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Beginning anew, alone?


Making it through a crazy world one line at a time
It had been months, perhaps even a year, since she had last seen someone walk through this ghost town. Other than herself, humans seemed to avoid it. Yet, it was where she had found comfort after the wars. When did those end? She shook her head, trying to stop from remembering everything that had happened, trying to forget what led her to being alone, without family or friends. The bark in the distance reminded her that she wasn't truly alone, after all, there were the wild animals that seemed to hang around.

Scrawny fingers ran slowly through the sun kissed, chestnut brown hair that cascaded about her blue eyes and now tanned skin. During the spring and summer months Ariana spent most of the time in the gardens that she had reconstructed after the war and on her traps. Ammunition was scarce, scarcer than the food. It wasn't something she was willing to waste on hunting, not when there were other means. The animals had become smarter, that much was true, but Ariana just adjusted with them. After all, the eighteen year old had been on her own since the end of the wars, since the destruction of her home and murder of her family.

How she had found the town was as good of guess as any, but she didn't intend on letting it go. It wasn't much, a few old, run down buildings that she had worked on cleaning up and ensuring they remained standing. Who knew, maybe one day the world would see civilization again. But for now, it was home, and a home she wasn't going to let go without a fight. The guns and ammo she saved were there for a reason, it may have been months since she last saw a human, but that didn't mean they weren't out there. It didn't mean it wasn't possible that they wouldn't show up and try to take her town from her. The wars might be over, but in her mind...in her mind she was still fighting.

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