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Fandom Bas-Lag Treasure Hunters


Wild Geese






History (Feel free to write later):

Personality (Feel free to develop in story):​


Name: Thomas Plucking

Age: 24

Appearance: Short brown hair, grey eyes, fair skin, 5”11 tall, 130 pounds, black trousers, black coat over grey shirt, stolen derby hat

Birth-Nation: New Crobuzon

History (Feel free to write later): Thomas earned his living as a thief in New Crobuzon. He narrowly escaped the punishment factories when he was caught thieving in Salacus Fields. He escaped from prison along with the help of a khepri woman whose name he never knew. He then secured a shady boat to Myrshock, where he thieved until he had enough money to buy a boat and do what he had wanted to do for a long time, buy a clipper and start a pirate treasure hunter crew!

Personality (Feel free to develop in story): Brash, friendly, stubborn, loyal​

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