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Fantasy Beneath the Stars' Gaze [LORE]

    —★ Wishonomicon
    An ancient slab, decorated from head to toe with otherworldly incantations that invoke dark and strange magics. Many tales circulate around this occult device, many of which seem to always tell that, under the glow of moonlight, when a soul of pure heart holds it close, it will grant the bearer their one true wish. Of course, no one can really prove this claim, as the tablet has been all but lost to the sands of time.
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    Roleplay Mechanics
    For the sake of convenience, different types of periods will be set up for different sorts of actions. This is to maintain order and to allow for breaks in between the more serious scenes, as well.

    —★ Interaction Period
    In other words, free time. This period of time will be focused purely on the development of your characters and their relationships, as well as fluff, if you so choose. Use this time to take a break from the morose situation and allow your characters the downtime they deserve. :D (During this period, investigation and progression of the main plot is prohibited.)

    —★ Exploration Period
    Occurs whenever a new area has popped up on the map, and no particularly important event has yet to occur. This entails the act of simply wandering around to note the discovery of the new place. Essentially a marriage of the interaction and investigation into one. (During this period, in-depth investigation and progression of the main plot is prohibited.)

    —★ Investigation Period
    Whenever a milestone is reached in the roleplay, this will occur to allow the characters to investigate their surroundings and figure out their situation. While somewhat similar to the previous period, this is completely dedicated to scrutinizing each and every detail of an area to further your characters' goals and, more importantly, the plot. This period also involves the more action-oriented that raise the tension and the stakes.
    xxxxxx— Posts on the shorter side are completely alright and, quite frankly, encouraged. This is to allow for more actions to occur during a period and is beneficial in keeping the pace interesting.
    xxxxxx— Every detail written is open for exploration. Your character simply needs to indicate that they're investigating the thing. As previously mentioned, stating a few sentences to that effect is perfectly enough. (Ie. There's a pen on the desk. You can choose to write in your post that A decided to observe the desk closer, hand reaching for that pen.)

    —★ Ascension Period
    This period is invoked whenever a memory returns to the OC or great stress is experienced. During these periods, some of the OCs will be able to awaken or ascend their abilities. Those applicable for this awakening/ascension is entirely dependent on the players' wills.
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  • NPCS
    The Watcher
    The first thing you see, waking up. Not much is known about him, other than the fact that he goes by Noah and that he has a particularly obsessive fixation in maintaining his beard. Just his beard.

    In the seasons you've spent resting, you've seen no signs of any other person living here, outside of Noah. While strange on its own, something else has also piqued your interest: his misplaced affection with you all. He seems to treat you all fairly well─perhaps too well, as you've never met him before. There's always a tenderness in his every action, a tenderness that only an intimate friend or a loved one could have for another. And yet...
    (fc: blackwall; art by domirine)​

  • MAP
    How did you get the Map?
    By this point, you had reconciled yourself with Noah's regular absences. Though you wanted to know where exactly he would go during those times, it was enough for you that he returned, always with a new supply of food and smile to comfort you. All you needed to focus on was your recovery.

    On your second month there, you started to take walks around your home, familiarising both your muscles to movement and your mind to your surroundings. Though you had no need for it, you thought it best to ask Noah for a map, just in case there were any areas that you hadn't yet explored.

    Noah had been all too happy to oblige. "Anything to make things easy on you," he chirped, before quickly sifting through a nearby box for some writing implements. "Give me a minute to write it up," he said.

    Half an hour later and he was still rooted to the box, papers strewn around him.

    You hadn't expected this to be a burden on Noah. Sheepishly, you offered him your help, but: "No! No, I've got it. I've got one." He held a hand to stop you, gathering up all the papers he had thrown about in his frenzy and quickly stashed it back into its place. Just as quickly, he shoved the box away and started on the sketch. "Sorry 'bout that. Look, just give me a minute and I'll get it done." There's a smile on his face, but it doesn't seem to reach his eyes.

    No use rushing him, you supposed. Instead, you plopped yourself down on a couch some ways away from him and waited. From your vantage point, Noah was drawing and rubbing with such ferocity, going so far as to crush the paper in his hands before thinking better of it. This went on for a few more minutes: Noah starting and stopping, only to undo his progress every now and then, it seemed.

    Eventually, he's finished, approaching you with a shoddily drawn map. The paper's crumpled, and there are still faint shadows of what might have been walls on the outside of the area, lines that couldn't be completely erased. Outside the overly-outlined area of the map, a poor attempt at shading, possibly to hide his mistakes.

    "Here. Those circles are the doorways, A's where you started, B's the common area, aka where we're at now, and C's the toilet. Show off the map to everyone else, too, yeah?" Before you could ask any further, he picked up the box he had been rifling through and dashed out into the hallway. You attempted to follow him, but the moment you exited those doors, he's gone.

    ✧ ✧ ✧ ✧​

    (A) Pod Room
    The room you all had woken up in. Inside, there are 12 pods, although some of them seem to have a permanently thick mist on its glass, try as you might to see through it. There really isn't much of a purpose in returning here, especially since it's easy to trip upon the myriad of wires criss-crossing throughout the room. Then again, it's not like you could enter the place anyway, as Noah's barred your every attempt at investigating the area further. Until now, that is.

    It's the coldest room in the area, the temperature at a strict 10 Celsius. A mechanical hum rings in your ears, though it's uncertain as to whether this is from the ventilation system or the machinery.

    (B) Common Room
    Once, it was a room filled with computers and desks from wall-to-wall. After you've all woken up, though, Noah's since repurposed it into a room that all of you lounge in. Your own private quarters, as Noah would say, despite the ironic absence of privacy. The walls, once a pristine white, are yellowed from age, and the tiles, try as Noah might, retain that grime between its gaps. Haphazardly scattered all around the room are couches and beanbags. Your rations are stored in one corner of the common room, right next to the kitchen counter composed entirely of old work-desks.

    —★ (C) Bathrooms
    Pretty self-explanatory. Inside, there are 2 smaller rooms, each with its respective sink and toilet. Though there isn't a formal shower or bathtub, there's a bucket, a spigot, and a rag as a temporary measure of hygiene.
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