Behind the Masquerade


Unlucky Member
Please post the following character sheet to join the game:


Age: (For Reborn, put the combined time alive and time undead if you're a Wraith; otherwise, simply put your time undead.)



Faction: (If you're a Reborn or Infused, please include the type.)

Biography: (Optional, but preferred. Doesn't have to be very long.)

Personality: (Optional.)

I'll be accepting six characters to begin with; after that, I'll allow more if I think I can handle them.
Definitely interested! :) As far as appearance, are you looking for a description, or a picture? Also, if picture, more anime style, or realistic?
Name: Tyler

Age: 44 (looks like and acts like a 16 year old)

Gender: Male

Appearance: This is the dragon side:

He is 6 feet tall with black hair. People often say his green eyes look off, but can't say why. He is often compared to a lizard.

Faction: Draconic Order

Biography: Tyler never knew his father and grew up with his single mother in the small town of Alma Colorado. No matter how much he asked about his father, his mother never said anything. He was about 6 years old when the wings started to grow. He always hides them, even from his closest friends. Over time he mastered flight in open areas when no one is around. It often saddens him to see how fast his mother ages in comparison to him.

Personality: I'll come up with one as the RP progresses
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Name: Cirith

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5d24538_TheOwned.jpeg.032dc144cd1460be68a9fecd75479791.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5d24538_TheOwned.jpeg.032dc144cd1460be68a9fecd75479791.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Wolf Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5d284a0_PurpleWolf.jpg.431059507da0a7a0c96e04a10a7c18d6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="19666" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf5d284a0_PurpleWolf.jpg.431059507da0a7a0c96e04a10a7c18d6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Faction: The Moonwalkers

Biography: Cirith wasn't always a werewolf. She remembers before, when she was normal. When she was human. Her village had an annual hunt, and that year, it had been wolves. The winner of the the hunt had brought home a wolf larger than anyone had ever seen.No one had known at the time, that it was a werewolf. The werewolves had retaliated the following night, killing most of the people in her village. Cirith had taken refuge under her bed, listening with horror, to the noises outside. One of the attackers overheard her whimpering, and tracked her down. It had pulled from under the bed, and began to feast on her while she still lived. The pain was excruciating, and only stopped when a man from the village beheaded the wolf, and mistook Cirith for dead. She lay bleeding, until the transformation saved her life, forever ending her life as a human. That was many hundreds f years ago. How long exactly, she did not remember, for she had stopped keeping track, somewhere over 700.

Personality: Cirith is a rather serious Werewolf. Due to the nature of her infection, she has a hard time trusting others, and prefers solitude whenever possible, except for with the few close friends she shares among her kind. She has been a werewolf for quite some time, and is near the point of controlling her transformations during the full moon. She is able to recall those nights, but not yet control her actions.

Hope this'll do. Let me know if there are any issues!



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Either a description or a picture works for the appearance.

Half-Dragons generally look like normal humans, aside from the wings, but many have vaguely lizard-like features, and a rare few may have a small scattering of scales.

Both Tyler and Cirith have been accepted.
Would it be possible to be a faction less creature or be a creature that isn't listed? For example I was hoping to play a siren, but that wouldn't have a faction. If it's not possible I will figure something else out.
xXLostGirlXx said:
Would it be possible to be a faction less creature or be a creature that isn't listed? For example I was hoping to play a siren, but that wouldn't have a faction. If it's not possible I will figure something else out.
Hm...I'll allow a miscellaneous creature, so long as it's reasonably powerful, and wouldn't be too obviously supernatural. A factionless creature would probably be a little more difficult for you to defend against the Silver Blade, but not to the point of being unplayable. Speaking of which, might I ask that we get some Silver Blade players? While it isn't necessary, the game would probably be a bit more interesting if they weren't all NPCs.
Name: Thelchtereia Selencea (Thella)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Appearance: Human-
W/ tail-

Faction: Faction-less (siren)

Biography: Thella was raised on a small island with her two sisters and her mother. They never left that island for years, but ships of man and women always seemed to turn up. They would lure the sailors into the shore of jagged rocks with their sweet song to make sure they stayed hidden forever from the human world. Thella didn't mind it their with the flowers and her sisters who always said her voice was lovely as could be. When another broken ship cut out from the storm and her sister voices lured the sailor to death, Thella decided to save one and brought it to the nearest shore. She fell in love with the man she had saved and choose to abandon her family for the chance to be with him. She swam back to the shore the next day to find he was still lying there without breathing. She realized she had drowned the man in attempts to save him. The thought sickened her, even more than the thought that she had abandoned her family for nothing. She decided to never go back to the place where they would drown the sailors without a care. She was found by an innkeeper on the beach, who that took in the young girl for free and gave her clothes. She worked for him for the eight years while she got used to being around humans. She caught on quickly on how to act like a human and hide herself. She looked like a human unless she choose to change her legs into a tail. She was good at becoming a normal part of society and refrained from singing in public as much as she could. Her song controlled peoples feeling to much and she didn't need to lure anyone to her while she was trying to hide from the world.

Powers: (thought it might be helpful to know if it's to over powered or not, just let me know if this is okay.)

Sirens Song- Voice captivates the listener to fall in love with the singer and will have a strong feeling to come to them. It is possible for the effects to be stronger or weaker depending on the listener, but it's annoying when it doesn't work on people at all.

Sirens Kiss- When a siren kisses something it either kills them or implants a toxin that will slowly weaken their body.

Transformation- The ability to change legs into a mermaids tail when needed.
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I'll accept that. I won't be adding you in the game immediately, because I'm not entirely sure how to start you off, but you'll be in soon.
Name: Liesel Togetha

Age: 18?

Gender: Female

Appearance: Ugh, the pic doesn't want to load. Average height, tanned skin, dark dark brown hair about shoulder length and frizzy. Bright green eyes and a tattoo of the Dark Mark on her forearm (for laughs)

Faction: Infused, water. (Although I'm sorta thinking along the lines of Last Airbender, correct me if I'm wrong please)

Biography: Liesel was just like any normal girl for most of her life. She had a relatively normal family who loved her dearly, normal fronds, and a normal school. She was abnormally good at swimming, however, forcing the coach of her swim team to let her off. Everyone thought she was cheering somehow, no matter how many times she tried to disprove it. One day the Silver Blade members came knocking at her door, demanding to see her capabilities. (I would say this is where she discovered the her power outside the pool, but I don't want to mess this up) after being shocked and scared to death, she bid goodbye to her family and ran away at her mother request.

Personality: will be discovered throught the strory.

If necessary, I'll play a Silver Blade person though.
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Name:Litalia (Tali) Mernaci (mer-NAH-chee)

Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance: Tali has Azure blue wings, black, rib-length hair, and blue eyes.

Faction: Draconic Order

Biography: doesn't like to talk about it. (she escaped from a lab, so she fears people in lab coats, doctors, and living vending machines. Don't ask why.)

Personality: Will be shown later.

Also, what? I dearly hoped the vending machine thing gets explained at some point.

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