Behind the Masquerade [Inactive]


Unlucky Member
Flame submitted a new role play:

Behind the Masquerade - Step Into the Shoes of a Monster

The world is not all it seems on the surface. Behind the veil of mundanity is another world of the supernatural, the fantastic, and the paranoid. Vampires, Werewolves, Undead, and other creatures are very much real, and they walk among us. Here, you'll step into the shoes of one of them - Or one of their detractors.
Aside from the internal strife amongst the fantastic beings, there exists a faction of normal humans working constantly and implacably towards the revelation and extinction of all...
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In order to make these updates readable, especially for some of the longer and more action-filled ones, turns for each character will be placed in spoiler tags.

The air was cool, and the streets quiet as you traveled the town in human form, looking for any Silver Blade about. It was a pretty routine assignment, being done by a different Werewolf every other night. Those of a full moon were skipped over, naturally. You remember checking the lunar calendar you kept in your house, and according to it, the next string of full moon nights would be in eight days, and end six after that. Perhaps this time you'd actually be able to control yourself; you've been able to remember it each night, after all. Still, though, there's the present to mind for right now.

Lost in your thoughts as you are, you almost don't see the crouched figure atop a nearby roof. It seems to be watching you, but you can't be sure.

Most nights, you were sent out to search for any possible Half-Dragons about; the chances of this bearing anything are slim, but with your numbers as dangerously low as they are, any chance at finding another of your kin must be taken. This also served as a form of surveillance, and allowed any potential Silver Blade members to be identified early.

Tonight was no different in your assignment, but you do spot something a little unusual: Namely, an odd-looking girl slinking about town, looking wary and ready for a fight. You think you saw her once before, in a meeting between the Draconic Order and a few elder representatives of the Moonwalkers. You land on a nearby rooftop, trying to get a better look. You see her falter for a second, and you suspect she spotted you.
Cirith felt it. She wasn't entirely sure what it was. But she felt it. Someone watching her? She glanced around quickly, trying to get a view of her surroundings, without being too obvious. The hair on the back of her neck raised. Yes. She was certain now. Someone was watching her. She grasped the dagger she carried her human form tightly beneath her cloak, though she knew not why. If someone was watching her, and they were stealthy enough to avoid her keen eyesight, the dagger would be of little use. She frowned upon shifting in the open like this, as the Silver Blade was becoming more desperate to expose her kind, as of late. But, it wouldn't much matter, if she ripped his throat out, now would it?

She had allowed herself to become lost in thought, and cursed silently to herself. She shouldn't be so careless on a patrol night. That being the case, she did her best to carry on, seemingly unaware of whoever, or whatever, was watching her.

The wolf within her struggled to free itself. Being one of the eldest of the clan, she'd learned to control her instincts, sure. Probably better than all but the most elite of the Moonwalkers. But she knew not a single one of her kind who didn't have the urge. The wolf blood in her trembled violently, thirsting for blood. She silently cursed it, and continued walking, ready to shift at the first sign of danger. She'd allowed herself to be caught under watch, but she refused to be caught offguard, if ambushed.
Tyler watched the girl for a little longer. She seemed edgy, like she wanted to stab something. It seemed like something a Silver Blade would do. She did seem familiar, however. He needed a better look, but she was being uncooperative. She was walking away, but still seemed to be on her toes.

Tyler stood up a little straighter and ran to the next roof. He landed almost perfectly silent and crept to the edge to look out. The girl had stopped and was looking at where I had just jumped. He unknowingly held my breath until she started moving again. He reached out and grabbed the edge of the building. He accidentally nudged a brick just enough to make it tumble to the ground. He silently cursed himself for being so wreck less.
Cirith jumped as she heard a brick crash to the ground. She whirled around, ready to shift at a moment's notice. There was no longer any question of whether or not she was being watched. Only who was watching her, and why. She was ready to bet her life it was a Silver Blade. Who else would have reason to be sneaking around, observing a seemingly normal girl? She saw the outline of what appeared to be a man on the rooftop to her right, and broke out into a run, heading toward the forest. No matter the circumstances, she would avoid shifting until she reached the safety of the trees, if at all possible. There, was home. There, she could fight. The obstacles of the forest that she was so accustomed to would serve her well, if whoever was watching her decided to pursue her.
'I have to give her credit on her brains. She wasn't stupid enough to fight me alone. However, I'm not about to let the silver blade get back up' he thought. Tyler unfolded his wings and took to the sky. He quickly gained on her. They were a few blocks from the forest, and he would lose her there for sure. Tyler passed her and landed in a side ally. He quickly fooled his wings and threw on a hoodie just in case there was a camera. He then darted out to see her. However, he was a little late and crashed into her instead. They both fell down from the impact, but he quickly jumped back up again ready to fight.
Something slammed into Cirith, from the side. Hard. In her full-on sprint, she had been unable to prepare for the impact. The impact knocked her several feet, her arm twisting under her as she landed, bringing tears of pain to her eyes. Curse this weak form! The temptation to shift caught her again, but she was still quite a ways from the forest. If she shifted, she knew she could outrun this Silver Blade, fast though he was. Very few creatures could keep up with a sprinting Lycanthrope supernatural, or not. However, the man had somehow ended up between her, and her destination.

