Before the End of Summer Concert

Ella Trinity

Head rested against the desk, a bit of drool leaking from her slightly parted mouth, Ella slowly opened her eyes. She couldn’t say why she woke up. She just did. Rubbing her eyes, Ella stretched, letting out a yawn as she brushed back her pale pink hair. For a moment, Ella glanced confusedly around the empty classroom before realization dawned on her.

Asleep. I feel asleep again. She pouted. No one tried to wake me up either.

But then, if anyone knew Ella’s condition, they also knew it was impossible to wake her up in her ‘death/sleep state’. Perhaps they had tried and she hadn’t been aware. Slowly pushing herself to her feet and moving like, well, like zombie, Ella stared lazily at a flier sitting on her desk.

When did that get there?

Either way, Ella didn’t really care about some silly concert. She had no one to go with anyway. After her meister died, and the rumors about numerous failed partnerships, there weren’t many people willing to approach her as friends. Bitter people who can’t let go.They called her names. The ‘cursed weapon’ they called her—Stray who likes to wander from meister to meister. The slut. No one was good enough for her or so they said. They didn’t understand! It wasn’t that they weren’t good enough. She just couldn’t help it. Every time she worked with a meister, she couldn’t help comparing them to Kira. It was painful. Staying too long with one meister was painful. Her tears blurred her vision, but whether they were tears of anger or sadness it was hard to say.

Shaking her head, Ella snatched the flier from her desk and crumpled it before slipping it into her pocket. No! There was no need to dwell on the words of clingy people. They were wrong about her. Wrong! Perhaps she could convince Jack to join her. Her cousin understood her. She was happy when she heard he was attending DWMA. Delighted! He was a dice-loving wierdo, but he was nice. Later though. First she needed to find a temporary partner and sign up for a mission. Ella didn’t want to be dropped from the EAT class after all. And the only way to do that, after Kira’s death, was prove that she could still take on missions. She had to prove to death that she could still function even without Kira. Humming a little tune to herself, Ella was about to leave the classroom when a loud shout made her curious.

“Great Evening Star, Warren Langston, reporting for duty! Yep! You’re looking at the next Death Scythe right here!”

It came from outside. Stepping towards the open, circular, classroom window, Ella peered down at the field. There seemed to be some sort of exercise going on with a new teacher. But then again, Ella was often absent from school, so she couldn’t exactly be sure if it was a new teacher or an old one. There were simply some she recognized and some she didn’t. Resting her face against her hands, and her elbows against the window sill, Ella scanned the field of tiny-looking people. She caught sight of Jack and a blonde boy clinging to his back.

Training for NOT students?

But if that was the case, why was the Great Evening Star there? She knew about him, of course. It was hard not to. He always tended to shout his name the loudest. His partner was there was well. Are they doing a demonstration? There were also EAT students that didn’t have a partner like her, Prince and Ouroboros, as present as well. Even Dynamite was there. Ella tilted her head. Are they scoping for potential partners from the NOT students? Maybe she should ask one of them to temporarily partner with her for a mission. She’d heard the rumors regarding Prince, and considering the rumors some people spread about her, she wasn’t sure she really believed them. She could even relate somewhat. Is he as malicious to his partners as the rumors claimed? Or is there more?

Then there was Ouroboros who had a hard time matching wavelengths with others, and Dynamite who no one seemed to like for some reason. They all interested her. Not that she planned on being a permanent partner with any of them. Or anyone at all really. But she still held onto a lingering hope that, maybe, just maybe, somewhere out there, her knight in shining armor existed, ready to swoop in and save her from her loneliness. My next one true love. Until then, she would keep herself open. She would keep experimenting. And she would keep the people she liked close.

With that in mind, Ella smirked and waved out the window. “Yoohoo~! Jaaaaaaaack. I see you~!”

She didn’t know if he could see her or hear her from the distance. Or if other people could see or hear her. She didn’t care either way. Cupping her hand around her mouth, she shouted. “Welcome to DWMA!”
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Miyoko and Kassana

Miyoko pays rapt attention through the lecture- mentally taking notes on Fullterons words with a keen attention to detail as she can muster; as she takes in the lecture on soul-resonance and linking to your weapon… and suppresses a grumble. Splendid- the only topic so far she’s found herself bad at- even by her own opinion, despite her usual inability to recognize her own flaws. Soul Resonance… she idly wonders why she’s found it so difficult to mesh with a weapon, in all her time here- she’s skilled in the physical art of wielding them; picking up new styles intuitively when it comes to new ways to fight, but… actually meshing her soul with another..? That’s way, way harder for the arrogant young Meister.

She snaps out of her introspection as she’s pointed towards a partner- saluting and bowing her head towards the instructor. She snaps to attention like a soldier in boot camp, eager to please and prove herself…. before turning to look towards Kassana with a broad, easy going grin, as she reverts to her ‘talking to fellow students’ persona… remarkably less.. angry looking, than when she was lecturing the Shortsword.

She walks towards Kassana and waves, smiling gently as she sheepishly rubs the back of her head with her free hand.

“Yo.. So. Seems we’re partnered for this, huh? Names Miyoko Oromo, or Ouroboros if you prefer. I also answer to ‘Miss Badass’. Sup?” She opens- a lazy grin on her face, and a half-way joking tone to her voice.

Kassana looked up hesitantly at the woman who walked towards her and she almost instinctively took a step back herself in the process although she stopped herself from completely running away. One of Kassana’s arms curled around her, also on instinct. It almost looked as though she was trying to protect herself although from what it remained unclear.

“M-m-miss badass?” Kassana seemed entirely uncomfortable with the existence of that name and she grimaced after the words had left her tongue. “I… I think I’ll s-stick with Miyoko i-if that’s alright. I’m K-kassana…”

Miyoko chuckles softly, and smiles as kindly as she can, reaching out to shake Kassana’s hand in one of her own strong, muscular palms. Her hands are calloused and strong- showing the broken knuckles and other signs of a longtime pugilist, to say the least.

“As you like, Kassana. Heh- don’t worry, it was just a little joke. So uh.. Kassana? Right! Seems we’re partnered to try out Linking, or something like that- right? I’m a One Star EAT Meister, but uh… I’ll warn you now; Soul Resonance is like.. literally the only thing I’m not amazingly super awesome at, so.. this might take a while. You ever given it a try yourself?” She inquires- her tone cheerful and friendly… and insanely over-energetic and cheerful, for someone dressed like a classic punk wearing death-themed jewelry.

Kassana practically flinched at Miyoko’s outstretched hand although she extended her own to take it, looking a bit more than slightly terrified at the prospect of it. Kassana shook Miyoko’s hand and at the same time, Miyoko would hear Kassana’s voice in her head. The moment their hands touched, a small link had already been established. Kassana’s soul knew how. It had learned how. ‘M-my partner sh-showed me how…’

Almost instantly, Kassana pulled her hand back after feeling the link having been established. She wasn’t quite sure how respectful it was to just touch a meister and speak into their mind, but it had been something she had learned how to do and it wasn’t something her mind would easily erase. That was Kassana’s problem. She still needed to learn control over instinct which automatically put into practice what she had learned. She looked up at Miyoko briefly. Kassana was now hugging herself with both arms as she muttered, “M-maybe I should j-just transform now…?”

Miyoko blinks- caught entirely offguard by the sudden formation of a link. She’s aware that kind of thing is possible; but she certainly didn’t at all see it coming. She’s not used to reaching out in such a meaningful, deep way casually- and as those word’s transfer through the brief link, her own mind responds without her really meaning to.

‘Huh wha-’....

And then it’s over- that brief link coming to a halt. Miyoko blinks a bit, slowly pulling back her overly rugged hand, coughing slightly. There’s a moment of awkward silence... and then she smiles broadly, forcing down her own momentary unease to grin wide at the girl before her, and give her a thumbs up.

“Totally! Wow- you’re uh.. pretty natural at that, huh…? Then again- I guess that if you have a proper partner, you get a lot of practice. Uh… I hope whoever your partner is, they don’t mind me working with you for this like this, or.. uh..” She awkwardly trails of- coughs.. then grins wider.

“Anyway! Right. I guess we can talk later- for now, I s’pose it’s only right that you transform so we can get to business!” She says- a fierce gleam in her eyes. She still doesn’t know why she has the problems she does.. but she’s sure that if this is just a short test, she won’t have her usual issues- and she’s as fiercely eager as ever to prove herself to be the best.

Kassana nodded briefly before shaking her head and sighing a bit. “Uhm… don’t laugh, ok? I’m a silly stupid and p-pathetic weapon… and I know it…” Kassana’s arms hugged herself even tighter although her body quickly washed out of it’s usual pale color and started dripping with silver. Silver light poured out of her body and into the air before gradually growing brighter and brighter until it was too blinding to even look at extendedly.

Quickly, the glowing silver light was replaced with a weapon - small but well kept. It was such a simple thing. It was a slingshot.

Miyoko calmly observes- shielding her eyes briefly in response to the blinding light, then lowering her arm to look at the Slingshot as it starts to fall to the ground. She reaches out to catch the slingshot out of the air- hoping to grab her by the handle as she’s falling. Her reflexes are keen and her hand swift as she steps forwards to snatch her.

“Phew… I see. Huh…” She murmurs- as she hopes she’s doing this right- not really pausing to talk more than those few words- as she starts to bring her soul wavelength in check- carefully listening for the weapon’s own to try and link to it- as she reaches out, and hopefully succedes..

And her first words through the mental link that tentatively forms..?

‘..A slingshot, huh? One of the first kinds of weapon anyone invented, y’know. Interesting! Do you like.. manifest soul-energy projectiles to sling, or do you need rocks, or..?’

Whatever Miyako hadn’t already established of the link, Kassana’s soul rushed to fill in, leaving no gaps whatsoever in their connection. As such, Miyoko found herself - well, her soul self - falling into a space of pure and eternal white. There wasn’t a scratch on the walls, a single dot of color or even the smallest speck of dirt. And sitting in the middle was a very thick book. Probably about the length of a human being if they laid alongside it. The book was also entirely locked shut. Manifesting out of the keyhole was Kassana herself although she wasn’t quite… whole? She was transparent - a ghost almost.

‘Yes. Slingshots were some of the f-first w-weapons… that also m-means almost everything else is m-more advanced…” Kassana replied softly, almost sounding afraid to say what she was saying. She still remembered how Miyoko had yelled at Kalin for lacking confidence in his own weapon form.

‘A-and w-with Aeryn there was always a projectile of our c-combined wavelength…”

Miyoko takes all that information in. She looks around what she assumes to be the other girl’s spiritual world- and sighs softly, closing her eyes for a moment as she collects herself. It’s so.. plain. So drab…. so serene. It feels wrong, to someone like her. It lacks.. motion. It lacks.. life, as far as she’s concerned.. but she calms herself for a moment- as she takes in Kassana’s words- and then opens her eyes…

Smirking arrogantly as she makes eye contact with the spectral form of the weapon, she speaks in her usual confident, firm tone.

“That so, huh? Well, I suppose you’re not wrong, on one level- but being more advanced doesn’t necessarily mean better. When used by someone with enough strength, a sling can do as much damage as any modern gun- especially with how awesome and superhuman Meister’s can get, sometimes. I fully expect you to, like, a year from now, be manifesting boulder-sized soul-bullets and just tossing them. And then watching them explode and stuff. Like- you’re a Weapon, at the DWMA. No matter what, you’ll be awesome if you have the will to keep trying.” She says firmly- not quite set into full rage and lecture mode, as the other girls weapons weren't really self deprecating, yet.. although…

“...So, what’s with the stutter, anyway? I’m not scaring you, am I..? I mean, yeesh- I know I can be pretty hard to take in all at once, but I didn’t think I was /scary/..” She muses aloud- that faint smirk still on her face as she tilts her head to the side- still mainly focusing on holding the link, rather than thinking about what she’s saying.

Kassana’s arms - even in her projected and almost ghostly form - still curled around her body almost as though she was trying to protect herself from something or someone although again, what it was remained entirely unclear. There was nothing wrong with what Miyoko had said at first and Kassana was used to people trying to improve her confidence. Aeryn did it all the time and she had never once yelled at him for it or gotten too upset.

However, then Miyoko got dangerously close to prying. “I… I d-don’t know…” Kassana whispered at first. She didn’t know why she stuttered. She didn’t know how to talk to people. All she knew was her books. All she knew was her books… all she knew was her books… “I… no… you’re not scary, but…” Kassana was slowly but surely becoming more and more nervous and then all of a sudden, her astral form was sucked back into the keyhole on the book and it was as though someone flicked the lights off.

The white walls quickly turned black. The book shrunk out of existence taking Kassana along with it and the walls slowly closed in around Miyoko. One single sound remained. The sound of a subtle, and entirely deep laughter. It was not Kassana’s voice. No, this was something much more terrifying that Kassana could ever be.

