(As explained above, doesn't really use them.)

- An extendable pole that's small enough to carry around in her bag and rather long once extended. (That is-... if she remembers to bring it, or can be bothered.)

- Whatever's around her.

- And her personal favourite, Books.


- Has a condition causing her to have severe dizziness attacks almost constantly, causing her to ether miss her targets, walk into things or even pass-out on a regular basis.

-She's highly skilled, practically an A, but because of her condition and 'tendencies' iss Barely passing as a C, borderline D.

- Despite being 17 she's quite short and rather child-like in appearance. (especially around the, err... *cough* chest-area *cough*)

- Loves reading.

- Writes Fan fiction or her own stories secretly.


@Infinite Eclipse

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Full Name:Rosana Dalir

Nicknames (if any): Rose

Gender: female

Age: 17

Hair Color: blonde

Eye Color: blue

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.82db5c034e50f9730266b900f7ac3c3d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134332" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.82db5c034e50f9730266b900f7ac3c3d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Body Modifications (if any): has arrival tatto under her chest

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.86cc64b5ccdfc1c1010dc85ee9a47801.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134331" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.86cc64b5ccdfc1c1010dc85ee9a47801.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Chosen Power:telekinesis

History/Background: Daughter of two of the most powerful and respected wizards who previously graduated from the academy top of their class. Her parents put a lot of pressure on her to be at the top of her class in everything. Her brother also previously graduated the top of his class. (After years of trying she still doesn't have full control of her powers when she's emotional they go haywire)(She's also very powerful due to her parents).

Sexuality: heterosexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required):

n/a yet

Extra: she is fluent in many languages, amazing at combat fighting and archery and has academic excellence<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.7e47f0d39e66853fd67899f374538367.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134333" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.7e47f0d39e66853fd67899f374538367.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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LindsMagee said:
Full Name:Rosana Dalir
Nicknames (if any): Rose

Gender: female

Age: 17

Hair Color: blonde

Eye Color: blue

View attachment 298359


Body Modifications (if any): has arrival tatto under her chest

View attachment 298357

Chosen Power:telekinesis

History/Background: Daughter of two of the most powerful and respected wizards who previously graduated from the academy top of their class. Her parents put a lot of pressure on her to be at the top of her class in everything. Her brother also previously graduated the top of his class. (After years of trying she still doesn't have full control of her powers when she's emotional they go haywire)(She's also very powerful due to her parents).

Sexuality: heterosexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required):

n/a yet

Extra: she is fluent in many languages, amazing at combat fighting and archery and has academic excellence
Personality: outgoing and bubbly can be temperamental if pushed, honest, calculating, stubborn, and intelligent. Also very protective of those she cares about

Full Name: Lilly Thomson

Nicknames (if any):

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 5"4

Body Modifications (if any): N/A

Chosen Power:

History/Background: Lilly was orphaned by her parents shortly after her birth. Luckily she was found and raised by a kind old man in Inverness, Scotland. She was raised there for her entire childhood, eventually discovering she was able to control the earth and rocks in an unnatural way. Scared of what other's may think she kept it hidden and practiced her power in secret. Until she was no longer able to stay with the old man due to a fatal sickness he developed. Before he died he had it arranged for Lilly to attend Bennet Academy so that she could learn to control her unusual powers.

Sexuality: Homosexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required): Dyasis Estelle/ @LilyannaGaming
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.eba915d0a5b4f9e1aa9291952eb9333a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134395" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.eba915d0a5b4f9e1aa9291952eb9333a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.b0d13dac2fd317b7433c63c017499e39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134396" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpg.b0d13dac2fd317b7433c63c017499e39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full Name:
Dyasis Estelle

Nicknames (if any): Dya. DE.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color:
Grey, turns red when powers are in use.

Height: 5"7

Body Modifications (if any): scar on her left palm in the shape of the crescent moon.

Chosen Power: Oneirokinesis

History/Background: WIP

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required):
Lilly Thomson/ @Vranea



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My Form:

Full Name:
Rowan Finch

Nicknames (if any): Ro

Gender: Male

Age: 24

Hair Color: Warm dark brown

Eye Color: Hazel-green

Height: 6"2

Body Modifications (if any): None.

