Battlefield Blitz (OOC)


Master of Creation, Lord of Cosmic Storms, and Hug
The setting is Belgium, 1944 during a battle between Nazi special task force "Eklipse" and Allied Forces, both British and American.

This special task group are Cyborg Shock-Troopers, made to decimate armies before the main force crushes them. Similar to a knife in the back before a big fight. Their leader, Krieg Hund, is an expert assassin with an arsenal of advanced German weapons at his command to flavour his already incredible physical output; enhanced strength, speed, and senses.

I, Sadow-sama, will be playing the role of Eklipse during this battle. Everyone else may customize their soldier or soldiers as they wish. They will be either American or British with any WWII combat specialization.

As far as rules go, try to keep it in-universe. None of that hippity-hop slang they use nowadays. These are the 40's. Imagine how they would talk and act back in times like those.

If you wish to join, just post it here and submit your characters on the Character page.

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