Miyoko is, at first, patiently listening- attentive and calm. She tucks her hands into her pockets and squints, as the girl continues to speak… as she quietly notes the girls protective posture and self-hugging, and wonders if the girl was abused when she was younger… It’s a brief, idle thought- one she’ll give more thought to in the future, but.. for now, she decides to-

The hell? Her expression shifts- as the girl is sucked away.. but the link isn’t broken, as she first thought that was a sign of. Her initial assumption- that the girl losing form was due to a disruption of the link- is soon proven worryingly false… as the laugh echoes… and Miyoko audibly gulps as she grits her teeth- feeling through the link to the other girl to try and get a feel for what’s wrong- her low quality soul perception strained as she does so…

Even as she curls her hands into fists- closing her eyes to rely on hearing in this pitch blackness; making the mistake of treating this issue like she would one in the physical world.

“T-the hell? Hey! This isn’t funny, y’know! The hell you try’na pull?!”

The link snapped just like that. Kassana, in her panic, transformed back into her human form, stumbling back from Miyoko before falling and landing flat on her butt. “Umph!” was the only sound that came of her mouth as her soul lost all connection with that of Miyoko’s. However, in the single moment before the soul space faded, Miyoko would’ve seen it. The mark of a scorpion…

Miyoko sways back- as the link snaps. She shakes her head, feeling her head pounding briefly as she let’s go of Kassana’s handle- just in time for the girl to transform and fall back. She keeps her footing somewhat better- staggering back but steadying herself. The image flashes in her mind- as she thinks on it for a long moment.

“S-shit.. you okay?” She grunts out, opening her eyes blearily to settle them on Kassana- and idly wondering if she herself is to blame, or if there’s something wrong with the other girl; regardless, her first concern is simply to make sure Kassana’s alright.

Kassana shook her head. She had no idea what had just happened. Nothing like that had never happened before with Aeryn. She wasn’t quite able to put the facts together that she had never actually let Aeryn into the room that they had just been in. She didn’t even know how she had managed to let Miyoko into it.

What’s more, she still did remember all the things Miyoko had asked her about. All the things she hadn’t known. Her own fear at trying to talk to others. The simple fact that she didn’t know how to talk to another person… not without ruining it. “I… I think I’m g-going to g-g-go to the library now…” she muttered before she turned around and started walking back into the DWMA without a single glance at Miyoko ever having happened since the link had been broken.

And Miyoko is left- standing there, staring in confusion. She blinks a few times- caught utterly off guard by the girl’s response. She stares onwards- as the other girl runs off.. and speaks up briefly, as she’s running of- holding out a hand, then pausing… deciding it’s best to let the other girl work her own things out.

“...Wai…… We should talk again sometime!”
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Keziah Swan & Sarah Sparks

Listening intently to her instructor speak, it was quite clear she had the entirely wrong idea about this school and what it was about. At first it seemed just another that had to deal with them being something other than straight human. Even the quick information about the original weapons, and their family. It was all kind of hard to swallow when placed on the table in front of her. That was the reality of it; this was infact a school about them being weapons. This was to be their life form here on out. There was no joke, or punch line, only truth.

Bringing her hand up to her chest again, it felt like she couldn’t breath for a moment. A few moments went by as she let it all absorb and finally she turned to the two girls. Dakota or Keziah. From the few times they had messed around, Sarah knew that Lauren had always changed her wavelength to her own. At the time, they had no idea what it was, but thinking about now, it all made sense. Looking at the taller girl, Keziah, she decided to go with her since she was suppose to be this awesomely talented Meister. She stepped forward to her.

K-k-kezi.. ah?” She stumbled, averting her eyes quickly in shame.

Keziah sighed internally as she saw the girl step up to her. One thing was immediately obvious. It was another newbie. “
Yes, that’s my name,” Keziah replied, entirely stoic about the situation although the words themselves seemed annoyed. Without another word, Keziah held out her hand to the girl. “We can start with a simple transformation so you can get a feel for it and go from there.

That was at least the one task that Sarah could accomplish with ease. Taking Keziah’s hand, the feeling seemed kind. Feeling extremely nervous about this all she took in a deep breath, trying to calm her mind. Turning her eyes back to her temporary Meister, she transformed. A second later Sarah was a thin, sharp, single edged blade in the hands of a skillful master.

Keziah ran a hand down the side of the blade in pure admiration for the weapon she was holding. She couldn’t remember the last time she had actually held such a simple blade but it was one of the few weapons she actually found to be entirely useful, entirely dangerous and entirely fitting to her own persona. For a moment, Keziah actually forgot about the lesson at hand although she quickly realized the oddity of the silence within her own mind and remembered that she would have to do most of the work with this one… at least, this time.

Keziah’s soul quickly perceived Sarah’s and moved to match the sound of its wavelength, bringing her own soul to something so similar the two were nearly indistinguishable. To match it exactly would bring on resonance itself, and Keziah didn’t want to start scaring anyone although she was certain resonating with such a blade would be powerful beyond belief.
‘Can you hear me?’ Keziah inquired into the mindscape that had formed through the link of souls.

This was such a strange feeling. Before when her and Lauren had been together, it was always just kind of like static. Yet this time it was different. The texture of sand at her feet, water across her ankles, and a slight nip of misty breeze against her cheeks. Opening her eyes, it was just like before! It was their grandparents home on the beach! Standing up, she spun around to check it in every direction. Following the dune line, the landscape immediately turned to tall redwood trees. And through all the sights and sounds, Sarah noticed there was a strange sound started, out of place for the beach could be heard. It was clearly originating from the house.

Sarah quickly made her way up to and through the door. It shut behind her as she went through and the main living room was silent. Not even the sounds of outside could be heard. But they could be seen through the floor to ceiling windows. A couch adorned the center of the room with recliners on either side and a large entertainment system against the wall. While nothing was on the TV, there was a soft song coming through the speakers. almost like a child’s tune, with added notes here and there that made it feel off. A chill struck her for a moment but her attention was drawn back as she heard a voice; Keziah’s Voice, asking if she could be heard.

Getting overly excited for some reason, she brought both her hands up to her chest and clasp them. Bending over slightly, Sarah started jabbering, going on and on she just went off, “
Oh my god! This is so amazing! What did you do?! Is it always like this?! Please teach me this! I don’t think I ever want to leave!

Keziah’s body faded in on the screen although it phased in and out like static for a moment as she grimaced at the sound of Sarah’s words. “
No… no need to be so jittery!” Keziah very nearly snapped out the words although she managed to hold back her anger. Keziah’s self control was phenomenal.

The image of Keziah, now clear, slowly stepped out of the screen, but it did not quite take solid form. It was merely a projection as Keziah was not about to send her soul entirely into that of another and she had the control not to. “
And yes, it is usually like this although you’re soul is…” Keziah looked around briefly, “very different from what I’m used to.” She rolled her eyes a bit. She was used to Warren’s soul space and that was definitely not something she ever wanted to revisit.

Now, you know what the link is like. Can you try to match mine? I’m going to let my wavelength fade and you’re going to have to recreate it… follow me and try to match it. If you start to slip, we’ll end up back here.

As her form started to fade, Sarah panicked slightly. What was she suppose to do at this point? She closed her eyes and tried to think, humming at first, but she couldn’t match the tune of a song she had never hear. Plus there was off tones. Then she quickly tried just thinking about the girl herself, but again it was nothing. Kezziah seemed to of completely faded and Sarah just walked over to the TV and hit it, hoping it would somehow fix it. But that was also a flop. With an exasperated sigh, Sarah grabbed the controller of the entertaining center and sat down on the couch behind her.

Taking a moment she looked at the controller. It was strange, unlike a normal one, it only had 4 buttons, up, down, left, and right. Raising an eyebrow, she pushed a button and suddenly the TV turned on. Shifting her gaze, she was a little disappointed to see it was only static, but the tune from before played very faintly. Jumping up she hit it a few more times. At first it got louder, but then it cut out and only every 10th tone or so could be heard. “
Buuttt?” She mumbled, trying to think harder for it to work. Randomly pushing a few more buttons, it completely fuzzed out.

Sitting back down she closed her eyes in frustration. Sarah thought about their house, and her sister, and how mad she was right now that she was being so useless. All she wanted to do was impress Keziah. She already helped her so much. She pushed a button, and without paying attention the tune came back and even stronger. Her eyes opened and she stared at the screen. A soft silhouette appeared. This time though she stared at it intently. Closing her eyes again she just listened to the tone. Pushing one button after another, carefully listening to the tone. Left, no right. Up. Up. Down. With each press the tune would get stronger and stronger. Right. Left. Right. Right, no Left. Finally the tune played in full, the volume rose and Sarah smiled.

While Sarah’s eyes remained close, the entire environment surrounding her shifted. Suddenly they weren’t in a house with a theater anymore. Suddenly everything grew and shrunk. Colors shifted and changed completely. The walls were gray now. Dark gray and cold as stone. The floor beneath their feet was the same and as Sarah opened her eyes, she felt a chill. She could hear the whistle of air through the shabby ventilation system and she could see Keziah standing in front of her just as she had appeared on the TV screen before she faded out. On their right was a glass pane that peered into another room - a room with a table and two chairs on each side. The room was entirely empty otherwise. The pane they were looking through was a one way window.

You aren’t supposed to be here…” Keziah muttered swiftly.

Sarah’s smile quickly faded taking in the drab colors and the morbid structure of the room she was in as well as the one behind the glass. Going up to the window, she placed her hand gently on the glass. It was as cold as the air around her.

What is this place?” she asked Keziah, deflecting the girls own question.

A single sound could be heard in the complete and utter silence of the room. It was a crackling sound - very very quiet though. Looking down, Keziah saw it. There was a scorpion crawling across the floor and Keziah smirked slightly. “
This place… this is his house.” Before anything more could be said or done, Keziah abruptly altered her own soul wavelength, changing it to anything and everything that she knew Sarah would not be able to match. It wasn’t enough to hurt either of them, but it was definitely enough to send the two of them spiraling back into the real world. Moments of blackness filled their eyes before they blinked into daylight though and as those moments passed, Sarah heard Keziah in her head. ‘Don’t ask about it. Don’t mention it. Don’t even speak of it.’ There was a hidden threat in the words, entirely obvious but very much unsaid.

Standing on the porch overlooking the beach, Keziah’s words rang loud in her mind. As much as it was a threat, she almost felt like she understood certain feelings even without having knowledge of her situation. The hurt of something not physical and if not for Sarah’s own sister, that unending solitude of a house. Maybe they were the same; maybe they weren’t. But if there was something she did know, it was that you never betray those at your side. It was only the first day. Maybe this was the start of something good, or maybe it was something dangerous.

Closing her eyes, she transformed back into a body, standing next to Keziah. Looking down at their hands, still clasped, Sarah just stared before letting go. glancing back up, she broke the 3rd rule Keziah had said.

Maybe someday, you’ll have someone you trust enough.” As she smiled, knowing that the girl would likely do something violent.

Instead of the expected violence, though, Sarah was simply given a look of complete and utter disgust. It was the only emotion she had managed to see cross Keziah’s face at any given point in time throughout their whole exercise. She didn’t say anything more to the girl who she had admired as a weapon when first encountering her. Instead, Keziah simply turned and watched the others. Her soul perceptive eyes took in much more than anyone else probably saw.

Taking a step back, it was apparent her words meant little. Yet Sarah did not let this bother her. Looking at some of the others, it seemed as though little time had passed while they were inside each other’s mindspace. Even as bizarre as Keziah’s was, somehow she had not been afraid. But that time had gone and now, she was more worried about what experience her sister might have had. Dakota was a very sweet girl. Enough so Sarah already had strong feelings for her. So surely their experience shouldn't of been bad.

Moving herself away from the crowd of students, Sarah got back over where they had been sitting before; the other side of the field, in which they were out of the way. Sitting down on her rump, legs up and arms around her legs, she rested her chin on her knees. Even though she was focusing on the others, she couldn’t help but think about Keziah. Was this girl someone she should try to be a friend to, or someone to avoid. Sarah let out a soft, elongated sigh.


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<In the Halls passing the Classroom>

Aiko let out a light sigh as she ventured back down the halls. A look of displeasure was on her face having had her little 'fun' foiled with a lack of people around who she could 'model' herself in front of. It was half the fun to really get people to see her flaunting her awesomeness off. It still left her baffled where everyone had gone. She walked at a slower pace sulking a bit from her seeming defeat having the suffering of class seem to not pay off.

"I'll just catch em all around later! Gotta be around somewhere and they gotta take pictures at some future time!" She nodded lightly to herself as if attempting to perk herself up in reassurance.

She heard a voice as she ventured down the hall. She blinked noticing it coming from the classroom. She slowly backed up. She leaned back, glancing over as in her rather awkward position glancing through the door. Her eyes caught sight of the girl looking at her curiously.

She looks... familiar... something... um... meh, it is someone else either way whatever her name was! Aiko straightened back up, walking backwards. She slowly began moving into the classroom, walking behind her. She was light on her feet, less so trying to be sneaky as much as sheer habit. A wide grin was on her face as she had a great idea. She snuck up behind her slowly stopping. She held her fingers out in front of her, her index and middle finger poking out with pinky and ring fingers wrapped together.

"Ultimate Ambush Technique, Lethal Poke of Ow!" She called out overly dramatically as she struck forward with her fingers, poking just at her tailbone. Aiko wasn't usually one to do such childish things, but when she was feeling more down it often helped to awaken her more immature side.

