• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy 『Balkyre』

@Thatonechillgirl I'd be happy to join but I just wanted to know if I can control two characters? Seeing that no one in the Character Sign-Up has done that yet.

I would be fine if only one was allowed though. Maybe, but very fine.
[QUOTE="Computing Magus]@Thatonechillgirl I'd be happy to join but I just wanted to know if I can control two characters? Seeing that no one in the Character Sign-Up has done that yet.
I would be fine if only one was allowed though. Maybe, but very fine.

Knock yourself out, Sans! There is no limit to characters!
Thatonechillgirl said:
Knock yourself out, Sans! There is no limit to characters!
I was about to ask that question but I forgot-

Sir Render][border=solid 1px][bg=#000000] [CENTER] [SIZE=36px][FONT=Jura][COLOR=#ffffff]WANTED:[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=36px][FONT=Jura] [/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=36px][FONT=Jura][COLOR=#dd0000]E C L A I R[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT='Alegreya Sans SC'][COLOR=#ffffff][SIZE=10px]Reward: XXX XXX XXX XXX $[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE] [/CENTER] [CENTER] [heightrestrict=400] [IMG]http://pre15.deviantart.net/658d/th/pre/i/2014/138/b/0/dead_aim2_by_aituarmanas-d7iupfv.jpg[/IMG][/heightrestrict][/CENTER] [accordion=50%|bcenter][border=solid 0px]{slide=open|[bg=#000000][SIZE=18px][FONT=Orbitron][B][COLOR=#dd0000]Profile[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/bg]}[bg=#000000][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] Erika Wūrnhauz[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Alias:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] Ecláir[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Age:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] 38[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Gender:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] Female[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Sexuality:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] Asexual[/COLOR][/FONT] [FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Species:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] Human[/COLOR][/FONT][/bg]{/slide}[/border][/accordion][accordion=50%|bcenter][border=solid 0px]{slide=[bg=#000000][SIZE=18px][FONT=Orbitron][B][COLOR=#dd0000]Personal Records[/COLOR][/B][/FONT][/SIZE][/bg]}[bg=#000000][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff][B]Appearance:[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Electrolize][COLOR=#ffffff] Erika is usually seen wearing some kind of black-colored advanced body suit said:
Peak Human Condition[/URL] - After years of rigorous training, Erika has reached the pinnacle of human condition - she is physically and mentally above all normal human beings.

Tactical Analysis - Erika's heightened intellect allows her to construct and orchestrate extremely complex plans and strategies that seem to be extremely hard to counter or even put a stop unto, as if she sees what is to come.

Intuitive Aptitude - Erika's heightened mental ability has allowed her to quickly learn and understand anything foreign to her knowledge, or simply put, she easily learns about things she does not know with just very little amount of time and observation.

Skills: Obviously, she is a very excellent jack of all trades. She knows just about enough on most things. But if there was one thing she was extremely proficient with, it would be toying with another person's mental and emotional state.

Equipment: None, other than her clothing.[/bg]{/slide}[/border][/accordion][/bg][/border]
Teach me your ways, master Jedi (Sith ?) !
Darkiplier said:


Doctor Archeron Church


Name: Archeron Ziedan Church

Species: Human

Appearance: Church has long, sleek jet-black hair with streaks of dark grey, tied in a ponytail near the end. His eyes are sea-green and narrow, and there's always something menacing about the look in them. His nose is slightly long, and his lower takes the 'triangular' form.

Gender: Male

Monster Apperance: Himself.

Age: 53

Sexuality: Unknown

no slide no slide no slide
no slide
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Darkiplier said:
The code in the third slide ("Past") doesn't work-
And by 'code' I mean colour. In the editor it's light blue, but in the Preview/Post it's not. I haven't worked on the first slide yet, which I am yet to name.

@Sir Render
Your coding has a few errors. I'll fix it, and tell you what went wrong as well. Just wait for a while.
[QUOTE="Sir Render]Your coding has a few errors. I'll fix it, and tell you what went wrong as well. Just wait for a while.

I updated it.

The bullets messed up, and now the bordering is.

Removed the bullets.
So yall like sneks ? Because I know I do !
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1. 10 or less uses will be fine

2. You will make your own plots

3. When we get more people/When I make my character

@Sir Render
@Thatonechillgirl, since you said the amount of characters could be virtually indefinite, I still have two more to make. Just to let you know. I will edit my pre-existing character too in the really near future so I ask you don't accept it just yet.
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Thatonechillgirl said:
1. 10 or less uses will be fine
2. You will make your own plots

3. When we get more people/When I make my character

@Sir Render
I see. When do you think you would be able to finish your character creation process? So at least we, your players, have an idea of when the RP would officially begin.
[QUOTE="Sir Render]I see. When do you think you would be able to finish your character creation process? So at least we, your players, have an idea of when the RP would officially begin.

Don't know really...
I can't get my character done today because I'll be busy + I'm on my phone so I'll get it all done tonight when I get on my computer c:
ChocolateSwirl said:
I can't get my character done today because I'll be busy + I'm on my phone so I'll get it all done tonight when I get on my computer c:
Your signature is too damn cute.