Chosen Power: Naturakinesis

History/Background: Not much is known about Rowan's past, only that on the day of his arrival on a wintry december day, the town's famous oaks sprouted their leaves, and the sun's suddenly warm rays melted the snow. He is technically a member of the academy, but his spacey and absent minded personality mean he often misses class. Spending most of his time in the park, he is it's unofficial warden - his powers making it one of the most verdant and beautiful parks any of the residents has ever seen. One of the older students, he has a strong control over his power, but chooses to focus it peacefully. His sense of calm is infectious, and his is enchanting despite his often distracted and detached demeanour.

Sexuality: Unknown, assumed asexual due to his seeming lack of interest

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required): N/A
@TheHappyPikachu I will be adding you though I wished you would have used the provided form...

@Vranea by body modifications I meant things such as scars, piercings, and tattoos. They are still supposed to be regular people but with powers and it isn't often that people have separate eye color. Will wait to add you until form is fixed.

Also everyone I am sorry I did not mention the age limits on the main post! The age limits are 17-19! so please change the ages for your characters!
Infinite Eclipse] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16600-thehappypikachu/ said:
@TheHappyPikachu[/URL] I will be adding you though I wished you would have used the provided form...
@Vranea by body modifications I meant things such as scars, piercings, and tattoos. They are still supposed to be regular people but with powers and it isn't often that people have separate eye color. Will wait to add you until form is fixed.

Also everyone I am sorry I did not mention the age limits on the main post! The age limits are 17-19! so please change the ages for your characters!
Sorry, it was from another role-play, I'm gonna change some things around to make it more accurate for this one!!!!~ (If I get around to it~…. "^w^) :3 :D X3 xD
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Full Name:
Seth Harvey Grey

Nicknames (if any): None

Gender: Male


Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Bluish-Green

Height: 6" 0'

Body Modifications (if any): Black Tattoo on the back of each hand (every member of his family has one)

He will usually wear some sort of gloves to cover the marks.
Chosen Power: Umbrakinesis

History/Background: Seth lived a normal life in Laramie Wyoming. There was never any pressure to excel in school as long as he passed, but partly due to his lack of social life he aced every class he took. He always had trouble connecting to other people and only had a few friends. He was also most definitely a night owl. He almost seemed to need less sleep than most people, though he always took a nap in the afternoon if he had to get up earlier than he would like. He always knew his family was... off. He could never place exactly why though. That is, until his 13th birthday. His parents reviled to him their family lineage and connection with darkness. This is also when his tattoos appeared on his hands. He was told he must keep it a secret and began his training. By the time he left for Bennett Academy he was skilled in using his power. He uses his power more than he should (providing he thinks he can get away with it).

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required): Mikayla Bennett
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LindsMagee said:
Full Name:Rosana Dalir
Nicknames (if any): Rose

Gender: female

Age: 17

Hair Color: blonde

Eye Color: blue

View attachment 298359


Body Modifications (if any): has arrival tatto under her chest

View attachment 298357

Chosen Power:telekinesis

History/Background: Daughter of two of the most powerful and respected wizards who previously graduated from the academy top of their class. Her parents put a lot of pressure on her to be at the top of her class in everything. Her brother also previously graduated the top of his class. (After years of trying she still doesn't have full control of her powers when she's emotional they go haywire)(She's also very powerful due to her parents).

Sexuality: heterosexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required):

n/a yet

Extra: she is fluent in many languages, amazing at combat fighting and archery and has academic excellence
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b58acb12a0eb540a30d05a376651dfe2.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134454" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.b58acb12a0eb540a30d05a376651dfe2.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Could also be used as a pic of her<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.14ce0277f35e497a7665bed405af570f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134453" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/image.jpeg.14ce0277f35e497a7665bed405af570f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Infinite Eclipse] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/16600-thehappypikachu/ said:
@TheHappyPikachu[/URL] I will be adding you though I wished you would have used the provided form...
@Vranea by body modifications I meant things such as scars, piercings, and tattoos. They are still supposed to be regular people but with powers and it isn't often that people have separate eye color. Will wait to add you until form is fixed.

