Beauty and the Beast roleplay. (2012 TV show)

So, here's the general gist of the show;

Catherine Chandler is a law student, when she was 19 her car broke down and she called her mom to help. Two guys pulled up in a car and shot her mother dead, Catherine went running through the woods. She claimed she was saved by some sort of inhuman thing that ripped the men to shreds. She would've been killed if it hadn't been for this illusive thing. Police put it down to PTSD and a concussion. Flash forward to 9 years later, Cat is now a NYPD detective for the special crimes unit along with her partner and best friend Tess Vargas. She came across a case that brought her back to this beast that saved her all those years ago; Vincent Keller. Supposedly killed in action in Afghanistan. Vincent was part of an experiment during his tour, they said they'd make him some sort of super solider, stronger faster better. But it went wrong, it created beasts that were unable to control themselves, and the government terminated the programme, had them all killed and covered it up. Vincent however survived, and he's now in hiding, the people that made him the way he is, Murfield, are looking to kill him. And plus, he's supposed to be dead. He was a former doctor before he enlisted, after he lost 2 brothers in the towers, and he tries to help people in need when he can, obviously leaving before anyone could identify him. They're destined to be, he and Catherine, fallen in love, but it won't be easy.
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