Thatonechillgirl said:
Don't know really...
I suggest that each person makes a single post for his/her characters, like a single post with one or two paragraphs for each character.

Know what I mean ? Like normal RP posts, but more limited, for the sake of setting up the setting.

But it's your roleplay, and you shall do as you wish.
@Thatonechillgirl Doctor Church is done, thanks to @Sir Render ~
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[QUOTE="Computing Magus]

You did that so nobody makes an MLG joke, didn't you-?
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Darkiplier said:
You did that so nobody makes an MLG joke, didn't you-?
The age, along with some of Cory's information, is viable for editing since that's not final but yes, dank peeps on the internet are scary.

Why do I get the feeling that YOU'd be the one to make an MLG joke...
[QUOTE="Computing Magus]The age, along with some of Cory's information, is viable for editing since that's not final but yes, dank peeps on the internet are scary.
Why do I get the feeling that YOU'd be the one to make an MLG joke...


You're right.
@Thatonechillgirl can I turn this RP into something on Wattpad ? I have not yet decided if the events will go the same way as the roleplay, but may I ??
Darkiplier said:
@Thatonechillgirl can I turn this RP into something on Wattpad ? I have not yet decided if the events will go the same way as the roleplay, but may I ??
Sure! But please credit me...
Credit will be given to all. I will most likely remove the magic, but maybe not. Dunno. I started it, but I wasn't gona publish it without permission. The more the roleplay progresses, the more the writing does.
So where's what I did so far (unpublished).


"I don't see him." The soldier said into the mic. "Over."

The winds blew against him, but his black armour prevented him from feeling the breeze. MC-132 was standing on the side of a building, holding onto a metal cord that allowed him to stand where he was. It was not tethered to his suit, however, but was connected to a device in it. He looked around at his partner way below, barely visible even from his position, crouched behind a bunch of trash containers, still as a statue. The alley below was empty. Now all he needed was for Storm to show up-

There ! His eyes caught the figure moving, shifting. MC-132 pulled out his gun and aimed, before making sure it was him. Gunfire. The soldier felt a sudden pain below his chest. He looked down at his armour, where blood was staining. The figure had completely disappeared. He looked down, and saw him standing near the trash containers. It was a ruse, and it had worked, for the soldiers gun fell to the ground, before he himself started falling, the device that held him in place broken by the bullet.

His body dropped before Grant Alpensun's feet, lifeless and broken. White, black, and orange armour. He dropped beside the body and removed the white helmet, revealing the man's young face. Poor clone. He had to be killed, of course. He examined his armour and removed a white ID Card, before rising and walking out of the alley, leaving the body behind. The men of the district were going to remove the body, along with the other in trash containers. He got to the white A.H 2.9 and, using the ID Card, opened the door, which slid into the sides of the car. Really expensive. This'll be worth a fortune, he thought. Of course, all cars were worth a fortune, but Arrowheads most of all. The car was white, black and long, triangular, resembling the pointed end of an arrow. It had four wheels; two large wheels at the back and two smaller ones at the front. At the top was a glass dome, under which was a single seat in the front and two in the back. One one seat in the back was a large turret; a machine gun.

Alpensun slid behind the single seat in the front, behind the wheel, and flipped a few switches. The door slid back, and the car smoothly sprang to life. It felt like it had no engine whatsoever; no vibration, or rumbling.


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Darkiplier said:
So where's what I did so far (unpublished).

"I don't see him." The soldier said into the mic. "Over."

The winds blew against him, but his black armour prevented him from feeling the breeze. MC-132 was standing on the side of a building, holding onto a metal cord that allowed him to stand where he was. It was not tethered to his suit, however, but was connected to a device in it. He looked around at his partner way below, barely visible even from his position, crouched behind a bunch of trash containers, still as a statue. The alley below was empty. Now all he needed was for Storm to show up-

There ! His eyes caught the figure moving, shifting. MC-132 pulled out his gun and aimed, before making sure it was him. Gunfire. The soldier felt a sudden pain below his chest. He looked down at his armour, where blood was staining. The figure had completely disappeared. He looked down, and saw him standing near the trash containers. It was a ruse, and it had worked, for the soldiers gun fell to the ground, before he himself started falling, the device that held him in place broken by the bullet.

His body dropped before Grant Alpensun's feet, lifeless and broken. White, black, and orange armour. He dropped beside the body and removed the white helmet, revealing the man's young face. Poor clone. He had to be killed, of course. He examined his armour and removed a white ID Card, before rising and walking out of the alley, leaving the body behind. The men of the district were going to remove the body, along with the other in trash containers. He got to the white A.H 2.9 and, using the ID Card, opened the door, which slid into the sides of the car. Really expensive. This'll be worth a fortune, he thought. Of course, all cars were worth a fortune, but Arrowheads most of all. The car was white, black and long, triangular, resembling the pointed end of an arrow. It had four wheels; two large wheels at the back and two smaller ones at the front. At the top was a glass dome, under which was a single seat in the front and two in the back. One one seat in the back was a large turret; a machine gun.

Alpensun slid behind the single seat in the front, behind the wheel, and flipped a few switches. The door slid back, and the car smoothly sprang to life. It felt like it had no engine whatsoever; no vibration, or rumbling.




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