Jack and Kalin

"If you have soul perception, it might be easier to see what’s going on, but I’ll try to talk you through it otherwise.”

Jack sighed mournfully when he heard this. However, realizing that his soul perception ability would be necessary for this particular excercise, Jack slowly peeled off his glasses. Instantly he could feel them all around him. Souls. So many of them. Different wavelengths, personalities, it all gave him a headache. Jack took a deep breath and forced himself to relax. To focus on the EAT student who had shown up to demonstrate this "soul linking" that the Seargent had been talking about. It was hard because he'd grown used to blocking out his soul sensing abilities with the glasses his father gave him. He'd grown dependent on using them to block out all the noise.

Kalin winced at the mention of linking souls. He had known it was coming, but he was still extremely nervous about it. Jack had been... surprisingly lenient with his quirks... but what would happen when his potential partner had unfettered access beneath the skin. What ugly secrets, or revolting discoveries would he make, to make this fairy tale end? He shifted from foot to foot, even to his own monumental disgust, contemplating throwing the assignment on purpose, as he watched carefully trying to perceive what he could not.

However, while Kalin couldn't see souls, Jack, being a meister with above average soul perception could. Jack had never seen anything like it. He watched as the two separate souls of Keziah and Aoi were pulled together and began to merge, blending until they practically became one. Well, it's mostly Keziah doing all the work. Her soul was the one that reached out and adjusted to match Aoi's soul. Is this the skill of an EAT student? Am I expected to do the same?

"Just because I can see it doesn't mean I can do it," Jack muttered to himself. He had never tried adjusting his soul like that before. He didn't know how. No. I can do it. I can do it if Kalin is my partner. They were compatible after all. And his dice was always right. Jack listened to the rest of the Sergeant's instructions, feeling very pleased when Fuller assigned him and Kalin as partners.

Even the teacher sees it.

Kalin allowed himself a nervous grin. Even Fuller validated his moment of stupid courage. Maybe...just maybe, this 'fairy tale' wasn't quite over yet. He looked up nervously at his partner, speaking with more confidence than he felt. "Just tell me what to do..if you know what to do...No. Tell me what you need me to do. I'll make it work."

Jack nodded, a grin forming on his face as well. "Of course you will. And so will I." Pulling Kalin with him, to an area in the field where they had a bit more space, Jack turned his gaze towards Kalin. "First thing you need to do is turn into a weapon."

"Got it." Kalin closes his eyes, taking Jack's hand with only the slightest bit of shyness, once again enveloping himself in golden light, his form appearing to both stretch and compact, until the blade Jack was familiar with sat comfortably in his hand. Jack had made Kalin feel ...good about this form, even if he was a shortsword. He gave his meister a shy grin in the reflection of his blade. Even if this didn't work out... he'd cherish this.

"Alright, now we need to make our souls touch like Keziah did," Jack said aloud as he closed his eyes, doing his best to focus on Kalin's soul. He had to drown out all the other souls around him. It was hard, there were so many of them, but he could do it. He would do it. Soon, Jack could feel the wavelength echoing from Kalin's soul. It was warm. Soothing. Jack to a moment to bask in the light before followed the wavelength to it's source.

However, what Jack found wasn't what he expected at all. The soul, it's shape Different than any other soul he'd seen--as if someone had attacked it with an ice pick. There cracks and holes where there shouldn't have been. Underneath, though, was a layer of gold where the light shone from. Reaching forward cautiously, Jack touched the soul and suddenly found himself drawn in.

Enter Kalin's mindscape

Jack would find himself in a dry, decaying courtyard, with an empty fountain, infront of a prestine keep, straight out of an Arthurian fairytale, complete with spires and towers reaching far into the heavens. The rest of the castle, however, is damaged or burning. His clothes replaced with a shining suit of armor, that seemed to weigh nothing.

Kalin, on the other hand, simply wore a sparkling chain mail shirt over clothes of simple finery, and a laurel perched in his hair. He twirled around nervously, taking in the sights. "W-Where is this? I-It's a little bit pretty...but...."

Kalin strolls curiously over to the castle doors, pushing them open. It only takes a few moments to piece it together. The Keep opens into a grand hall, with tapestries depicting in vivid color any major life events that could possibly be construed as happy. There's not very many. There's also a round table, with a hilt like his own sticking out of the center. And at the very end of the hall there's a large, black metal door, chained shut, with a keyhole that looks it was designed to be opened...with a sword? "Are we in my mind...or soul?" He asks nervously looking about, as if he expects something to leap out.

"I...don't know. I think so..."
Jack replied, looking around in awe. He walked along the hall, examining the tapestries. One had an image of a meister and weapon slaying some sort of monster. Another depicted Kalin being cradled by a woman with a blue hankerchief...who appeared to be bleeding badly. Jack took a moment to study the woman's features, stretching his armored hand to touch the tapestry briefly.

"Mrs. Joanne.." Kalin stated softly, as if that explained everything. He brushes his hand on the round table. "Sorry this place is a mess. If I had known how to get here...It wouldn't look like this. I-I'm really embarrassed." As if he knew anything about fixing castles and fantastical kingdoms within one's soul.

"Don't worry about it."
Jack said dismissively. He made his way to the end of Hall and stared curiously at the locked black door.

Kalin cautiously approaches the black door as well, before stopping, and going pale even in this form. "O-Oh." His fists clench, and tremble. "I-Its...locked for a reason." He knows what lies behind those doors. The things he himself had locked away in the first place. The things that had the power to control him, destroy him. When faced with a representation, he felt a primal sort of fear. His panicked gaze turned to Jack. "D-D-Don't go in there." His mind swarmed with a thousand negative thoughts, his soul wavelength changing in the slightest. He won't like me if he knows what's behind those doors. He'll abandon you. He'll understand just how worthless you truly are. He's incapacitated by them, and the connection starts to deteriorate

Jack gave Kalin an odd look. He could hear the negative thoughts as if Kalin had spoken them aloud. But before he could say anything, he could already feel himself being pulled away from Kalin and the castle as the link snapped, Kalin's soul recoiling from his own.

Exit the Kalin's mindscape

Blinking, Jack found himself back at the field where he could see other students were still practicing with their assigned partners.

"Well..that was...interesting..."
Jack looked down at the short sword in his hand. "Was that soul linking? Do you think we completed the lesson?"

Kalin is silent for a moment. "...maybe." The gravity of his precieved transgression was crushing him. His reflection avoided Jack's gaze. He couldn't trust someone, who had been nothing but kind and honest to him. What kind of person did that make me?

Jack frowned when he saw Kalin's reflection on he blade avert his eyes. He didn't blame Kalin for having secrets. For having things that he wasn't willing to share. Everyone did. No one liked their privacy invaded...especially the contents of their souls. Jack had learned that long ago...which was why he wore his glasses. To resist the temptation. Jack could try and pacify Kalin. Assure the boy that he wouldn't abandon his partner no matter what he saw...but, from what he saw so far, he doubted Kalin would believe him.

"Let's try again,"
Jack said encouragingly. "This time I won't touch the door. I won't even go near it."

"No. You can touch it. You can do whatever you want. We're going to do it again." He sounds oddly upset. Worked up. "I...I mean...we are going to be partners...right?"

Jack nodded, not a single doubt in his mind. "Of course. Our numbers matched, after all." Grinning widely, Jack closed his eyes to begin the process of soul linking once again.

Re-enter Kalin's mindscape

I have to do it. I have to let somebody in. They stood once more in the courtyard. Kalin shifted from foot to foot. "I need to trust somebody." He repeats aloud. It's not like he could hide it. He'd know the moment he rolled up his sleeves, or took off his shirt.

Jack stood beside Kalin, once again dressed in armor. Once again he could hear Kalin's thoughts. He found it odd that Kalin was so adament about revealing the secrets of his soul to a stranger, especially when they'd only just met. Even if they were partners there wasn't a need to know everything. Jack certainly didn't know everything about Ella, even though he'd wielded her. But, perhaps Kalin needed this. "Alright, let's do this."

Once more Jack and Kalin stood in front of the locked black door. "Do you know how open it?"

Kalin looked over towards the sword in the table. "That seems like it'd work."

"I'm not going to open the door," Jack said smiling at Kalin. "You are. Whenever you're ready to show me what's behind it."

Kalin frowns. "M-Maybe this isn't the way. Maybe this is a bit drastic. I..." He paused to think for a moment. "...M-Maybe we can talk somewhere quiet...outside my soul. W-Where I can.." He swallowed. "Show you." His arms crossed as he hugged himself a little, but he seemed to be alright. "I...don't think I'm ready to rip off the bandaid by myself. Not with all that stuff behind the door."

Jack nodded in acceptance. Reaching into his armor, Jack was pleased to see that he still had his dice with him...even in Kalin's soul. Flicking it so it spun rapidly in the air, Jack caught it the in his armored hand and and peered at the number, which he didn't show to Kalin. Then Jack looked back at the boy who was hugging himself. Whatever was behind the door, it seemed to fighten Kalin. Was it the reason Kalin's soul was so punctured? Did he really want to know? At the expense of losing a possible friend/compatible partner? He didn't want to drive poeple away with his ability...his he did with so many others. Especially someone who seems to accept my dice.

Jack grinned playfully. "Or we can stay in here and chat about random stuff until Professor Fuller ends the lesson." Jack suggested. "There'll be plenty of time to learn each other's dark secrets later. No need to rush. Just tell me when you're ready to roll the dice. "

"...Yeah. We'll...make that gamble later." Kalin played with his hair, giving it a nervous twirl. People who knew what was behind the door either despised him, or no longer breathe air. There was no in-between. He wasn't quite ready to bring his terrible luck down upon his partner.

Nodding once again, Jack lead Kalin to the round table where they would spend the rest of the lesson either chatting, rolling Jack's dice, or whatever there was to do in Kalin's mindscape without digging to deep. The first thing he had to do was make sure Kalin was comfortable around him. That took time. Trust wasn't built in a day and it would take time to fix a damaged castle. However, Jack was patient and he fully intended to win in the end. Like he did with all his games.


Outside the mindscape, Jack sat crossed-legged in the field with his eyes closed and a transformed Kalin in his hand as he practiced keeping their souls linked. From what he had learned through experience, the link would break the moment Kalin felt uncomfortable--ready to run away from Jack's soul. Therefore, Jack would do what he could to keep Kalin comfortable. To keep their souls connected.


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Ella Trinity

"Ultimate Ambush Technique, Lethal Poke of Ow!"

That was all Ella heard before she felt something poke at her tail bone. Letting out an instinctive squeal, Ella immediately covered the prodded area with both hands and swiveled around to face her attacker—her own face a bright shade of scarlet. The sudden assault wasn’t painful, not really at least, but it was embarrassing. Ella’s response was automatic and slightly angry. “W-What do you think you’re –?”

Ella stopped mid-sentence, somewhat mollified when she saw that the person who prodded her rear was a girl like her and not some lecherous guy. Her tailbone-poking assailant was a female shorter than her with bright, reddish pink hair and mischievous blue eyes. Aiko the Blurr. Ella recognized the two-star meister immediately though they’d never spoken. Pretty, popular, outgoing, confident, Aiko was everything she wasn’t. There were rumors about her being a flirt and a tease, much like Ella. However, unlike Ella, those rumors didn’t seem to cause the same backlash that it caused her. Probably because, unlike me, Aiko actually has a partner. And she isn’t frequently absent from school due to medical reasons.

Ella tilted her head, curious as to why a pretty two-star meister like Aiko was pestering a ‘cursed weapon’ like herself. With her back facing the window, Ella removed her hands from where it covered her rear and proceeded to tuck her pale pink hair behind her ear self consciously as she gazed at the pretty meister, who was looked even more dazzling today that usual—since it was picture day. Ella hoped she remembered to wear her rose-scented perfume. It would be embarrassing to smell like a corpse in front of another girl—especially a pretty one like Aiko. Coughing and straightening her skirt, in order to regain at least some semblance of composure, Ella spoke shyly.

“…Is there anything you need from me? A partner to go on a mission with perhaps?”

That was what people usually came to her for. Ella hoped that was the case. She wanted to start her year off with a successful mission. To impress Lord Death and keep her status as an EAT student. And having a two-star meister wield her would increase Ella’s chance of successful first mission of the year.

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Aiko grinned widely seeing the girls response. She giggled excitedly, finding some entertainment with her rather childish 'attack'. She grasped her hand behind her back putting swiftly on a sweet and innocent appearance, attempting to lull away any sense of guilt despite how ineffective it would be with her being the only one in the room and being right beside her. Her blue eyes focused up at the girl who was the same size as her... well so Aiko would claim despite the small bit taller she was.

"Oh! Nothing nothing! Just saying hello!" She spoke waving her hand in a poor attempt of fanning innocence. Her mind had drifted back feeling much more secure about herself feeling more at ease. The whole 'no one showing up for pictures' fell from her thoughts for now. It was something she would remedy much later, likely forgetting the fact her first attempt had been a dud.

