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Realistic or Modern Bastards CS Thread

Shaun just about died right there. Ryder about to throw a knife and jjust miss his neck
Shaun just about died right there. Ryder about to throw a knife and jjust miss his neck
He's lived in a Nobility settlement for 40 ish years, what do you expect when one is thrust into a state of constant fleeing? Of course he's gonna get his ass kicked. Nobility man, nobility accent.
That's why I was saying earlier they get on somewhat, both share a Nobility background and culture.
I guarantee their background is way different from about puberty onward

Possibly earlier, depending on which rich asshole found that hot
Can you just remove the gold coins thing? I have yet to decide what the currency will be but it won't be gold. I will probably make up some barter system.
Lexico Lexico
Also, you can still have a sort of inn set up in some ruins but as has been mentioned in the first post of the rp the town is basically abandoned.
I misspoke. I meant Shisa's killed Auroras gang. I misread and misspoke. And Shisa's tribe isn't dead. I didn't think. She's just on an ayahuasca fueled spirit quest.
That will be interesting
shakespeare.jpgName: Mos Johnson
Age: 30

Physical description
Height: 5’ 11”
Weight: 150 lbs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Build: Slim
Skin tone: Toned

Personality Traits
  • Studious
  • Philosophical
  • Utopian
Combat Proficiency: None
General Knowledge: Knowledge of old old world politics and society.

Mos was born and brought up in the outskirts of Denver. While Denver had seen both highs and lows, they along with other slum dwellers had only seen poverty. They have to do hard manual jobs and earn a meager amount to survive. His father was a wise man. He had bunch of books hidden with him. He taught his son about old old world. Growing up in a suppressed society and learning about social justice was the twist in his story. He started making like minded friends who were all interested in creating a new world, a world of equality and justice. He orated in the underground meetings and got famous as his speech inspired the listeners with so much positivism. He fell in love with Aurora, a tribal girl who had found her way into the Denver slums. Her care free nature and braveness attracted him. She warned him though. And a night came when their group was eliminated. All of them, mostly youngsters were dragged to street and were shot in public. He was taken a prisoner. No one knows about his where about now.
Name: Rose Dillinger, people call her Ms. Rose
Age: 55

Rose was born up in Northern Canadia. Her mother, a viable warrior, who enjoyed the company of many men, took up with a trader from Ootah, and nine months later Rose was born. She was raised by her mother, who taught her to hunt, fish, shoot, live off the land and fight anyone who dared try to take it. When the Nobility expedition came, she jumped at the chance to take on the Inuit, her knowledge of the land and her skills on the field were useful in helping with their defeat. Instead of returning, she decided to stay with the group, helping with a few other guides to navigate the northern landscape. She lived through the expedition, with only minor frostbite and a few heartbreaks. With no one left in Canadia, she headed to the states in search of her father. She found his grave up in Bolder, along with a trader group that was involved in underground sales of munitions, and a new view of the Nobility. It was one particular incident in a bar with a Nobility officer that really pushed her into getting involved. See one misplaced hand, lead in one way or another to her involvement in the resistance. Ms. Rose’s wanted posters included multiple officer deaths, stealing supplies and medicine from the Nobility, and her number one crime was a large scale explosion of eight Munitions buildings that killed 400 Nobility faction workers and destroyed a large portion of the weapons collection that the Nobility had harvested. She is consistently hunted by the Nobility who has caught her on at least three occasions. Including the recent one.

Combat Proficiency: Munitions expert, and Swordsmanship, with proficiency in Axes specifically.
General Knowledge: Old World Knowledge of Northern Tribes and Wilderness Survivalism.
Starting Items: Two axes(Betty and Mavis), A few sticks of dynamite, a small flask of drinkable water, rare piece of flint, small hunting knife, fanny pack and a bone necklace.
Name: Saxa Varlos
Age: 22

Saxa is from a post collapse colony known as Echo point 2, created from a gathering of ships still out on the water during the wars within the collapse, the first crew having been stranded once the corporation sponsoring them folded. Years passed before a rescue mission was pulled together by family of those trapped, though the would be rescuers found the rig to be a far more welcoming place to settle. The sturdy rig served as an excellent docking point and eventually some of the vessels were dismantled to create a structure capable of withstanding the harsh weather out on the sea.
Over the years the group was able to survive on combined supplies and eventually were able to build up some ships to travel back to land for necessities. Though kelp, fish, and other food were more than capable of sustaining the group, old world medicine and machine parts were needed. Roughly two hundred years after the collapse, the settlement of Echo point 2 had embraced a life of raiding the coast and taking what they could from those foolish enough to settle along the water. The Echo society was fairly balanced, coming mainly from members of the US, Canadian, and some stragglers on commercial and passenger ships.

Born to a fisher and scavenger, Saxa was working on ships from a young age and began running with her mother’s scavenging party at a young age. She learned to use thermite, C4, and a multitude of explosives to breach buildings and other found ships. Heavy power tools and long ranged weapons were brought in as the group wasn’t in the spirit of head on battles, choosing to take on any threats from a safe distance.

