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Fantasy Behind The Veil


Junior Member
We are an agent of order, conceived to stop hysteria. To make sure that the monster in the closet never gets out. The power of ancient artifacts, talismans, and spells is at the full disposal of the Agency. With ties in every government we are an ancient organization that recruits those with special "talents" to stop what goes what goes bump in the night. We are the Agency, we keep the what's "Behind the Veil" of civilization under wraps at all cost. This is our story.

The basic idea is that the agency is based in New York City in a secret underground compound such as this (from the game the Secret World):


1. No Godmoddling. An Ace isn't going to stab a 2 and watch him bleed because that person is mad.

2. YOU MUST BE ACTIVE. This rp has potential to go very far, only if your willing to help it get there

3. Be nice! But you all know that

4. I reserve the right to kick anyone out and add more rules if needed

5. HAVE FUN. This wasn't made to torture you
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Darius stormed to his supervisor's office. Albeit, he lost momentum because it took five minutes to get there. After all these years of working for the Agency, the sheer size of the subterranean base in or rather, under, New York City was amazing. He burst through the door steaming. And with barely controlled anger, he said, "With all due respect sir, I thought we agreed I work best alone. No one to hold me back, no one to look after."

"Yes, but this next mission, it might be too much for even you, to handle alone. That's why I've assigned you to Maven Lakri"

Darius looked at his supervisor skeptically "Lakri? Why is that name familiar?"

"You'll find out soon enough. Just try not to shoot him on sight, okay?" remarked the supervisor with a sigh.​
Maven walked into the room and the supervisor gestured as if he were to say that Maven couldn't have picked a better time. Once he shut the door behind me and turned back, he saw that the supervisor wasn't alone. He leaned back towards the door and folded his arms, flipping his hair aside.

"I hope I'm not interrupting, sir. I was told you wanted to see me" he said calmly, still scanning the other person in the room.

He considered the man a threat, just from the way he stood. Maven could feel that this person was dangerous.

Darius stared in shock for a second and then, in move too quick to be seen, he had drawn both of his pistols and had them pointed at the vampire. "Supervisor Smith, if you don't tell me why there is a vampire in the room now, I will shoot."

The supervisor stepped in front of Darius and spoke, "This is our new recruit, Maven, and I'll thank you kindly if you didn't paint my office red. Stand down, Agent Anthony." Darius holstered his gun slowly. "Need I remind you Agent Anthony, that you aren't exactly all human yourself."

Darius's eyes flashed, "But this is different", he argued "their kind are no better than murders. Need I remind you sir, that the purpose of the agency is to rid this world of all types of monsters, demons, and occult, including vampires."​
Maven moved the supervisor's hand out of the way and walked towards the agent. He looked up at him and spoke sternly, "What about yourself?" Maven didn't back away from him nor did he show any weakness.

"Let me tell you something, Agent Anthony. Whatever your issue is with my kind is your own business. I have my own issues with vampires myself so don't go grouping me with the others. I have my own vendetta to complete" he said turning away from the agent.

He walked over to the supervisor's chair and sat down. With a simple smile, he asked calmly "So, Mr. Smith, what do you have planned for me today?"
Mr.Smith smiled tersely, and said, "I assume you are familiar with the story of the big bad wolf? Well, this time, he's not just blowing houses down he's eating the piglets inside. And by piglets, I mean people."

Darius raised an eyebrow, "And your telling me taking down a rouge werewolf is too much to handle on my own? And here I thought I was the cream of the crop." Darius shook his head sarcastically ,"What is the Agency coming to?"

The Supervisor sighed and said "This isn't any ordinary werewolf, we're talking about the pack leader of the Manhattan district; he's likely to have at least a dozen underlings with him. Currently, he's lying low in a derelict warehouse in Chinatown. Take him, and his pack out discretely, and without civilian casualties. Should be a cinch for the 'cream of the crop' right?"
Maven laughed at Mr. Smith as he mocked Agent Anthony. He lifted from his chair and walked to stand beside the agent. With a chuckle, Maven looked at Agent Anthony then back at Mr. Smith asking "So, this means were partners? How long is this going to last?"

Mr. Smith flipped through some paperwork possibly looking for an answer or just another excuse to not even answer the question. Normally Maven would take it as however he would think it be. Mr. Smith wasn't the kind of guy you'd see begging but he normally gets what he wants.

"So, Mr. Smith? What's the answer, are we temporary or permanent" Maven asked a bit more aggressively than a moment ago?
Mr.Smith looked up from his paperwork," We'll see how it goes but I can tell, you tell together is gonna give me a hernia." He turned to Darius, "Hey 'cream of the crop' got any magic spells that can teleport you two to the warehouse?"

Darius ignored his supervisor's taunt and replied with "Given the coordinates, yes" Mr.Smith relayed the coordinates to Darius and he chanted:

We call on the dreams of creatures and mortals,

To heal the wound that worlds divide,

From now on we each can create a portal,

and each of us our own path decide.

As he said this, his eyes began to glow a dark violet and arcs of maroon lightning crackled around him and in a flash, he and Maven were gone.

After they'd vanished, the supervisor, returned his attention to his paperwork and muttered ,"Human my ass, Darius's power is far from it."
Maven's eyes widened, truly stunned by what he just witnessed. He looked over toward Agent Anthony slowly, turning his gaze with baby steps beginning to ask "What... the hell was that?" This was more than just a surprise to Maven since vampires of his level didn't even know magic was a thing.

He scanned his body looking for missing pieces but thankfully, he was in one piece. He grabbed his katana and pistol, thoroughly checking every inch of each weapon, not sure how to respond to teleportation. "Okay, so what do I call you: Cream of the Crop, Mr. Badass, Tall Dark and Teleports" he asked sarcastically still just thoughtless at the fact that he just migrated to another location without flexing so much as an eye muscle.

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