Aiko shifted as she rested her hand on her hip. The girl beamed with self confidence looking at her. She hadn't expected the girl to mention the idea of pairing up. She gazed into her pink orbs looking at her a bit in thought. Oh? She was a weapon? Oh! Oh yeah I kind of remember her, she isn't usually around all that much! Spinner something... always so bad on names of people as it is, I have a hard enough time trying to keep track of all the cute guys I tease. She thought to herself seeming to be in though taking a bit longer to response then expected.

"Ah! Well..." She spoke shifting to the other side resting her weight more on her opposite foot keeping her hand resting to her side. "I mean... I suppose a mission wouldn't be bad to show off my stuff. Truthfully its not really something important for me to have a partner, I can typically do it all on my own. They don't call me Aiko the Blur for nothing!" She spoke out gloating her name having no trouble in demonstrating how full of herself she could be.

She leaned over glancing at the girl as if she was shorter, her head having to notably tilt up to look at her. "Still, I don't mind if you do want to work with my greatness, I'm sure I can help elevate you to a whole new level of awesome! Fight with the blur, and your in to cause a stir! Still, you will need to show your stuff too, I don't want to drag you through to victory after all! Think you got what it takes to kick butt and chew bubble gum?" She spoke as her voice seemed quite inviting despite her words attempting to give some sort of 'warning'. She held her hand out in offering to the girl.

Ella Trinity

“On your own…,” Ella repeated confusedly before she could stop herself. “Don’t you have a partner?”

Ella studied the boisterous Aiko for a moment before rapidly shaking her head and taking the 2-star meisters offered hand, a bright smile on her face. “Well, whatever~”

Ella wasn’t the type of person to pry. In fact, she hated those types. Perhaps Aiko’s partner was out of commission. Perhaps he was on vacation. A bad break up? Or maybe, Aiko was simply the generous sort of person to work with multiple weapons—a skilled utility meister. Either way, it was good news for Ella. If Aiko was the sort of meister she claimed to be, who didn’t mind working on her own, it meant she wasn’t going to be a clingy sort. Aiko didn’t seem to be looking for commitment. We could become friends! Ella’s eyes twinkled.

“I’m Stray Spinner. Feel free to call me Stray. That’s what everyone else does.”

Ella was under no illusion that’d she’d stay with any one meister for very long—past experiences proved that Ella simply didn’t have the strength to endure the pain. And Aiko was NOTHING like Kira. But that’s a good thing. So long as Aiko didn’t ask for more than Ella was willing to give everything would be fine. Besides, it would be silly of her to turn down a chance like this—to do missions with a two-star meister . To elevate my skills to a whole new level!

Ella giggled happily. Still holding onto Aiko’s hand, her body radiated pink as she morphed into her weapon form. A large, silver ring blade appeared in Aiko’s hand.


Stretching her elastic soul out, simply to touch Aiko’s own, Ella created a link in which they could mentally speak.

Go ahead and test me out—see for yourself whether or not I’m worthy enough to work with Aiko the Blur~

Ella suggested teasingly. Despite her teasing tone, it was her honest feelings. If she weren’t good enough, or Aiko didn’t feel comfortable wielding a ring blade, the meister needed to make that clear. Otherwise, Aiko might die. Like Kira had. And Ella didn’t know if her heart could take that. She didn't want to be the cause of another death.

The field seems to be a good place...Oh! But before that, I also need to get a re-fill on my Anti-Rot medication from the dispensary. Haven’t gotten my picture take yet either…

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Aiko looked at the girl blinking in response. "Well not quite that way... its complicated really..." She spoke tapping her chin a bit looking at her. Her excited expression seemed to soften a bit in response. It wasn't something she was sure how to comment on. It wasn't exactly the 'simplest situation' to put into words.

She smiled brightly hearing the girls name. "Yes! Of course I know that!" She spoke in a complete lie. At least she had part of the name, and mostly since her immature mind couldn't help but come up with several immature jokes about it ranging from 'as soon as you walk in the room with her, you spin right around and back out of the room' to 'she starts spinning and then just goes crashing into everyone'. It wasn't hard to tell it was a rather boring day in class when she decided to venture into such a pointless diatribe in her mind for absolutely no reason at all. She had absolutely nothing against the girl after all, only her own weird way of having fun when she was bored.

She felt her grip on her hand as the girl suddenly transformed. She blinked looking down not having quite expected it despite her words. Aiko was known to gloat and speak up so much without really much thought being put into it. She glanced down seeing the girl change shape into a more unique looking ring. She gripped on the blade hearing the girl speak linking to her.

Huh? That's different... a chakram I think its called? Quite a unique weapon! I suppose I have had my share of unique partners. She responded back out loud quite nonchalant in her tone. She began striking out with Ella in her grasp. Aiko's motions seemed to adjust rather quickly, adapting swiftly to her swipes. She began to slice out, following up her movements doing a series of intertwining kicks with a few punches with her free hand to accompany her swings in the air, keeping relatively restrained being stuck in the classroom.

She stopped, the girl taking her name for what it was as she began twirling her using her one finger inside the blade to have her circle around upon it. "Anti-rot? Ooo! Are you like a super zombie? I've heard you can cut off your own head and still go like stumbling around and be all like 'grah' and chase people around! Though it might of been just some story, I don't honestly know too much about that." She asked not really knowing the extent of Ella's being, nor even if Anti-rot was used for such a thing. She only vaguely heard of such a thing before, and incidentally due to Ella even if she forgot it was because of her she indirectly heard of it.

"Ooo! Pictures are good too! I bet a lot of people must be there too, plenty of cutie guys to watch and to fawn over me. Ah... its the best." She spoke mostly to herself as her attention seemed to shift away from Ella and up in the air thinking of the fun of such a thing, completely forgetting her previously failed attempt only a short while ago.

Yasu & Kota

Himura Twins

Looking up at the academy from the base of the stairs, Yasu and Kouta were, for lack of better terms, 'mesmerized'. They just gazed up the stairs, not really caring about the stairs nor academy atop them, but still looking at them nonetheless. "I suppose this is our next step in life..." Kota said with a sigh, taking a step back with his right foot all the while his sister, Yasu, did so with her right, the two in some sort of martial arts stance. With one motion of their back legs, the two began sprinting up the stairs, going at quite a fast rate for first-timers on the DWMA staircase. This was, however, very small a thing for the two of them, as they'd been trained in a place with as much up-and-down stairs daily as one would probably deal with on this staircase day-to-day should they be an active, back-and-forth kind of person always leaving and entering due to errands and such.

"Last one there has to be the weapon for our first training exercise..." Yasu said calmly, the two of them even in footing all the way up there, making it seem almost as though there were a long mirror covering the whole staircase reflecting a single person running up at high speeds down the middle of it. The two were quite well-trained in speed, ascending probably twenty or so stairs per second, although there are a good many stairs to this staircase thus they definitely wouldn't reach the top right away, though were on a fast-track to getting up there in just a few minutes run. It was obvious the two wouldn't stop for no reason, though they were both prepared to, if need be, stop should something get in either's way, both knowing full-well that if one must stop, it's only fair the other do so as well assuming it wasn't due to simple exhaustion.

(Anyone here? :x )
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Warren Langston and Saiken Martuba

Collaboration With:

@Lilllysaurus Rex

Saiken didn’t make any huffs or noises of disappointment when he didn’t exactly get the answer he hoped for, considering he knew all about linking souls. He mostly meant bonding with a partner, but it was alright. A review was fine.

“Thank you, Hakoda-sensei.” He replied. At least he was generous enough to offer the explanation. He heard his fellow students begin to begin the exercise, and with that he himself was to begin with his partner.

“So what was your name again?” He asked Warren, clicking his tongue so he could properly face him by identifying his location.

“You FORGOT my name!?” For a second, it seemed like Warren was going to be very angry about that simple fact and his voice certainly sounded entirely enraged. However, that only lasted for about a second and then it was gone completely as Warren started laughing loudly. Warren even went so far as to slap his knee. It was entirely out of place, but he found it funny.

Pointing both of his thumbs at his chest, Warren proclaimed once again, “No worries. I can fix that for ya. I’m the Great Evening Star! Warren Langston at your service. You better remember it, too. I’m gonna be the next Death Scythe. You can bet your life on it!” The red haired boy held out his hand to the meister he’d been paired with. Of course, despite the fact that he had just introduced himself, Warren never thought to ask his partner for his name because Warren felt he was too much of a lead to ask such a silly question.

Saiken didn’t bother responding to the boy’s exclamation. It wasn’t worth the oxygen usage. He’d met a plenty of people with this kind of energy, and from what he remembered, they never succeeded in their dreams. They ended up sad, depressed, and went back home, never to continue life as excitedly as before.

“I wouldn’t recommend keeping such an enthusiastic drive.” He suddenly spoke, “You’ll only get shut down hundreds of times…”

Saiken didn’t get to finish his statement. Two things happened both practically simultaneously. First, Warren’s hand shot out and slapped over the meister’s mouth. Second, Warren yelled very loudly, “Nope! Don’t wanna hear it! You know why? Because you’re wrong. Where everyone else failed, I’m gonna succeed. I’m the best of them and NOTHING is gonna stop me! I’m the Great Evening Star after all!”

Saiken was actually surprised, and about to strike him with a self defense mechanism when his mouth was slapped shut. Though he stopped himself considering he could quickly tell himself it was a harmless move. He heard the boy preach that he was the best and that he’d succeed and such, which he really didn’t want to hear.

He held onto the boy’s hand, slowly moving down from his mouth.

“By the by, it’s quite rude to slap people’s mouths. I doubt anyone will want to listen to you if you hit them.” He said while flashing a fake smile, “It’s especially rude to touch people’s faces.”

He rubbed his mouth, “Anyway, I believe we should begin the exercise.”

Warren immediately let the transformation wash over his body and it was surprisingly quite quick. One moment, his hand reached out to touch Saiken’s hand and the next, there was a morning star in Saiken’s hand. ‘You know what ur doin’, right?’ Warren spoke right into Saiken’s mind.

This whole linking stuff was too easy for Warren himself. His own soul was already working on matching the wavelength, but of course, Warren wouldn’t settle with just stopping there. He wanted to see how close they could get to matching wavelengths. Keziah always made everything easy and now that Warren had a different partner, he wanted to challenge himself and he wanted to push himself.

Saiken knew it began when he felt the boy’s hand touch his. He clicked his tongue more to register the shape of the weapon, “Ah, a Morningstar? Interesting.” He spoke casually, like he was talking about a TV show or a time of day.

He was already familiar with the process, he’s done it countless times. From going partner to partner, it was quite easy for him to accomplish. He began to work, focusing on matching Warren’s wavelength. He was relatively relaxed, so he would just need to hope Warren’s wasn’t too hard for him to connect to.

Soon, he was standing in a black and white world. The room was quite familiar to him; it reminded him of his old residence, the dojo, though it was quite different. The way the black and white were constantly fluctuating, looking like pulsating scratches and splotches, made the place look almost like a nightmare. Though, it was the only way he could see, so it wasn’t disturbing to him at all. There were a few objects in the room, with their scratchy black, white outlined shapes. What could be seen was a mat with two chairs and a table in the middle of the room, various shapes of weapons and combat gear as decorations on the walls, though it would be a little difficult to tell what they exactly were.

‘Ah, here I am again.’ He spoke up, though it was through the mindscape rather than his own mouth.

Warren was standing right behind Saiken as he slipped into the mindscape and the red haired boy wasn’t entirely sure if his partner even noticed him there for a few moments. ‘Hmm? No color…? Kinda drab, don’t ya think?’ Warren finally made himself known with a single comment. ‘A few splashes of cherry here and there can do a lot of good…’

He put on another false smile, facing the boy, ‘Have you ever considered that, since I have no ability to see normally, I cannot see colors?’ He asked him quite calmly, where any normal black-out blind person would have the boy turned into a beaten pulp, ‘This is how I see the world, it is how I have seen the world, for since I was a young child.’ He spoke very articulately, and not once did his false smile waver. He had a face similar to a fox’s with that deceiving grin.

Warren shrugged. ‘I still think it could do with a little red…’ He took a few steps towards one of the weapons on the wall, picking it up and examining it carefully. It’s edges were entirely undefined. It was weird, certainly something that would never be useful in a fight. ‘I hope you’re not intending on fighting with these… they won’t do ya much good.’ Again, Warren’s words were accompanied with a small shrug.

In all honesty, this drill was entirely boring for the red haired boy. He linked with a meister on a daily basis and this assigned partner didn’t seem to have anything interesting to offer. ‘So… there any reason we need to stay here?’

Saiken sighed gently. This boy would never understand what it would mean to be deprived of a sense. Well, he appeared to be deprived of intelligence, that’s for sure… Perhaps his ego has inflated his head to the point oxygen couldn’t reach his brain? Probably, he could only assume what made the boy so proud but yet so clueless.

‘Ah, I suppose there isn’t much reason to continue residing here aside from educational purposes. We can move on.’

Warren’s soul abruptly left any amount of closeness it had established to Saiken’s wavelength and Warren’s body fizzled out of the soul space, returning him to his own mind, his own thoughts and his own conscious awareness of the athletic field they were training on. ‘Alright then. Nice working with ya… maybe next time we can decorate better.’