Also everyone I am sorry I did not mention the age limits on the main post! The age limits are 17-19! so please change the ages for your characters!
I apologize, I fixed the error. Is there anything else?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cute_black_guy_by_temaruu_nara-d5lv8xf.png.42c29affb0ead2a70ddc120647a205bc.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="134471" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/cute_black_guy_by_temaruu_nara-d5lv8xf.png.42c29affb0ead2a70ddc120647a205bc.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> My Form:

Full Name:
Kleopatris Apollo Amunrae

Nicknames (if any): Kleo

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Hair Color: Black dreads dipped in honey blonde

Eye Color: Gold

Height: 5"10

Body Modifications (if any):
(2) Large hoop earrings, A symmetrical, thin, gold bar necklace draped over his shoulders, Gold bands scattered throughout his hair, (10) gold bangles of varying sizes (5) on each wrist, an intricately designed septum piercing, (2) eyebrow piercings over his left and (1) over his right. .

Chosen Power:

Only child from a very Prestigious Egyptian family, said to have quite a number of Pharoahic Bloodlines coursing through their veins. Upon the family relocating to America due to rioting on both the human and supernatural planes the government changed they're official last name from Amun-Ra to Amunrae. Her family through out time have been known to posses the ability to manipulate and utilize the very essence of light. Said to be both blessed by Amun Ra and The god-queen Isis.

After the family settled in Miami, Fl. They opened up and waterfront resort under the name of Roseland. Needless to say Klepatris has led a very spoiled life much like his name-sake. He can be as humblle as a honey bee or more dangerous than a lion.

Kleo's parents caught wind of this school and thought it would be a wonderful place for him to make friends and to get aquainted with American culture. Or so they said. He had spent half his life watching teenage American soap-operas. He was sure he'd have been ok with out the Private school. So one day, while his Parents were out of town he recieved a text message along with the long-term family buttler Caius, with a one way ticket to Arkansaw. telling him to pack light. Well that was the general idea.

Sexuality: Gay

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required): N/A Looking



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Infinite Eclipse] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36804-lindsmagee/ said:
@LindsMagee[/URL] Your character is great thank you!
@TheHappyPikachu okie dokie!

@Vranea Thanks for fixing it everything else should be fine!

Everyone so far has been accepted please forgive me I am still getting the post updated and stuff before we begin and I will be closing sign-ups very soon!
Sounds good to me!
Full Name:

Asuka Takeo Kamiya

Nicknames (if any):

- Suka

- Keo





Hair Color:


Eye Color:





When you first meet him he is very shy, timid, and naiive, once you get to know him more and more you'll find out that he is actually very childish, innocent, playful, and energetic.

Body Modifications (if any):


Chosen Power:



The kids at his school often treated him differently because he wasn't able to control his gift and his mother eventually just started homeschooling him. His dad was an alcoholic and was often at a bar or at one of his friend's houses. His mom found out about the school and decided to send him their in hopes of learing how to control his ability.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Crush/Love Interest (Consent from the other player required):




- he likes doing childish things when no one else is aroun

- he is extremely afraid of the dark

- he likes sweets

- he is afraid of too many people around him

- he is very agile

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@Venomatrix the RP is supposed to start at the beginning of their first year at Bennett Academy so I need you to please alter your form to make your character between the ages of 17-19 and edit his history/background. Sorry! Thank you.
@JayKuro I'm sorry I forgot to mention in the main post that there is an age limit your character needs to be between the ages of 17-19 because they are graduating from high school and starting at the academy. Also another character already has the name Aki so I am gonna have to ask you to change it please and thank you!

EDIT: Since you didn't fix your form before someone else applied for Electrokinesis, I allowed them to take it. My apologies! You may fix your form and apply for a different power if you would like.
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@Kleopatris yes you did. Thank you so much.

So many people have applied and it is becoming a bit overwhelming for me since i have never hosted a group RP of this sort before. I have run into SO MANY problems with everyone's characters because I wasn't specific enough. I just assumed everyone would understand everything because it was so easy to understand to me, but I didn't think about how it may be less clear to other people. So I take full responsibility for all the errors and mistakes I've run into, but I'm slowly trying to fix everything. Sorry for the semi rant thing I just needed to let that out.
Ohh nooo problem at all. I thought it was pretty clear. But, if im accepted that would be awesome. Im looking forward to joininng. And, everything will work out fine. Its a great sign to have so many people interested. I think this roleplay sounds amazing. :D
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