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Realistic or Modern Bastards CS Thread

Can you just remove the gold coins thing? I have yet to decide what the currency will be but it won't be gold. I will probably make up some barter system.
Name: Shisa Valen
Nickname: The Bone Shaman, Speaker of the Bones, Mostly referred to as "Speaker"
Age: 30
Appearance: Similar to picture, much more bone jewelry and decor. Many skulls and bone decor, and a bone decorated walking staff (for looks and tradition, not mobility)
Combat Proficiency: Dagger fighting, Krav Maga style, Archery(Crossbow).
General Knowledge: Medicine(folk[herbalism] and traditional), Spiritualism(mix of various practices, religions, and occultism).
Starting Items: Knives (different types and uses [skinning, caping, boning, scalpel, ect]), tarot deck, bone runes, Crossbow(+bolts), pouches of herbs and spell components(voodoo, witchcraft and similar magics[rituals and spells, not like actual magic), water skin, Grimoire(book of rituals, herbal uses, and folktales), general supplies.

Born into a nomadic gang/tribe called the Bone Speakers, Shisa was raised by the tribe, not knowing who were her parents. She didn't really care, it took a village to raise a child. The tribe, or gang as some called them, was heavily spiritual and superstitious. It's been so long, they don't really remember where exactly all of the different rituals and gods came from. It is a blend of pretty much all religions and spiritualism. The Speakers were mainly hunters and occasionally raiders, taking from other tribes and hunting what they could, occasionally engaging in ritualistic cannibalism. Shisa was trained to hunt by the Elders, but she specialized in bone carving and spiritual rituals. The tribe would often use mixes of different plants and mushrooms to ascend and see visions, another specialty of Shisa's. She was a witch doctor of sorts in the tribe. Someone back before the Event who joined the Speakers was a doctor, so the practices have been passed down as close to original as they could be. More recently, Shisa had a vision of the Devil's and demons plaguing the wastes. Of an enemy she had to defeat so the tribe would be safe. A group of evils spirits: The Nobles. Shisa has donned her mask and set out to defeat the evil, never telling her name or where she came from. Only her title, her new name.

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Corvid15 Corvid15 So she is basically an average person (as in not supernatural) but has a superstitious understanding of things (such as thinking hallucinations are "visions")?
That's perfect!
Lexico Lexico
Also, you can still have a sort of inn set up in some ruins but as has been mentioned in the first post of the rp the town is basically abandoned.
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Ryder was raised in Nobility as a concubine, Shisa's tribe would have never gotten near
I misspoke. I meant Shisa's killed Auroras gang. I misread and misspoke. And Shisa's tribe isn't dead. I didn't think. She's just on an ayahuasca fueled spirit quest.
Is ayahuasca basically another cactus hallucination brew like peyote? I gotta get me some of that!
I'm just poking fun at the visions bit, it's basically describing getting high on 'shrooms and seeing some shit

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