Batman: Rising from the ashes

Ian Drake:


Two Face







Poison Ivy

Harley Quinn


Talia Al Ghul



The Hood


Red Hood




;) ok 
"Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness, not through insensibility but through greatness of mind."


-Basic Information-

Name: Hope Elvenwood

Alias: Hope l Joy l The Goddess l The Beginning

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Age:18(Human years) 350 (Demon years)

Status: Alive

Species: Angel

Relationship: Unknown

Occupation: Hope l Angel l Judgment

Affiliation: Heaven Gate

Height: 5'5 (first form) 5'8 (true form)

Weight: 56 pounds

Eye color: White

Hair Color: White

Likes: Taller men l the moon l interesting eyes l Wings

l laughs l food l sleeping l her job l

Dislikes: boring things l Satan

l annoying things

Food:Sweets (Candy l cake, sugar l watermelon l muffins

l cupcakes l chocolate,) Fruit(Watermelon l grapes

l black berries l strawberries l pineapple l pears.)

Meat ( Chicken l turkey l l duck l boar l deer

l elk l whale l bunnies l bear)Dairy (Milk l yogurt l ice cream l

b]- More into details-[/b]

Name: Hope came from the word graced by god.

Hope is known as a word of comfort and blessing.

Hope is used to cheer people up and regain their

faith. She does just that but better than any

Angel could ever do.


Alias: Her alias is from her past along

with her job. Each describes a time in

her life, that made her gain such titles.

(these will be described in his history)


Affiliation: Heavens gate. The gate is an

organization that holds the wonders of

all dimensions. They are classified as

angels, saviors and are given orders

to those who deserve to be graced by god.

Only Angels are allowed to join this group.

Although it is rare to find one with such

Heart and a pure soul.


Eye Color: Her eyes are white, while her

iris have a purple ring with a white dot in the

middle. When upset her eyes becomes like the



Hope is a cheerful girl. Nothing bad or off about her. She smiles ever chance she gets, and laughs as well. She sees the good in all bad people, and rather call them lost lambs then evil. She Is the embodiment of hope. People rely on her which makes her take on the calm and protective demeanor. She acts like a guide, a light that shines through any darkness. She has not shed a tear or cursed a word in her life. She has not hurt those due to the gain of power or revenge. She has not whish bad among people and only pray that they are guided to the right path. She is a bubbly character and says sorry if she had wronged you without knowing. She is just like the angels in the stories your mother read to you when you were so little

Powers l Abilities

Death Sense:She is capable of sensing the coming

of death, able to determine when someone is dead

or dying or if others have died in a specific

location. At times, this extends to seeing the

names and lifespans of those who's faces the user



Demon items: Demon items can wound her.

Depending on how well they used the weapon

against her. (Cutting , stabbing). he

will be forced in to hibernation. (Demon items:

hell flames, demon sword, horns, Satan's flames,)

Darkness:Darkness is the opposite of light.

It is naturally for both elements to not get

along. When effected by this her judgment is

clouded. She becomes what she fears the most.

A fallen angel.

Neck:The back of her neck is her weak spot.

That is where the nerve system is. If you

strike there ,her movement would be stopped completely.

God:God is her father, she was made by him.

Her power is from her. Her life, her meaning

was all made and defined by him. He is her precious

item, her gift that she locks away. if he was

every harmed in a way that could never be undone.

She herself would loose it. The rage would take

over, and the darkness would spread. For being an

angel you can not be tainted by darkness. If she

was they would become fallen


She has white short hair. The back stops at the nape of her neck while the hair in the front go down to the bottom of her jaw. She has white eyes along with black eyebrows and white. eyelashes. Her lips are a pale pink. Her eyes are always narrowed, but it does not give off a glare. Her ears are medium with studs on both left and right ear lobe.__

She wears a black tank top. The straps are 3 inch width.She wears both white and black bands on her right and left writ. Her finger nails are painted white with a stud in the middle.__

She wears your causal deniem jeans. She wears no shoes and her toenails are white as well


She holds two long medium edged daggers. Both

sharp to the touch and very powerful when she combines her

light magic with them. When in hand one is faced forward while

the other is faced toward the back. This is the natural duel weapon

stance for any angel[/img]
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Can you make all powers that are listed a lil bit lower? I ask mainly because for the rest of us poor mortals you would kill all of use if we teamed up on you but I still love the character
She can move faster than the eye can see, such as when she seemingly appeared to be a glint of light, She can exhale gale-force winds or inhale air in order to generate a vortex of wind, can range from exhalation on par with gale force winds to inhalation on par the power of a gravitational vortex. Her lungs are largely expansive and will take a long time to expire.

She would definitely kill us my dear...I mainly ask that you make her a little bit slower my dear
Hello people 
He looked over the dark night in Gotham. The moon shinned brightly over the city. Even after all the work tat Batman did the city was still overrun with criminals and thugs. The Hood had made a reputation in his own the city of Nightingale and returned to the city of Gotham because a special request from the Bat himself. The Hood didn't know what the big man wanted but he knew that if the Bat wanted him here then there was a good reason. He only wondered what the Nightingale was up to.

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