That was The Great Evening Star’s last comment into Saiken’s mind before the morningstar seemed to leap from Saiken’s hand and was replaced with the human form of Warren Langston. He stood, arms crossed, looking rather bored.

He nodded as he felt his presence leave, him returning to full physical consciousness himself. He felt the weapon slide from his hand, seeing him appear in human form in front of him.

“Are you upset? Your arms are crossed.” He asked, tilting his head. It was quite a unique experience, but he didn’t feel like it was a very outstanding one that would make him feel any which way.

Warren shook his head slightly, his expression looking entirely appalled. “Me!? Upset!? Nah… I’m the Great Evening Star after all. I’ve gotta show it!” Warren’s expression quickly shifted to a smile although he still didn’t have anything interesting to do. Just wait… he guessed.

Hotaru Yukishiro

Nickname: Mirage

Partner: Ren Ichisayame

Location: Front steps

Feeling: mischievous

Tags: @Kiyoko Tomoe
Getting her picture taken was a lackluster affair if Hotaru wanted to be honest with herself. Her picture went without a hitch and the photographer was the same frustrated man from last year... Of course her photo shoot was nothing less than perfect! She hurried out of the empty auditorium because someone like her wasn't one to stay long in a place that felt as wrong as a deserted stage. It was practically against the laws of nature.

There wasn't anywhere she honestly wanted to be. She didn't have to be in class and going in purposely wasn't on the agenda, the field would be no fun without people she wanted to show off to, and she had as much interest in the cafeteria as her interest in learning how to be an accountant. Might as well get out of school and do something out in the city. Meandering around the hallways, Hotaru passed the school nurse, Lexie, and Zyra. She slowed down as she walked by and heard nothing to take note of (a ruined dress on picture day - some people could get so tetchy over clothes, couldn't they?) but she did catch a glimpse of the flyers for a summer end concert. Making a mental note to remember to go, she sauntered outside.

Practically hopping down the stairs, Hotaru absentmindedly fiddled with her sleeves. It was too hot to have so many scarves in there. Maybe if she put them in her hat... but no, the flowers were in there and there wasn't enough space for anything else. Plus there were the ribbons that would spring out if she unbuttoned her sleeves... That would be a mess. A magician had to suffer for her art, she supposed. Or maybe she could fob off all the fabric in another magic trick.

Motion from rapidly approaching people drew her eye and Hotaru grinned. Leaping just a little too far, she purposely fumbled to a stop in front of their faces and, with wide-eyed surprise, undid her buttons. Gleaming, multi-colored ribbons streamed out from her arms and, just for that little extra pizazz, she burst the high-pressure confetti packets around her wrists. "Oh my god," she said as she punctuated it with an anxious laugh. "I didn't mean for that to happen!" The area around her was littered with gold and silver confetti as ribbons rolled down the steps. Not a magic trick, but just as good.

"You guys are okay, right?" Hotaru furrowed her brow with concern. "I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there and I was lost in thought and I guess I really shouldn't keep so many things up my sleeves, I guess no one ever really knows when something like this could happen..." she rambled until she trailed off into silence. Offering an apologetic smile, she shrugged and said, "What a way to start the day though? Or new school since I don't think I've ever really seen you two around before which makes me doubly sorry that your first welcome is a magician's mistake."
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Dakota Eimear, Lauren Sparks, & Mr. Fuller

Dakota lifted her head, and watched silently as the twins introduced themselves, and were then confronted by the instructor. Her gaze turned away, and she scanned the faces idly, before the girl called Keziah picked a weapon from the crowd. She focused on the girl, listening as the Sergeant returned to the rest of the class and began the lesson. Aoi showed them a six, and then transformed. Sadly, she had to resort to listening to the instructor to know what was going on, due to her lack of wanting to use Soul Perception. During the explanation, her thoughts wandered a bit, back to lessons in the classroom that connected to this topic. She returned to the present as the demonstration finished up, watching as Sergeant paired people up, ending with Keziah and herself being paired with the twins. With a nervous smile on her face, Dakota moved towards the twins.

As Sarah went first with Keziah, Lauren saw Dakota moving towards her. Instead of waiting the whole time, she went ahead and took her own initiative just as her sister had. She was inwardly very excited to be paired with Dakota. Meeting her halfway, Lauren smiled, her cheeks shaded slightly rosen. It had been such a long time since Lauren found herself this pleased. So much so, she wasn’t even sure that she knew why. Turning her head back to see the others turning into weapon’s already, even Sarah without hesitation, brought on the feeling that she needed to do the same.

They were here after all, at this school, to learn their new way of life. Lauren only hoped that this didn’t push them away from the real world though. She still wanted to have friends, and she still wanted her sister. Looking almost level to meet Dakota’s eyes, she her smile had remained the entire time. Reaching out with the inside of her hand facing upwards, Lauren spoke in a calm, curious tone, “
Are you ready for this?

Dakota nodded hesitantly, and joined their hands. “
Ready…” She replied, her features taking on a light smile as she tilted her head a bit to meet Lauren’s gaze. She blinked against the bright flash of light as Lauren transformed, then felt the weight of the girl’s weapon form in her hand. Her gaze shifted down and she took in the straight edged blade Lauren had become, turning her hand subconsciously for a few seconds before falling still again.

For Lauren it was the same as it always had been when she transformed for her sister. It was a quiet blackness that had no end. Usually she would just stay like this for awhile and eventually when she snapped out of it, the world would turn back to normal. This time though it was different. There was a warm feeling, almost familiar. Opening her eyes, it was much like the world was out of focus. Concentrating on trying to focus, it seemed to not make a difference, like if you needed a pair of glasses or something. But beyond that, beyond the sight of that in front of her, there was some sort of succulence to the air.

While her body seemed to be floating in the abyss of color, Lauren sniffed the air, trying to understand what it was she was taking in. As she concentrated on it, taking the air in more deeply, the world started to focus. She stopped for a second to make sure she wasn’t crazy. Taking in the air around her one more time, she finally remembered what it was!

When her and Sarah were about 8 years old, they went to their grandparents house. A small, homely house sitting right on the beach. Porch out in the sand overlooking the waves and grass in the back lined with tall redwood trees. The scent was a mixture of both those worlds; salty ocean air and fresh cool forest breeze. Having pictured it just perfectly, her senses came back to her as if someone had snapped their fingers. The colors instantly came into focus, and there was Lauren, standing on the beach, sand soft as powder and the surf washing gently over her toes. It all felt so refreshing.

Dakota, on the other hand, took a few more seconds of admiration for her friend’s weapon form, before letting her eyes drift close. Vaguely remembering the process of soul linking, she stayed still, listening for Lauren’s soul wavelength in the midst. Her world was black, lacking color, though that changed once she found Lauren’s wavelength. Concentrating still, she tried adjusting to match her friend’s wavelength. Sparks of color flared to life around her as their souls began to link, eventually becoming a full picture as she found herself drawn into Lauren’s soul.

She blinked a few times, turning in place, taking in the homely feeling and letting her toes move in the sand. Her eyes landed on Lauren, and she moved up next to her. “This is…” She started, lacking any true signs of nerves, but her words faded out as she settled for looking around.

Seeing Dakota standing next to her was super exciting, but at the same time she was a little confused. Lauren had not become upset or anything, simply a little down. With her arms crossed she walked a little ways away and stood before turning back to Dakota.

I don’t know how to do any of this,” She confessed, locking her gaze to Kota’s. “None of this ever worked with my sister so I know you just did all the work. But I need to... No, I want to be able to meet you halfway. I… I just have no idea how.

This feeling though, even with her friend here, she could still feel it. She could tell it was coming from Dakota. It was something that tugged at her heart, not bad, but almost like a longing.

Dakota gave Lauren a small, reassuring smile before turning away a bit to look towards the house. She didn’t fully understand how she had made this happen either. In the past, the link had never created anything like this, so it had to be something to do with her friend. Every other time she’d linked with a weapon, the space had never turned this pretty. It was always drab and colorless, lacking the homely feeling that surrounded the girls currently.

Still with that faint smile on her face, she turned her head back to Lauren. “
I can try to help you figure out how…” She spoke, her voice quiet, yet encouraging. The idea of helping her friend out was amazing yet foreign to Dakota, not really something she’d had the opportunity to do until today.

Following behind Dakota, she listened to her words. It was like having another sister. It felt like Lauren was at home, with her family and everything felt so normal again. Even in this bliss, she couldn’t help but wonder about what her sister was experiencing. Taking a few steps, her toes digging into the sand, she came up next to Dakota. At the same time, Lauren slid her hand into Kota’s and at the moment their skin touched, a spark ignited.

That connection, that link, the feeling that Lauren had been longing for. Was this what Mr. Fuller was talking about? Was this the bond between a Meister and a Weapon? It was like an energy had suddenly connected and she could feel it with her whole being. Turning to Dakota, Lauren’s eyes seemingly pure and proud, seemed to ask without words. This connection, she must have felt it. The experience just seemed too powerful to be limited to one person, almost like it was natural.

I think…” Lauren said excitedly, pausing only for a moment, “I think I understand!!

Surprised by the sudden feeling of connection that flared to life with Lauren's touch, Dakota froze, letting the feeling wash over her for a second. It was new and different, yet felt familiar at the same time. She knew she'd felt something similar before, but refused to acknowledge the thought, focused on the present. She turned, meeting Lauren's gaze, with a now happy light behind her eyes, nodding ever so slightly. It seemed Lauren felt it too.

Dakota smiled, happy that Lauren had figured it out. "Great!" She replied, her tone happy, sharing in the excitement.

However, things quickly took a turn for the worst. Without realizing it, Lauren pushed too hard. Taking a step, she wrapped both her arms around Dakota’s neck and their bodies met. A very intimate embrace, one that she had only ever given two other people; her mother and her sister. Lauren wanted this feeling to last, to never end. It was the only thing she could focus on. She forgot about the training, she forgot about the world around her. All she wanted was to be right here with Dakota.

But she pushed, far, too hard. This was beyond a link, without realizing it, Lauren was attempting to resonate with Dakota. These feelings Lauren had, these emotions, Love, Desire, Hope, Pain, Loss, Loneliness. Even some of her memories; broken and pieced, nothing understandable. All of these flooded into Dakota.

For the second time in a manner of minutes, Dakota froze, completely and utterly. She felt the rush of emotions, too many to process quickly, and saw flashes of memories that were too broken; images of a raven haired woman, the halls of a school and a man with a gun, all of these hard to understand, leaving her mind reeling. Shaking her head, she brought her hands up, pulled Lauren's arms from around her neck, and pushed away from the other girl, out of pure panic. Stumbling to turn around, she began to flicker out as her soul pushed back against Lauren's wavelength, trying to force away the connection all together.

Dakota was too panicked to even consider Lauren had caused this on accident, too shaken to try and stop the consequences as she disappeared from the homely feeling of Lauren's soul, returning to the bleak and empty abyss of before.

It was not just that. The severing of the connection shocked her body. Lauren stumbled before falling backwards. It was not just Dakota who had received emotions and fragments. Lauren had gotten some of her friends as well. Blood. Everywhere. Not sure where, but there was so much blood. Holding up her hands, it stained her own skin and that smile. The smile that accompanied something so sinister, it caused a fear greater than Lauren had ever known. These visions were so intense, it was like being there in person. It was a pain greater than anything she ever experienced. It all saturated into her entire being. It was the reason she was panicking just as much as Dakota had.

Floating in the abyss, Dakota continued to panic, trying to register some of the emotions that had flooded from Lauren. Confusion and shock were just a few of her own feelings that arose as she thought about the flashes she’d seen. Flashes of many things she wished to simply forget.

The world around Lauren began to flicker much like Dakota’s visage had. Violently, the ocean tumbled, the skies blackened and trees fell. One tree screeched as it broke and thunder rang out as it crashed over the house, destroying it. Everything came to a screeching halt and as the rain came down, pelting Lauren painfully, all she could do was knock her head back and scream.

A sphere of disruption appeared, an invisible wall of pure energy formed between Dakota and Lauren in the physical world. It was their souls, or rather the energy from their souls. Like two magnets being attracted, which would of been a resonance, theirs did the opposite; they pushed.

At exactly the same moment, both Dakota’s soul and Lauren’s soul repelled one another with violent force. As if being punched, Dakota was thrown off her feet as the blade from her hand was launched at dangerous speeds in the opposite direction.

Landing on her back in the grass, Dakota laid nearly 5 feet from where she was previously standing. Her pose seemed nearly innocent, legs slightly bent, one arm across her chest and the other outright. Even her hair was a little swept, still held on one side by her skull clip but she had been knocked unconscious. There was probably no one on the field who would've known what had happened between the two girls; the two friends. Except for maybe their instructor, Mr. Fuller.

However, given the current situation with the field swarming with students when a majority of them were working with a partner in a new way for their first time, Hakoda Fuller’s attention was completely distracted in absorbing the actions of other students. It wasn’t until he heard (and sensed to a small degree) Dakota crash into the ground that his attention turned to the two girls who apparently had been entirely unsuccessful in their attempts at linking. He had no way of knowing the entire situation, but as his head turned and took in the immediate scene, he did see one problem that immediately drew his attention away from everything else. There was a blade flying through the air, spinning violently as it sailed. That was all he needed to see.