Drawing her dagger from its sheath, she began moving around the man, hoping to stall long enough to get around him, to break for the forest once more. "Who are you, and why are you following me?" She asked the question, not caring about the answer. She already knew. He was a Silver Blade, hoping to catch her, as to reveal her kind to the non-believers in the world.

Once again, the wolf inside of her pushed for release. This always happened as the full moon was approaching. Her instincts developed further to match the wolf's, in every way. In just eight nights, she would no longer have the option to remain in her human form during the night.
Tyler snorted. "Who am I? I think you already know the answer to that. You will not reach your partners soon enough. The Silver Blade will not touch my skin, however I can not guarantee my blade won't break yours!"

With that he charged at her with a knife in each hand. That face though. Why does it seem so familiar? Dragons have excellent memories, but not perfect. The human side also messes with his memory. He racked his brain as best he could, but that was hard in the middle of hand to hand combat.
What? "Silver Blade?" Cirith sidestepped the one dagger, and deflected the other. If there's one thing she'd learned in all of hear years, about combat, it was the fact that it was all about balance. Particularly in her human form. She rolled around the man, and turned to face him. "What do you know of the Silver Blade? I have no allegiance to them!" Preparing for the man's next attack, she readied her blade. Once again, her Lycan side clawed at her form the inside. She hadn't changed for days. She hadn't truly eaten for days, and she longed for the taste of human blood again. Depending on how this fight worked out, she may be able to sate herself tonight. She grinned with the anticipation of a real meal. The man was a formidable foe, surely. If she could just get to the forest, though, she knew he would be no match for her. Even the most seasoned warriors among humankind were no match for a Lycan of her size, and ferocity.

Her plan had worked. Cirith had been certain the man would make the first move, and he had. The move he'd made, had left her free to roll to the side, conveniently placing her back to the forest. With no warning, she turned, and sprinted toward the forest once more.
Tyler pawsed a moment. 'Not a Silver Blade? She had to be!' He started to chase after her, but was a lot slower on his feet. She was getting away! How? Humans are slow creatures. That's when it hit him. She wasn't a Silver Blade after all! She was an elder of the Moonwalkers. "Wait!" he called out.
Wait? Did the man take her for a simpleton? Cirith resumed her sprint, finally reaching the forest. Dodging through a cluster of trees, and blocking the line of sight between the man and herself, she finally allowed the Lycan inside of her to consume her.

The transformation always hurt. Of course it did. Have you ever tried growing fangs, claws, and tripling your body size in just a few moments? It's tough work.

