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Fandom basic harry potter rp | cs



a basic harry potter roleplay

character sheet

Hey guys! Since this is basic, we have a pretty casual CS. For now, we're looking for 2 extra but will update if we decide on more based on apps.

Character sheet
Age: (16-17)
Sexual orientation:
Relationship status:
Writing sample of 2+ paragraphs: (seriously not a big deal; just copy and paste from old RPs or creative writing)

That's it! Easy peasy. This will be open until we have all our spots filled.​


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Name: Al Jones
Age: 17
Gender: Agender
House: Ravenclaw
Sexual orientation: Pansexual
Relationship status: Single (for now hehe)
Writing sample of 2+ paragraphs:
Gil sighed, resting his head on his hand hand pushing the food on his plate around. He was usually much more energetic than this, but something was definitely off. Gilbert was turning 18 tomorrow. His birthday had always been cause for celebration in the past, with his friends from the other kingdoms coming for a giant party. While this year would probably be no different, now that he was 21 he would be forced to take on more responsibility. His father had to begin teaching him about the inner workings of the kingdom and the role of all the ministers and how to rule. And while Gil didn't mind getting the crown, and he was actually really excited to one day rule, he didn't want to give up the freedom he was accustom to. No more late nights in the village, sneaking out, goofing around in the castle. He often thought his younger brother would be more suited to the crown and the responsibilities that it brought. The albino was thrown from his thoughts by the entrance of 2 guards.

"His highness and her majesty request that you join them in the main parlor," one said, standing at attention. Gilbert stood and walked past them, giving a loose salute on his way, smirk on his face. This was probably his birthday gift. His parents always gave it to him a day early, for what reason Gil didn't know. However, instead of a horse or carriage or whatever material gift he's gotten in the past, another person knelt by his parents. Clearly looking confused, his father began to explain.

"This made was found earlier today in the town square. Your mother and I decided that it was time you had a mage of your own, since you'll be taking on more power from now on," the tall, imposing man explained. His face was stiff, and he radiates athority.

'My own mage?' Gil thought, still processing the new. Sure, he had seen many mages before, as the family had a couple that they brought out for parties and other events. He never thought he would ever own one. Gil nodded, smirk appearing once more. While he didn't know much about the mages and magic, from what he heard this would be fun. The prince began circling the mage, looking over every inch. He stopped after two rotations in front of the blonde.

"So, do you have a name?" He asked, sneering.
Name: Clarisse Rosewood
Age: 17
Gender: Female
House: Hufflepuff
Sexual orientation: Straight
Relationship status: Single
Writing sample of 2+ paragraphs: After stretching in the sun, Deerpaw decided a good hunt before heading back to camp was in order. To, you know, apologize to the warriors back at camp for running off. Breathing in deeply and tasting the air, she picked up faint hints of a nearby squirrel. Maybe it was faint because it was up in its nest?

Looking around, she found her ticket up: a low hanging branch. Crouching low, she used her long, powerful back legs to fling herself into the air. Unsheathing her claws, she dug into the bark and scrambled up."Now...a path up," she muttered quietly, using her combination of jumping and climbing to ascend.

Once near the top, the smell got stronger. She crouched low on the branch below the nest, a large pile of twigs and leaf litter, where the squirrel rummaged, more than likely refurbishing its home.

"Now's my shot," she thought, and she sprung, flinging herself into the nest and the squirrel screeched as she slammed it down onto the branch and quickly dispatched of it. Balancing herself, her claws dug firmly into the branch, she took a moment to collect herself. She thanked StarClan and apologized for taking the life of the squirrel, for whom she admired as she did for all the animals in the forest.

Grasping it firmly in her jaws with dawn continuing to rise and the warriors surely getting ready for patrol soon, she carefully, albeit struggled to, carry the freshkill down the tree and she trotted back toward camp.
Christopher Hugo
Christopher Hugo.jpg
Age: 17
Gender: Male
House: Slytherin
Sexual orientation: Sapiosexual Aromatic
Relationship status: Single

Writing sample of 2+ paragraphs: Christopher was born into an upper middle class family living in Italy. The family comprised solely of muggles, all of whom were utterly unawares of their magical ancestry. It came as a bit of a shock to him, when he got a letter from Hogwarts, partly because he did not know he was a wizard, and partly because - as the letter explained - he had a place reserved there by his ancestors for any of their decedents, and that all schooling would be paid for by the dividends of a small trust fund. Soon a Magi-Socialworker from the Ministry of Magic arrived, to inform the family and to instruct him about his life. His family did not take the news well, so he and he social worker decided together that they would be obviated of any knowledge, and be told that he won a scholarship to a school in Great Britain.

So he went to school, was sorted into Slytherin - the hat stalling for almost a minute as it tried to judge whether he would go to either Slytherin or Ravenclaw. It seemed it was decided on the former, and he became part of the strange phenomena that was Slytherin post Voldemort. He did not care so much about his history, wanting to only use his intellect to attain a foothold in the strange world of magic. He wanted to position himself as an emerging figure, worthy of respect and admiration. Thus he studied, constantly - choosing the most difficult subjects he could, and spending his weekends on electives. This gained him favor among the teachers, which gained him leniency with the rules, which meant he could spend his nights reading in the library - which meant he could explore the more delicate reading without interruption.

While his practical application was never very grand, and powerful - his spell work was seen as being complex, fast and precise. He excelled in transfiguration and charms - and within a year practiced his dissaparation to the point where he could do it almost silently. He maintained a social position by being on the council of many clubs within the school, among them the Herbology, Chess, Astronomy and Alchemy clubs. He never took the position of leader however, choosing to leave the majority of the administrative work to someone else. He never took to flying on a broom, and despises both the sport and the people who tend to play it. Curiously he loves it when there are matches, because the school itself it quiet when everyone attends them.

While at home, he had secretly been using his magic to help his family prosper. Small things like fixing things about the house, refilling food stocks, helping the garden flourish, keeping pests away from the home and making simple health poultices. All of these things adding up, relieving stress from his parents and allowing them to focus on their own retirement - as the house became curiously self sufficient and they could put away much of their savings.

Beyond that, he remained very solitary - his social interactions always being tools to facilitate his academic goals. He spoke to people but never had friends, and found that he had little to no interested in romance. This made him a bit of an strange figure within his own house, where he was clearly one of the major players - but no one really knew him.


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