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Fantasy Beast Souls Lore & Rules


Tende altum, volare altius


  • You have a lot of flexibility when choosing the origin of your character, example: a bear character doesn’t have to come from the kingdom, he could belong to a tribe, another species could also have an influential position in the kingdom and even be blood-related to the royal families. A bear could come from either the kingdom of Byernheim or Cuahuteh seeing as bear species irl can naturally be found in these habitats, try to stick with realistic habitat type. A bear would not likely come from Thuehir, the desert kingdom.

    Though cross-tribe relationships are common hybrid animal souls cannot exist, the child always takes the animal form of the mother or the father and can only take one, not both.

    Regular animals of all kinds exist, however in most cultures the animal form one takes is sacred and the mute animals that go on wings or four legs are never killed by one of their tribe, so a person from the wolf tribe will never kill a wolf unless they are forced, deer tribe will not hunt deer, it is considered a cursed act and completely taboo.

    Ages will be on a human scale regardless of the animal form your character can take.

    There are two animal forms a person can take: their anthro form and a full animal form. They have a choice to use any or all forms, though the four-legged form is the most difficult to master. All characters are born human and can only transform (and act called ‘Stepping’) at about the age of 12. Many cultures have a ceremony for this coming of age.

    When your character shifts into an animal completely their weapons and armour as well as small personal items can stay with them. Armour becomes part of their fur or skin and adds protection, their weapons strengthen their teeth or beaks.

    You will write your character name and which form you are in at the top of every post to help the other players keep track.

    Your character can come from anywhere in the world and be any vertebrate animal (i.e. no insects, cephalopods, crustaceans etc.) though you’ll need to make an excuse for them being in Xiong-Shi for the start of the thread.

    No mythical animals permitted, though recent extinct ones are allowed, like the quagga, the thylacine etc. If you really want to play a sea creature I will allow it but keep in mind that you won’t be able to use your animal form for pretty much all of the thread, so there isn’t much point.

    This is a literate thread but the minimum will be one paragraph, I am willing to take on a lot of budding and less-experienced writers as long as they make an effort to meet the post min and keep up a good quality. Please write in third person past tense always, generally like a novel: ‘He decided to’, not ‘I decided to’ or ‘he decides to’.

    There will be absolutely no auto-hitting, bunnying god-moding or whatever you want to call it in this thread. You can write an attack but it is up to the other person to write if/how they were hit by it.

    I really want this to be active on a daily basis so if you’re a weekly person, please reconsider putting up a profile, you will likely get left behind.

    Please use the profile outline I have provided. I must approve your profile before you may start posting.

    I know things happen and people have to drop the thread, or they get bored and want to leave, this is perfectly fine and you should not feel guilty regardless of the reason, but it helps me a great deal if you let me know what’s going on, whether you just need a break of whether the rp is not shaping up to be what you expected and you want out. You will not be judged, you will not be prevented from rejoining if you change your mind, you will not be excluded in any way, so please tell me if you are leaving or pausing.

    This is a medieval rp. The most advanced weapons are the bow and arrow, and perhaps the occasional siege tower. Gunpowder is just being created in the area akin to China however it is used for fireworks only, its darker purpose has not yet been dreamed of.

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