Battle Practice


Just A Guy Who’s A Hero For Fun
This is where we will practice and experiment with the battle system. Warning: it's going to sound complicated to those who have never played DnD but we promise that once you figure it out battling will be quite enjoyable.

Since we are not in person the way traditional DnD is there will be a lot of trust involved. I see everyone is getting along great in the ooc and that pleases me greatly so we should continue to get along :D  

Now a quick stat explanation. What these stats do is determine aspects of your character. How strong they are, how charismatic and as you can see some people have higher or lower % of these. Ahri might have higher chrisma then Talon but he might have higher strength. 

What these number do is make it more likely an action will go through. So for example say we are haggling a shop keeper and Twitch is trying to lie to him but only as a 2 in chrisma. The Likely hood that this man will believe him is low and the action may fail meaning a new strategy must be attempted. Say Twisted Fate tries and he has a 19 in chrisma, he might be able to get the man to sale his mom. 

Its important to remember where your characters skills lie when attempting something. In parts of our Champaign events might be passed or failed that can alter the storyline. 

Now this is were it gets complicated, your action does not always go through just becasue you have a higher stat then the person you are fighting, persuading etc. this in DnD is what the dice are for. Your high stats just give you a better chance, it's all a gamble. 

Each of your base stats (the ones you have filled out) actually effect dice roles. The higher the role on your dice the better. For the vast majority of actions this will be a 20 sided dice so when rolling you will get a number between 1 and 20. The higher that number the better.

Your base stats effect that roll. Say TF does have high chrisma so high that he gets +3 on his dice rolls. This means if he rolls and 8 he actually gets an 11. 

If this sounds complicated do not panick that's what this thread is for, you can come in here and ask anything pertaining to rolls and practice with the DM or anyone else playing that is farmiliar with DnD. 

This is also were trust come in because we are not in person so naturally we can not see someone's dice rolls. Therefore we will be using this site for dice rolls. We ask when making an action. You take a screen shot of your roll and post it with the action. The DMs will do the same for whatever you are fighting or  whoever you are using an action on and that will let us know who won the action. 

If someone is expected of cheating (rolling until they get something good) the DMs will start making the rolls for them.

If this system doesn't seem to be working we will look into other methods.

Becasue this is more complicated on the internet then in person we the DMs will keep track of your + and - rolls for you as well as XP and leveling up. We will tell you when you have found an item after looting and when you level up which will allow you to add to your base stats or abilities. 

This battle system is designed for short quick posting to get through actions. Fighting, once everyone has learned this, should be both intense, unprodictable and move at a fast pace. 
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Just in case if we have to fall back to alternate methods. I believe Roll20 ( ) is a decent site for role playing campaigns, it even has physics for the dice rolls apparently. 
@Sniper I'd also want to tell you that the previous version of this website had a dice roll integrated into it - the way I saw it, it was perfect since it was impossible to cheat. The dice roll will be re-integrated into the site in the weeks to come. So, for now, we can make use of the alternatives you mentioned before we get the dice roller for the site.
@Sniper I'd also want to tell you that the previous version of this website had a dice roll integrated into it - the way I saw it, it was perfect since it was impossible to cheat. The dice roll will be re-integrated into the site in the weeks to come. So, for now, we can make use of the alternatives you mentioned before we get the dice roller for the site.

Good we will switch to it when it's reastablished. I had never check out the dice section while I was here for my very short stay so didn't see it. Hopefully it will be something we can implement here and not be something you can only use in the dice section. 
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Good we will switch to it when it's reastablished. I had never check out the dice section while I was here for my very short stay so didn't see it. Hopefully it will be something as can implement here abs not be something you can only use in the dice section. 

Oh, it comes up on the editor so no worries. 

Also, there'd be history for every dice roll so it's impossible to cheat. 

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