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Futuristic Below 40rty [Modern Ice Age RP] - Organizations

Paranoid Android

Subterranean Homesick Alien (INFP)
/dee/OS v4.2.7 - 1991 AAMO 100%

Major Factions
AAMO (American Anti-Molythermia Organization)


Leader: The Doctor

Founding year: 1989

Founders: The Doctor (unkwnown), Othmann Auttenberg (Unzevo), Charles Zynder (Co-Tech)

Allies: F.A.F.

Rivals: Raiders, Basilisk

Minor allies: Unknown

Minor rivals: Unknown

Info: AAMO was created to control the Molythermia pandemic, in which it mostly succeeded in a certain way, by creating the Hub project and Thermoarmors to protect people from the disease, and its importance to the country is considered higher than the government’s itself. Their popularity, though, has decreased with time, with the rise of the Raiders, and their promise to free the population from the extremely individualist philosophy of F.A.F. and AAMO.



Leader: Russel Lazarenko

Founding year: 2018

Founder: Various raiders

Allies: Basilisk

Rivals: AAMO, F.A.F.

Minor allies: Unknown

Minor rivals: Unknown

Info: The Raiders are a revolutionary group which wants to unite all the factions in F.A.F. to fight against Molythermia and create a socialist regime in the nation. Most of the civilian support it gets is from the lower class, angry with the lack of government help, despite Raiders propaganda and recruiting being strictly forbidden. Their methods are violent, treating the richer with less respect than the poorer as they claim them to be immoral.

Free American Federation


Leader: Richard Fawkes

Founding year: 1989

Founder: George H. W. Bush

Allies: AAMO

Rivals: Raiders, Basilisk, Moonage Daydream

Minor allies: Unknown

Minor rivals: Unknown

Info: F.A.F. was formed when the world went through a second glacial age, simply changing some principles from the previous U.S. A laissez-faire economy was adopted, and lots of private companies grew, including AAMO. F.A.F. forces work together with AAMO’s, and the government hire their (plus other companies’) services for multiple things.
Intermediary Factions


Leader: Beatrix Valentine

Founding year: 1992

Founder: Sbagliato Medico

Allies: Raiders, Moonage Daydream

Rivals: AAMO, F.A.F.

Minor allies: Unknown

Minor rivals: Unknown

Info: Basilisk was founded by the crime lord Sbagliato Medico, and it spread from the region around Washington to the whole F.A.F. Their goal is only to make profit, and the Raiders receive a considerable amount of help from them. Nowadays, it’s ruled by Beatrix Valentine, who make sure all gangsters follow their code, respecting her and the other criminals.

Moonage Daydream


Leader: Thompson “Shepard” Brown

Founding year: 2022

Founder: Thompson “Shepard” Brown

Allies: Basilisk

Rivals: F.A.F.

Minor allies: Unknown

Minor rivals: Mj’sec

Info: A mixture of religious cult and mafia, Moonage Daydream was created by the molykin Thomas Brown. His views are that infected (more specifically, molykin) and healthy humans can coexist separately, molykins living on their home (the wasteland) and humans on theirs (hubs). Although AAMO doesn’t care about the group, the government prohibts them from coming close to human property, despite their weakness to heat, which is necessary for humans to keep healthy, and occasionally sends soldiers to fight their followers. MoDa has a culture of making rituals, enslaving “lesser” infected, being despised by almost all humans and other molykins and raiding civilian structures out in the coldland.
Minor Factions
Mj’sec tribe

Leader: Elder Vehivavlua

Founding year: 2081

Allies: Unknown

Rivals: Moonage Daydream

Info: The Mj’sec tribe is a molyking tribe set in a dry infected acid pyramid around Cryochamber 50, worshipping their god Äerd’ Alqalua there. Their elder used to be an old woman living in the Baltimore Hub, who purposely infected herself upon discovering she had the “molykin gene” to live eternally.

[to be updated along the course of the mission]

AAMO: 100% imparcial descriptions about other organizations since 1989

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