Story Beginnings of Books I Never Wrote

Strawberry Creme

The Gay Cousin™
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Mostly because I like what I've written, but they lead to ideas I didn't want to pursue at the time. These are stashed in various placed around my computer, phone, tablet, and laptop, and with eventually lead into a read book once I finish the ones I'm working on getting published. Most are just spitballed, unedited, non-proof read ideas I barfed up at 2:39am after the Monster I knew I shouldn't have drunk at 6:30pm that evening.

So, here we go. I'll add beginnings as they dig themselves up.


P.S.: I have been asked before if someone else could use my beginnings.

...No. The answer will always be no. My editor has read them all so don't be pulling some funny business y'all 👀

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