Hakoda took off running after the blade which seemed to be spiraling straight towards the red haired boy - Warren Langston. Again, Hakoda didn’t quite remember his name, but he knew that the boy was a student and that a blade flying towards a student was very much not safe. Hakoda’s speed was unimaginable and even faster than it had been when he took action in the cafeteria and within a single moment, he was standing with one hand nudging Warren further back, and the other hand wrapped round the hilt of the blade that was Lauren while he allowed the blade to spin in his grip, using up all the excess energy.

Inside Lauren’s mind, two different statements would echo in her mind.
Turn back. and It’s alright. Although he didn’t entirely know what had happened, Hakoda had every intention of figuring it out and then helping the pair of students work past it or at least come to understand it.

After the initial problem had been addressed, Hakoda’s attention turned to Sarah and Keziah both as he saw Dakota collapsed.
“Go find Nadia, please,” he directed the students, not really caring which one decided to follow his instruction as long as the school nurse was summoned.

With the confusion and her emotional instability, Lauren finally transformed back into herself. Falling to her knees, tears erupted from her eyes like water from a broken levee. One knee barely hit the ground and she screamed, “
DAKOTA!” As her eyes found her lifeless body just laying there. Before the other hit, she caught herself with both hands on the ground, ignoring the teacher and the other student who she had almost killed. She tried running that short distance but instantly the fatigue of their event got to her and just like Dakota, her mind started to go blank, overwhelmed with it all. Blackness took her over as she tried to continue. Tripping over her own feet, she hit the grass face first. Her hand reached out for Dakota’s

I-I’m so-ooo… sorry.” She muttered before finally passing out. Her hand, fiercely clasping Dakota’s

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Ella Trinity

Ella giggled through their mental link, finding Aiko very amusing—in a funny way. The meister was chatty, friendly, and a little bit ditzy as well. However, she was strong enough to wield Ella with ease and, considering that Ella was 42 inch ring blade made of steel, that was an accomplishment. Well…it would be…except even a toddler could wield Ella if their souls were linked. Ella hummed happily, her eyes twinkling as she was spun around Aiko’s finger. She loved spinning!

Ah, yes! I’m a bit like a chakram. A very big chakram. No, those stories aren’t true. I’m only a half-zombie. Though I’ve had my fingers and toes nearly fall off because my body started rotting, I’ve never had my head come off....that's what Anti Rot is supposed to prevent...

Twirling in her own weapon dimension, rotating as she was being rotated, Ella stopped when she noticed that Aiko’s attention seemed to be drifting. Ella tilted her head, a slight frown on her features. Perhaps Aiko was growing bored with her. The ring blade in spinning around Aiko’s finger glowed brightly before popping out of the meister’s grasp and morphing back into a human. Ella smiled widely, grabbing Aiko’s hands in her own to snap the self-absorbed meister out of her dreamy daze.

“Let’s go to the dispensary first! I’ll show you my what my Anti-Rot meds are like.” Ella said happily as she pulled Aiko with her out of the EAT classroom. “Then we can go to the auditorium and get our pictures taken together. The cute guys should still be there then~”

<<moving to dispensary>>

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Keanehan Diam


Keanehan, not unlike most of his fellow students, had followed the new teacher out and onto the field. Unfortunately for him, he was a bit more than late as he could see that everyone was being paired up by the time he had found his way out to the athletics field. He decided it best to not interrupt what exercises were taking place and head to the bleachers just outside of the track. Here he was able to overlook the scene with relative ease and even get a great enough vantage point to sketch what he was being shown.

Sketching, the thing that had made him so late to his next destination to begin with, was now the reason why he was there. It was no secret the this young man had a bit of a one-track mind. Even if the priorities of other's shifted and even if he had his own desires, the task at hand was the most important.

As he scanned the area he noticed a familiar face. It was a petite, short black haired girl, with an almost painfully shy demeanor. Not to say the male was put off by it in the least, more so an observation on his part. He remembered having a brief line or so with her before a rather odd assortment of other students had come to greet them, at the social. 'Would it be too bold to ask to converse with her once more?' With that thought in mind, he took out his sketchpad and various pencils.

The teacher began walking about as the students allowed themselves to become quite close with one another. Even without Soul perception, Keane could feel the souls of his fellow classmates beginning to link their souls together. 'Ahh, well I at least know I missed nothing that would be benefited by my participation,' He thought to himself, halfheartedly. He already knew how that would have ended. A strapping meister and himself would've been able to get close enough to being able to tolerate one another's souls, but as soon as they opened that door in that gear riddled room of his they would have been sent barreling out. It had happened as many times as he could count.

As he continued his art he actually felt a sudden pang of emotion. Odd as it was unusual for Keane to feel much else other than curiosity. Seeing everyone successfully meld together in such a way made him fill with a certain heat. "What's this", he mistakenly voiced the question aloud. Was he jealous?

In that instant he was torn from his self inquiring thoughts and to the events on the field. The young miss he had encountered once before had collapsed and not too long after, so did her partner. Quickly putting his things in their pack, Keanehan raced down the bleachers and onto the field to the collapsed girls. He took not of them still being connected via their hands and thought better about separating the two. Before touching them, he looked to the instructor and bowed. "I am Keanehan Diam, I help Ms. Nadia in the Dispensary. I'll be doing what I can here until her retrieval." Without further wasted time, he knelt down next to the pair and sent waves of his wavelength through both girls, trying to stabilize the shock in Dakota's soul and relieve some fatigue in both of them.
Alexander “Xander” Traynor

Collaboration with


A Mysterious Meeting

Curiosity brooded inside Alexander Traynor. At the moment, he simply sat in the middle of a park in Death City staring at a small piece of paper in his hand as he flipped it over time and time again. He couldn’t help but think he was missing something. There was no way a business card just had a name and an address. Usually there was an email and a phone number as well but this one had none. It was definitely odd. And the oddity only made the boy more anxious as he glanced at his watch again. 5:55 pm. ‘Close enough.’

Pushing off the bench, Xander stood up and walked the rest of the way down the block before he arrived at the business address listed on the card. The building looked… odd. It didn’t quite seem abandoned, but it was certainly in need of some maintenance. Knock. Knock. Xander only intended to wait a minute, half convinced that this was some sick joke or something else of the sort. Frankly, jokes weren’t even worth his time.

However, Xander didn’t have to wait. The door opened the moment he pulled his knuckles away from it. And as the door opened, it revealed a man with darker hair wearing a black and white suit with no overcoat.

“Good evening, sir. You must be Mister Alexander. Am I correct?” the man asked almost instantly. His tone was entirely formal. Each phrase was broken into a complete sentence. He made sure to add a title into everything he said. And he even made brief eye contact with Xander.

The boy just stared at the man for a moment. It was not at all the kind of person Xander had been expecting to encounter and he briefly glanced down at the business card still in his hand, half wishing he had never taken it and half surprised that it was still in his hand. Xander’s eyes quickly hardened, though, as he realized that he was expected. “It’s Xander, but yes.” He didn’t even make any attempt to match the formality of the man who had opened the door because based on the reasoning why he was told to be there, Xander didn’t think that would be necessary.

The man quickly nodded, partially to Xander and partially to himself. “Of course. Of course.” Taking a step back and holding the door open, the man beckoned Xander inside saying, “Please come in, Mister Xander. My boss is expecting you. If you’ll take a seat, I’ll go fetch him now.”

Xander quickly stepped inside and he noted that the oddities only continued to grow. The room that was immediately open to him was an office room. There was a desk with a computer sitting on the left corner and two pens lined up completely parallel to each other on the right. There was nothing else on the desk and the room itself was pristine. From the outside, no one would’ve ever guessed such a room could be contained inside the building. As Xander took a seat in the chair, he heard the man who had let him in call back again. “Can I get you anything to drink, Mister Xander?”

“No.” Xander didn’t intend to take them up on any hospitalities when he still had no idea what was going on. He wanted to meet with the person he was sent to meet with, he wanted the respect he had been promised, and most importantly, he wanted it sooner rather than later. As if to show that, Xander’s foot started tapping onto the hardwood floor.

Luckily for everyone involved, Xander didn’t have to wait. Actually, the moment after he replied ‘no’, there was another knock - this time on the office door - and Xander turned to see another man. There was something about the look of him. This was the man who Xander had come to see.

“Glad to see you could make it,” the man greeted curtly as he made his way to the other side of the desk and took a seat before extending his hand to the boy. “I am Isaac Alkaev although you may address me however you please. I am, afterall, the one who wanted to meet you. In fact, I arranged this whole business trip into the city to have this opportunity.” Everything about this man - this Isaac Alkaev - was enticing. The way he talked to Xander was respectable, but not overly so. The way his voice said things conveyed an honesty that Xander just didn’t hear anymore. And the way his eyes looked at Xander conveyed true interest in the boy.

And everything about it was right. Xander’s hand reached out to shake Isaac Alkaev’s as he nodded at the man. “Xander Traynor,” Xander introduced himself in the process, feeling that it was only right.

“I know,” the businessman replied curtly, ensuring they weren’t under any false pretenses. “Now, straight to business, correct?” Even sensing Xander’s curiosity and impatience, Isaac was doing everything he could to put Xander in control of where this conversation went.

Xander straightened in his chair as he nodded. “I was told you could offer power.” That was all he said. That was all he cared about. Well, that was all he thought he cared about.

Isaac nodded swiftly. “Mhm. I can offer you more than that, Xander Traynor. I can offer you the power to reclaim your rightful weapon. I can offer you freedom from the academy that imprisons you. I can offer you the power to continue following in your father’s footsteps.” Isaac reached into a drawer in his desk and pulled out a document that he set on the desk in front of Xander. “I can give you the power to achieve all you seek to achieve. You are done losing fights, Xander Traynor.”

Xander was leaning out of his chair by the end of that. He could only imagine it. Being able to wield Lexie again, having enough power to force her to listen and be the good little weapon she was supposed to be, freeing his father and demolishing the city that had imprisoned both of them, all of it was so much more than he had ever mentioned to anyone. And this man offered it all. Xander did stop for a second, though. “How do I know you can really do all these things?” Skepticism flooded his words.

Isaac Alkaev smiled a bit. “I’ve already dealt with one of your problems for you, Xander Traynor.” He turned the computer monitor so that the boy could see it and clicked play, displaying a scene happening within the Death Room itself. How such a thing was possible remained unseen, but what it showed was undoubtable. Aeryn - the man who had created so many problems for Xander over the past few days and even months - was being locked back up again. “I have more power to offer than you could ever imagine. Nothing is beyond my influence.”

Xander had been in the Death Room. He had been there multiple times. And there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that that was exactly what he was seeing right now. The simple fact that this man had access to whatever this was showed his influence. Xander’s eyes quickly turned from the screen to the document in front of him. “You have my attention.”

“Perfect. There is one thing I would ask of you, Xander. There are some documents, some historical records - if you will, that contain information that would be beneficial to my business. And the better, my business runs, the more power I will have to offer you as your influence grows.” Isaac Alkaev implied an exchange. “You will receive all the power you need to fulfill your desires and I’ll even help you to do it. I only need you to grab these files before you depart the academy for the last time.”

Xander nodded firmly. Even he couldn’t deny that a compromise was good business and the way he made it seem like even that would benefit him later on was certainly appealing. “Done.”

“Very good.” Isaac Alkaev smiled at the boy. He grabbed one of the two pens lying on his desk and as he clicked the tip, he poked it into his hand, drawing blood which was absorbed into the ink. Isaac Alkaev signed the document in front of them. He signed it in his own blood. Then he handed the other pen to Xander, saying, “There’s no need for dramatics on your part. Just good, old fashioned ink will do.”

Xander gulped a bit as he saw Isaac sign in blood, but he sighed as he was told it was not needed of him. Xander scribbled his signature onto the document.

Isaac slipped the document off of the desk, flipped it in his hand twice and it vanished. “Now, Xander, when do you have in mind?”

Xander smiled for a moment. Xander could feel the power already. And he could feel that he was clearly in charge.
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He couldn't help but take a breath of awe. The Student dorms were a magnificent structure. It was a noble building. He was going to live here? He marveled at the size, and was suddenly filled with dread. This building was meant to hold lots of people. It was likely over-flowing with people. His hands tightened around the strap of his shoulder bag.

So many people to potentially disappoint.So many people to be trampled by.

He smiled quietly to himself. There was no need to get worked up over the inevitable. He could live with it. He was sub-human scum. It's the natural order of things. He steeled himself, and entered the building, to confront the receptionist about his living arrangements.

Kalin looked down at the two slips of paper in his hand.

'What a concert?'

He shook his head. He'll have Jack explain later.

"First comes finding my room. Apparently I have a roommate."

He talks aloud to himself.

"Room 241. That means it's on the second floor...I think? Maybe...I don't know..maybe...I'll just start at the bottom to be sure..."