Three hundred years of scavenging and raiding along the coasts has forced the group to move further inland for supplies, causing trips to take much longer and present a much greater risk.

Saxa was sent along with a group of twelve to push deeper into the wild lands of the collapsed superpower, hoping to find something beyond the hostile southern territories and cannibal tribes. Moving up the coast, the group pushed in through the west and made it as far as Utah before finding themselves trapped between two warring groups. For eight months the group moved around quietly, managing to evade their pursuers and traveled as far as Colorado before misfortune struck. Six members were killed during a run-in with a much more organized group, leaving the raiders with half of their numbers and even fewer supplies.

The group was driven deeper into the state and eventually found themselves pressed towards Denver, cut off from their road home by a group calling themselves The Nobility. Six months later the group was finally pinched again, unwittingly moving back through Nobility territory. Raiding Nobility patrols and smaller camps, the group of scavengers nearly broke through safely before finally being pinched again.
Only Saxa came out of the fight, finding herself without a gun in unfamiliar lands, she has since managed to slip out of Nobility territory and keeps to herself.

Combat Proficiency: Excellent with mid range melee weapons. Excellent marksman.
General Knowledge: Engineering/tech & Demolitions.
Starting Items: Currently down to a fairly bare pack of rations, a nearly dead water filter, and first aid equipment. She has four magazines of bullets taken from Nobility corpses but nothing to fire them with, rather using them as currency. Flint & Steel. An assortment of knives, a modified machete. She has also picked up and bow during her scavenging. A leather pack she pulled off of one of her fallen companions carries everything.
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Name: Hawk
Age: 27
Appearance: Dark brown curly hair, a scar going down the side of his face from his left ear to his left cheek near their mouth. A rippling mass of muscle from head to toe with swollen veins along his body. Armor akin to the Sentinel Training Armor from Doom Eternal.
Origin: Gladiator warrior from the Crystal Cultists. More to be determined.
Combat Proficiency: Hand to hand combat with spiked knuckles, and swords.
General Knowledge: Edible wild foods, mud compacts to place on wounds that won't cause infections.
Starting Items: Armor with 5 rusty saw blades on each arm that lock into place and can be detached from the arms and stuck into enemies. They are being fed into a locked mechanism above the knuckles of the armor, causing the knuckles to be spiked by the blades. Steel knuckles that have been well maintained and properly maintainenced over the course of years. And an unbreakable blade on the gauntlet of the right wrist of the armor. Other than that, a satchel with some wild edible fungus and some mud compacts in tins.
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Name: Hawk
Age: 28
Appearance: Dark brown curly hair, a scar going down the side of his face from his left ear to his left cheek near their mouth. A rippling mass of muscle from head to toe with swollen veins along his body. Armor akin to the Sentinel Training Armor from Doom Eternal.
Origin: Gladiator warrior from the Crystal Cultists. More to be determined.
Combat Proficiency: Hand to hand combat with spiked knuckles, and swords.
General Knowledge: Edible wild foods, mud compacts to place on wounds that won't cause infections.
Starting Items: Armor with 5 rusty saw blades on each arm that lock into place and can be detached from the arms and stuck into enemies. They are being fed into a locked mechanism above the knuckles of the armor, causing the knuckles to be spiked by the blades. Steel knuckles that have been well maintained and properly maintainenced over the course of years. And an unbreakable blade on the gauntlet of the right wrist of the armor. Other than that, a satchel with some wild edible fungus and some mud compacts in tins.
So a beserker tank that's denser than a neutron star
Name: Xystos Kraeger
Age: 31
Appearance: 1594172646656.png1597077125744.png
Origin: Xys was born on the metal titan in the sea known as Echo point 2, a metal island built from collected vessels and populated by people descended from those lucky enough to make it to the old rig. Part of the rig’s Tycho class of scavengers, he spends the majority of his time scouting alone or in small parties. Tracking and finding the resources needed back home to ensure the overall prosperity of the remote colony, he often finds himself on land for weeks at a time. The work is wildly unsafe as he’s rarely in a group larger than 3, due to the need for subtle movement among less friendly groups.

Earning a reputation as a very capable tracker over his ten years in the field, Xys has ventured farther inland than many of his fellow Tycho and has brought in a great deal of profit. His ability to find decent quantities of resources by tracking the movements of the permanent land dwellers and cannibals has since landed him on a small team tasked with finding the missing scavenging group. Whether or not the group is alive is less of a worry than anyone having defected and compromised their metal paradise, Echo point 2 has survived for centuries by remaining nothing more than new-age folklore.

Combat proficiency: Close quarters/hand to hand, Xys is an excellent shot, he can use just about anything as a weapon.
General Knowledge: Survival/tracking & fairly decent tech, he’s savvy enough to salvage but couldn’t build/repair anything.
Starting Items: A compound bow. Arrows. 9mm pistol.
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