Cirith was free. At long last, she was able to shed her pathetic human form, and free the glorious beast she truly was. Cirith couldn't help but admire herself, as she waited for the man to reach the clearing. Her elegant purple mane was perfectly kept, she'd just brushed herself out, only earlier that day. She sighed, as she realized the feast she was about to indulge in would likely require another cleaning, later that evening, and awaited the man's arrival.
He continued to run after her even through the trees. He knew just a simple 'wait' wasn't going to do much. He meant to add her name to the end, but couldn't remember it. He cursed his human memory. A short ways into the forest he pulled off his hoodie and stretched his wings as much as the trees would allow. He hoped this would keep him alive. Finally, he reached a clearing and saw her waiting there. He hesitantly said "Creth?" He seriously he got the name right, or at least close enough.
The man stepped into the clearing. Cirith howled with excitement as the man stepp-- Wait. What? Wings? The man (dragon?) said something that sounded oddly similarly close to her name. Far too close to be a coincidence. Cirith stopped, and evaluated the man. Who is he? How does he know my name? Why was he following me? Cirith paused. She definitely had the advantage now, and was much more at ease. She would hear the man out, at least. Then, she would fill her belly. She stood on her two hind legs, bordering on eight feet tall. "Speak, creature. What is your purpose here? Why do you stalk me this night, and how do you know of my name?"
"Well, my purpose in the forest is to keep you from raising a false alarm. I was following you because it was my night to go out and search. I'm looking for more of the Draconic Order and look for suspicious activity by the Silver Blade. It seemed odd that a person was wandering around alone tonight before a storm. I know your name because some elders from the Moonwalkers held a council meeting with some of the Draconic Order. You were there and so was I. Does this satisfy you? Also, fair warning. Eating me will not stand good with the Draconic Order, who is already low in numbers."
Considering the man's words, Cirith dropped back down onto all four legs, as she was most comfortable. "So, one of the Draconic Order, hmm?" She laughed, coming out more as a deep growl in her wolf form. "Good thing those knives didn't find their way between my ribs, then, hmm? That wouldn't have gone over very well. Your paranoia is justified. I excuse the mistakes made on your behalf tonight, and beg you do the same of me." Though the ways of her people didn't require, or even allow an Elder to partake in such formalities with an outsider of an unknown rank, she felt the gesture appropriate. "Beg your pardon, for not recognizing you. Are you among the elders of the Order? Or were you just in attendance?"

Cirith had decided she would not, in fact, eat the man. For some reason she couldn't place her finger on, she thought he seemed pretty alright. A disappointing thought, definitely, as she would be sticking to previously dried deer meat for the night. Likely until the full moon, eight nights from now.
In the distance, Cirith hears two men talking, thanks to her heightened senses. It's vague, but you can make out a bit of the conversation. They seem to be headed towards your general direction.

"I swear, James, I saw one of those weird dragon-things run through here. Jackson is gonna freak out when he sees this catch."

Tyler, lacking the honed senses that Werewolves have, hears none of this.
"Um, thanks" Tyler said. "No hard feelings. Anyway, I need to finish my patrol before the sun rises. Nice officially meeting you." He then turned around and started jogging back to the city while putting his hoodie on again.
Thella and Liesel were out on a walk, as had become something of a habit. The Infused became aware of Thella after an Air Elemental witnessed her uncanny ability for swimming while on patrol. Once it had been determined that she wasn't actually an Elemental, the faction at large became disinterested in her and severed contact. However, Liesel had become quick friends with her, and as such, they made efforts to stay in touch. The hour was late, normally a risky time for any supernatural creature, but as a Siren and Elemental, neither Thella nor Liesel had much to fear from the Silver Blade at this point, since both appeared to simply be humans.
There we go, Cirith thought to herself. That's what she'd been looking for. The Silver Blade still had patrols coming out through these areas. She quickly rushed back to her pack, to inform them of what she'd found.
Tyler hadn't been jogging for more than a minute when he heard a twig snap. He quickly hid behind a tree and listened. "Shh" someone quickly said. "Sorry" replied the other. Both of them were male. "Are you sure you saw wings? It might just be your imagination after all" the second continued. "I'm sure. I was wearing a hoodie chasing something."

'This isn't good' he thought to himself. 'Im cornered'. He did his best to go from tree to tree staying out of sight. Eventually he found himself on the other side of them. He considered taking them out, but even with the added dragon strength he might not win if they had weapons. He saw the first rays of sunlight creeping over the horizon. He needed to go now. He started an all out sprint for the streets. Behind hi. He heard "Over there!" That means they saw him or are just crazy. He didn't turn around to find out.

Once back in the city he used a fire escape to climb to a roof and ran from roof to roof.
Liesel watched as the first few rays of sunlight began to poke out of the horizon and smiled. Another sunset with my friend, she gushed to herself. She didn't have that many friends, being uncomfortable with strangers as she was. She even had her gaurd up now in case anyone were to appear.
Thella had a small hop in her step as she walked. Although, she had lost the protection that the elementalists had given her for a while, she felt safe, being out in the open among the mortals. She looked at her friend carefully. She was the first person she had trusted in years, ever since she left her family behind. The thought of not being alone made her give a simple, happy smile that made her natural allure stronger in some ways. She didn't need the attention, she hated it sometimes, but she was used to her appearance and voice beckoning any listener to pay close attention. She moved gracefully, her sea blue eyes reflecting like waves as they hit the morning sun light that started to shine through the trees. She wasn’t safe, but she was. She could protect herself, even if she knew that it was all a lie. If she was found, than her whole life would fall apart. They might tear out her vocal cords and make her not be able to ever sing again. The thought made her tense, but she tried to ignore the threats that got closer each day. She tried to ignore the feeling that she was always being watched.