240 Rooms Later....


Kalin stares at the name next to his on the door, before holding his palm over his face, as a stupid grin falls over it, cheeks flaring red.

Why was he so embarrassed to be this happy?

He paused for a moment.

Because it's more than you deserve right now.

He shoulders the door open, looking inside.

This was his?

What was he going to do with all this space?

He walked about doing a slow turn...just sort of absorbing it, before sitting down on the bed on the unoccupied side of the room.

I have a bed.

Something about this causes a dam within to him burst, and Kalin begins to sob. Not of sorrow or grief, but of happiness.

Keanehan Diam & Sarah Sparks

Collab with: @Kaine

Screamed Sarah as she bolted over to her sister. She had never had anything like this happened before. It seemed as if everything had been fine but then suddenly the two of them, Dakota and both Lauren, seemed to be pushed back by some unknown force. It was only in the knick of time that Mr. fuller prevented anything tragic from happening. Sarah came sliding in on her knees next to Lauren only to see another student had already beat her there even in the short time. Sarah would have been crying except she didn’t know if her sister was hurt or not.

Looking up at the other student she was just about to ask a question when he introduced himself as Keanehan Diam. At the mention of needing to get the school nurse Sarah started to worry a little. She reached down and grabbed her sister’s hand ever so tenderly. It was still warm, but it was limp. She just didn’t know what to think.

Keanehan had taken into account, the young woman who looked identical to the other woman on the ground. As she went and held the girl’s hand he took mental note of her now being connected to her and made sure to adjust his soul accordingly. He didn’t need to make a connection with her and cause an issue.

The amount of damage done wasn’t anything serious, from what Keanehan could tell, but his soul was having trouble mending what had been done. Soul shock was something that could only be healed fully, over time. What he was doing was trying to force an otherwise natural process, unnaturally. He looked to the girl for a moment before speaking. “You are this girl’s sister, I presume.”

Sarah shot her head up and her glance fired icicles through him. In a fit of aggression she went to reply rudely, opening her mouth with expletives ready to emerge. But Sarah stopped, thought for a moment, and finally her expression softened again. No one here wanted to do them harm. At least not obviously. Taking a few deep breaths she replied to Keanehan calmly, “Yes, we are sisters. Is she OK here or do we need to move her? I can carry her if you need.”

Keanehan went back to tracing his fingers over the girls. Sending waves of himself, every few moments. The blonde haired, young woman he had addressed finally began speaking. “Moving them to the Dispensary would be favorable to leaving them out here, but I do not know what would happen if we severed their connection.”

Even still, he knew better. If they weren’t taken to Nadia as soon as possible, then the damage could have serious repercussions. He stopped suddenly and looked to the girl across from him. “I shall take you up on your offer. I will take Dakota.” Without much hesitation Keane picked up the black haired Meister.

Nodding in confirmation, Sarah gently got her sister over onto her own back and after standing up and balancing well, followed Keanehan.

After traveling what seemed like forever, all four students finally arrived at the office of the nurse. Some of the other students kind of gave strange expressions as they traversed down the halls of the school to the Medical Room. Most however just seemed to not care. Hurt students were nothing new. Following Keanehan into the room it was very nice but balls of sweat were rolling down Sarah’s face. Had Lauren always been this fat? Lauren definitely needed a diet after this and Sarah definitely needed to work out.

Coming to the bed closest to the wall, Sarah carefully put her sister down. Her limp body seemed dead and lifeless. If not for the steady breathing, Sarah would have been in tears. Putting Lauren’s legs up, she removed her shoes, made sure her skirt was adequately covering her girly spots and placed her arms at their side. Lauren’s head shifted to the side on the pillow when Sarah sat down. Taking her index finger, she ran it across Lauren’s forehead, pushing the hair out of her face. It was moments like these that she realized how much she loved her sister and it took every ounce of strength Sarah had to not just burst into tears.

Picking a few strands of grass from Lauren’s hair, Sarah finally looked over at Keanehan. With sadness and frustration clearly on her face, she softly asked, “Is Dakota going to be OK?”

Placing Dakota on the opposite bed, Keane made sure to align her body so she wouldn’t feel any unnecessary aches and pains when she woke up. Upon being asked the question of Dakota’s recovery, Keanehan nodded. “She should make a full recovery after some rest. Although, I’m not Miss Nadia. I’ve only been helping her for a few years now, so I don’t have knowledge of everything.” He went to the nearby closet and grabbed a few blankets.

He returned and handed one to Sarah and put the other over Dakota. “I’ve dealt with my fair share of soul rejection, but this is inherently different. So this, in and of itself, is outside my realm of expertise. Miss Nadia should be somewhere near the back. I’ll go grab her now….” He stopped. “Or do you have something else you would like to ask of me?”

Taking the blanket from the boy, she did the same to her sister. Covering head to toe to rest. She couldn’t help but feel at fault. Should Sarah have justed went with Lauren. It didn’t matter about strength, what mattered was bond. What happened for this to happen? She thought back to her time with Keziah. Maybe it was something more than that. As much as she didn’t want to admit it… Sarah turned and took a look at Dakota in the similar state, Had she misjudged Dakota? Was this possibly a result of trying to be more normal when the two of them were anything but?

Quietly she shook her head, signalling she had no further reason to disrupt Keanehan. Turning back to her sister she just sat there staring deeply kind of in a trance while she thought about many things.

Bowing, Keanehan excused himself and went to the nurse. “Excuse me, miss Nadia. We have two students who are in need of your assistance. They appear to have gone unconscious from the shock they received from their Soul Link training.”
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Alexander “Xander” Traynor and Professor Hiro Mitsaki

During the Concert

Xander’s feet carried him away from the concert on a very certain path straight back to Death Weapon Meister Academy. He jogged his way up the stairway, surprisingly unphased by the immensity of the number of stairs which may have seemed quite odd considering it drove most students out of breath. Of course, the case could be made for the fact that Xander had been climbing those stairs for a little over a year now. That added to the fact that he was just as in shape as any other meister could’ve explained it. Or it could’ve been something more. Both options were just as viable.

Neither was even considered, though, by the person Xander encountered once he reached the top of the steps. It was Professor Hiro Mitsaki. He had his bag slung over his shoulder filled with a few notebooks and he yawned before he even seemed to notice the boy although the instructor did notice him before too long. “Oh! Hello there, Xander,” Professor Mitsaki seemed surprised by Xander’s presence. “What brings you here so late? Isn’t there a show of some sort or other…?”

Xander didn’t hesitate. He just kept walking. “I know, Professor. I just forgot my jacket in my locker and I figured it might get a bit chilly tonight.” His voice was entirely even and plain as he walked right past Hiro. There wasn’t a thing that was off… except for the fact that nothing was off.

Hiro sensed it. He sensed it in a split second. His body rapidly turned as his arm transformed instantaneously, taking on the barrel of the rifle as he fired based on his sense of Xander, rather than his sight of the boy. As he turned, Hiro’s vision was blurred by the shattering of flaming sparks from Xander’s hands flickering like dynamite preparing to explode and for a single instant, Hiro was actually unsure of his own shot and where it had actually gone.

Xander saw it coming. His soul perception so much stronger than he was used to, he could see every movement that the teacher made and he could see the shot even as it was ignited within the barrel of Hiro’s partial transformation. Xander’s fist, consumed with his soul wavelength, drove forward to meet it. Xander’s soul force collided with Professor Mitsaki’s shot and the explosion was resounding. As the smoke faded, though, Xander was still standing and even his own expression was shocked. He - Xander Traynor - was in a battle with a Death Scythe.

‘This is impossible…’ The thought ran through Hiro’s mind as he pieced together what had just happened. ‘He’s just a kid… just a KID! Hiro didn’t even have time to contemplate that though. He knew it too. He had been careless. But Hiro didn’t even know if it was his own fault this time… ‘Would Miyako have been prepared for this if it had been her?’

Xander charged, driving his soul wavelength into his Professor. Ten times stronger than even Xander knew to expect, his wavelength was more than enough to knock out his professor and the fact left Xander staring at his own hands.

‘You are done losing fights, Xander Traynor…’

Isaac had been right. Xander picked up the unconscious body of his professor and dragged him back into the academy, stuffing him in a closet - the first one he happened to stumble upon. Surely no one would go around checking the closets until morning. Even as he did it, Xander hoped that he didn’t run into any more teachers. Fighting them was… well, it was weird. ‘Now, to find my father and that paperwork…’

Collaboration With @DaughterofAthena

Sarah Sparks & Lauren Sparks

-:- Infirmary -:-

The gentle caress of a touch. Finger's not quiet fully awake. A soft moan and the russle of a blanket from the turning body underneath of it. Lauren turned softly on her side and her eyes cracked just enough to see her sister, Sarah. She was sitting in a chair, leaned over and kind of sideways with the upper part of her body mostly on the bed next to her. Her body moved ever slowly with the pace of her peaceful breathing. The only sound to be heard besides a pen lightly scribbling in the background. Lauren rubbed Sarah's hand tenderly, realising they were fully clasped. Her lips parted to speak but her voice wasn't there. Nothing bad, just that still being in that groggy.

Moving her hand, she softly brushed Sarah's bangs behind her ear. This loving touch was enough to wake Sarah and as she picked her head up, looking at Lauren, they both smiled at each other, their expressions genuine and tender.

Hey there," Sarah said, is a slightly cracked gentle voice. One hand came up and touched Lauren's arm at about her elbow and her other hand met her sisters, pulling it to her cheek. She closed her eyes, taking in the touch, warmth and feel of her sister's hand.

Hey," Lauren replied. Speechless to her sister's actions. The affection Sarah showed towards her was understood and accepted without question. Lauren knew why she was here, and even though there were some things she wished to talk about with her sister, now was not the time nor the place.

Rising up out of bed, Lauren hung her feet off the side of the bed and leaned over with her hands propping her up on the ledge. These infirmary matresses were thin and stiff. Sarah quickly stopped her. "
Whoa, wait? Are you OK?" She asked, not knowing if her sister should be moving, let alone getting up. Not that Sarah could stop her. She herself was still half way on the bed and Lauren was getting off the opposite side.

From behind the curtain, a voice sounded, "
You both just needed some rest, You're good to leave. Just sign out by the door before you go." And then the sound of a pen just continued to scrobble.

Lauren, tilted her head and looked across the room. Her face with slight concern. While she had been out, what had happened to Dakota? Turning to face her sister, her brows furrowed, confused. Sarah just stared at her for a moment before tilting her head slightly. "
What's wrong sissy?" Sarah asked.

Pausing for a moment, Lauren's eyes shifted down, then back up onto her sister's. "
Where's Dakota? Is... is she OK?"

Sarah let out a sigh. She thought maybe Lauren was hurt more than she let on, or that maybe her memory had been lost. A multitude of horrible irrational things. With her shoulders relaxed and her own expression soft, she replied, "
She's fine sissy. She woke up just like you but a few hours ago. She didn't say anything but she did stop by for a little bit. I'm not sure if she was upset, but her smile before she left seemed to say she was fine."

Walking around the bed, she had both her sister's bag and her own. Sarah spoke again, only a little softer this time. "
Maybe we can invite her over for dinner sometime to apologize, Kay?"

Taking her own bag, Lauren nodded and smiled, confirming with an "

-:- Walking Home -:-

Step by step, the Twins walked down the long staircase of DWMA. The sun was just starting to set so the hues in the cloudless sky were amazing. Deep oranges, and purples with streaks of pink and red all across a textureless, completely smooth canvas. The colors themselves somehow made their own texture. Sarah just stared at the sky, awestruck, as they walked, as did Lauren. Both of them just kind of speechless, or more lost in thought.

Randomly, Sarah asked a question, "
Do you ever think of mom?"

Without any hesitation or lag, "
All the time," Lauren replied. "Though I'm not sure how I feel anymore. It's still so fresh, yet already it doesn't upset me."

Hmm, so it's not just me..." Sarah said softly, somehow, unemotional to the entire subject that she brought up.

Both girls just remained silent. Neither of them even mentioning their father. It was like somehow all of this; being a weapon, being at this school, as if it changed them. Neither of them knowing if it was for the better, or for the worst. But at this very moment in time, it seemed unimportant.

As they neared the bottom. The sun was not visible, yet the colors still danced, illuminating the pathways for the time being. Still, all the lights had kicked on, and the alleys were lit by a soft artificial glow. There with the twins, off to their right was a billboard. Small enough to look straight at, but large enough to fit many ads. Normally they would of shrugged it off, but being they were strolling, and casually making their way home, both of them took the time to search it and see what looked promising. As expected of a board, two fifths of it was missing cat and dog posters, but as if something clicked, both girls reached up and grabbed their own flyers.

A concert?" said Sarah.

A Cafe?" said Lauren.

Both girls turned and looked at each other before coming shoulder to shoulder and holding the flyers together. Sure enough; one was for a new Cafe not too far from their house that was undergoing remodel and a grand reopening soon, and the other was for an "End of Summer" concert at the town square. Looking at each other then at the flyers Lauren asked first, "
Which one should we go to?"

Sarah replied with the best answer that she could, "
Both of them of course!" As if there was a reason not to attend both. Both the girls laughed before folding up the flyers and putting them in their bags. Continuing home, it was now really getting dark.

