A young man stands in what appears to be an ancient temple. It just so happen that this day is very important to this young man although to him at this moments he thinks this day is like any other. Today is XXX, XXth 20XX, today is the day the world will end. But that's a spoiler so let discuss the boy who's absentmindedly stares at a giant closed lily statue with a timer counting down it's currently counting down from 14413 and 14412 and 14411 and it kept going down by every second passing so the boy is waiting for the timer to go all the way down in about 4 hours. But he's very bored. 


So bored in fact that he posed in the middle in the room in an not so imaginary introduction. sow we might as well indulge the boy.

What is this boy's name?

==> Enter Name

You the omniscient writer cannot enter the name of this boy since he already has a name. It was already engraved on his HONORARY PLACRONYM on his 13th birthday. It was engraved about two years ago. It is currently lost in his  pile at his house nearby the temple he currently at.


But let's focus back on this young man and give him a proper introduction with his engraved name.


==> Examine Room

Your name is Mika Victor. As was previously mentioned you consider this day like any other with only one exception, the flower timer is finally going to end in just a few short hours and you can finally received whatever's in the lotus, hopefully it's a mothman, you would give him a big ol' smooch if it was him. As one could guess you have a MILD OBSESSION with CRYPTICS as well as FASHION, ART, HISTORY, and MYTH and LEGENDS. So living right next to an ancient temple is a dream come true although you could do without the frog watching over you when ever you go outside. This Temple is strange your caretaker tells you, she says the temple isn't made from any earth rocks or materials she says the only time she found anything close to being related to the Frog Temple was the meteor you arrived in, 15 years ago. Yeah, your mother supposedly told you the truth of your origins even though you wonder if she's just messing with you. But no matter the truth the passage of time is an asshole. You still have 14114 seconds left to kill. God you hate waiting and waiting by products.


So you decided to kill the pain of waiting by going on Pesterchum and pester some Pals, heck one of them has a Memo up already so you might as well drop in and kill time. Hopefully one day literally kill time.


==> Join Memo
==> Wonder who these weird guys are

You wonder for a short time who these two strange people are with their strange colored names and text.

But admittedly you don't have any right to question them mister "crypticKisser" Bah You can kiss as many Cryptics as you wish and no ominous narrator can change that fact.


==> Hold Out Your Left Hand

You don't see the point and doing this, but you decided to amuse the internet person and hold out your left hand waiting.

==> Something is happening!

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