Her pleasant smile shifted into something less pleasant and more uncomfortable. She masked her fear well in the way she moved and walked, but if you looked closely you could see the true fear in her watery glass like eyes. Her hair curved down her back in lush locks of golden blonde and had been brushed out, but still arranged it’s self in an untamed fashion. She looked as if she had just woken up looking alluring and beautiful, which was most likely true. She still looked somewhat like a child when she walked, even if she had the figure and appearance of an adult. It was one of the things that made her enchanting to watch.

“Will the other elementalists be looking for you?” Thella questioned in a low, hushed voice to grantee that they wasn’t any eavesdroppers. Her voice came out clear; gentle and made humans want to hear more. This girl wasn’t human, Thella hoped that then the affects of her voice would only be minimal. She liked Liesil too much to hurt her by accident or make her think thoughts that weren’t hers. She kept trying to make her voice less captivating, but it never seemed to work. The only reason she hadn’t taken out her vocal cords herself was that she needed her song to survive. She would kill herself if she could never sing again. Her song was the only thing she had left that would always stay with her.
Liesel tried to keep her smile down. She considered the question carefully. Yes, they would look for her, but probably not for a while. She still wanted to spend time with Thella, she didn't want to go home to quickly. She saw the way Thella's small smile had dropped and how the hop to her step quelled. Was she caught in her thoughts again?

"They will be, but not soon, I don't think." She said just as quietly, if not softer.
Thella smiled returned to her as Liesel spoke. She laughed a little to herself, a hint of a chuckle soothed from her lips, quiet in the light of the breaking dawn. She wanted to enjoy her time while she was living. Her thoughts couldn’t distil the peacefulness of the hints of morning started to fill her surroundings. If she could live every moment with the same peacefulness than she would never have any problems, but that was an unlikely goal. She looked around for a moment, trying to decide where they were. Her peacefulness was broken with her thoughts again, but her gentle smile stayed in its place.

“Than, where would you like to go?” Thella brushed ahead of Liesel in smooth rhythmic motions. Whenever she walked, it seemed like she was gliding along to the tune of a song. Her movements graceful and imprecise, yet they had a flow to them that was continuous and smooth, always moving with a constant energy even when she was still. She ended up a few hops away from Liesel and slowed down to let her catch up. She had forgotten for a moment that she was still here, in this city, with Liesel beside her. In her mind she had been dancing on an island far away with her old love that had somehow came back to life again. She was singing her song as loud and strong as she could, with Liesel and her sisters singing along, but it was all lies. She lied to herself in her mind when her thoughts from getting too clouded, it only made it worse, but it was a habit she couldn’t break. She had too many habits seemed to hurt her in the end.

She was lost in her thoughts again. She shook her head and looked at Liesel again. The girl had her own kind of beauty that was captivating. She seemed almost human, but in so many ways that was a lie. Like her own twisted lies that she made in her mind, this was just another one of them. The girl seemed to kind to be true. Thella had never had a friend before. She didn’t quite understand the word that she heard over and over once she got to shore. It didn’t make sense to her, until now. Now it seemed an important word, but she couldn’t tell why.

“Maybe a lake?” Thella seemed distracted, but her voice was connected and focused on the words. She spoke with the same softness, but it seemed more natural. She wasn’t focused on making her words uncaptivating, she simply hoped that nothing bad would come from her speaking. As long as she didn’t sing than her voice should have too much of an affect on others, she hoped.
Liesel smiled brightly again. "Sure!" She winced at the loudness of her voice and looked around to see if anyone had heard. She hadn't meant to be so loud, she just loved the water. She was also happy that Thella brightened up and was back to speaking regularly. Though Liesel didn't admit it, she loved hearing Thella's 'pure' voice, when she didn't try to hide it. She understood the dangers of it, but it was nice to listen to everynow and then.

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