-:- At Home, At Last -:-

Turning the key to unlock the door, she flicked on the light as she came through with Lauren right behind her. Sliding the bag off her shoulder, Sarah's purple bag hit the floor, and quickly her matching shoes slid off right next to it, with Lauren doing the same for her pink bag and pink shoes. Both girls flopped down on the couch. So much so it slid back a little bit, startling both girls. They turned to each other wide eyed, before laughing lightly to the whole thing.

Sarah finally pulled the pins from her hair and unraveled the bun before finally unbraiding her hair. It fell to the front of her and she picked out little pieces of grass here and there. Lauren took the clips from her hair, and then from Sarah's and placed them on their little coffee table. As Sarah casually messed with her hair, Lauren kicked back her feet up on the couch and wrapped her arms around her legs as she faced Sarah, leaning sideways against the cushions.

I think I like this place Sarah." Lauren said

Me too," Sarah replied, "It feels like something fresh, something new. I think even on our own, we could make a home here."

We made new friends, and are yet to find more, and because of what we are, the instructors teach us and take us seriously." Lauren spoke seriously, addressing what had always felt missing. "They seem to truly care."

Mhmm," Sarah replied again, simply. Turning to her sister she had a huge smile on her face, but the thing was, so did Lauren. Before long both of the squealed really loudly and started jumping on the couch. It was exciting being on their own, and so far it was wonderful. After jumping again and using all of what little energy they had left, both collapsed on the couch. Lauren rested her head on Sarah's shoulder, and Sarah rested her head on Lauren's.

In a soft, barely audible voice, "
I love you," came from Sarah's lips, followed by "I love you too," from Lauren's before they both closed their eyes and rested a little bit more.

Mentions: Cafe/Nurse

@DaughterofAthena , Dakota @Zenaida

Professor Thomas Rudolph

During ghost attack at Death City Square.

Something was wrong. Thomas could feel it. There was an ominous chill in the night air that created goosebumps on the assassin’s arm. Normally he would have chalked it up to simply being a cold night, but that wouldn’t explain the damage Thomas noticed as he climbed up the steps of DWMA. Marks left by gunshots. A crater where an explosion had clearly gone off. Clearly signs that a battle had taken place—which, to be honest, wasn’t too surprising given that DWMA students often challenged each other to settle disputes, test their strength, etc.

However, Thomas hadn’t remembered there being a battle between students today. And certainly DWMA students would know better than fight one another without a teacher as witness. Thomas frowned as he studied the gun marks. They belonged to a rifle.


Now Thomas was certain something was not right. If a Deathscythe had to be involved, there was definitely trouble brewing. He entered the academy soundlessly. It wasn’t difficult to for Thomas to find Professor Hiro Mitsaki. Thomas was well acquainted with his fellow teacher’s soul, having worked with him several times in the field.

Opening the first closet he came across, Thomas grimaced as Hiro’s body fell out with a thud. The dark haired assassin checked the Deathscythe’s pulse before lifting the unconscious man over his shoulders. The first thing he would have to do is take Misaki to Nadia. Afterwards, he should probably visit the Death Room to find out what mayhem was going on that knocked a Deathscythe out cold. Offer his assistance to Lord Death should the grim reaper need it. Only then could he retrieve the stack of history papers he’d forgotten in the NOT classroom without a guilty conscience.

“Perhaps Leila is right,” Thomas murmured to himself. “I’ve grown far too attached to this school. This city.”

Silently, with steps making no sound, Thomas walked down DWMA’s main hallway, carrying Professor Hiro Misaki with him.
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Naia Mahiʻai

Naia found herself wandering through Death City's sprawling gardens, admiring the flowers and blooming life around her. The girl drew to a stop beside a particularly beautiful statue, and set her hide bag down on a bench nearby. She took a few moments to adjust her clothing. She'd choose to wear one of her traditional dance attires, in the mood to dance for a while. After a few moments, she stepped away from her bag, closer to the fountain. Her eyes closed and she started to move, at first only slight movements. Those slight movements picked up over the span of a couple minutes, and soon she was spinning, turning, and dancing over the path before and around the fountain.

A smile found it's way onto her features, and for the first time since the concert, she found herself free of the troubles that had been following her. Unanswered questions cast aside to open up room to new ventures. She was quite enjoying the freedom that came with dancing. To move to a beat and rhythm unique to herself and separate from the troubles she was facing as a DWMA student in the coming days.

Slowly, her dance drew to an end as she ran out of energy to continue. She slowed to a stop and stood still for a few moments to catch her breath. Then, she sat down carefully on the edge of the marble fountain. A hand dipped into the cool liquid, letting the running water run over her fingers for a while. With the events of Friday and Lord Death's announcement, she wasn't too worried about getting to any kind of class on time. While missions had been doubled, she saw no point in going to check on those options. She was a weapon, and couldn't really do much good on her own without a meister. She wasn't quite skilled enough for that. Another problem she had with that, was her lack of the ability to read English, which was the main language in Death City. She was improving, yes, but was nowhere near good at it.

Naia focused on watching the flowers and the insects buzzing about. Such simplicity to their lives. It reminded her of home, where everything was simple and logical. If you wanted something, you had to do your share around camp. Here in the city, people could just walk to a store or restaurant to get food or other needs in exchange for money. Money was paper, and paper was made from trees which people brutally cut down without care. It seemed truly pointless and wrong to her, and she still didn't understand fully all of the concepts behind it all even though people had tried to explain it. She much preferred how thing were down back home. Death City was a confusing place indeed.

-|| Location: The Gardens -||- Partner: N/A -||- Classification: NOT Weapon -||- Mentions: @SpicyLickiTung -||-

"Wow." Flip "Woah." Flip "Holy Cow!"

Virgo oogled at the dialogue above the black and white pictures of one of his favorite manga. It had been a confusing two days for the boy. Just when his first day in the DWMA had arrived, he was disappointed to realize that classes had been canceled! Oh, how he wished to go on a mission, but even if virgo was...slow, even he knew he couldn't exactly do anything without a weapon. But, like the optimist he was, he decided to take this opportunity to relax!

He hadn't exactly seen what happened on that particular friday, considering he managed to get lost after his morning run outside of Death City. It took him two days to get back, yet it was basically nothing compared to wandering four years. At least he didn't have to resort to trash diving again, which was a plus! And now, he decided to take a manga, sit at his favorite spot in the Death City Garden, which was around the roses, and lose himself in a good ol' fashioned, action-packed, Fight Scene. He flipped onto his belly, turning another page as the fight was just getting good. Digging into his bag, he took out a caramel candy. He quickly unwrapped it, savoring the aroma, before biting into it, gasping as the fight took a strange...turn?

Blinking, he turned from the book to see someone walking up to the fountain. He tilted his head at her outfit. He never saw that type of style before. Moving from his spot, he quietly snuck behind a nearby bush, peeking through it just a little. Wide-eyed and curious, he watched in fascination as the girl began to dance! His eyes followed every movement, multiple questions running through his head. How could she move like that? Was she a professional dancer? Could he do that if he tried enough? He giggled and snorted quietly to himself, imagining him performing the same moves such as her.

After she had finished, Virgo grinned as he made up his mind. He was gonna talk to her! She seemed to be alone, which was unacceptable! Not on Virgo's watch! If she needed a friend, he'd be MORE than happy to provide his friendship! Moving from the bush, he slowly walked up to her, big grin evident on his face as he tightened his cape around his neck. She seemed like the quiet type, but Virgo could do quiet.

"Hello There! Enjoying the garden, stranger?!" He yelled in his scratchy, young voice, sounding as if he'd been untouched by puberty.

See? Totally quiet!


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Alexis “Lexie” Traynor and Saiken Martuba

Alexis inhaled and exhaled deeply and slowly as she felt the touch of the cool stethoscope upon her back. The coolness lifted up and moved one final time. She breathed in and out again. Then there was no more of its touch against her skin as she felt Nadia lower her shirt back down and watched the school nurse jot down a quick note before she returned her attention to the student sitting on the side of the bed.

“Well, your lungs are clear. Your heart sounds fine. As long as you’re moving around alright, which you seem to be, you’re free to go,” Nadia announced with a small smile. She allowed her expression to soften as she added an afterthought. “I am truly sorry about what happened, though. Feel free to come back if you need to talk though I really do suggest finding something to take your mind off of things. It’ll help.”

‘Something to take my mind off of things…’ Alexis let those words settle within her mind as she stood up from the dispensary bed and contemplated. She wasn’t smiling. That sort of thing was hard for her to do, but she was letting the nurse’s words pull together in a corner of her mind and that was better than nothing. “Thank you. I think I’m going to see if I can find someone to take a mission with me. That’s could take my mind off of things, right?”

Even though it was her own suggestion, she seemed uncertain about it. One really couldn’t be surprised. Alexis had been through a lot over the past few weeks. She’d made and lost a friend who’d actually become a boyfriend to her for a brief period. And then the concert had happened. Her brother had been killed, and she really couldn’t bring herself to feel any anger towards the people who had done it. She’d been trapped in a poison inside her own soul and woken up in the dispensary. Kassana had been in and out visiting, but other than that, she hadn’t seen anyone.

“That sounds like a wise decision.”

Saiken had been spending his time looking for a partner for a mission. Of course, he hadn't much luck. Either he was outright rejected because they heard of what happened to other students because of him, or they just didn't want to because they didn't know him or had a partner to be busy with already. Why are humans such strange beings, and why was he one of them? He expected to be shut down, but it had been months since he had a partner; why would anyone care? Did they feel the same sense of self preservation he did? Then why did they seem so cross with him for allowing the deaths of his partners? He was all for questions, but it was mildly challenging to his mind.

As he was walking down the hallway, he heard a girl's voice, to his interest, detailing that she wished to find someone to go on a mission with her. He decided to stop by, hopefully the girl would be willing to work with him. He peeked his head in, his alternative sight illustrating two people currently in the room.

"Hello there, I heard something about wishing to go on a mission with someone?" He announced his presence, "I believe I can deliver on that request."

Nadia's head turned first, nodding briefly towards Saiken.

Alexis's gaze followed and she took in the sight of him for a moment. Though she recognized him from classes, she couldn't say she'd ever interacted with him much; however, that wasn't what mattered at the moment.
"You do?" she asked simply as a way to say something. In all honesty, she wasn't sure how else to reply to such a thing.

"Well, yes." He proceeded to walk into the room, making his way to in front of the girl. "I'm Saiken Martuba. Meister." He rather stiffly produced a hand to shake. Formal greetings were a way to make someone respect you, so of course every time he... "Formally" met someone, this was the only type of impression he could give; a bit of forced kindness and a stiff hand. And of course, he threw in the false smile as well, but with how plastic he was behaving, it could easily be interpreted as fake.

"I remember your name from class," Alexis commented as she reached out to take his hand. "I'm guessing you already know that I'm a weapon then, right? Wouldn't have been much reason to step in if you hadn't..."

"I heard of you from the... incident the other day." Saiken replied. He had gone around in the aftermath asking a student what happened, and thankfully got his answer. "Your name is Alexis, correct?" He took her hand, and rather robotically shook it, gently up and down, with no tenderness or care.

"Mhm," Alexis nodded, confirming her name while also shaking his hand. After a moment, she released his hand and let her own fall unceremoniously to her side. "Most people do call me Lexie though. Lexie, or Lex, I guess." She added it more as an afterthought than anything else.

Nadia watched the interaction with some minor curiosity and she realized that she did have more work to get done. Looking into Alexis's eyes, the nurse interjected,
"You should go, Lexie. It would be good for you to work with other students again."

Slowly, Alexis nodded. She looked back to Saiken and continued nodding for a moment longer.
"Alright. Sounds like we're going to work together then. Shall we go investigate the mission bulletin?"

"I assume we should do so. Though you will have to read the posts." The boy puffed air through his nostrils; as far as he knew there was no brail for him to read, so anytime he was to go on a mission he needed someone else to read it for him."You see." He widened his eyes while facing in her direction, so she could have a proper look, "I'm blind, and unfortunately I have no way of reading them."

Alexis shrugged.
"That's not a problem," she stated. "Not a problem at all."

Collaboration with @Lilllysaurus Rex
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Lord Death

Many things ran rampant through the Shinigami’s mind as he contemplated the coming weeks and quite possibly months depending on how things went. Despite all those important matters, though, and despite all the reports filing in from the other cities that had been attacked, he still had an academy to attend to. Part of that was beneficial simply because it meant he had students who could take care of some of the lesser matters. He couldn’t help but wonder, though, if it ever got to be too much for them.

In most cases, he relied on his teachers to let him know if he ever overstepped any boundaries unintentionally.

This report in particular was intriguing as he paged through it. He’d never heard such a story before and he imagined the students tackling this particular request would be surprised as well. Overall, though, he didn’t imagine it would be too challenging. There was one target. He hadn’t ever been seen working with anyone else.

Another interesting thought came from the fact that the first sighting of him was during the summer interim. He was surprised the request had been sitting around for as long as it had.

“Well, time to get to it!”

All he could do was wait for the students to arrive.

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